ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 3357
DATE: 1999-09-20

Coded Character Sets
Secretariat: Japan (JISC)

DOC TYPE:   Resolutions
Resolutions of the 37th SC 2/WG 2 Meeting held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1999-09-13/16 (WG 2 N 2104)
For information.
DISTRIBUTION: P, O and L Members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2
WG Conveners, Secretariats
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Secretariat
WEB ISSUE #: 062
Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 - Toshiko KIMURA
IPSJ/ITSCJ (Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan)*
Room 308-3, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 JAPAN
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*A Standard Organization accredited by JISC



Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set 
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 N2104
Date: 1999-09-16
WG 2 meeting 37, Copenhagen, Denmark; 1999-09-13--16
Resolutions of WG 2 meeting 37
For approval by SC 2 and for information to WG 2 and WG 3
Adopted at meeting 36 of WG 2
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 and WG 2.

Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, UK, USA, AFII (Liaison), CEN/TC304 (Liaison), the Unicode Consortium (Liaison), and Lithuania (Guest) were represented when the following resolutions were adopted. 35 delegates representing 14 national bodies, 3 liaison organizations and 1 guest, were present at different times during the meeting (see attached attendance list).



WG 2 accepts the comment from Korea on draft TCOR-3 and text of Annex xx on Hangul names in document N2077, and instructs its project editor to prepare a disposition of comments and the final text of TCOR-3 and forward it to SC2 secretariat for further processing.

RESOLUTION M37.2 (FPDAM-15 on Kang Xi and CJK radicals):


WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-15 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-15 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.

RESOLUTION M37.3 (FPDAM-28 on Ideographic description characters):


WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-28 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-28 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.

RESOLUTION M37.4 (PDAM-29 on Mongolian script):


WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-29 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-29 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.

RESOLUTION M37.5 (PDAM-30 on Additional Latin and other characters):


WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-30 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-30 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.

RESOLUTION M37.6 (PDAM-31 on Tibetan extensions):


WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-31 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-31 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.

RESOLUTION M37.7 (Defect report on Thai character names):


With reference to documents N2026, N2035 and N2036, WG2 accepts its project editor's response to add annotations on the character names as the proper solution, and instructs its editor to process it further.

RESOLUTION M37.8 (Next edition of 10646-1):


WG2 instructs its editor to prepare a revised text of document N2005 (textual part of the next edition of 10646-1) incorporating changes arising from:

  1. Amendment 15
  2. Amendment 28
  3. Amendment 29
  4. Amendment 30
  5. Amendment 31
  6. Technical Corrigendum 3 (see resolution M37.1 above)
  7. Responses to comments on N2005 in documents N2082, and N2108 (amended by discussion at this meeting)
  8. Updated list of sources of characters in Annex M (based on documents N2084, N2106, and changes to N2106 based on discussion at this meeting)
  9. Annotations to Thai character names (see resolution M37.7 above)
and forward the revised text to SC2 secretariat for circulation to national bodies and liaison organizations for information, by 1999-11-01.

WG2 further instructs its project editor to prepare the camera ready copy of the second edition of 10646-1 consisting of the above revised text, the final code charts for non-CJK ideographs from AFII and the final code charts for CJK ideographs from the IRG, and submit it to ITTF by 1999-11-01.

RESOLUTION M37.9 (Mathematical alphanumeric symbols):


WG2 accepts the proposal for 991 (subject to verification of this number) new mathematical alphanumeric symbols in document N2086, for inclusion in 10646-2, in the range D400 -- D7FF in Plane 1. The project editor is to select the appropriate character names and block name in the preparation of the text for inclusion in part 2.

RESOLUTION M37.10 (CJK unified ideograph extension B):


WG2 accepts the proposal for 42,807 CJK unified ideographs of extension B in document N2105 from the IRG, for encoding in plane 2 of 10646-2, in the range 0100 -- ABFF. The WG2 notes that the IRG contributing editor has provided the code charts organized as 16 rows by 8 columns. WG2 further accepts dropping of the word "unified" from the name of plane 2. The project editor is to select the appropriate names for the characters and the block name in the preparation of the text for inclusion in part 2.

RESOLUTION M37.11 (2nd WD of 10646-2):


WG2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N2087R on the 2nd WD of 10646-2 and instructs its project editor to prepare the text for CD 10646-2 with assistance from the contributing editors, including the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (see resolution M37.9 above) and the CJK unified ideographs extension B (see resolution M37.10 above) in the CD. WG2 further instructs its project editor to submit the CD document to SC2 secretariat for a CD ballot with unchanged target dates.

RESOLUTION M37.12 (Feedback to D.P.R of Korea):


With reference to the NP in document N2056 to amend the Korean encoding of Amendment 5, WG2 instructs its convener to inform SC2 to respond to the Committee for Standardization of the D.P.R. of Korea:

  1. that WG2 cannot support this NP because any reordering of the standardized Korean Hangul characters would harm existing implementations that are using the standard including its Amendment 5
  2. that existing standardized character names cannot be changed because character names are normative in the standard and changing them would harm existing users of these standardized character names
  3. invite them to make concrete proposals to add any missing characters following the existing WG2 Procedures and Guidelines document (JTC1/SC2/WG2 N2002), and the conventions for naming of characters in the standard, for future consideration by WG2, and,
  4. invite them to participate in the IRG regarding any Hanja character requirements they may have

  5. and,
  6. draw their attention to FCD-3 of ISO/IEC 14651 -- international ordering under ballot in SC22.
RESOLUTION M37.13 (Feedback to Romania):

With reference to document N2117 (letter from Romania to SC 2 requesting changes to Annex P of 10646-1), WG2 instructs its convener to inform SC2 that the request of Romania cannot be considered at this time, and to invite the Romanian national body to resubmit it for consideration after the relevant 8859 part has become a standard.

RESOLUTION M37.14 (Response to report on ETSI meeting ):


WG2 invites Mr. Karl Ivar Larsson to prepare an appropriate response to document N2118 on harmonizing ETSI GSM SMS standard with 10646 in consultation with the convener and forward it to ETSI.

RESOLUTION M37.15 (Liaison request from W3C I18N WG):


WG2 accepts the offer to establish the Category C liaison from W3C I18N WG in document N2081, and appoints its convener Mr. Mike Ksar as the liaison representative from WG2. WG2 requests SC2 to process this liaison and the nomination.

RESOLUTION M37.16 (CJK compatibility ideographs from JIS):


WG2 requests IRG to review document N2095 on CJK compatibility Ideographs from Japan, and provide their input to WG2 before meeting 38 of WG2, in the context of IRG resolution M13.8 in document N2111.

RESOLUTION M37.17 (Japanese NB concerns to JTC 1 on SC 2 program of work):

Germany and Sweden Abstained

WG2 takes note of the comments in document N2062 (SC2 N3336, JTC1 N5826) regarding the issue of when to use NP versus subdivision process for new amendments to 10646. WG2 endorses the recommendations from SC2 ad hoc group established at the SC2 meeting no. 9 in Fukuoka, Japan. Further, WG2 accepts and endorses the recommendations in contribution N2049 (SC2 N3341), and instructs its convener to forward document N2049 along with a summary of the recommendations to SC 2 secretariat for forwarding to JTC 1. WG2 also encourages its experts to get support from their national JTC 1 committees of the recommendations contained in document N2049.

RESOLUTION M37.18 (Future meetings):


WG 2 confirms the following future meeting schedule:

WG 2 accepts and confirms the following IRG future meeting schedule: RESOLUTION M37.19 (Appreciation to project editor and contributors)
By acclamation

WG2 thanks its project editor and all contributing editors on the successful completion of Amendments 17 (Han vertical extension A), Amendment 18 (Miscellaneous symbols including EURO) and Amendment 21 (Sinhala script).

RESOLUTION M37.20 (Appreciation to IRG)

By acclamation

WG2 thanks the members of IRG, the IRG editor and its rapporteur for their timely and valuable contribution on CJK-related items for inclusion in the second edition of 10646-1 and in the preparation of the first CD of 10646-2.

RESOLUTION M37.21 (Appreciation to AFII)

By acclamation

WG2 thanks AFII, for their excellent support in preparing and printing the camera ready copy of the non-Han code tables for the next edition of 10646-1.

RESOLUTION M37.22 (Appreciation to the host):

By acclamation

WG 2 thanks its hosts, Dansk Standard, DKUUG, Kommunedata, and their staff for hosting the meeting, for providing excellent secretarial and administrative support, and for their kind hospitality.


Meeting 37, Copenhagen, Denmark
Attendance List
The following 35 delegates representing 14 national bodies, 3 liaison organizations and 1 guest attended the meeting.
Name Representing Affiliation
Alain La Bonté Canada Direction du soutien au déploiement de l'inforoute gouvernmentale, Gouvernement du Québec
V. S. (Uma) Umamaheswaran Canada,
Recording Secretary
IBM Canada
Chen Zhuang China Chinese Electronic Standardization Institute
Lobsang Tokme China Interpretation Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region
Quejingzhabu China Inner Mongolia University
Shama Layi China Southwest National Institute, Nansiduan
Woshur Slamu China Xinjiang University
Yasin Imin China National Language and Character Committee
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Zhang Zhoucai China, IRG Rapporteur CCID
Michael Y. Ksar Convener Hewlett-Packard Company
Bent Barnholdt Denmark Independent
Birger Jacobsen Denmark BITS
Keld Drube Denmark Dansk Standard
Myanne Olesen Denmark DKUUG
Sven Thygesen Denmark Kommunedata
Erkki Kolehmainen Finland, CEN TC304 Tieke
Marc Küster Germany Universität Tübingen
Paul Dettmer Germany Independent
Vladas Tumasonis Guest - Lithuania Vilnius University
Michael Everson Ireland Everson Gunn Teoranta
Satoshi Yamamoto Japan Hitachi, Ltd.
Shun Ishizaki Japan Keio University
Takayuki Sato Japan Independent
Johan van Wingen Netherlands Independent
Keld Simonsen Norway Rationel Almen Planlægning
El?bieta Broma-Wrzesie? Poland Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.
Alexandrina St?tescu Romania Romtelecom
Mihaela Anghelescu Romania Romanian Standards Association
Karl Ivar Larsson Sweden Independent Consultant
Asmus Freytag The Unicode Consortium, AFII ASMUS, Inc.
Bruce Paterson U.K.; Editor Part 1 Independent
Arnold Winkler U.S.A. Unisys Corporation
Hideki Hiura U.S.A. SunSoft, Inc. 
Michel Suignard U.S.A.; Editor Part 2 Microsoft