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Section: 31.12.12 [fs.class.rec.dir.itr] Status: C++17 Submitter: Eric Fiselier Opened: 2016-05-09 Last modified: 2017-07-30
Priority: 0
View all issues with C++17 status.
Unlike increment, pop() does not specify how it reports errors nor does it provide a std::error_code overload. However implementing pop() all but requires performing an increment, so it should handle errors in the same way.
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4582.
Change 31.12.12 [fs.class.rec.dir.itr], class recursive_directory_iterator synopsis, as indicated:
namespace std::filesystem { class recursive_directory_iterator { public: […] void pop(); void pop(error_code& ec); void disable_recursion_pending(); […] }; }
Change [fs.rec.dir.itr.members] as indicated:
void pop(); void pop(error_code& ec);-30- Requires: *this != recursive_directory_iterator().
-31- Effects: If depth() == 0, set *this to recursive_directory_iterator(). Otherwise, cease iteration of the directory currently being iterated over, and continue iteration over the parent directory.
-?- Throws: As specified in Error reporting (31.5.6 [error.reporting]).