"> 2018-02-pre-Jacksonville


SD-1 2018 PL22.16/WG21 document list Hal Finkel
N4715 2018-11 San Diego Meeting Information Marshall Clow WG21
N4716 PL22.16/WG21 draft agenda: 12-17 March 2018, Jacksonville, FL, US John Spicer WG21
N4717 WG21 telecon meeting: Pre-Jacksonville Herb Sutter WG21
N4718 WG21 telecon meeting: Modules TS publication Herb Sutter WG21
N4719 Programming Languages — Extensions to C++ for Modules Gabriel Dos Reis WG21
N4720 Working Draft, Extensions to C++ for Modules Gabriel Dos Reis WG21
N4721 Editor’s Report for the Module TS Gabriel Dos Reis WG21
N4722 Responses to SC22 N5250, ISO/IEC PDTS 21544, C++ Extensions for Modules Barry Hedquist WG21
N4723 Working Draft, C++ Extensions for Coroutines Gor Nishanov WG21
N4724 Editor's report for the Coroutines TS Gor Nishanov WG21
N4725 Working Draft, Technical Specification for C++ Extensions for Parallelism Version 2 Jared Hoberock WG21
N4726 Parallelism TS Editor’s Report Jared Hoberock WG21
N4727 Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++ Richard Smith WG21
N4728 Editors' Report -- Programming Languages – C++ Richard Smith, Dawn Perchik, Thomas Köppe WG21
P0009R5 Polymorphic Multidimensional Array Reference H. Carter Edwards, Daniel Sunderland, David Hollman, Christian Trott, Mauro Bianco, Ben Sander, Athanasios Iliopoulos, John Michopoulos Library
P0019R6 Atomic View H. Carter Edwards, Hans Boehm, Olivier Giroux, James Reus Library
P0051R3 C++ generic overload function Vicente J. Botet Escribá Library Evolution
P0057R8 Working Draft, C++ Extensions for Coroutines Gor Nishanov WG21
P0122R6 span: bounds-safe views for sequences of objects Neil MacIntosh Library
P0194R5 Static reflection Matúš Chochlík, Axel Naumann, David Sankel Core, Library
P0201R3 A polymorphic value-type for C++ Jonathan Coe, Sean Parent Library
P0214R8 Data-Parallel Vector Types & Operations Matthias Kretz Library
P0267R7 A Proposal to Add 2D Graphics Rendering and Display to C++ Michael B. McLaughlin, Herb Sutter, Jason Zink, Guy Davidson Library Evolution
P0275R3 A Proposal to add Classes and Functions Required for Dynamic Library Load Antony Polukhin Library Evolution
P0323R5 std::expected Vicente Botet, JF Bastien Library
P0332R2 Relaxed Incomplete Multidimensional Array Type Declaration H. Carter Edwards, Daniel Sunderland, Christian Trott, David Hollman, Mauro Bianco, Athanasios Iliopoulos, John Michopoulos Library Evolution
P0338R3 C++ generic factories Vicente J. Botet Escribá Library Evolution
P0355R5 Extending <chrono> to Calendars and Time Zones Howard E. Hinnant, Tomasz Kamiński Library
P0443R5 A Unified Executors Proposal for C++ Jared Hoberock, Michael Garland, Chris Kohlhoff, Chris Mysen, Carter Edwards, Gordon Brown SG1, Library Evolution
P0458R1 Checking for Existence of an Element in Associative Containers Mikhail Maltsev Library
P0466R1 Layout-compatibility and Pointer-interconvertibility Traits Lisa Lippincott Core, Library
P0479R4 Proposed wording for likely and unlikely attributes Clay Trychta SG14, Core
P0482R1 char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings Tom Honermann Evolution, Library Evolution
P0501R3 C++ Module TS Issues List Gabriel Dos Reis WG21
P0514R3 Efficient concurrent waiting for C++20 Olivier Giroux SG1
P0528R1 The Curious Case of Padding Bits, Featuring Atomic Compare-and-Exchange JF Bastien, Michael Spencer SG1, Evolution, Core
P0533R2 constexpr for <cmath> and <cstdlib> Edward J. Rosten, Oliver J. Rosten SG6, Library Evolution
P0539R3 A Proposal to add wide_int Template Class Igor Klevanets, Antony Polukhin SG6, Library Evolution
P0542R3 Support for contract based programming in C++ G. Dos Reis, J. D. Garcia, J. Lakos, A. Meredith, N. Myers, B. Stroustrup Evolution, Core
P0546R2 Span - foundation for the future H. Carter Edwards, Daniel Sunderland Library Evolution
P0549R3 Adjuncts to std::hash Walter E. Brown Library Evolution, Library
P0551R2 Thou Shalt Not Specialize std Function Templates! Walter E. Brown Library
P0566R4 Proposed Wording for Concurrent Data Structures: Hazard Pointer and Read-Copy-Update (RCU) Michael Wong, Maged M. Michael, Paul McKenney, Geoffrey Romer, Andrew Hunter, Arthur O'Dwyer, David S. Hollman, JF Bastien, Hans Boehm, David Goldblatt SG1, SG14, Library Evolution, Library
P0581R1 Standard Library Modules Marshall Clow, Beman Dawes, Gabriel Dos Reis, Stephan T. Lavavej, Billy O’Neal, Bjarne Stroustrup, Jonathan Wakely Library Evolution
P0593R2 Implicit creation of objects for low-level object manipulation Richard Smith SG12
P0608R1 A sane variant converting constructor Zhihao Yuan Library Evolution, Library
P0631R2 Math Constants Lev Minkovsky SG6, Library Evolution
P0634R2 Down with typename! Nina Ranns, Daveed Vandevoorde Core
P0645R1 Text Formatting Victor Zverovich Library Evolution
P0650R2 C++ Monadic interface Vicente J. Botet Escribá Library Evolution
P0666R1 Revised Latches and Barriers for C++20 Olivier Giroux SG1
P0668R2 Revising the C++ memory model Hans J. Boehm, Olivier Giroux, Viktor Vafeiades SG1
P0670R2 Static reflection of functions Matúš Chochlík, Axel Naumann, David Sankel Evolution, Library Evolution
P0671R1 Parametric Functions Axel Naumann Evolution
P0684R2 C++ Stability, Velocity, and Deployment Plans Titus Winters Evolution, Library Evolution
P0690R1 Tearable Atomics JF Bastien, Billy Robert O'Neal III, Andrew Hunter SG1
P0701R2 Back to the std2::future Part II Bryce Adelstein Lelbach, Michał Dominiak, Hartmut Kaiser SG1
P0707R3 Metaclasses: Generative C++ Herb Sutter SG7, Evolution
P0713R1 Identifying Module Source Daveed Vandevoorde Evolution, Core
P0732R0 Class Types in Non-Type Template Parameters Jeff Snyder Evolution
P0736R0 Nameless parameters and unutterable specializations Hubert S.K. Tong Evolution
P0745R0 Concepts in-place syntax Herb Sutter Evolution
P0750R1 Consume JF Bastien, Paul E. McKenney SG1
P0761R2 Executors Design Document Jared Hoberock, Michael Garland, Chris Kohlhoff, Chris Mysen, Carter Edwards, Gordon Brown, Michael Wong SG1, Library Evolution
P0784R1 Standard containers and constexpr Louis Dionne, Richard Smith, Nina Ranns, Daveed Vandevoorde Evolution, Library Evolution
P0786R1 ValuedOrError and ValueOrNone types Vicente J. Botet Escribá Library Evolution
P0788R1 Standard Library Specification in a Concepts and Contracts World Walter E. Brown Library
P0789R2 Range Adaptors and Utilities Eric Niebler Library
P0792R1 function_ref: a non-owning reference to a Callable Vittorio Romeo Library Evolution
P0796R1 Supporting Heterogeneous & Distributed Computing Through Affinity Gordon Brown, Ruyman Reyes, Michael Wong, H. Carter Edwards, Thomas Rodgers, Mark Hoemmen SG1, SG14, Library Evolution, Library
P0797R1 Handling Concurrent Exceptions with Executors Matti Rintala, Michael Wong, Carter Edwards, Patrice Roy, Gordon Brown, Mark Hoemmen SG1, SG14, Library Evolution, Library
P0805R1 Comparing Containers Marshall Clow Library
P0811R1 Well-behaved interpolation for numbers and pointers S. Davis Herring SG6, Library Evolution
P0814R2 hash_combine() Again Nicolai Josuttis Library Evolution, Library
P0820R2 Feedback on P0214 Tim Shen SG1, Library Evolution
P0824R1 Summary of SG14 discussion on <system_error> Arthur O'Dwyer, Charley Bay, Odin Holmes, Michael Wong, Niall Douglas Library Evolution
P0825R1 A friendlier tuple get Agustín Bergé Library Evolution
P0828R0 Elastic Integers John McFarlane SG6, SG14
P0829R1 Freestanding Proposal Ben Craig SG14, Library Evolution
P0836R0 Introduce Parallelism to the Ranges TS Gordon Brown, Christopher Di Bella, Michael Haidl, Toomas Remmelg, Ruyman Reyes, Michel Steuwer, Michael Wong SG1, SG9, SG14, Library Evolution
P0843R1 fixed_capacity_vector Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi Library Evolution
P0847R0 Deducing this Gašper Ažman, Simon Brand, Ben Deane, Barry Revzin Evolution
P0856R0 Restrict Access Property for mdspan and span David S. Hollman, H. Carter Edwards, Christian Trott Library Evolution
P0860R0 Atomic Access Property for span and mdspan H. Carter Edwards, Christian Trott, Daniel Sunderland SG1, Library Evolution
P0863R0 Fixing the partial_order comparison algorithm Jeff Snyder Library Evolution
P0868R1 Selected RCU Litmus Tests Paul E. McKenney, Alan Stern, Andrew Hunter, Jade Alglave, Luc Maranget SG1
P0873R1 A plea for a consistent, terse and intuitive declaration syntax Corentin jabot SG8, Evolution
P0876R0 fibers without scheduler Oliver Kowalke SG1
P0877R0 A proposal for modular macros Bruno Cardoso Lopes Evolution
P0878R0 Subobjects copy elision Antony Polukhin Evolution
P0879R0 Constexpr for swap and swap related functions Antony Polukhin Library
P0880R0 Numbers interaction Igor Klevanets, Antony Polukhin SG6, Library Evolution
P0881R0 A Proposal to add stack trace library Alexey Gorgurov, Antony Polukhin Library Evolution
P0882R0 User-defined Literals for std::filesystem::path Yonggang Li Library Evolution
P0883R0 Fixing Atomic Initialization Nicolai Josuttis SG1, Library Evolution, Library
P0884R0 Extending the noexcept Policy Nicolai Josuttis Library Evolution
P0886R0 The assume aligned attribute Timur Doumler Evolution, Core
P0887R0 The identity metafunction Timur Doumler Library Evolution, Library
P0888R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Jacksonville Marshall Clow WG21
P0889R0 Ultimate copy elision Antony Polukhin Evolution
P0891R0 Let strong_order Truly Be a Customization Point! Gašper Ažman Library
P0892R0 explicit(bool) Barry Revzin, Stephan T. Lavavej Evolution
P0893R0 Chaining Comparisons Barry Revzin, Herb Sutter Evolution
P0895R0 Renaming cell<> to latest<> Nicolai Josuttis, Tony van Eerd Library Evolution, Library
P0896R0 Merging the Ranges TS Eric Niebler WG21
P0897R0 Supporting offsetof for All Classes Andrey Semashev Evolution, Library Evolution
P0898R0 Standard Library Concepts Casey Carter Library Evolution, Library
P0899R0 LWG 3016 is Not a Defect Casey Carter Library
P0900R0 An Ontology for Properties of mdspan David S. Hollman Library Evolution
P0901R0 Size feedback in operator new Andrew Hunter, Chris Kennelly Evolution
P0902R0 Move-only iterators Andrew Hunter Library Evolution
P0903R0 Define basic_string_view(nullptr) and basic_string(nullptr) Ashley Hedberg Library Evolution, Library
P0904R0 A strawman Future API Lee Howes, Andrii Grynenko, Jay Feldblum SG1
P0905R0 Symmetry for spaceship Tomasz Kamiński, Herb Sutter, Richard Smith Evolution, Library Evolution
P0906R0 Improvement suggestions for the Modules TS Jens Maurer Evolution
P0907R0 Signed Integers are Two’s Complement JF Bastien SG12. Evolution
P0908R0 Offsetof for Pointers to Members Eddie Kohler Evolution
P0909R0 Module TS Supports Legacy Integration Steve Downey Core, Library Evolution
P0911R0 Rebase the Coroutines TS onto the C++17 Standard Gor Nishanov Core, Library
P0912R0 Merge Coroutines TS into C++20 working draft Gor Nishanov WG21
P0913R0 Add symmetric coroutine control transfer Gor Nishanov Evolution
P0914R0 Add parameter preview to coroutine promise constructor Gor Nishanov Evolution
P0915R0 Concept-constrained auto Vittorio Romeo, John Lakos Evolution
P0916R0 Naming implementation-defined simd_abi tag types Matthias Kretz Library Evolution
P0917R0 Making operator?: overloadable Matthias Kretz Evolution
P0918R0 More simd<> Operations Tim Shen SG1, Library Evolution
P0919R0 Heterogeneous lookup for unordered containers Mateusz Pusz Library Evolution, Library
P0921R0 Standard Library Compatibility Promises Titus Winters Evolution, Library Evolution
P0922R0 LEWG wishlist for EWG Titus Winters Evolution
P0923R0 Modules: Dependent ADL Nathan Sidwell Evolution
P0924R0 Modules: Context-Sensitive Keyword Nathan Sidwell Evolution
P0925R0 Modules: Unqualified Using Declarations Nathan Sidwell Evolution
P0927R0 Towards A (Lazy) Forwarding Mechanism for C++ James Dennett, Geoff Romer Evolution
P0928R0 Mitigating Speculation Attacks in C++ Geoff Romer, Chandler Carruth Evolution, Library Evolution
P0929R0 Checking for abstract class types Jens Maurer Evolution, Core
P0930R0 Semifying Awaitables Lee Howes, Andrii Grynenko, Jay Feldblum SG1
P0931R0 Structured bindings with polymorphic lambas Aaryaman Sagar Evolution
P0932R0 Tightening the constraints on std::function Aaryaman Sagar Library Evolution
P0934R0 A Modest Proposal: Fixing ADL Herb Sutter Evolution
P0935R0 Eradicating unnecessarily explicit default constructors from the standard library Tim Song Library
P0936R0 Bind Returned/Initialized Objects to the Lifetime of Parameters Richard Smith, Nicolai Josuttis Evolution, Core
P0937R0 SG5: Transactional Memory (TM) Meeting Minutes 2017/10/23-2018/1/29 Michael Wong SG5
P0938R0 SG14: Low Latency Meeting Minutes 2017/12/13-2018/01/10 Michael Wong SG14
P0939R0 Direction for ISO C++ B. Dawes, H. Hinnant, B. Stroustrup, D. Vandevoorde, M. Wong WG21
P0940R0 Concurrency TS is growing: Concurrent Utilities and Data Structures Michael Wong, Olivier Giroux SG1, Library Evolution, Library
P0941R0 Integrating feature-test macros into the C++ WD Clark Nelson SG10, Evolution, Library Evolution
P0942R0 Introducing a <smart_ptr> header Jens Maurer Library Evolution, Library
P0943R0 Support C atomics in C++ Hans J. Boehm SG1, Library Evolution
P0944R0 Contiguous Ranges Casey Carter Library Evolution
P0945R0 Generalizing alias declarations Richard Smith Evolution
P0946R0 Towards consistency between <=> and other comparison operators Richard Smith Evolution
P0947R0 Another take on Modules Richard Smith Evolution
P0949R0 Adding support for type-based metaprogramming to the standard library Peter Dimov Library Evolution
P0952R0 A new specification for std::generate_canonical Thomas Köppe, Davis Herring SG6, Library
P0953R0 constexpr reflexpr Matúš Chochlík, Axel Naumann, David Sankel SG7
P0954R0 What do we want to do with reflection? Bjarne Stroustrup SG7, Evolution
P0955R0 Modules and macros Bjarne Stroustrup Evolution
P0956R0 Answers to concept syntax suggestions Bjarne Stroustrup Evolution
P0957R0 PFA: A Generic, Extendable and Efficient Solution for Polymorphic Programming Mingxin Wang SG7, SG9, Evolution, Library Evolution
P0958R0 Networking TS changes to support proposed Executors TS Christopher Kohlhoff SG1
P0959R0 A Proposal for a Universally Unique Identifier Library Marius Bancila Library Evolution
P0960R0 Allow initializing aggregates from a parenthesized list of values Ville Voutilainen Evolution
P0961R0 Relaxing the structured bindings customization point finding rules Ville Voutilainen Evolution
P0962R0 Relaxing the range-for loop customization point finding rules Ville Voutilainen Evolution
P0963R0 Structured binding declaration as a condition Zhihao Yuan Evolution
P0964R0 Finding the right set of traits for simd<T> Matthias Kretz SG1, Library Evolution
P0965R0 Initializers of objects with automatic and dynamic storage duration have funny inconsistencies Ville Voutilainen Evolution
P0966R0 string::reserve Should Not Shrink Mark Zeren, Andrew Luo Library Evolution, Library