



Reply  To

Lewis Baker <>



std::execution wording fixes


When P2300R10 was merged into the working draft, a subsequent review of the github issue tracker discovered several outstanding issues relating to the wording that was in P2300R10 which were not addressed during the LWG review.

Now that the P2300 wording has been merged into the working draft, addressing these issues needs to be done either via LWG issues or a paper. It was suggested that an omnibus paper containing the outstanding issues may be more efficiently processed by LWG than filing separate issues for each. This is that paper.

Wording Issues

#1 The preconditions on run_loop::run() are too strict


In [] p5 the precondition for the run() member function states:

Preconditions: state is starting

However, one of the common use-cases is for algorithms like sync_wait() [exec.sync.wait] which connects/starts an operation that calls run_loop::finish() upon completion, and once start() has returned, calls run_loop::run() to drive the event-loop until the operation finishes. In the case that the operation completes synchronously (or possibly just quickly on another thread), this can mean that the run_loop::finish() function can potentially occur before the call to run_loop::run().

But as the call to run_loop::finish() transitions the state from starting to finishing this would mean that the subsequent call to run_loop::run() would fail to satisfy its preconditions, which require that the state is starting.

As this is a use-case that needs to work - i.e. a prior call to run_loop::finish() should unblock a subsequent call to run_loop::run() - we need to modify the precondition for run_loop::run() to allow the state to be either starting or finishing. However, to allow us to continue to distinguish the case where run() has already been called and has returned, we need to add an additional finished state. Also, to prevent finish()  from being called again after run() has returned and thus making it valid to then call run_loop::run() again, we need to add a pre-condition to finish() that checks that finish() has not been called before.

Proposed Resolution

Modify [] p2 as follows:

A run_loop instance has an associated count that corresponds to the number of work items that are in its queue.

Additionally, a run_loop instance has an associated state that can be one of starting, running, or finishing, or finished.

Modify [] p1 as follows:

run-loop-opstate-base* pop-front();

Effects: Blocks ([defns.block]) until one of the following conditions is true:

Modify [] p5/6 as follows:

void run();

Preconditions: state is one of starting or finishing.

Effects: If state is starting, Ssets the state to running, otherwise leaves state unchanged. Then, equivalent to:

while (auto* op = pop-front()) {



Modify [] p8/9 as follows:

void finish();

Preconditions: state is one of starting or running.

Effects: Changes state to finishing.

Synchronization: finish synchronizes with the pop-front operation that returns nullptr.

#2 noexcept clause of basic-state constructor is incomplete


In [exec.snd.expos] p28, it specifies the expression in the noexcept clause of the constructor of basic-state as:

is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Rcvr> &&
nothrow-callable<decltype(impls-for<tag_of_t<Sndr>>::get-state), Sndr, Rcvr&>

However, this doesn’t take into account the fact that the return-type of get-state might return a reference which is used to initialize a data-member of the decayed return type of get-state and thus might call a constructor.

The state member of basic-state has type state-type<Sndr, Rcvr> where state-type is defined as:

template<class Sndr, class Rcvr> // exposition only
using state-type = decay_t<call-result-t<
impls-for<tag_of_t<Sndr>>::get-state), Sndr, Rcvr&>>;

The default get-state implementation is defined as equivalent to:

[]<class Sndr, class Rcvr>(Sndr&& sndr, Rcvr& rcvr) noexcept -> decltype(auto) {

  auto& [_, data, ...child] = sndr;

  return std::forward_like<Sndr>(data);


Which for senders like those returned from execution::then(src, f), results in passing a reference to the data member initialized from f. If a const-lvalue sender is passed to execution::connect(), then a const-lvalue-reference to the data member will be returned from get-state and will be used to initialize the state member of basic-state, resulting in a call to the copy-constructor for the function-object.

This can make the basic-state constructor potentially throwing, even though the noexcept specification of the constructor evaluates to noexcept(true).

For example:

std::string s = “a really long string that doesn’t trigger small object optimization”;
const auto sndr = std::execution::then(std::execution::just(),
                                      [s=std::move(s)] noexcept { return std::move(s); });
auto op = sndr.connect(some_receiver{});

To fix this, we need to add an extra expression to the expression of the noexcept specifier that takes the potential call to a constructor here into account. Note that it also needs to handle the case where the data-member is initialized directly through copy-elision (i.e. where the return-type and decayed return-type are identical and thus copy-elision is guaranteed and an additional call to the constructor will not occur.

Proposed Resolution

Modify [exec.snd.expos] p28 as follows:

The expression in the noexcept clause of the constructor of basic-state is:

is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Rcvr> &&
nothrow-callable<decltype(impls-for<tag_of_t<Sndr>>::get-state), Sndr, Rcvr&> &&
state-type<Sndr, Rcvr>,
call-result-t<decltype(impls-for<tag_of_t<Sndr>>::get-state), Sndr, Rcvr&>> ||
state-type<Sndr, Rcvr>,
call-result-t<decltype(impls-for<tag_of_t<Sndr>>::get-state), Sndr, Rcvr&)>>)

#3 Definition of an async operation’s environment’s ownership seems incorrect


In [exec.async.ops] p4 it states:

An asynchronous operation has an associated environment.

An environment is a queryable object ([exec.queryable]) representing the execution-time properties of the operation's caller.

The caller of an asynchronous operation is its parent operation or the function that created it.

An asynchronous operation's operation state owns the operation's environment.

The last sentence “An asynchronous operation’s operation state owns the operation’s environment” does not seem to reflect the actual nature of the relationship.

An operation’s environment is provided to it by its caller via the receiver, and while the child operation state takes ownership of the receiver, usually storing it as a data-member, the environment returned by the receiver’s get_env() member function typically has reference semantics - with the actual state of the environment stored across several parent operation-states. Destroying the operation-state does not necessarily destroy the environment or the resources it provides access to.

Further, the environment returned by the receiver’s get_env() function is often constructed on-demand, so saying that the receiver “owns” the environment - and by proxy, since the operation-state owns the receiver, that the operation-state owns the environment - seems like a stretch.

The actual relationship is more one of the caller provides a receiver during connect() which provides access to the environment for the duration of the operation. It is not valid to access the environment after the operation has completed as the caller may release resources referenced by the environment upon completion of a child operation.

I propose we either just don’t say anything about the ownership of the environment, or alternatively say something about the validity of the environment.

Proposed Resolution

Modify [exec.async.ops] p4 as follows:

An asynchronous operation has an associated environment.

An environment is a queryable object ([exec.queryable]) representing the execution-time properties of the operation's caller.

The caller of an asynchronous operation is its parent operation or the function that created it.

An asynchronous operation's operation state owns the operation's environment.

#4 scheduler semantic requirements imply swapability but concept does not require it


The scheduler concept is defined in [exec.sched] as follows:

template<class Sch>

concept scheduler =

          derived_from<typename remove_cvref_t<Sch>::scheduler_concept, scheduler_t> &&

          queryable<Sch> &&

          requires(Sch&& sch) {

            { schedule(std::forward<Sch>(sch)) } -> sender;

            { auto(get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(

                get_env(schedule(std::forward<Sch>(sch))))) }

                  -> same_as<remove_cvref_t<Sch>>;

          } &&

          equality_comparable<remove_cvref_t<Sch>> &&


However, [exec.sched] p3 also states:

None of a scheduler's copy constructor, destructor, equality comparison, or swap member functions shall exit via an exception.

None of these member functions, nor a scheduler type's schedule function, shall introduce data races as a result of potentially concurrent ([intro.races]) invocations of those functions from different threads.

The wording for p3 mentions a swap() member function, but the concept does not require a swap member-function, or the swappable concept.

Should the scheduler concept also require swappable<Sch>?

Also, the scheduler concept does not require move-assignability of schedulers, so the default std::swap() implementation is not necessarily going to work for types that minimally implement the concept.

Should the concept also require the type to be movable? Or possibly even copyable?
Note that
copyable requires movable which requires swappable.

Proposed Resolution

Modify the scheduler concept in [exec.sched] as follows:

template<class Sch>

concept scheduler =

   derived_from<typename remove_cvref_t<Sch>::scheduler_concept, scheduler_t> &&

   queryable<Sch> &&

   requires(Sch&& sch) {

     { schedule(std::forward<Sch>(sch)) } -> sender;

     { auto(get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(

              get_env(schedule(std::forward<Sch>(sch))))) }

        -> same_as<remove_cvref_t<Sch>>;

   } &&

   equality_comparable<remove_cvref_t<Sch>> &&


We may also want to adjust p3 to refer to “swap operation”, or “swap function”, rather than “swap member-function” as the latter is not guaranteed to be used by a call to std::ranges::swap().

Modify [exec.sched] p3 as follows:

None of a scheduler's copy constructor, destructor, or equality comparison, or swap member functions or swap function shall exit via an exception.

None of these member functions, nor a scheduler type's schedule function, shall introduce data races as a result of potentially concurrent ([intro.races]) invocations of those functions from different threads.

#5 operation-state-task exposition-only type does not need a move constructor


Section [exec.connect] p4 defines the operation-state-task exposition-only type as having a move-constructor which can transfer ownership of the coroutine_handle to another instance.

However, as the operation-state-task class is modeling the operation_state concept, which does not require the object to be move-constructible, the move-constructor defined in this class is unnecessary.

I suggest we instead mark the move-constructor as deleted. This can also simplify the destructor, which no longer needs to handle a moved-from state.

Proposed Resolution

Modify [exec.connect] p4 as follows:

Let operation-state-task be the following exposition-only class:

namespace std::execution {

  struct operation-state-task {

    using operation_state_concept = operation_state_t;

    using promise_type = connect-awaitable-promise;

    explicit operation-state-task(coroutine_handle<> h) noexcept : coro(h) {}

    operation-state-task(operation-state-task&& o) noexcept= delete;

    : coro(exchange(o.coro, {})) {}

    ~operation-state-task() { if (coro) coro.destroy(); }

    void start() & noexcept {




    coroutine_handle<> coro;                                        // exposition only



#6 [exec.general] Wording for AS-EXCEPT-PTR should use 'Precondition:' instead of 'Mandates:' for runtime properties


At [exec.general] p8 The definition of the exposition-only AS-EXCEPT-PTR has a case for when the error is already an exception_ptr that has the following requirement:

Mandates: err != exception_ptr() is true.

"Mandates" clauses are usually for things which are ill-formed and can be detected at compile-time.

However this is a runtime property and so should probably be a Precondition: instead.

Proposed Resolution

Change Mandates” in [exec.general] p8.1.sentence-2, as indicated:

MandatesPrecondition: !err != exception_ptr() is truefalse.        

#7 [exec.schedule.from] Potential access to destroyed state in impls-for::complete


The current specification of schedule_from algorithm has the following definition for impls-for<schedule_from_t>::complete:

[]<class Tag, class... Args>(auto, auto& state, auto& rcvr, Tag, Args&&... args) noexcept
   -> void {

  using result_t = decayed-tuple<Tag, Args...>;

  constexpr bool nothrow = is_nothrow_constructible_v<result_t, Tag, Args...>;

  TRY-EVAL(std::move(rcvr), [&]() noexcept(nothrow) {

        state.async-result.template emplace<result_t>(Tag(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);


  if (state.async-result.valueless_by_exception())


  if (state.async-result.index() == 0)




The call to TRY-EVAL here will invoke set_error() on the receiver if the construction of result_t throws an exception.

As the call to set_error() can potentially end up destroying the operation-state, the subsequent access of state.async-result.valueless_by_exception() is potentially accessing a dangling reference to state.

Instead, we need to have this function return; after set_error() is called. This may mean we need to directly define the expansion of TRY-EVAL instead of using the exposition-only macro.

Proposed Resolution

Modify [exec.schedule.from] p11 as follows:

The member impls-for<schedule_from_t>::complete is initialized with a callable object equivalent to the following lambda:

[]<class Tag, class... Args>(auto, auto& state, auto& rcvr, Tag, Args&&... args) noexcept

    -> void {

  using result_t = decayed-tuple<Tag, Args...>;

  constexpr bool nothrow = is_nothrow_constructible_v<result_t, Tag, Args...>;

  TRY-EVAL(rcvr, [&]() noexcept(nothrow) {
  try {

        state.async-result.template emplace<result_t>(Tag(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} catch (...) {
    if constexpr (!nothrow) {
      set_error(std::move(rcvr), current_exception());


  if (state.async-result.valueless_by_exception())


  if (state.async-result.index() == 0)




#8 scheduler concept should require that move-constructor does not exit with an exception


[exec.sched] p3 states:

None of a scheduler's copy constructor, destructor, equality comparison, or swap member functions shall exit via an exception.

None of these member functions, nor a scheduler type's schedule function, shall introduce data races as a result of potentially concurrent ([intro.races]) invocations of those functions from different threads.

The scheduler concept requires the type to be std::copy_constructible, which  subsumes std::move_constructible. The above paragraph requires the scheduler’s copy-constructor to not exit via an exception, but does not require the move-constructor to not exit via an exception.

Further, the std::copy_constructible concept subsumes std::destructible, which already requires that the destructor is declared noexcept. Thus the above paragraph is redundantly requiring the destructor to not exit with an exception, which is already enforced by requiring the destructor to be noexcept.

Note that this has potential interactions with issue #4 listed above in this document, which suggests changing the std::copy_constructible requirement to std::copyable. If this is the case, then we may also want to explicitly list the copy-assignment and move-assignment operations as also not throwing exceptions.

Proposed Resolution

Modify [exec.sched] p3 as follows:

None of a scheduler's copy constructor, move constructor,destructor, equality comparison, or swap member functions shall exit via an exception.

None of these member functions, nor a scheduler type's schedule function, shall introduce data races as a result of potentially concurrent ([intro.races]) invocations of those functions from different threads.

Alternative: If the proposed resolution to #4 above is adopted, then modify [exec.sched] p3 as follows:

None of a scheduler's copy constructor, move constructor, copy assignment, move assignment,destructor, equality comparison, or swap member functions shall exit via an exception.

None of these member functions, nor a scheduler type's schedule function, shall introduce data races as a result of potentially concurrent ([intro.races]) invocations of those functions from different threads.

#9 [exec.bulk] wording should indicate that f is called with i = [0, …, shape-1]


The current wording for [exec.bulk] p6.1 is:

It is not clear from this wording that the intent is to have f invoked with i = 0, i = 1, … up to i = shape-1, but not invoked with i = shape.

Proposed Resolution

Modify [exec.bulk] p6.1 as follows:

#10 The use of JOIN-ENV leads to inefficient implementations of composed environments


The current wording for the exposition-only write-env() function ([exec.snd.expos]), as well as let_value, let_error, let_stopped ([exec.let]), when_all and when_all_with_variant ([exec.when.all]) defines the get_env() operation on receivers passed to child operations in terms of the exposition-only JOIN-ENV helper.

The JOIN-ENV helper [exec.snd.expos] p4 is defined as follows:

For two queryable objects env1 and env2, a query object q, and a pack of subexpressions as, JOIN-ENV(env1, env2) is an expression env3 whose type satisfies queryable such that env3.query(q, as…) is expression-equivalent to:

And then we have usage in, e.g. [exec.when.all] p6 that states:

The member impls-for<when_all_t>::get-env is initialized with a callable object equivalent to the following lambda expression:

[]<class State, class Rcvr>(auto&&, State& state, const Receiver& rcvr) noexcept {
MAKE-ENV(get_stop_token, state.stop_src.get_token()), get_env(rcvr));

The problem with the current formulation is that this forces implementations to evaluate the environments eagerly. As env1 and env2 are specified to be ‘objects’ this means that it must evaluate the argument expressions once to produce the object, and since this might be a temporary, the object must be stored in the returned object. However, if we apply this same approach recursively over a tree of such senders, then we end up with every call to get_env() at the leaf level potentially copying the entire set of environment values of every ancestor environment.

For example, if we apply when_all() to a nesting depth of 5, then at the leaf operation level, the call to the leaf receiver’s get_env() will return an environment that contains a stop-token plus the parent environment. The parent-environment contains a stop-token plus its parent environment, which contains a stop-token and its parent environment, etc. until the returned environment contains 5 separate stop-token objects, only one of which is returned if someone queries for the stop-token, and none of which are used if the caller is querying for something else.

Ideally, the places where we use JOIN-ENV would permit implementations to return a queryable object that only calls get_env() on the parent receiver’s environment if the query is not satisfied immediately by the parent operation state.

We may be able to better express this by instead describing the behavior of queries on the queryable returned from get_env() rather than describing get_env() in code.

For example, by saying it returns an object, env, of unspecified type modeling queryable such that:

Proposed Resolution

Modify [exec.when.all] p6 as follows:

The member impls-for<when_all_t>::get-env is initialized with a callable object equivalent to the following lambda expression:

[]<class State, class Rcvr>(auto&&, State& state, const Receiver& rcvr) noexcept {
/* see below */JOIN-ENV(
MAKE-ENV(get_stop_token, state.stop_src.get_token()), get_env(rcvr));

Returns an object, e, of unspecified type, E, modeling queryable, such  that:

Modify [exec.let] p6 as follows:

Let receiver2 denote the following exposition-only class template:

namespace std::execution {

  template<class Rcvr, class Env>

  struct receiver2 {

    using receiver_concept = receiver_t;

    template<class... Args>

    void set_value(Args&&... args) && noexcept {

      execution::set_value(std::move(rcvr), std::forward<Args>(args)...);


    template<class Error>

    void set_error(Error&& err) && noexcept {

      execution::set_error(std::move(rcvr), std::forward<Error>(err));


    void set_stopped() && noexcept {



    decltype(auto) get_env() const noexcept {

      return /* see below */JOIN-ENV(env, FWD-ENV(execution::get_env(rcvr)));


    Rcvr& rcvr;                     // exposition only

    Env env;                        // exposition only



Where receiver2::get_env() returns an object, e, of unspecified type, E, modeling queryable. Given a query object, q, the expression e.query(q) is expression-equivalent to env.query(q) if that expression is valid, otherwise e.query(q) is expression-equivalent to get_env(rcvr).query(q).

Modify [exec.snd.expos] p43 as follows:

Remarks: The exposition-only class template impls-for ([exec.snd.general]) is specialized for write-env-t as follows:


struct impls-for<write-env-t> : default-impls {

  static constexpr auto get-env =

    [](auto, const auto& state, const auto& rcvr) noexcept {

      return /* see below */JOIN-ENV(state, get_env(rcvr));



Where impls-for<write-env-t>::get-env returns an object, e, of unspecified type, E, modelling queryable. Given a query object, q, the expression e.query(q) is expression-equivalent to state.query(q) if that expression is valid, otherwise, e.query(q) is expression-equivalent to get_env(rcvr).query(q).