1. Introduction
This paper proposes making
formattable using the formatting
facility introduced in C++20 (
) and fixes encoding issues in the
underlying API ([LWG4156]).
2. Changes since R0
Changed the title from "Formatting of std::error_code" to "Fix encoding issues and add a formatter for std::error_code" to reflect the fact that the paper also fixes [LWG4156].
Specified that
returns a string the ordinary literal encoding per SG16 feedback.error_category :: name () -
Made transcoding in
implementation-defined if the literal encoding is not UTF-8 per SG16 feedback and for consistency with other similar cases in the standard.error_category :: message ()
3. Motivation
has a rudimentary
inserter. For example:
std :: error_code ec ; auto size = std :: filesystem :: file_size ( "nonexistent" , ec ); std :: cout << ec ;
This works and prints
However, the following code doesn’t compile:
std :: ( "{} \n " , ec );
Unfortunately, the existing inserter has several issues, such as I/O manipulators applying only to the category name rather than the entire error code, resulting in confusing output:
std :: cout << std :: left << std :: setw ( 12 ) << ec ;
This prints:
generic :2
Additionally, it doesn’t allow formatting the error message and introduces potential encoding issues, as the encoding of the category name is unspecified.
4. Proposal
This paper proposes adding a
specialization for
to address the problems discussed in the previous section.
The default format will produce the same output as the
std :: ( "{} \n " , ec );
It will correctly handle width and alignment:
std :: ( "[{:>12}] \n " , ec );
[ generic:2]
Additionally, it will allow formatting the error message:
std :: ( "{:s} \n " , ec );
No such file or directory
(The actual message depends on the platform.)
The main challenge lies in the standard’s lack of specification for the
encodings of strings returned by
virtual const char * name () const noexcept = 0 ;
Returns: A string naming the error category.
virtual string message ( int ev ) const = 0 ;
Returns: A string that describes the error condition denoted by
In practice, implementations typically define category names as string literals, meaning they are in the ordinary literal encoding.
However, there is significant divergence in message encodings. libc++ and
libstdc++ use
for the generic category which is in the C
(not "C") locale encoding but disagree on the encoding for the system category:
libstdc++ uses the Active Code Page (ACP) while libc++ again uses
/ C locale on Windows. Microsoft STL uses a table of string literals in the
ordinary literal encoding for the generic category and ACP for the system
The following table summarizes the differences:
libstdc++ | libc++ | Microsoft STL | |
| N/A |
Windows | / ACP
| ordinary literals / ACP |
Obviously none of this is usable in a portable way through the generic
API because encodings can be and often are different.
To address this, the proposal suggests using the C locale encoding (execution
character set), which is already employed in most cases and aligns with
underlying system APIs. Microsoft STL’s implementation has a number of bugs in
([MSSTL-3254], [MSSTL-4711]) and will
likely need to change anyway. This also resolves [LWG4156].
An alternative approach could involve communicating the encoding from
. However, this introduces ABI challenges and complicates usage
compared to adopting a single encoding.
5. Wording
Add to "Header <system_error> synopsis" [system.error.syn]:
// [system.error.fmt], formatter template < class charT > struct formatter < error_code , charT > ;
Add a new section "Formatting" [system.error.fmt] under "Class
" [syserr.errcode]:
template < class charT > struct formatter < error_code , charT > { constexpr typename basic_format_parse_context < charT >:: iterator parse ( basic_format_parse_context < charT >& ctx ); template < class FormatContext > typename FormatContext :: iterator format ( const error_code & ec , FormatContext & ctx ) const ; };
constexpr typename basic_format_parse_context < charT >:: iterator parse ( basic_format_parse_context < charT >& ctx );
Effects: Parses the format specifier as a error-code-format-spec and stores the
parsed specifiers in
fill-and-alignopt widthopt
where the productions fill-and-align and width are described in [format.string].
Returns: An iterator past the end of the error-code-format-spec.
template < class FormatContext > typename FormatContext :: iterator format ( const error_code & ec , FormatContext & ctx ) const ;
Effects: If the
option is used, then:
If the ordinary literal encoding is UTF-8, then let
transcoded to UTF-8 with maximal subparts of ill-formed subsequences substituted with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER per the Unicode Standard, Chapter 3.9 U+FFFD Substitution in Conversion.ec . message () -
Otherwise, let
transcoded to an implementation-defined encoding.ec . message ()
Otherwise, let
, adjusted according to the error-code-format-spec.
Returns: An iterator past the end of the output range.
Modify [syserr.errcat.virtuals]:
virtual const char * name () const noexcept = 0 ;
Returns: A string in the ordinary literal encoding naming the error category.
virtual string message ( int ev ) const = 0 ;
Returns: A string
of multibyte characters in the executon character
that describes the error condition denoted by
6. Implementation
The proposed
has been implemented in the
open-source {fmt} library ([FMT]).