There are exactly 8 bits in a byte

Published Proposal,

This version:
(Woven by Toyota)
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21

1. Rationale

C has the CHAR_BIT macro which contains the implementation-defined number of bits in a byte, without restrictions on the value of this number. C++ imports this macro as-is. Many other macros and character traits have values derived from CHAR_BIT. While this was historically relevant in computing’s early days, modern hardware has overwhelmingly converged on the assumption that a byte is 8 bits. This document proposes that C++ formally mandates that a byte is 8 bits.

Mainstream compilers already support this reality:

We can find vestigial support, for example GCC dropped dsp16xx in 2004, and 1750a in 2002. Search the web for more evidence finds a few GCC out-of-tree ports which do not seem relevant to modern C++.

[POSIX] has mandated this reality since POSIX.1-2001 (or IEEE Std 1003.1-2001), saying:

As a consequence of adding int8_t, the following are true:

Since the POSIX.1 standard explicitly requires 8-bit char with two’s complement arithmetic, it is easier for application writers if the same two’s complement guarantees are extended to all of the other standard integer types. Furthermore, in programming environments with a 32-bit long, some POSIX.1 interfaces, such as mrand48(), cannot be implemented if long does not use a two’s complement representation.

To add onto the reality that POSIX chose in 2001, C++20 has only supported two’s complement storage since [P0907r4], and C23 has followed suit.

The overwhelming support for 8-bit bytes in hardware and software platforms means that software written for non-8-bit byte is incompatible with software written for 8-bit bytes, and vice versa. C and C++ code targeting non-8-bit byte are incompatible dialects of C and C++.

Wikipedia quotes the following operating systems as being currently POSIX compliant (and therefore supporting 8-bit bytes):

And many others as being formerly compliant, or mostly compliant.

Even StackOverflow, the pre-AI repository of our best knowledge (after Wikipedia), gushes with enthusiasm about non-8-bit byte architectures, and asks which exotic architecture the committee cares about.

Why bother? A few reasons:

One reason not to bother: there still are processors with non-8-bit bytes. The question facing us is: are they relevant to modern C++? If we keep supporting the current approach where Bytes"R"Us, will developers who use these processors use the new versions of C++?

A cut-the-baby-in-half alternative is to mandate that CHAR_BIT % 8 == 0. Is that even making anything better? Only if the Committee decides to keep supporting Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) and other processors where CHAR_BIT is not 8 but is a multiple of 8.

This paper cannot succeed without mentioning the PDP-10 (though noting that PDP-11 has 8-bit bytes), and the fact that some DSPs have 24-bit or 32-bit words treated as "bytes." These architectures made sense in their era, where word sizes varied and the notion of a byte wasn’t standardized. Today, nearly every general-purpose and embedded system adheres to the 8-bit byte model. The question isn’t whether there are still architectures where bytes aren’t 8-bits (there are!) but whether these care about modern C++... and whether modern C++ cares about them.

2. Impact on C

This proposal explores whether C++ is relevant to architectures where bytes are not 8 bits, and whether these architectures are relevant to C++. The C committee might reach a different conclusion with respect to this language. Ideally, both committees would be aligned. This papers therefore defers to WG14 and the SG22 liaison group to inform WG21.

3. Wording

3.1. Language

Edit [intro.memory] as follows:

The fundamental storage unit in the ++ memory model is the byte. A byte is 8 bits, which is at least large enough to contain the ordinary literal encoding of any element of the basic character set literal character set and the eight-bit code units of the Unicode UTF-8 UTF-8 encoding form and is composed of a contiguous sequence of bits, the number of which is bits in a byte. The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. The memory available to a C++ program consists of one or more sequences of contiguous bytes. Every byte has a unique address.
The number of bits in a byte is reported by the macro CHAR_BIT in the header climits.

3.2. Library

Edit [climits.syn] as follows:

// all freestanding
#define CHAR_BIT see below8
#define SCHAR_MIN see below-127
#define SCHAR_MAX see below128
#define UCHAR_MAX see below255
#define CHAR_MIN see below
#define CHAR_MAX see below
#define MB_LEN_MAX see below
#define SHRT_MIN see below
#define SHRT_MAX see below
#define USHRT_MAX see below
#define INT_MIN see below
#define INT_MAX see below
#define UINT_MAX see below
#define LONG_MIN see below
#define LONG_MAX see below
#define ULONG_MAX see below
#define LLONG_MIN see below
#define LLONG_MAX see below
#define ULLONG_MAX see below

The header climits defines all macros the same as the C standard library header limits.h , except as noted above .

Except for CHAR_BIT and MB_LEN_MAX, a macro referring to an integer type T defines a constant whose type is the promoted type of T.

Edit [cstdint.syn] as follows:

The header cstdint supplies integer types having specified widths, and macros that specify limits of integer types.
// all freestanding
namespace std {
  using int8_t         = signed integer type;   // optional
  using int16_t        = signed integer type;   // optional
  using int32_t        = signed integer type;   // optional
  using int64_t        = signed integer type;   // optional
  using intN_t         = see below;             // optional

  using int_fast8_t    = signed integer type;
  using int_fast16_t   = signed integer type;
  using int_fast32_t   = signed integer type;
  using int_fast64_t   = signed integer type;
  using int_fastN_t    = see below;             // optional

  using int_least8_t   = signed integer type;
  using int_least16_t  = signed integer type;
  using int_least32_t  = signed integer type;
  using int_least64_t  = signed integer type;
  using int_leastN_t   = see below;             // optional

  using intmax_t       = signed integer type;
  using intptr_t       = signed integer type;   // optional

  using uint8_t        = unsigned integer type; // optional
  using uint16_t       = unsigned integer type; // optional
  using uint32_t       = unsigned integer type; // optional
  using uint64_t       = unsigned integer type; // optional
  using uintN_t        = see below;             // optional

  using uint_fast8_t   = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_fast16_t  = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_fast32_t  = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_fast64_t  = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_fastN_t   = see below;             // optional

  using uint_least8_t  = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_least16_t = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_least32_t = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_least64_t = unsigned integer type;
  using uint_leastN_t  = see below;             // optional

  using uintmax_t      = unsigned integer type;
  using uintptr_t      = unsigned integer type; // optional

#define INTN_MIN         see below
#define INTN_MAX         see below
#define UINTN_MAX        see below

#define INT_FASTN_MIN    see below
#define INT_FASTN_MAX    see below
#define UINT_FASTN_MAX   see below

#define INT_LEASTN_MIN   see below
#define INT_LEASTN_MAX   see below
#define UINT_LEASTN_MAX  see below

#define INTMAX_MIN       see below
#define INTMAX_MAX       see below
#define UINTMAX_MAX      see below

#define INTPTR_MIN       see below              // optional
#define INTPTR_MAX       see below              // optional
#define UINTPTR_MAX      see below              // optional

#define PTRDIFF_MIN      see below
#define PTRDIFF_MAX      see below
#define SIZE_MAX         see below

#define SIG_ATOMIC_MIN   see below
#define SIG_ATOMIC_MAX   see below

#define WCHAR_MIN        see below
#define WCHAR_MAX        see below

#define WINT_MIN         see below
#define WINT_MAX         see below

#define INTN_C(value)    see below
#define UINTN_C(value)   see below
#define INTMAX_C(value)  see below
#define UINTMAX_C(value) see below

The header defines all types and macros the same as the C standard library header stdint.h , except that none of the types nor macros are optional because bytes are 8 bits .

All types that use the placeholder N are optional when N is not 8, 16, 32, or 64. The exact-width types intN_t and uintN_t for N = 8, 16, 32, and 64 are also optional; however, if an implementation defines integer types with the corresponding width and no padding bits, it defines the corresponding typedef-names. Each of the macros listed in this subclause is defined if and only if the implementation defines the corresponding typedef-name.

The macros INTN_C and UINTN_C correspond to the typedef-names int_leastN_t and uint_leastN_t, respectively.

Within [localization], remove the 4 mandates clauses specifying:

CHAR_BIT == 8 is true


Informative References

JF Bastien. Signed Integers are Two’s Complement. 6 October 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0907r4
The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 8. 2024. URL: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9799919799/