ISO/ IEC C++ - Projects

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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - C++ has the following projects:

  • JTC1.22.32 - ISO/IEC 14882 - Programming language C++ CD May 2013, library wishlist
  • JTC1.22.18015 ISO/IEC TR 18015 - C++ Performance - TR articles and program examples
  • JTC1.22.19768 ISO/IEC TR 19768 - C++ Library Extensions - DTR draft issues list guidelines
  • JTC1.22.24733 - ISO/IEC TR 24733 - Information Technology - Programming Languages C++ - Technical Report of Type 2 on Extensions for the programming language C++ to support decimal floating point arithmetic draft
  • JTC1.22.24737 - ISO/IEC TR 24737 - Information Technology - Programming Languages C++ - Technical Report of Type 2 on C++ Library Extensions (based on ISO/IEC 14882) call for proposals This project was cancelled by SC22 in September 2008.
  • JTC1.22.29124 - ISO/IEC TR 29124 - Information Technology - Programming Languages C++ - Special math functions (based on ISO/IEC 14882) draft
  • JTC1.22.29177 - ISO/IEC TR 29177 - Information Technology - Programming Languages C++ - Technical Report of Type 2 on Modules (based on ISO/IEC 14882) This project was cancelled by SC22 in September 2008.

    The C++ Standard Core Language Issues List is available.

    The C++ Standard Library Issues List is available (.zip)

    The C++ Library Extensions Issues List is available

    The Working Group had its first meeting 18-19 June 1991, and has now met about 30 times - two to three times per year - in joint technical sessions with US committee J16. A number of countries have been represented at the meetings: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and the USA.


    The C++ first CD was ballotted between May 28 and September 28, 1995 (CD 14882, SC22 N1824). Ballot responses included a large number of substantive comments. WG21 spent three meetings (November 1995, March 1996, and July 1996) resolving the comments, and after the July meeting voted to submit a new working draft for a second CD ballot.

    The second (Final) CD for C++ was out for ballot in SC22 N2356 ending 1997-06-09. The text of the CD is available in .

    The C++ standard was out for FDIS ballot ending 1998-06-23.

    The C++ standard was published 1998-09-01 by ISO ITTF as ISO/IEC 14882:1998.

    The Technical Report type 3 on C++ Performance was proposed in SC22 N2831 and JTC 1 N5784 ballot ending 1999-06-29. It was approved by JTC 1 as project JTC1.22.18015 with summary of voting as recorded in SC22 N2952. It was approved as a TR in 2004.

    Language Independent and Cross Language Standards

    The Working Group has been monitoring activities in these areas, but no specific actions have been taken. WG21 interest is represented on other SC22 working groups via the following liaison appointments:
    Group     Subject                                  Liaison
    --------  ---------------------------------------  -----------------
    WG11      Language Independent Datatypes       
    WG14      C                                   
    SC24/WG6  Multimedia presentation and interchange 


    The complete list of former and proposed target dates is shown in below.

    date   Event
    ------ ---------------------------------------------------
     9/89  USA requested to submit C++ New Work Item Proposal
     4/91  Approved C++ NP
     6/91  First meeting of WG21
    12/93  Circulate informal draft within SC22
     7/94  Vote to register WD as CD; Mtg #10.
     9/94  Complete editorial corrections; provide WD to SC22.
    10/94  Begin CD registration ballot. 
     3/95  Complete CD registration ballot resolutions; Mtg #12. 
     6/95  Begin CD ballot.
     7/96  Complete CD ballot resolution; Mtgs #14-16
     9/96  Begin second CD ballot
     7/97  Complete second CD ballot resolution; Mtg #18, 19
     9/97  Begin FDIS ballot 
     4/98  Complete editorial corrections from DIS ballot 
                   resolution. Send IS to ITTF (with final report).
     9/98  ITTF to publish the International Standard.

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