optional variants in sender/receiver

Draft Proposal,

Fabio Fracassi (Code University of Applied Sciences)
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


Some async interfaces for concurrent queues would be well served by using std::optional when used in a coroutine context. However when using sender/receiver interfaces directly the variant style visitor based on overloading has several benefits. This paper explores if and how we can get the best interface for each use case.

1. Motivation

This paper is a reaction to the Library Evolution(LEWG) review of the Concurrent Queues paper [P0260R13], specifiaclly the review of revision 13. The return type of async_pop() has been contentious for a while, and is has been blocking consensus of a otherwise highly anticipated facility.

The contention stems from the fact that the async_pop() (and other senders) can be used in two different contexts. It can be used in chain of sender adapters or can be awaited on in a coroutine. During the review it became clear that depending on the context LEWG would prefer a slightly different usage pattern. Consider the following examples (adapted from C++ Concurrent Queues § Examples) for the prefered usage:

auto coro_grep(stdx::coqueue<std::fs::path>& file_queue, std::string needle)   -> stdp::task<void> {  while (auto fname = co_await file_queue.async_pop()) {    grep_file(*fname, needle);              // queue has data  }                              // queue closed  co_return;}

particularly note line 4 and 5 in the coroutine example above and line 6 to 10 in the S/R example below

stdexec::sender auto sr_grep(auto scheduler              , stdx::coqueue<std::fs::path>& file_queue, std::string needle) {  return stdexec::repeat_effect_until(    stdexec::starts_on(scheduler      , files.async_pop()                                        | stdp::overload(        []() -> bool { return true; },                  // queue closed        [needle](std::fs::path const& fname) -> bool {  // queue has data          return grep_file(fname, needle);        });    ));}

We can make either of these interfaces work, depending on the completion signatures that the sender that is returned from async_pop() supports. To support the ideal coroutine interface the async-pop-sender should have the completion signature set_value_t(std::optional<T>), to support the ideal S/R interface the completion signatures would need to be set_value_t() and set_value_t(T). Whichever we support slightly penalizes the interface for the other, see Appendix A (Workarounds).

With this paper we want to explore if and how we could support the ideal interface for both contexts.

2. Exploration

To understand a path toward a solution we need to take a short look into how senders/receivers interact with coroutines.

The sender is not directly used in the coroutine, but is transformed into an awaitable. The transformation is initiated by the coroutine task type (as proposed in [P3552R0]) which uses S/Rs std::as_awaitable to do the actual transformation mechanics.

2.1. Option 1: custom awaiter

The simplest option is to exploit that std::as_awaitable provides a customization point, allowing a sender to provide its own custom awaiter type.

This is strightforward, and allows us to get the ideal interface for both contexts. It involves very little machinery, and in fact even bypasses most of the S/R machinery, most likely allowing for good compile times and runtime efficiency.

However the custom awaiter will only be used if the async-pop-sender is used directly. The result of async_pop can not be adapted by any sender adapters. This will severely limit implementation freedom, and would probably cause some complicated code duplication, e.g. in the coroutine task type.

it would also make the abstraction brittle for the user, since the preferred interface would only work on unadapted senders.

2.2. Option 2: generalized value transform

The second option is to hook into the std::as_awaitable machinery in a more generic fashion.

Currently the C++ Working draft spells out several potential transformations in [exec.as.awaitable], that are tried one after the other. The one that allowes senders with a single value completion signature to be used seamlessly is described in §7.3 which consist of two exposition only facilities, an awaitable-sender concept and a sender-awaitable type.

We could add another protential transformation right after that single sender step to std::as_awaitable. This step would take an exposition only type trait completion-adapter that provides a sender adapter (for the motivating usecase from [P0260R13] that adapter would be into_optional as described in [P3552R0] Sec 4.4). as_awaitable would now check if the original sender that has been adapted with the transformation provided by the completion-adapter trait conforms to the awaitable-sender concept in which case it would provide the sender-awaitable for the adapted sender.

The into_optional transform takes a sender with a set_value_t() and set_value_t(T) and changes that into a set_value_t(std::optional<T>) completion signature.

There are three options for how we could use the completion-adapter trait:

2.2.1. Option 2.a1: Always transform

The type trait is exposition only and defaults to into_optional. No specialisations are provided. as_awaitable will alway try the into_optional transformation.

This means all senders that have compatible value completion signatures will automatically be usable in coroutines with the std::optional<T> return type. Users wont be able to customize the behavior. We would have to fully specify into_optional

2.2.2. Option 2.a2 Opt-Out

Same as § 2.2.1 Option 2.a1: Always transform, but with a opt-out mechanism.

The type trait is exposition only and defaults to into_optional. A specialisations is provided, that will query the sender type with a new environment property get_await_completion_adapter. The (original) sender can provide such a property like this:

struct env { auto query(get_await_completion_adapter_t) const -> std::false_type { return {}; } };auto get_env() const noexcept -> env { return {}; }

In this case the trait specialisation will return a special type that std::awaitable uses to skip the adaption step.

This means all senders that have compatible value completion signatures will automatically be usable in coroutines with the std::optional<T> return type, but users could opt out in case the optional semantic do not make sense for a certain sender. We would have to fully specify into_optional

2.2.3. Option 2.b Opt-In

Same as § 2.2.1 Option 2.a1: Always transform, but only if the sender explicitly opts-in.

The type trait is exposition only and defaults to an exposition only type that will make std::as_awaitable skip the adaption step (i.e. same the behavior as the current status quo). A specialisations is provided, that will query the sender type with a new environment property get_await_completion_adapter, that will return the adapter type from the query.

The (original) sender can provide such a property like this:

struct env { auto query(get_await_completion_adapter_t) const -> into_optional_t { return {}; } };auto get_env() const noexcept -> env { return {}; }

Note that in this approach the senders environment property provides a the adaper type directly. This gives users full control over which adaption they want, so the mechanism would not be restricted to a specific transformation.

This means that senders that have compatible value completion signatures will not automatically be usable in coroutines with the std::optional<T> return type, but sender providers could opt in when the optional semantic does make sense for a certain sender, as for example the motivating async-pop-sender.

3. Proposal

A custom awaiter as described in § 2.1 Option 1: custom awaiter solves our imediate problem, but does so only for the specific case, and seems overly brittle.

§ 2.2.1 Option 2.a1: Always transform solves our problem in a generic fashion, but might cause new problems, because it automatically changes signatures of senders, that might be ill suited for this transformation. The same is true for § 2.2.2 Option 2.a2 Opt-Out, but it would give such ill suited senders a way out.

We propse to go with § 2.2.3 Option 2.b Opt-In. There is no clear evidence how often the std::optional<T> semantics are inappropriate for senders that otherwise fullfill the completion signatures, so we propose to go with the conservative option that will allow senders to opt-into the semantics when appropriate, but never automatically.

This Option also has the benefit of being fully generic, with very localized changes, and no need define the actual adaption type as part of either this paper or the lazy task type. Concurrent queues could either use a generic into_optional type or a custom adapter for that purpose. This also leaves the design space open for the concurrent queues to provide different adapters such as e.g. disengage_on_close or disengage_on_empty.

4. Wording

4.1. Header synopsis [version.syn]

#define __cpp_lib_exec_await_adapters <editor supplied value> // also in <exec>

4.2. Execution control library [exec]

4.2.1. execution​::get_await_completion_adapter [exec.get.await.adapt]

  1. get_await_completion_adapter asks a queryable object for its associated awaitable completion adapter.

  2. The name get_await_completion_adapter denotes a query object. For a subexpression env, get_await_completion_adapter(env) is expression-equivalent to MANDATE-NOTHROW(as_const(env).query(get_await_completion_adapter)).

  3. forwarding_query(execution::get_domain) is a core constant expression and has value true.

4.2.2. Awaitable completion adapter trait [exec.trait.await.adapt]

[Drafting Q: does this deserve its own heading? If so were does this go?]
  1. template<class Sndr> concept has-queryable-await-completion-adapter // exposition only = sender<Sender> && requires(Sender&& sender) { { get_env(sender) }; { get_await_completion_adapter(stdexec::get_env(sender)) }; };

  2. Let template<class Sndr> struct await-completion-adapter-trait be an exposition only Cpp17TransformationTrait ([meta.rqmts]).

  3. await-completion-adapter-trait’s member typedef type denotes the associated awaitable completion adapter if Sndr models has-queryable-await-completion-adapter otherwise struct no-await-completion-adapter {};

4.2.3. execution​::​as_awaitable [exec.as.awaitable]

(7.3) Otherwise, sender-awaitable{expr, p} if awaitable-sender<Expr, Promise> is true.

(7.4) Otherwise, [Drafting Q: Not sure how to word this as elegantly as the surrounding clauses] Let AT be await-completion-adapter-trait<Expr>::type.

(7.4.1) (void(p), expr) If AT is no-await-completion-adapter

(7.4.2) Otherwise Let adapt-completion be AT{}.

sender-awaitable{adapt-completion(::std::forward<Expr>(expr)), p} if awaitable-sender<decltype(adapt-completion(::std::forward<Expr>(expr))), Promise> is true.

(7.5) Otherwise, (void(p), expr).

5. Implementation Experience

§ 2.1 Option 1: custom awaiter, § 2.2.1 Option 2.a1: Always transform and § 2.2.3 Option 2.b Opt-In have been prototyped on top of [exec26]. The implementation is strightforward, see Appendix B (Prototype).

6. Acknowledgements

Dietmar Kühl, for his implementation of senders/receivers, and for talking through some of the initial ideas. Ian Petersen, for helping me with the opt-in mechanism.

Appendix A (Workarounds)

Workaround for the coroutine case if async-pop-sender supports set_value_t() and set_value_t(T)

while (auto fname = co_await file_queue.async_pop() | stdp::into_optional()) {  grep_file(*fname, needle);}

The drawback here is that everyone needs to remember the additional | stdp::into_optional() for what is most likely a very common application programming usecase.

The code for sender/receiver if async-pop-sender supports set_value_t(std::optional<T>)

files.async_pop() | stdp::overload(  [needle](std::optional<std::fs::path const>& fname) -> bool {    if (!fname) { return false; }    return grep_file(*fname, needle);  });

This has two drawbacks, it introduces the potential for UB, since users could forget to check the optionals engaged state. The wrapping and unwrapping of the optional could also possibly introduce some overhead.

Concievably we could also introduce a special overload function for this case, which would get rid of the first drawback.

files.async_pop()                                  | stdp::overload_optional(  []() -> bool { return true; },  [needle](std::fs::path const& fname) -> bool {    return grep_file(fname, needle);  });

Appendix B (Prototype)

Prototype implementation based on [exec26]:

#include <beman/execution26/execution.hpp>#include <beman/execution26/detail/queryable.hpp>#include <optional>#include <print>namespace stdexec = beman::execution26;//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// try out different options//#define OPTION1(...)  __VA_ARGS__#define OPTION1(...)#define OPTION2b(...)  __VA_ARGS__//#define OPTION2b(...)//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Optional Sender Adapter (taken from P3552-task branch)template <typename...> struct type_list {};inline constexpr struct into_optional_t : beman::execution26::sender_adaptor_closure<into_optional_t> {    template <stdexec::sender Upstream>    struct sender {        using upstream_t = std::remove_cvref_t<Upstream>;        using sender_concept = stdexec::sender_t;        upstream_t upstream;        template <typename T> static auto find_type(type_list<type_list<T>>)                { return std::optional<T>{}; }        template <typename T> static auto find_type(type_list<type_list<T>, type_list<>>)   { return std::optional<T>{}; }        template <typename T> static auto find_type(type_list<type_list<>, type_list<T>>)   { return std::optional<T>{}; }        template <typename Env> auto get_type(Env&&) const {            return decltype(find_type(stdexec::value_types_of_t<Upstream, std::remove_cvref_t<Env>, type_list, type_list>())){};        }        template <typename... E, typename... S>        constexpr auto make_signatures(auto&& env, type_list<E...>, type_list<S...>) const {            return stdexec::completion_signatures<                stdexec::set_value_t(decltype(this->get_type(env))),                stdexec::set_error_t(E)...,                S...                >();        }        template<typename Env>        auto get_completion_signatures(Env&& env) const {            return make_signatures(env,                                   stdexec::error_types_of_t<Upstream, std::remove_cvref_t<Env>, type_list>{},                                   std::conditional_t<                                        stdexec::sends_stopped<Upstream, std::remove_cvref_t<Env>>,                                        type_list<stdexec::set_stopped_t()>,                                        type_list<>>{}                                   );        }        template <typename Receiver>        auto connect(Receiver&& receiver) && {            return stdexec::connect(                stdexec::then(std::move(this->upstream),                    []<typename...A>(A&&... a)->decltype(get_type(stdexec::get_env(receiver))) {                        if constexpr (sizeof...(A) == 0u)                            return {};                        else                            return {std::forward<A>(a)...};                }),                std::forward<Receiver>(receiver)            );        }    };    template <typename Upstream>    auto operator()(Upstream&& upstream) const -> sender<Upstream> { return {std::forward<Upstream>(upstream)}; }} into_optional{};namespace P3570_detail {//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// this type would become part of the standardstruct get_await_completion_adapter_t {    template<typename T>    auto operator()(T const& env) const noexcept         requires requires(T&& t) { { t.query(std::declval<get_await_completion_adapter_t>()) }; }    {        return env.query(*this);    }};inline constexpr get_await_completion_adapter_t get_await_completion_adapter;//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// implementation detail, can needs to be cleaned upstruct no_tranform_t{ // implementation only tag type, no need to standardize, other strategies would be possible    // member is not necessary, only there to     template <typename Expr> auto operator()(Expr&& expr) const { return ::std::forward<Expr>(expr); }};template<typename Sender> concept _has_env = requires(Sender&& sender) {                             { stdexec::get_env(sender) };                        };template<typename Sender, typename Env = Sender>concept has_p3570_opt_in = ::beman::execution26::sender<Sender>                         && _has_env<Sender>                        && requires(Sender&& sender, Env&& env) {                             {                                P3570_detail::get_await_completion_adapter(stdexec::get_env(env))                            };                        };  // Exposition only trait type mentioned in the papertemplate<typename Sender> struct _transform_trait { using type = no_tranform_t; };template<typename Sender> requires has_p3570_opt_in<Sender>struct _transform_trait<Sender> {    using type = decltype(P3570_detail::get_await_completion_adapter(stdexec::get_env(std::declval<Sender>())));};template<typename Sender> using _transform_trait_t = typename _transform_trait<Sender>::type;// I used an additional parameter to implement the transformation, but that is not necessary.// the trait could just be used internally as well.struct as_awaitable_t {    template <typename Expr, typename Promise, typename Transform = _transform_trait_t<Expr>>    auto operator()(Expr&& expr, Promise& promise, Transform transform = Transform{}) const {        if constexpr (requires { ::std::forward<Expr>(expr).as_awaitable(promise); }) {            static_assert(                ::beman::execution26::detail::is_awaitable<decltype(::std::forward<Expr>(expr).as_awaitable(promise)),                                                           Promise>,                "as_awaitable must return an awaitable");            return ::std::forward<Expr>(expr).as_awaitable(promise);        } else if constexpr (::beman::execution26::detail::                                 is_awaitable<Expr, ::beman::execution26::detail::unspecified_promise> ||                             not ::beman::execution26::detail::awaitable_sender<Expr, Promise>) {            using TExpr = ::std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(transform(::std::forward<Expr>(expr)))>;                    if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<Transform>, no_tranform_t>                         || not ::beman::execution26::detail::awaitable_sender<TExpr, Promise>) {                return ::std::forward<Expr>(expr);            } else {                return ::beman::execution26::detail::sender_awaitable<TExpr, Promise>{transform(::std::forward<Expr>(expr)), promise };            }        } else {            return ::beman::execution26::detail::sender_awaitable<Expr, Promise>{::std::forward<Expr>(expr), promise};        }    }};inline constexpr ::P3570_detail::as_awaitable_t as_awaitable{};}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Fake concurrent queue to illustrate the mechanismtemplate<typename T_>struct coqueue{    using T = int; // I just want to demonstrate the S/R and Coroutine mechanism,                    // and make the fake queue as simple as prossible     struct pop_sender {        using sender_concept        = stdexec::sender_t;         using completion_signatures = stdexec::completion_signatures< stdexec::set_value_t()                                                                    , stdexec::set_value_t(T)                                                                    >;        OPTION1(        // Option 1: custom awaiter for pop_sender, works in the simple case         //            (if somefuturestd::task does not adapt the sender)        //           + No need to change any S/R machinery, works out of the box        //           - any Sender adaption will break the special casing.        //           - some complexity from implementing S/R operation state completion will be        //             duplicated in awaiter/await_resume        template<typename U, typename promise_t>        struct awaiter {            auto await_ready() -> bool { return {}; }            auto await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> p) -> std::coroutine_handle<> { return p; }            auto await_resume() -> std::optional<U> {                 return queue_.empty() ? std::optional<U>{}                                       : std::optional<U>{queue_.internal_pop_()};             }            promise_t promise_;            coqueue<U>& queue_;        };        template<typename promise_t>        auto as_awaitable(promise_t&& promise) {             std::println("Using option 1");            return awaiter<T, promise_t>{std::forward<promise_t>(promise), queue_};         }        ) // /OPTION1        // this is the S/R mechanism for the "queue" (slideware version),         // Option 1 bypasses this part of the machinery in the coroutine case        template<stdexec::receiver rcvr>        struct state {            using _result_t = T;            using _complete_t = void (state&);            rcvr rcvr_;            _complete_t* complete_;            coqueue<T>& queue_;                        explicit state(rcvr&& r, coqueue<T>& queue)                 : rcvr_{std::move(r)}                , complete_{[](state& self) {                     // here be synchronization                     if ( not self.queue_.empty()) { // this would check error conditions in the proper impl                        stdexec::set_value(std::move(self.rcvr_), self.queue_.internal_pop_());                      } else {                        stdexec::set_value(std::move(self.rcvr_));                     }                }}                , queue_{queue}            {                std::println("Using option 2 or S/R directly");            }            using operation_state_concept = stdexec::operation_state_t;            auto start() noexcept -> void {                 (*complete_)(*this);             }        // Option 2:        // this needs modification in stdexec::as_awatiable, so that it can detect that the sender        // should result in an awaiter that returns `std::optional`s.         // In the beman::execution26 impl this would mean one additonal exposition only class and concept                // Option 2.a1        //    any sender that has a completion signature of `stdexec::set_value_t()` and `stdexec::set_value_t(T)`        //    is automatically considered an awatiter that returns `std::optional`.        // Option 2.a2        //    same as 2.a1, plus a mechanism to opt out (via environments or a type tag?)        // Option 2.b        //    senders have to explicitly opt in. (via environments or a type tag?)        };        // Opt-In (Option 2.b)        OPTION2b(        struct env { auto query(P3570_detail::get_await_completion_adapter_t) const -> into_optional_t { return {}; } };        auto get_env() const noexcept -> env { return {}; }        ) // /OPTION2b        // common impl        template<stdexec::receiver rcvr> auto connect(rcvr r) { return state<rcvr>{std::move(r), queue_}; }        coqueue<T>& queue_;    };    auto async_pop() -> pop_sender { return pop_sender{*this}; }    // Fake queue - returns count ints in decending order queue turns empty when count is 0    auto empty() -> bool { return count_ == 0; }    auto internal_pop_() -> T { return count_--; }    int count_;};//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Task type, ducttape version (P3552 lazy)struct task{    struct promise_type {        auto initial_suspend()                  -> std::suspend_never       { return {}; }        auto final_suspend()        noexcept    -> std::suspend_always      { return {}; }        [[noreturn]] auto unhandled_exception() -> void                     { std::terminate(); }        auto unhandled_stopped()                -> std::coroutine_handle<>  { return std::noop_coroutine(); }        auto get_return_object()                -> task                     { return task{}; }        auto return_void()                      -> void                     { return; }        template <stdexec::sender Awaitable>        auto await_transform(Awaitable&& awaitable) noexcept -> decltype(auto) {            return P3570_detail::as_awaitable(std::forward<Awaitable>(awaitable), *this);        }        private:            auto tag() -> char const* { return ""; }    };};//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Example -> usage code in the coroutineauto use(int i) -> void {   std::println("used #{}", i); }auto coro(coqueue<int>& data) -> task {    while(auto item = co_await data.async_pop()) {        use(*item);    }        co_return;}auto main() -> int {    coqueue<int> queue{3};    auto _ = coro(queue);    std::println(" ---[done]------ ");    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}


Normative References

[exec.as.awaitable]. 2025-02-06. URL: https://eel.is/c++draft/exec.as.awaitable
Lawrence Crowl; et al. C++ Concurrent Queues. 2024-12-10. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p0260r13.html

Informative References

Dietmar Kühl. beman.execution: Building Block For Asynchronous Programs. 2025-01-25. URL: https://github.com/bemanproject/execution
Dietmar Kühl; Maikel Nadolski. Add a Coroutine Lazy Type. 2025-01-13. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2025/p3552r0.pdf