Make type-erased allocator use in promise and packaged_task consistent

Document #: P3503R1
Date: 2025-03-16
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Library
Reply-to: Nicolas Morales
Jonathan Wakely

1 Revision History

1.1 P3503R1: 2025-03 Post-Hagenberg Mailing

1.2 P3503R0: 2024-12 Post-Wrocław Mailing

2 Motivation and Background

[LWG2095] points out inconsistencies in the API of std::promise; namely that uses_allocator<promise<R>, A>::value is specified to be true in 32.10.6 [futures.promise], yet is missing the appropriate constructor taking an rvalue of promise.

This example shows the problem 1:

using prom = promise<void>;

tuple<prom> t1{ allocator_arg, a };
tuple<prom> t2{ allocator_arg, a, prom{} }; // ill-formed

Meanwhile, [LWG2921] and [LWG2976] removed the allocator constructors from packaged_task; a followup issue [LWG3003] originally suggested removing them from promise. Part of the motivation for this was that although the original reasoning for removing allocator constructors from packaged_task was incorrect (to keep the design parallels between std::packaged_task and std::function), LWG decided to keep this resolution as it was a response to an NB comment.

In Varna, LEWG wanted a resolution to this issue that keeps the constructor in std::promise as it is actually useful (and removing it would break existing code regardless). Furthermore, LEWG indicated that to resolve [LWG2095] that the the uses_allocator specialization should be removed from std::promise, since the extra parameter to the moving constructor would have been ignored anyway. Finally, the constructors incorrectly removed from std::packaged_task would be restored, though uses_allocator would not be re-added for std::packaged_task.

Re-adding the constructor from std::packaged_task re-raises another issue ([LWG2245]) that was closed with the resolution of [LWG2921]. Basically, packaged_task::reset() did not allow a user to supply an allocator even though an allocator was used. In the issue discussion it was decided that the best resolution would be for using the allocator that was provided to std::packaged_task in construction, rather than adding an additional overload to reset that takes an allocator.

Also in Varna, it was resolved to write a paper to introduce these changes. This paper (I suppose) never materialized, and [LWG2095] and [LWG3003] were brought before LEWG in Wroclaw in 2024. This paper is intended to bring together the resolution and issues into a single paper for voting on by LEWG.

3 Design

The design of this paper is intended to resolve the LWG issues as follows:

  1. Resolve [LWG2095] by removing the std::uses_allocator specialization for std::promise, but do not remove the existing constructor.
  2. Resolve [LWG3003] by re-introducing the previously removed constructors
  3. Avoid reintroducing a similar bug to [LWG2095] by not re-adding a std::uses_allocator specialization to std::packaged_task
  4. Ensure that std::packaged_task::reset() uses the allocator it was constructed with to create the new shared state.

This paper adopts the wording changes in the final suggested revision to [LWG3003], rebased on the latest draft at the time of this writing ([N4993]).

3.1 Alternatives

There were two variant designs suggested in these issues, but were rejected in favor of other designs and I wouldn’t favor adopting them:

  1. Add a new constructor to std::promise (and std::packaged_task) that takes an allocator and rvalue reference. This was not the alternative that LEWG decided on in Varna. This is the original resolution to [LWG2095] that was abandoned.
  2. Add a new overload for std::packaged_task::reset() that takes an allocator. I’m not sure how useful this would actually be to use a different allocator for the new shared object.

4 Wording

Modify 32.10.6 [futures.promise] as indicated:

template<class R, class Alloc>
  struct uses_allocator<promise<R>, Alloc>;


template<class R, class Alloc>
  struct uses_allocator<promise<R>, Alloc>
    : true_type { };

Preconditions: Alloc meets the Cpp17Allocator requirements ( [allocator.requirements.general]).

Modify [futures.task.general] as indicated:

template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
class packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)> {
  // construction and destruction
  packaged_task() noexcept;
  template<class F>
    explicit packaged_task(F&& f);

  template<class F, class Allocator>
    explicit packaged_task(allocator_arg_t, const Allocator& a, F&& f);

Modify [futures.task.members] as indicated:

template<class F>
  explicit packaged_task(F&& f);

2 Effects: Equivalent to packaged_task(allocator_arg, allocator<int>(), std::forward<F>(f)).

[Drafting note: Uses of allocator<int> and allocator<unspecified> are not observable so this constructor can be implemented without delegating to the other constructor and without using allocator.]

template<class F, class Allocator>
  packaged_task(allocator_arg_t, const Allocator& a, F&& f);

2 Constraints: remove_cvref_t<F> is not the same type as packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)>.

3 Mandates: is_invocable_r_v<R, F&, ArgTypes...> is true.

4 Preconditions: Invoking a copy of f behaves the same as invoking f. Allocator meets the Cpp17Allocator requirements ( [allocator.requirements.general]).

5 Effects: Let A2 be allocator_traits<Allocator>::rebind_alloc<unspecified> and let a2 be an lvalue of type A2 initialized with A2(a). Constructs a new packaged_task object with a shared state and initializes the object’s stored task with std​::​forward<F>(f). Uses a2 to allocate storage for the shared state and stores a copy of a2 in the shared state.

6 Throws: Any exceptions thrown by the copy or move constructor of f, or bad_alloc if memory for the internal data structures cannot be allocated. Any exceptions thrown by the initialization of the stored task. If storage for the shared state cannot be allocated, any exception thrown by A2::allocate.

void reset();

26 Effects: As if Equivalent to:

if (!valid())
  throw future_error(future_errc::no_state);
*this = packaged_task(allocator_arg, a,std​::​move(f))

where f is the task stored in *this and a is the allocator stored in the shared state.

[Note 2: This constructs a new shared state for *this. The old state is abandoned (32.10.5 [futures.state]). — end note]


(27.1)bad_alloc if memory for the new shared state cannot be allocated.

(27.2) — Any exception thrown by the packaged_task constructormove constructor of the task stored in the shared state.

(27.3)future_error with an error condition of no_state if *this has no shared state.

5 Acknowledgments

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government.

6 References

[LWG2095] Jonathan Wakely. promise and packaged_task missing constructors needed for uses-allocator construction.
[LWG2245] Jonathan Wakely. packaged_task::reset() memory allocation.
[LWG2921] United States. packaged_task and type-erased allocators.
[LWG2976] Tim Song. Dangling uses_allocator specialization for packaged_task.
[LWG3003] Billy O’Neal III. <future> still has type-erased allocators in promise.
[N4993] Thomas Köppe. 2024-10-16. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++.

  1. This example does compile with libstdc++ because it preemptively incorporates a fix to the problem.↩︎