write_env and unstoppable Sender Adaptors

Document #: P3284R3
Date: 2025-02-13
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Library Working Group
Reply-to: Eric Niebler

1 Introduction

This paper proposes to add two new sender adaptor algorithms to the std::execution namespace, targetting C++26: write_env and unstoppable. These adaptors were originally proposed as part of [P3175R3] but were split out into their own paper so that the higher priority items in P3175 could advance more quickly.

2 Executive Summary

Below are the specific changes this paper proposes:

  1. Add a new uncustomizable adaptor write_env for writing values into the receiver’s execution environment. Use write_env in the implementation of the on algorithm and to simplify the specification of the let_ algorithms.

  2. Add an uncustomizable unstoppable adaptor that is a trivial application of write_env: it sets the current stop token in the receiver’s environment to a never_stop_token.

3 Description

[P3175R3] proposed some changes to the std::execution::on algorithm, the specification of which was made simpler by the addition of some additional adaptors. Those adaptors were general and useful in their own right, so P3175R3 suggested they be added to std::execution proper. The conservative approach was to make them exposition-only, and that is how things currently stand in the working draft.

The author still feels like those adaptors are worthy of standardization. This paper proposes adding them.

The adaptors in question are as follows:

3.1 write_env

A receiver has an associated “execution environment”, which is an unstructured, queryable key/value store. It is used to pass implicit parameters from parent operations to their children. It is occasionally useful for a sender adaptor to explicitly mutate the key/value store so that child operations see different values for environment queries. The write_env sender adaptor is used for that purpose.

write_env is a customization point object, although it is not actually customizable. It accepts a sender sndr and an execution environment env, and it returns a new sender that stores sndr and env. When that sender is connected to a receiver rcvr, it returns the result of connecting sndr with a receiver that adapts rcvr. The environment of that adapted receiver is the result of joining env with rcvr’s environment. The two environments are joined such that, when the joined environment is queried, env is queried first, and if env doesn’t have a value for that query, the result of get_env(rcvr) is queried.

3.1.1 Example: write_env

One example of where write_env might be useful is to specify an allocator to be used by child operations. The code might look like this:

// Turn a query object and a value into a queryable environment
// (see [@P3325R2]):
template <class Query, class Value>
struct prop {
  Query query;
  Value value;
  decltype(auto) query(Query) const noexcept { return (value); }

// Adapts a sender so that it can use the given allocator:
struct with_allocator_t {
  template <std::execution::sender Sndr, class Alloc>
  auto operator()(Sndr sndr, Alloc alloc) const {
    return std::execution::write_env(sndr, prop(std::get_allocator, alloc));

  template <class Alloc>
  auto operator()(Alloc alloc) const {
    return std::execution::write_env(prop(std::get_allocator, alloc));

constexpr with_allocator_t with_allocator{};

The with_allocator adaptor might be used to parameterize senders produced by a third-party library as follows:

namespace ex = std::execution;

// This returns a sender that does some piece of asynchronous work
// created by a third-party library, but parameterized with a custom
// allocator.
ex::sender auto make_async_work_with_alloc() {
  ex::sender auto work = third_party::make_async_work();

  return with_allocator(std::move(work), custom_allocator());

The sender returned by third_party::make_async_work might query for the allocator and use it to do allocations:

namespace third_party {
  namespace ex = std::execution;

  // A function that returns a sender that generates data on a special
  // execution context, populate a std::vector with it, and then completes
  // by sending the vector.
  constexpr auto _populate_data_vector = 
    []<class Allocator>(Allocator alloc) {
      // Create an empty vector of ints that uses a specified allocator.
      using IntAlloc = std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_alloc<int>;
      auto data = std::vector<int, IntAlloc>{IntAlloc{std::move(alloc)}};

      // Create some work that generates data and fills in the vector.
      auto work = ex::just(std::move(data))
        | ex::then([](auto data) {
            // Generate the data and fill in the vector:
            return data;

      // Execute the work on a special third_party execution context:
      // (This uses the `on` as specified in P3175.)
      return ex::on(third_party_scheduler(), std::move(work));

  // A function that returns the sender produced by `_populate_data_vector`,
  // parameterized by an allocator read out of the receiver's environment.
  ex::sender auto make_async_work() {
    return ex::let_value(
      // This reads the allocator out of the receiver's execution environment.

3.2 unstoppable

The unstoppable sender adaptor is a trivial application of write_env that modifies a sender so that it no longer responds to external stop requests. That can be of critical importance when the successful completion of a sender is necessary to ensure program correctness, e.g., to restore an invariant.

The unstoppable adaptor might be implemented as follows:

inline constexpr struct unstoppable-t {
  template <sender Sndr>
  auto operator()(Sndr sndr) const {
    return write_env(std::move(sndr), prop(std::get_stop_token, never_stop_token()));

  auto operator()() const {
    return write_env(prop(std::get_stop_token, never_stop_token()));
} unstoppable {};

3.2.1 Example: unstoppable

In the following example, some asynchronous work must temporarily break a program invariant. It uses unstoppable and a hypothetical finally algorithm to restore the invariant. finally runs a predecessor sender, saves its results, runs another sender, and then propagates saved results of the predecessor.

  namespace ex = std::execution;

  ex::sender auto break_invariants(auto&... values);
  ex::sender auto restore_invariants(auto&... values);

  // This function returns a sender adaptor closure object. When applied to
  // a sender, it returns a new sender that breaks program invariants,
  // munges the data, and restores the invariants.
  auto safely_munge_data( ) {
    return ex::let_value( [](auto&... values) {
        return break_invariants(values...)
          | ex::then(do_munge) // the invariants will be restored even if `do_munge` throws
          | finally(ex::unstoppable(restore_invariants(values...)));
    } );

  auto sndr = ...;
  spawn( sndr | safely_munge_data(), scope_token ); // See `counting_scope` from P3149R6

4 Proposed Wording

[ Editor's note: The wording in this section is based on the current working draft. ]

[ Editor's note: Change [exec.syn] as follows: ]

  inline constexpr unspecified write_env{};
  inline constexpr unspecified unstoppable{};
  inline constexpr start_on_t start_on{};
  inline constexpr continue_on_t continue_on{};
  inline constexpr on_t on{};
  inline constexpr schedule_from_t schedule_from{};

[ Editor's note: Replace all instances of “write-env” with “write_env”. After [exec.adapt.objects], add a new subsection “execution::write_env [exec.write.env]” and move the specification of the exposition-only write-env from [exec.snd.expos]/p40-43 into it with the following modifications: ]

(34.9.11.?) execution::write_env [exec.write.env]

template<sender Sndr, queryable Env>
  constexpr auto write-env(Sndr&& sndr, Env&& env);     // exposition only
  1. write-envwrite_env is an exposition-onlya sender adaptor that accepts a sender and a queryable object, and that returns a sender that, when connected with a receiver rcvr, connects the adapted sender with a receiver whose execution environment is the result of joining the queryable argument envobject to the result of get_env(rcvr).
  1. Let write-env-t be an exposition-only empty class type.

  2. Returns: make-sender(write-env-t(), std::forward<Env>(env), std::forward<Sndr>(sndr)).

  1. write_env is a customization point object. For some subexpressions sndr and env, if decltype((sndr)) does not satisfy sender or if decltype((env)) does not satisfy queryable, the expression write_env(sndr, env) is ill-formed. Otherwise, it is expression-equivalent to make-sender(write_env, env, sndr).
  1. Remarks: Let write-env-t denote the type decltype(auto(write_env)). The exposition-only class template impls-for ([exec.snd.expos]) is specialized for write-env-t as follows:

    struct impls-for<write-env-t> : default-impls {
      static constexpr auto get-env =
        [](auto, const auto& env, const auto& rcvr) noexcept {
          return see below;

    Invocation of impls-for<write-env-t>​::​get-env returns an object e such that

    • (43.1) decltype(e) models queryable and

    • (43.2) given a query object q, the expression e.query(q) is expression-equivalent to state.query(q) if that expression is valid,; otherwise, e.query(q) is expression-equivalent to FWD-ENV(get_env(rcvr)).query(q).

[ Editor's note: After [exec.write.env], add a new subsection “execution::unstoppable [exec.unstoppable]” as follows: ]

(34.9.11.?) execution::unstoppable [exec.unstoppable]

  1. unstoppable is a sender adaptor that connects its inner sender with a receiver that has the execution environment of the outer receiver but with a never_stop_token as the value of the get_stop_token query.

  2. For a subexpression sndr, unstoppable(sndr) is expression-equivalent to write_env(sndr, prop(get_stop_token, never_stop_token{})).

5 References

[P3175R3] Eric Niebler. 2024-06-25. Reconsidering the `std::execution::on` algorithm.