ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 3490
DATE: 2000-09-25
Coded Character Sets
Secretariat: Japan (JISC)

DOC TYPE:  Meeting Agenda 
TITLE: Final Draft Agenda for the Tenth SC 2 Plenary Meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26 
SOURCE: Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 
STATUS: For use at the Tenth SC 2 Plenary Meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26. 
DISTRIBUTION: P, O and L Members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 
WG Conveners, Secretariats 
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Secretariat 
Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 - Toshiko KIMURA
IPSJ/ITSCJ (Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan)*
Room 308-3, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 JAPAN
Tel: +81 3 3431 2808; Fax: +81 3 3431 6493; E-mail:;
*A Standard Organization accredited by JISC

Final Draft Agenda of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2,
Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26

Meeting Location:
10, Ag. Nikolaou & Iliou str.
GR-166 71 Vouliagmeni, Athens

Tel + 30 1 8911 100, Fax + 30 1 9658 010
E-mail :
Web site :

Meeting Hours:
25th Monday 14:00 - 17:00
26th Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00

1. Opening of Meeting (14:00 p.m.)         Prof. K. Shibano

2. Roll call of delegates

3. Remarks by host

3.1 Administrative and Logistic Arrangements

4. Adoption of Agenda
Document: N 3490

5. Appointment of Drafting Committee

6. Results from the 9th SC 2 Plenary Meeting
Document: N 3296, N 3324

7. Report of Secretariat
Document: N 3462

8. Reports and Review of JTC 1 Activities Affecting SC 2

8.1 JTC 1 Seoul Plenary Meeting, 1999-09
Document: N 3391

8.2 Strategic Planning
Document: N 3415 (Oslo Res), N 3443 (O-members Participation in WGs), N 3444 (Subcommittee Level NPs), N 3454 (Swiss Res), N 3455(Participation), N 3456 (Structure), N 3457 (Funding), N 3458 - J1N5911, J1N6182(Maintenance)

8.3 Standards Availability
Document: N 3445 (J1 Business Plan), N 3453 (ISO Council Res.)

8.4 Action/Discussion on JTC 1 Activities

9. Review of Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability and User Interfaces Technical Direction Activities
Document: N 3488

10. Review of SC 2 Business Plan
Document: N 3472

11. Working Group Activities

11.1 WG 2 - Multiple octet codes

11.1.1 Report of WG 2 Activities              Mr. M. Ksar
Document: N 3357 (Copenhagen Res.), N 3422 (Beijing Res.), N 3426, N 3427, N 3428, N 3429 (Roadmap), N 3465, N 3466 (DPRK Proposals)

11.1.2 Report of Ideographic Rapporteur Group Activities        Mr. Zhang, Zhoucai
Document: N 3398 (14th Singapore Res.), N 3459 (15th Kunming Res.)

11.1.3 Discussion/Action on WG 2 Projects

1) Further processing of ongoing projects
- FCD 10646-2
Document: N 3486 (Disposition of Comments)

- Project JTC (IS 10646-1: 2000/Amd. 1)

2) NP/Subdivision Proposals

3) Defect Report

4) Target Dates Review

11.2 WG 3 - 7-bit and 8-bit codes and their extension

11.2.1 Report of WG 3 Activities            Mr. E. Melagrakis
Document: N 3379 (Copenhagen Res), N 3477 (Athens Res.)

11.2.2 Discussion/Action on WG 3 Projects

1) Further processing of ongoing projects
- FCD 8859-7

- FCD 8859-11

- FCD 8859-16
Document: N 3481 (WG 3 N 508 - Disposition of Commets)

-Editorial Corrigendum to 8859
Document: N 3483 (WG 3 N 510)

- 8859 Layout
Document: N 3482

- CD 2375

- FCD 6937
Document: N 3480 (WG 2 N 912 - Disposition of Comments)

- Revision of ISO 10367

2) NP/Subdivision Proposals
Document: N 3434 (Sweden)

3) Defect Report

4) Target Dates Review

5) Layout of ISO/IEC 8859 Series

12 Recommendation for JTC 1 Periodical Review

13. Registration Authority Matters

13.1 Report of the Registration Authority
Document: N 3470

13.2 Re-appointment of RA Advisory Group members
Document: N 3340

14. Activity Reports from National Bodies

15. Reports and Review of Liaison Activities
15.1  Liaisons within ISO/IEC

- JTC 1/SC 22
Document: N 3485

- JTC 1/SC 31
Document: N 3433 (Projects Transfer), N 3478 (WG 3 N 504 R - Editor's notes)

- JTC 1/SC 36: Learning Technology (Establishment of Liaision)
Document: N 3467, N 3469

- ISO/TC 46/SC 4
Document: N 3356, N 3370, N 3439, N 3440 (Projects Transfer)

- ISO/TC 215 (Health Informatics)
Document: N 3487

15.2 External Liaisons (Report)
- CEN TC 304
Document: N 3451


- Unicode

Document: N 3476

15.3 Confirmation/Appointment of Liaison Officers
Document: N 3462 Item 1.9

16 (Re) Appointment of Chairman/Conveners/Project Editors

16.1 Chairman
Document: N 3471

16.2 WG Conveners
Document: N 3431 (WG 2 - US), N 3432 (WG 3 - Greece)

16.3 Rapporteur

16.4 Project Editors
Document: N3462 Item 1.7 and 1.8

17 Subsequent Meetings
Documment: N 3462 Item 2

17.1 Plenary meetings

17.2 WG meetings

18 Any Other Business

19 Approval of Resolutions

20 Closure of the Meeting