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is_trivially_relocatable: One trait or two?

Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


Trivial relocation is used by Abseil, AMC, BSL, Folly, HPX, Parlay, Pocketpy, Qt, Subspace, Thrust, and others, all with a single trait is_trivially_relocatable matching P1144’s semantics. P2786 proposes two traits instead: P2786 changes is_trivially_relocatable to imply only a subset of its current meaning, and adds is_replaceable to fill in the gap. We argue that P2786’s change will generate both inconvenience and actual bugs.

1. Changelog

2. Background

"Relocation" is the quantity-preserving analog of "copying." A set of trivially copyable objects can have arbitrarily many copies of their values made at arbitrary memory locations simply by putting the right bytes there. A set of trivially relocatable objects can be relocated to arbitrary memory locations simply by putting the right bytes there if and only if the mapping from source values to destination values is 1:1.

Many important libraries care about this ability to arbitrarily relocate objects via memcpy: e.g. in erase, in swap, in the move-assignment operator of inplace_vector, etc. These optimizations are not always safe. These optimizations are safe only when the objects in question can have their values arbitrarily relocated in a way tantamount to memcpy. For example, it’s not safe to optimize swap(t, t) into __libcpp_memswap(&t, &t, __libcpp_datasizeof<T>) unless T has this special property; it’s not safe to optimize inplace_vector<T> move-assignment unless T has this special property; and so on. tuple<int&> lacks this property. struct S {pmr::vector<int> v_;} lacks this property. Both P1144 and P2786 agree on this baseline truth about when optimizations are safe to perform.

Let’s call this property P. Many important libraries care about property P. They’ve written their own type-trait for P, and gate their optimizations on that type-trait.

The latest revision of [P2786R11] proposes two new traits for the Standard Library:

P2786 points out, correctly, that a library who cares about property P can write their own type-trait as:

template <class T>
constexpr bool has_property_p_v =
  std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> &&  // P2786 semantics

[P1144], in contrast, has always proposed a single trait, named std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T>, corresponding precisely to property P:

template <class T>
constexpr bool has_property_p_v =
  std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T>;  // P1144 semantics

What sorts of names do libraries actually pick, in practice, for this type-trait that I’ve been calling has_property_p?

Third-party library Name for property P
Abseil absl::is_trivially_relocatable
Amadeus AMC amc::is_trivially_relocatable
Bloomberg BSL bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable
Folly folly::IsRelocatable
HPX hpx::experimental::is_trivially_relocatable
CMU Parlay parlay::is_trivially_relocatable
PocketPy pkpy::is_trivially_relocatable_v
Google Skia sk_is_trivially_relocatable
Subspace sus::mem::TriviallyRelocatable
Thrust thrust::is_trivially_relocatable
snncpp/snn-core snn::is_trivially_relocatable
charles-salvia/std_error stdx::is_trivially_relocatable
sarah-quinones/veg veg::trivially_relocatable

Abseil, Folly, HPX, Parlay, and Subspace all explicitly define their trait in terms of P1144’s std::is_trivially_relocatable whenever the compiler advertises support for P1144. A typical implementation goes like this:

namespace lib {
  // Define a trait for property P,
  // by the name is_trivially_relocatable.
  template <class T>
  struct is_trivially_relocatable :
  #if __cpp_lib_trivially_relocatable // P1144
    std::is_trivially_relocatable<T> {};
    std::is_trivially_copyable<T> {};
if constexpr (lib::is_trivially_relocatable<T>::value) {
  ~~~~ memcpy ~~~~

Notice that this relies on the Standard Library to define std::is_trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics. That is, if their STL vendor decides to define the feature-test macro __cpp_lib_trivially_relocatable but to give std::is_trivially_relocatable some other semantics that are laxer than P1144’s — for example, to give it P2786R11’s proposed semantics instead —​then this library will mis-optimize. For example, it will use memswap to swap objects that can’t be swapped that way. It will use memmove to shift objects (e.g. in vector::erase) that can’t be shifted that way.

P2786 basically asks that all third-party libraries should "fix themselves" by changing their code in one of two ways: Either they’ll have to modify their definition of the property-P trait, like this:

namespace lib {
  // Define a trait for property P,
  // by the name is_trivially_relocatable.
  template <class T>
  struct is_trivially_relocatable :
  #if __cplusplus >= 20XXYYL  // P2786
    // Unfortunately the STL's version is weaker than ours
    std::bool_constant<std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> && std::is_replaceable_v<T>> {};
    std::is_trivially_copyable<T> {};
if constexpr (lib::is_trivially_relocatable<T>::value) {
  ~~~~ memcpy ~~~~

Or else they’ll have let their type-trait’s own meaning shift from property P to the weaker property Q, and carefully modify every call-site, like this:

namespace lib {
  // Define a trait for property Q (no longer P),
  // by the name is_trivially_relocatable.
  template <class T>
  struct is_trivially_relocatable :
  #if __cplusplus >= 20XXYYL  // P2786
    std::is_trivially_relocatable<T> {};
    std::is_trivially_move_constructible<T> {};

  template <class T>
  struct is_replaceable :
  #if __cplusplus >= 20XXYYL  // P2786
    std::is_replaceable<T> {};
    std::is_trivially_copyable<T> {};
if constexpr (lib::is_trivially_relocatable<T>::value &&
              lib::is_replaceable<T>::value) {
  ~~~~ memcpy ~~~~

Neither of these are appealing solutions. Even worse, if neither solution is applied (or a solution is applied inconsistently), then the clients of lib will find themselves memcpying objects with property Q in situations where property P is required for safety — i.e., in situations where memcpy has the wrong physical behavior — leading to wild pointers, the eliding of important side-effects, or worse.

We should not put a trait named std::is_trivially_relocatable into the Standard Library unless it has the same meaning as today’s library vendors understand by lib::is_trivially_relocatable. That is, property P.

3. Libraries overwhelmingly prefer a single trait

In June 2024, Arthur catalogued 21 libraries that use traits or algorithms relating in some way to "trivial relocation."

13 of these libraries define a single trait for property P (that is, P1144 semantics). Of those, 8 of them explicitly refer to P1144 and implement the set of library algorithms and/or container optimizations that P1144 proposes. 5 libraries (listed in the timeline below) use P1144’s feature-test macros.

Vice versa, 2 libraries define a single trait for property Q (that is, P2786 semantics): these are Thermadiag/seq and OleErikPeistorpet/OE-Lib. Their traits are true for tuple<int&>, although it’s unclear if every use of these traits is correct.

As for standard libraries themselves: Both libc++ and libstdc++ define private traits which use P1144 semantics (they are false for tuple<int&>), but currently use their traits only to optimize vector reallocation, so they remain safe if either P1144 or P2786 is chosen. Microsoft STL does not perform any relocation optimizations.

No library ever defines anything corresponding to P2786’s is_replaceable as a standalone trait.

No library defines both a trait for property P and one for property Q. That is, the 13 libraries that care about P do not seem to care about Q; and the 2 libraries that seem to care about Q do not seem to care about P. We can define a trait that captures most (but not all) of property Q...

namespace lib {
  template <class T>
  struct has_property_q :
    std::bool_constant<has_property_p<T> || std::is_trivially_move_constructible_v<T>> {};

...but none of the 13 libraries above seem to care about capturing that particular set of semantics; they’re happy to capture property P alone. P is the property most salient to their optimizations. We should give property P the good name.

4. Timeline of P2786 and P1144

The committee history, as I understand it, goes like this:

2018 Oct P1144 is published
2020 Feb P1144 voted forward by EWGI (1–3–4–1–0); remains in EWGI
2023 Feb P2786 is published
P1144 voted forward by EWGI (0–7–4–3–1); remains in EWGI
P2786 voted forward by EWGI (1–8–3–3–1); goes to EWG
2024 Feb P2786 voted forward by EWG (7–9–6–0–2); goes to CWG
Apr [P3233] and [P3236] are published
Jun P2786 voted backward by EWG (21–15–3–6–5); goes back to EWG
Nov P2786 voted sideways by EWG (10-10-2-7-2); goes to LEWG
P2786 voted sideways by LEWG (11-4-0-1-8); goes to EWG

The implementation history goes like this. For our purposes here, "P1144 semantics" means simply that a type with a funky assignment operator (such as tuple<int&>) is not trivially relocatable; "P2786 semantics" means simply that it is.

2012 Dec Facebook Folly adds IsRelocatable with P1144 semantics
2013 Bloomberg BSL uses BitwiseMoveable with P1144 semantics
2015 Jul Qt adds isRelocatable with P1144 semantics
Sep OleErikPeistorpet/OE-Lib adds is_trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics
2018 Jul Arthur O’Dwyer implements P1144 in a Clang fork, available on godbolt.org (full libc++ and libstdc++ support)
Oct P1144R0 is published
libstdc++ adds __is_bitwise_relocatable with P1144 semantics
Nov OleErikPeistorpet/OE-Lib changes from P1144 to P2786 semantics
2021 Feb sarah-quinones/veg adds trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics
Apr Amadeus AMC uses is_trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics
2022 May Subspace adds relocate_one_by_memcpy with P2786 semantics
Sep snncpp/snn-core uses is_trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics
Oct Google Skia adds sk_is_trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics
2023 Jan Subspace changes from P2786 to P1144 semantics
Feb P2786R0 is published
Jul Ste||ar HPX explores both P2786 and P1144 during GSoC 2023
Oct Quuxplusone/SG14 uses P1144’s feature-test macro
Nov charles-salvia/std_error adds P1144’s feature-test macro
2024 Jan Ste||ar HPX adds is_trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics
Feb libc++ adds __libcpp_is_trivially_relocatable with compiler-dependent semantics
CMU Parlay adds P1144’s feature-test macro
Pocketpy adds is_trivially_relocatable_v with P1144 semantics
Google Abseil adds P1144’s feature-test macro
Corentin Jabot implements P2786 in a Clang fork, available on godbolt.org (no library support)
Mar Amirreza Ashouri proposes Clang’s __is_trivially_relocatable builtin should have P1144 semantics. Commenters in favor include AMC, HPX, Parlay, Qt, and Subspace
Apr P3236R0 is published. Signatories include AMC, Blender, Folly, HPX, Parlay, and Qt
Jun Facebook Folly adds P1144’s feature-test macro
Aug ultimatepp/ultimatepp adds is_trivially_relocatable with P1144 semantics

5. Learn more about trivial relocation

Besides Arthur’s blog, you might also want to look at:


Informative References

Arthur O'Dwyer. std::is_trivially_relocatable. October 2024. URL: https://open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p1144r12.html
Mungo Gill; et al. Trivial Relocatability For C++26. December 2024. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p2786r11.html
Giuseppe D'Angelo. Issues with P2786 (‘Trivial Relocatability For C++26’). April 2024. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p3233r0.html
Alan de Freitas; et al. Please reject P2786 and accept P1144. May 2024. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p3236r1.html