Impacts of noexept on ARM table based exception metadata

Draft Technical Report,

This version:
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


C++ exceptions serve as the core mechanism for propagating errors from their detection points to respective handlers. The noexcept keyword informs the compiler that a function is guaranteed to not emit exceptions. This assurance is purported to enable compilers to undertake specific optimizations that can enhance code gen significantly. This paper examines the influence of the noexcept keyword on the management of exception metadata and cleanup landing pads, specifically within the framework of "zero-cost" table-based Itanium exception handling mechanisms utilized by the ARM Exception Handling ABI (ARM EHABI). This study shows that the current strategies for selecting exception metadata for functions by the GCC toolchain is often suboptimal. The propose improvements include better selection of exception metadata for functions, grouping functions with identical exception metadata so they can be merged, and link-time analysis to determine the implicit noexcept status of functions. This approach would provide the desired effect of using noexcept in as many places as possible without the cost of marking each function as such.

1. Objective

The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of the noexcept keyword and the invocation of noexcept functions under various conditions. Specifically, the research aims to assess how noexcept influences an application’s binary size through modifications in the exception index, exception table, and the code generation of the function.

The following questions will be addressed:

  1. How does labeling a function as noexcept alter its metadata?

  2. What changes occur in a function’s metadata when it calls noexcept functions?

  3. What implications arise when a try block exclusively calls noexcept functions?

  4. How does the interaction with noexcept functions affect functions that manage objects with non-trivial destructors?

The research will conclude with recommendations for optimizing code generation.

2. Background

This paper will focus on the Itanium table based exceptions on ARM as used by GCC. This choice comes from the author’s experience with this form of exception handling and this architecture. The insights provided here should be consistent with other forms of table based exception handling. All data related to the exception data structures can be found at this link: ARM-software/abi-aa: ehabi32.rst

The GCC LSDA is an exception to this which can be found in the document HP Exception Handling Tables aC++ A.01.15.

2.1. ARM Exception Index

In the ARM Exception Handling ABI, each function involved in exception unwinding is assigned a unique entry within the exception index. This entry comprises two 32-bit words:

struct arm_index_entry
 std::uint32_t function;
 std::uint32_t content;

The placement of each entry is relative to the position of its corrisponding function in the .text section of the program. For example if the .text section starts with function foo, then function bar, then function baz, then the exception index’s first entries be for foo, bar and baz in that order. The index MUST be binary searchable using the program counter as the search term. The goal is to find the index entry associated with the function that the program counter is currently within the bounds of. This is checked by performing the following this expression:

void* entry_function_address = to_absolute_address(&entry[i].function);
void* next_entry_function_address = to_absolute_address(&entry[i + 1].function);

if (entry_function_address <= PC && PC < next_entry_function_address) {
    return entry[i];

The interpretation of the content field is determined by the status of the 31st bit:

To compute the absolute address from a prel31 offset, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign-extend the value from 31 bits to a full 32-bit integer.

  2. Convert the result into a int32_t to obtain the correct 32-bit signed offset.

  3. Add this offset to the base address of the content field within the exception index.

This process yields the absolute address where the function’s exception metadata is located.

2.2. ARM Unwind Instructions

ARM EHABI unwind instructions are compactly encoded in single-byte increments. In contrast, ARM THUMB2 instructions, utilized by the Cortex M series of microcontrollers, range from 2 to 4 bytes in size, with a typical ARM instruction occupying 4 bytes. Consequently, unwind instructions are significantly smaller, ranging from half to a quarter the size of standard instructions. This compact size is sufficient for executing all necessary tasks involved in unwinding a frame, which include:

  1. Deallocating local variables by adjusting the stack pointer.

  2. Restoring general-purpose registers from the stack to the CPU.

  3. Transferring special-purpose register contents from the stack to the appropriate coprocessor.

Below are some of the common unwind instructions:

ARM Unwind Instructions
Instruction (binary) Explanation
00xxxxxx vsp = vsp + (xxxxxx < < 2) + 4. Covers range 0x04 - 0x100 inclusive
10000000 00000000 Refuse to unwind (for example, out of a cleanup)
10100nnn Pop r4-r[4+nnn]
10101nnn Pop r4-r[4+nnn], r14
10110001 0000iiii Pop integer registers under mask {r3, r2, r1, r0}
10110000 Finish

2.3. ARM Personality Routine

There are three forms of ARM personality:

Personality data descriptors detail regions within a function and the actions to take if the program counter is within one of these regions.

This document does not cover the ARM specific cleanup and catch descriptors as GCC typically employs a generic, cross-platform, and compressed representation of this data known as the GCC C++ LSDA (Language Specific Data Area).

No ARM personality routines can exceed 7 bytes of unwind instructions, as detailed in Appendix C of ehabi32.rst.

SU16 Layout:

LU16 & LU32 Layout:

2.4. GCC Language Specific Data Area (LSDA)

The ARM Exception Handling ABI (EHABI) for exception handling allows the integration of non-personality data as exception data, facilitating support for language-specific exception handling mechanisms. The EHABI permits the inclusion of custom language-specific data areas within the exception tables, a feature extensively utilized by GCC to substitute the default architecture-specific descriptors with its own. This functionality derives from a feature in the Itanium ABI, enabling various languages to implement their own functions for unwinding specific call frames. Consequently, not only can C++ exceptions be managed using GCC’s language-specific data area, but other languages such as Java can also employ this area to control their exceptions.

For GCC’s LSDA (Language Specific Data Area) format:

  1. Personality Function: 32-bit value with the MSB set to 0. It contains a prel31 offset to the function’s handler, typically __gxx_personality_v0 in GCC.

  2. Personality Data: Architecture-specific unwind instructions.

  3. Header: A variable-length sequence of bytes that delineates where DWARF information is located, the end of the type table, and the extent of the call site region. Entries in the DWARF location and type table can be marked with an omit flag 0xFF to indicate their absence.

  4. Call Site Table: Details the regions of the function associated with try scopes and cleanup. This table specifies the areas of the function that have particular actions assigned, as well as the location of the landing pad if an action is taken.

  5. Action Table: Lists the indices to the types that can be caught for each call site region and specifies whether cleanup is required.

  6. Type Table: Contains a unique set of std::type_info addresses for the types that can be caught within the function.

To gain a deeper understanding of how these regions are structured, refer to: HP Exception Handling Tables aC++ A.01.15.

2.5. Destructor landing pads

08001140 <dtor::except_calls_all_except()>:
 8001140:  b500        push  {lr}
 8001142:  b085        sub  sp, #20
 8001144:  f7ff ff76   bl  8001034 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::action() [clone .constprop.0]>
 8001148:  f7ff ff74   bl  8001034 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::action() [clone .constprop.0]>
 800114c:  f7ff ff72   bl  8001034 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::action() [clone .constprop.0]>
 8001150:  f7ff ff70   bl  8001034 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::action() [clone .constprop.0]>
 8001154:  f7ff ff6e   bl  8001034 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::action() [clone .constprop.0]>
 8001158:  f7ff ff6c   bl  8001034 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::action() [clone .constprop.0]>
 800115c:  a803        add  r0, sp, #12
 800115e:  f7ff ff99   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
 8001162:  a802        add  r0, sp, #8
 8001164:  f7ff ff96   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
 8001168:  a801        add  r0, sp, #4
 800116a:  b005        add  sp, #20
 800116c:  f85d eb04   ldr.w  lr, [sp], #4
 8001170:  f7ff bf90   b.w  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
 8001174:  e005        b.n  8001182 <dtor::except_calls_all_except()+0x42>
 8001176:  a803        add  r0, sp, #12
 8001178:  f7ff ff8c   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
 800117c:  a802        add  r0, sp, #8
 800117e:  f7ff ff89   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
 8001182:  a801        add  r0, sp, #4
 8001184:  f7ff ff86   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
 8001188:  f000 fb26   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
 800118c:  e7f6        b.n  800117c <dtor::except_calls_all_except()+0x3c>
 800118e:  bf00        nop
Full Function with Destructor Cleanup Region
8001176:  a803        add  r0, sp, #12
8001178:  f7ff ff8c   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
800117c:  a802        add  r0, sp, #8
800117e:  f7ff ff89   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001182:  a801        add  r0, sp, #4
8001184:  f7ff ff86   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001188:  f000 fb26   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
Isolated Destructor Cleanup Region

Within this function, there are designated regions that the exception runtime targets to execute destructors for the current frame. The figures above depict ARM Thumb2 instructions. These instructions specifically load the address of an object from the stack into R0, which acts as the register for the first parameter in a function call, then the object’s destructor is invoked. This process is the reverse of the construction sequence of the objects. The Itanium API utilized to re-enter the exception unwind flow after all necessary destructors are called is __cxa_end_cleanup(). The point at which the program counter re-enters the function is influenced by the scope where the exception propagation originated.

2.6. Catch landing pads

80004fa: 2901        cmp r1, #1
80004fc: d001        beq.n 8000502 <main+0x18>
80004fe: f001 f98f   bl  8001820 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
8000502: f001 fa51   bl  80019a8 <__cxa_begin_catch>
8000506: 4a8f        ldr r2, [pc, #572]  @ (8000744 <main+0x25a>)
8000508: 6c53        ldr r3, [r2, #68] @ 0x44
800050a: 3301        adds  r3, #1
800050c: 6453        str r3, [r2, #68] @ 0x44
800050e: f001 fa8b   bl  8001a28 <__cxa_end_catch>
Catch landing pad example

According to Itanium, catch chains should be transformed into switch-case-like blocks. The unwinder sets R0 with the exception object and R1 with the case number for the corresponding block. The initial instruction in the assembly above, comparing R1 with the number 1, determines the path of execution. If the comparison fails, the sequence proceeds to execute __cxa_end_cleanup, continuing the exception propagation. If the comparison is successful, the flow transitions to __cxa_begin_catch, executes the catch block, and concludes with __cxa_end_catch.

3. Methods

To fulfill the objectives of this paper, a C++ application will be designed with a set of functions featuring noexcept and "except" functions in different usages. "except" in this case as a short hand for non-noexcept function. This application will self-assess during runtime by examining its exception table entries and the exception table. The investigation aims to provide insights into:

3.1. Function Exception Rank

"function exception rank" refers to a classification scheme for functions based on their exception metadata’s memory demands. This ranking system identifies:

  1. No index entry: Indicates absence of an index table entry for functions where the compiler ascertains no exception propagation, utilizing zero memory.

  2. Inlined index data: Involves direct inlining of unwind information into the index entry, negating the need for additional exception table space. This configuration employs an SU16 personality, consistently occupying 8 bytes due to ARM exception index ABI specifications.

  3. Table unwind instructions: Applies when unwind details cannot be condensed into the 4-byte content section of the index, requiring 16 to 20 bytes—8 bytes for the index and 8 to 12 bytes for unwind instructions.

  4. GCC LSDA: Positioned in the exception table, this data structure, although memory-intensive, effectively manages try/catch blocks and cleanup areas, starting at 28 bytes and increasing based on complexity.

3.2. Experimental Setup

All C++ functions in or used by an exhibit in the results section will be marked as [[gnu::noinline]] in order to prevent the compiler from inlining the functions.

The /noexcept directory in the repo provides a README file explaining how to build and execute the code.

4. Results

All functions with the prefix "noexcept" are noexcept functions.

There exists an array called side_effect which is a std::array of volatile std::uint32_t numbers. This is to prevent the compiler from deducing the results of functions and garbage collecting most of the code.

Any exhibits with multiple rankings has been found to change their ranking depending on the position of the function in the code. For example, if the compiler sees that function A is inlined noexcept and the next function in the code (or symbol table) is function B and it has the same inline noexcept entry, the compiler will merge the two enteries and make a single entry for function B’s. Because the next entry will be the next function with differing exception content, the when the binary search is performed to find the required entry, anything between function B and the next entry will have the same information. During unwinding, the selected entry will be function A if function B ever has an exception propagation reaches it. The behavior is the same, regardless. There maybe exhibits where this behavior also exists but was not tested in this paper.

4.1. Exhibit 1: Leaf Function

Definition of my_struct_t:

struct my_struct_t
  int a;
  int b;
  int c;
void noexcept_initialize(my_struct_t& my_struct) noexcept
    my_struct.a = 17;
    my_struct.b = 22;
    my_struct.c = 33;
void initialize(my_struct_t& my_struct)
    my_struct.a = 5;
    my_struct.b = 15;
    my_struct.c = 15;
Rank 1: no entry
Rank 2: inlined noexcept
Rank 1: no entry
Rank 2: inlined noexcept
Leaf Functions

4.2. Exhibit 2: Calling only noexcept functions

noexcept_calls_all_noexcept() noexcept
Rank 2: inlined noexcept Rank 1: No entry Rank 2: inlined noexcept
Calling all noexcept functions

4.3. Exhibit 3: Calling both except and noexcept functions

noexcept_calls_mixed() noexcept
Rank 4: GCC LSDA Rank 3: Table Personality
Calling a mix of except & noexcept functions

4.4. Exhibit 4: Functions calling only except function

noexcept_calls_all_except() noexcept
Rank 4: GCC LSDA Rank 3: Table Personality
Calling only except functions

4.5. Exhibit 5: Calling only noexcept in try/catch block

noexcept_calls_all_noexcept_in_try_catch() noexcept
    try {
    } catch (...) {
        side_effect[9] = side_effect[9] + 1;
    try {
    } catch (...) {
        side_effect[9] = side_effect[9] + 1;
Rank 2: Inlined noexcept Rank 1: No entry
Calling only noexcept in try scope

4.6. Exhibit 6: Calling both except & noexcept in try/catch block

noexcept_calls_mixed_in_try_catch() noexcept
    try {
    } catch (...) {
        side_effect[15] = side_effect[15] + 1;
    try {
    } catch (...) {
        side_effect[22] = side_effect[22] + 1;
Rank 4: GCC LSDA Rank 4: GCC LSDA
Calling mixed function types in a try scope

4.7. Exhibit 7: Calling only except in try/catch block

noexcept_calls_except_in_try_catch() noexcept
    try {
    } catch (...) {
        side_effect[17] = side_effect[17] + 1;
    try {
    } catch (...) {
        side_effect[8] = side_effect[8] + 1;
Rank 4: GCC LSDA Rank 4: GCC LSDA
Calling only except functions in a try scope

4.8. Exhibit 8: Leaf class function

my_class::noexcept_state() noexcept
    return m_state;
    return m_state;
Rank 1: No entry Rank 1: No entry
Typical function getter

4.9. Exhibit 9: Calling only noexcept with non-trivially destructable objects present

namespace dtor {
noexcept_calls_all_noexcept() noexcept
    non_trivial_dtor obj1;
    non_trivial_dtor obj2;
    non_trivial_dtor obj3;
namespace dtor {
    non_trivial_dtor obj1;
    non_trivial_dtor obj2;
    non_trivial_dtor obj3;
Rank 1: No Entry Rank 1: No Entry
Calling only noexcept functions with non-trivially destructable objects present.

4.10. Exhibit 10: Calling only except with non-trivially destructable objects present

namespace dtor {
noexcept_calls_all_except() noexcept
    non_trivial_dtor obj1;
    non_trivial_dtor obj2;
    non_trivial_dtor obj3;
namespace dtor {
    non_trivial_dtor obj1;
    non_trivial_dtor obj2;
    non_trivial_dtor obj3;
Rank 4: GCC LSDA Rank 4: GCC LSDA
Calling only except with non-trivially destructable objects present

4.11. Exhibit 11

In this experiment, the function that is noexcept is moved down for each of the following functions. So in experiment 2, the first class function call to obj1 will become noexcept_action() and the second call after constructing obj2 will be action(). All other calls will be noexcept_action().

namespace dtor {
noexcept_calls_experiment1() noexcept
    non_trivial_dtor obj1;
    obj1.action(); // experiment 1: calls action()
    non_trivial_dtor obj2;
    obj1.noexcept_action(); // experiment 2: calls action()
    obj2.noexcept_action(); // experiment 3: calls action()
    non_trivial_dtor obj3;
    obj1.noexcept_action(); // experiment 4: calls action()
    obj2.noexcept_action(); // experiment 5: calls action()
    obj3.noexcept_action(); // experiment 6: calls action()

4.12. LSDA Data

The data below is sorted by total size. The total size only accounts for the size of the memory in the LSDA region. It does not include the exception index entry nor the cleanup region in the function.

Function Name Total Size Max Action Offset Type Table Offset Call Site count Call Site size Action Table count Action Table size Type Table count Type Table size
except_calling_mixed_in_try_catch 34 1 17 2 8 3 6 1 4
except_calls_except_in_try_catch 34 1 17 2 8 3 6 1 4
dtor::except_calls_all_except 32 0 0 4 16 0 0 0 0
dtor::except_calls_experiment7 32 0 0 4 16 0 0 0 0
noexcept_calls_mixed_in_try_catch 30 1 13 1 4 3 6 1 4
noexcept_calls_except_in_try_catch 30 1 13 1 4 3 6 1 4
dtor::except_calls_experiment1 24 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0
dtor::except_calls_experiment2 24 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0
dtor::except_calls_experiment3 24 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0
dtor::except_calls_experiment4 24 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0
dtor::except_calls_experiment5 24 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0
dtor::except_calls_experiment6 24 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0
noexcept_calls_mixed 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
noexcept_calls_all_except 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_all_except 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_experiment1 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_experiment2 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_experiment3 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_experiment4 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_experiment5 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_experiment6 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dtor::noexcept_calls_experiment7 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4.13. Cleanup Landing Pads

None of the noexcept functions had cleanup landing pads.

08001140 <dtor::except_calls_all_except()>:
# ...
8001176: a803        add r0, sp, #12
8001178: f7ff ff8c   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
800117c: a802        add r0, sp, #8
800117e: f7ff ff89   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001182: a801        add r0, sp, #4
8001184: f7ff ff86   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001188: f000 fb26   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
080012fc <dtor::except_calls_experiment1()>:
# ...
8001330: a801        add r0, sp, #4
8001332: f7ff feaf   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001336: f000 fa4f   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
0800133c <dtor::except_calls_experiment2()>:
# ...
8001370: a802        add r0, sp, #8
8001372: f7ff fe8f   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001376: a801        add r0, sp, #4
8001378: f7ff fe8c   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
800137c: f000 fa2c   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
08001380 <dtor::except_calls_experiment3()>:
# ...
80013b4: a802        add r0, sp, #8
80013b6: f7ff fe6d   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
80013ba: a801        add r0, sp, #4
80013bc: f7ff fe6a   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
80013c0: f000 fa0a   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
080013c4 <dtor::except_calls_experiment4()>:
# ...
80013f8: a803        add r0, sp, #12
80013fa: f7ff fe4b   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
80013fe: a802        add r0, sp, #8
8001400: f7ff fe48   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001404: a801        add r0, sp, #4
8001406: f7ff fe45   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
800140a: f000 f9e5   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
08001410 <dtor::except_calls_experiment5()>:
# ...
8001444: a803        add r0, sp, #12
8001446: f7ff fe25   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
800144a: a802        add r0, sp, #8
800144c: f7ff fe22   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001450: a801        add r0, sp, #4
8001452: f7ff fe1f   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001456: f000 f9bf   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
0800145c <dtor::except_calls_experiment6()>:
# ...
8001490: a803        add r0, sp, #12
8001492: f7ff fdff   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
8001496: a802        add r0, sp, #8
8001498: f7ff fdfc   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
800149c: a801        add r0, sp, #4
800149e: f7ff fdf9   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
80014a2: f000 f999   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>
080014a8 <dtor::except_calls_experiment7()>:
# ...
80014de: a803        add r0, sp, #12
80014e0: f7ff fdd8   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
80014e4: a802        add r0, sp, #8
80014e6: f7ff fdd5   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
80014ea: a801        add r0, sp, #4
80014ec: f7ff fdd2   bl  8001094 <dtor::non_trivial_dtor::~non_trivial_dtor()>
80014f0: f000 f972   bl  80017d8 <__cxa_end_cleanup>

The cleanup regions follow a very consistent pattern. Set R0 to the address of the object to be destroyed and call the destructor. It takes 2 bytes to load R0, 4 bytes to call a destructor, and 4 bytes to call __cxa_end_cleanup. So the total cost in bytes for the number of objects that must be destroyed in a frame is size(n) = 4 + 6n.

5. Analysis

5.1. Leaf Functions

Consider § 4.1 Exhibit 1: Leaf Function and § 4.8 Exhibit 8: Leaf class function. Both exhibits contain leaf functions. § 4.8 Exhibit 8: Leaf class function has no exception index entry. This makes sense since the function does not throw an exception and does not call any other functions. There is no possibility that an exception will ever propagate from such a function. Thus their index entries can be omitted from the table.

If the functions of § 4.1 Exhibit 1: Leaf Function are moved between other functions that have exception index entries, then they will both get exception index entries with an inlined noexcept marker. GCC is able to deduce that the initialize functions never calls other functions and thus is de facto noexcept. But rather than eliminate the entry, the compiler decides to provide an entry for both.

These entries do not need to exist and being able to omit them would free up 8 bytes of space per function. This seems like an opportunity for the compiler to be improved.

5.2. Calling only noexcept functions

§ 4.2 Exhibit 2: Calling only noexcept functions contains functions calling only noexcept functions. The noexcept function in this exhibit gets a rank 4 whereas the except function just gets a rank 3. In both cases, the compiler should have opted to omit the exception data entirely. These functions are never reachable via exception propagation.

The compiler has chosen data structures for these two functions way above what is necessary for them.

5.3. Compiler Making Bad Choices

§ 4.3 Exhibit 3: Calling both except and noexcept functions and § 4.4 Exhibit 4: Functions calling only except function match each other in their rankings. Both either use an except function or a mix of except and noexcept functions. None of the functions require cleanup or have any catch blocks.

Yet, GCC chooses a mostly empty LSDA data structure for the noexcept functions. An inline noexcept flag would have worked as there is no objects to cleanup or catch blocks to consider.

The except functions have enough unwind instructions to warrant their data being placed in the exception table. Meaning these very simple functions were not unwindable in a 3 unwind instructions.

080015a8 <except_calls_all_except()>:
80015a8: b508        push  {r3, lr}
80015aa: f7ff fcdd   bl  8000f68 <bar()>
80015ae: f7ff fcfb   bl  8000fa8 <baz()>
80015b2: e8bd 4008   ldmia.w sp!, {r3, lr}
80015b6: f7ff bd17   b.w 8000fe8 <qaz()>
80015ba: bf00        nop

This function disassembly does two strange things. It pushes R3 onto the stack which requires 2 bytes of unwind information to be unwound. It also performs some stack manipulation before calling the last function. If the compiler had chosen to use R4 rather than R3 and called the qaz() function normally, then only a single byte of instruction memory would be required to unwind it, specifically 0b10101000 (0xA8). This optimization could bring the exception rank to rank 2.

All of these functions should have rank 2, inlined noexcept flag and inline personality.

5.4. Except Poisoning

A consistent observation across all exhibits is that calling a single except function, elevates the function’s rank to at least rank 2, accompanied by the necessary cleanup landing pads.

Thus, the advantages of calling noexcept functions are negated by the introduction of any except function.

5.5. Reducing Cleanup Landing Pads

Marking a C++ function as noexcept completely eliminates the cleanup regions. Such regions become unreachable, making their inclusion unnecessary.

However, in an except functions, if the only functions called after the construction of an object are noexcept functions, then the destructor call for that object can be omitted from the cleanup landing area. Calling a single except function afterwards will result in the object’s destructor call being added to the cleanup landing pad.

5.6. Eliminating Try/Catch Blocks

§ 4.5 Exhibit 5: Calling only noexcept in try/catch block presents an interesting scenario where the compiler assigns a rank of 2 to the noexcept function and a rank of 1 to the except function. The rank of 1 may be influenced by the placement of the functions within the source code. Nevertheless, the compiler opted for suitably minimal options for the code. The disassembly for both is minimal and excludes any record of the catch blocks. The compiler successfully determined that the catch blocks were unreachable and omitted them.

080015bc <noexcept_calls_all_noexcept_in_try_catch()>:
80015bc: b508        push  {r3, lr}
80015be: f7ff fc9d   bl  8000efc <noexcept_bar()>
80015c2: e8bd 4008   ldmia.w sp!, {r3, lr}
80015c6: f7ff bcab   b.w 8000f20 <noexcept_baz()>
80015ca: bf00        nop
080015cc <except_calls_all_noexcept_in_try_catch()>:
80015cc: b508        push  {r3, lr}
80015ce: f7ff fc95   bl  8000efc <noexcept_bar()>
80015d2: e8bd 4008   ldmia.w sp!, {r3, lr}
80015d6: f7ff bca3   b.w 8000f20 <noexcept_baz()>
80015da: bf00        nop

Note that calling all noexcept functions within a try block is a code smell. It begs the question of, "what exception were you expecting to catch from these APIs?"

§ 4.6 Exhibit 6: Calling both except & noexcept in try/catch block and § 4.7 Exhibit 7: Calling only except in try/catch block both show no difference introduced by labeling the functions as noexcept, due to the except poisoning mentioned earlier. You can see the disassembly of noexcept_calls_mixed_in_try_catch with the Itanium catch block APIs __cxa_begin_catch and __cxa_end_catch.

080015dc <noexcept_calls_mixed_in_try_catch()>:
80015dc: b508        push  {r3, lr}
80015de: f7ff fcc3   bl  8000f68 <bar()>
80015e2: e8bd 4008   ldmia.w sp!, {r3, lr}
80015e6: f7ff bc9b   b.w 8000f20 <noexcept_baz()>
80015ea: f000 f9b9   bl  8001960 <__cxa_begin_catch>
80015ee: 4a03        ldr r2, [pc, #12]
80015f0: 6bd3        ldr r3, [r2, #60] @ 0x3c
80015f2: 3301        adds  r3, #1
80015f4: 63d3        str r3, [r2, #60] @ 0x3c
80015f6: f000 f9f3   bl  80019e0 <__cxa_end_catch>
80015fa: bd08        pop {r3, pc}
80015fc: 20000b60  .word 0x20000b60

6. Conclusion

Noexcept can be useful in cases such as where a strong exception guarantee is needed. But in terms of code gen, it’s a mixed bag. In general, adding the noexcept to a function reduces its code gen.

The cases where GCC was able to optimize the code gen would be:

  1. Removing destructor landing pads

  2. Removing dead catch blocks

Removing destructor landing pads is useful, but making a function noexcept for this purpose seems a bit extreme.

Noexcept also tends to cause GCC to change what would have been 0 bytes of exception data into requiring a mostly empty LSDA section and exception index entry.

The benefits of noexcept only occur as an edge case. An edge case that breaks once a single function capable of throwing an exception is called within that function.

We want to give the compiler as much information and guarantees as possible to coax it into generating more efficient code for us, but do we really need noexcept for that?

Given the data in this study, I believe the right choice is to look for improvements in toolchains. Changes to code should not be necessary because there are many of the improvements to code gen that can be performed without the need to change source code.

6.1. Improve data structure selection

The exception rank for noexcept functions could be optimized to choosen lower rank options. Here are a few checks that could be performed:

  1. Is it a leaf? No entry

  2. Calls only noexcept? No entry

  3. Is noexcept and does not have a try block? inline noexcept

  4. Is noexcept with non-trivial destructors? inline noexcept

6.2. Group functions with identical exception entries

GCC merges identical exception entries when the functions are right next to each other in the source code. The linker could generate a first run of the exception index, collect all of the identical entries, and then group all functions with identical entries. Now all of the identical entires can be merged into a single entry, reducing the size of the table.

6.3. Deduce noexcept in Functions

Many functions operate as noexcept without being explicitly marked as such; they call other functions, and down the entire call graph, no function ever throws an exception. Instead of manually marking such functions as noexcept, it is feasible for the linker to determine whether a function is exception propagating. GCC, for instance, can already generate a call graph using the -fcallgraph-info flag. The proposed idea is for the linker to evaluate all functions it has full assembly information of and determine which ones throw exceptions. Using this information, the linker could identify functions that could never throw an exception and automatically mark all them noexcept. Leaf functions would receive an implicit noexcept marking. Similarly, if an except functions calls a set of functions that have implicitly marked noexcept then that function could also be marked as implicitely noexcept. For APIs external to an application, such as those in a shared library, the linker would have to assume that any function not explicitly marked as noexcept does propagate exceptions.

Implementing such a mechanism would allow a C++ application to benefit from marking many of its non-throwing functions as noexcept, while retaining the flexibility to adjust this designation as needed in the future.