Improving diagnostics for sender expressions

Eric Niebler
June 24, 2024
Issue tracking:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
Library Evolution Working Group


This paper aims to improve the user experience of the sender framework by giving it better diagnostics when used incorrectly.

First, it moves the diagnosis of many invalid sender expression earlier, when the expression is constructed, rather than later when it is connected to a receiver. A trivial change to the sender adaptor algorithms makes it possible for the majority of sender expressions to be type-checked this way, giving the user immediate feedback when they've made a mistake.

Second, this paper proposed changes to the transform_completion_signatures alias template to allow it to serve as a meta-exception propagation channel. This helps with late (connect-time) type checking by allowing type computation errors from deeply nested senders to propagate to the API boundary, where they can be reported concisely.

Executive Summary

Below are the specific changes this paper proposes in order to improve the diagnostics emitted by sender-based codes:

  1. Define a "non-dependent sender" to be one whose completions are knowable without an environment.

  2. Extend the awaitable helper concepts to support querying a type whether it is awaitable in an arbitrary coroutine (without knowing the promise type). For example, anything that implements the awaiter interface (await_ready, await_suspend, await_resume) is awaitable in any coroutine, and should function as a non-dependent sender.

  3. Add support for calling get_completion_signatures without an environment argument.

  4. Change the definition of the completion_signatures_of_t alias template to support querying a sender's non-dependent signatures, if such exist.

  5. Require the sender adaptor algorithms to preserve the "non-dependent sender" property wherever possible.

  6. Add "Mandates:" paragraphs to the sender adaptor algorithms to require them to hard-error when passed non-dependent senders that fail type-checking.

  7. Extend the eager type checking of the let_ family of algorithms to hard-error if the user passes a lambda that does not return a sender type.

  8. Change transform_completion_signatures to propagate any intermediate types that are not specializations of the completion_signatures<> class template. For type errors that occur when computing a sender's completion signatures, sender authors can return a custom type that describes the error and have it automatically propagates through adaptors that use transform_completion_signatures.

  9. For any algorithm that eagerly connects a sender (sync_wait, start_detached, ensure_started, split), hard-error (i.e. static_assert) if the sender fails to type-check rather than SFINAE-ing the overload away.

Revision History




Improving early diagnostics

Problem Description

Type-checking a sender expression involves computing its completion signatures. In the general case, a sender's completion signatures may depend on the receiver's execution environment. For example, the sender:


... when connected to a receiver rcvr and started, will fetch the stop token from the receiver's environment and then pass it back to the receiver, as follows:

auto st = get_stop_token(get_env(rcvr));
set_value(move(rcvr), move(st));

Without an execution environment, the sender read_env(get_stop_token) doesn't know how it will complete.

The type of the environment is known rather late, when the sender is connected to a receiver. This is often far from where the sender expression was constructed. If there are type errors in a sender expression, those errors will be diagnosed far from where the error was made, which makes it harder to know the source of the problem.

It would be far preferable to issue diagnostics while constructing the sender rather than waiting until it is connected to a receiver.

Non-dependent senders

The majority of senders have completions that don't depend on the receiver's environment. Consider just(42) -- it will complete with the integer 42 no matter what receiver it is connected to. If a so-called "non-dependent" sender advertised itself as such, then sender algorithms could eagerly type-check the non-dependent senders they are passed, giving immediate feedback to the developer.

For example, this expression should be immediately rejected:

just(42) | then([](int* p) { return *p; })

The then algorithm can reject just(42) and the above lambda because the arguments don't match: an integer cannot be passed to a function expecting an int*. The then algorithm can do that type-checking only when it knows the input sender is non-dependent. It couldn't, for example, do any type-checking if the input sender were read_env(get_stop_token) instead of just(42).

And in fact, some senders do advertise themselves as non-dependent, although P2300 does not currently do anything with that extra information. A sender can declare its completions signatures with a nested type alias, as follows:

template <class T>
struct just_sender {
  T value;

  using completion_signatures =

  // ...

Senders whose completions depend on the execution environment cannot declare their completion signatures this way. Instead, they must define a get_completion_signatures customization that takes the environment as an argument.

We can use this extra bit of information to define a non_dependent_sender concept as follows:

template <class Sndr>
concept non_dependent_sender =
  sender<Sndr> &&
  requires {
    typename remove_cvref_t<Sndr>::completion_signatures;

A sender algorithm can use this concept to conditionally dispatch to code that does eager type-checking.

Suggested Solution

The authors suggests that this notion of non-dependent senders be given fuller treatment in P2300. Conditionally defining the nested typedef in generic sender adaptors -- which may adapt either dependent or non-dependent senders -- is awkward and verbose. We suggest instead to support calling get_completion_signatures either with or without an execution environment. This makes it easier for authors of sender adaptors to preserve the "non-dependent" property of the senders it wraps.

We suggest that a similar change be made to the completion_signatures_of_t alias template. When instantiated with only a sender type, it should compute the non-dependent completion signatures, or be ill-formed.

Comparison Table

Consider the following code, which contains a type error:

auto work = just(42)
          | then([](int* p) { // <<< ERROR here

The table below shows the result of compiling this code both before the proposed change and after:



no error

error: static_assert failed due to requirement '_is_completion_signatures<
ustdex::ERROR<ustdex::WHERE (ustdex::IN_ALGORITHM, ustdex::then_t), ustdex
at hello.cpp:57:18)), ustdex::WITH_ARGUMENTS (int)>>'
    ^             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This error was generated with with µstdex library and Clang-13.

Design Considerations

Why have two ways for non-dependent senders to publish their completion signatures?

The addition of support for a customization of get_completion_signatures that does not take an environment obviates the need to support the use of a nested ::completion_signatures alias. In a class, this:

auto get_completion_signatures() ->

... works just as well as this:

using completion_signatures =

Without a doubt, we could simplify the design by dropping support for the latter. This paper suggests retaining it, though. For something like the just_sender, providing type metadata with an alias is more idiomatic and less surprising, in the author's opinion, than defining a function and putting the metadata in the return type. That is the case for keeping the typename Sndr::completion_signatures form.

The case for adding the sndr.get_completion_signatures() form is that it makes it simpler for sender adaptors such as then_sender to preserve the "non-dependent" property of the senders it adapts. For instance, one could define then_sender like:

template <class Sndr, class Fun>
struct then_sender {
    Sndr sndr_;
    Fun fun_;

    template <class... Env>
    auto get_completion_signatures(Env&&... env) const
      -> some-computed-type;


... and with this one member function support both dependent and non-dependent senders while preserving the "non-dependent-ness" of the adapted sender.

Improving late diagnostics

Problem description

Experience implementing and using sender-based libraries has taught the author several things:

  1. Concepts-based constraints on sender algorithms and their inner workings do more harm than good. The diagnostics are generally poor. The constraint failure may happen deep in a sender expression tree, but the diagnostic the user sees is simply: "no overload found". That gives users exactly zero information about the cause of the error.

    Dropping the one-and-only possible overload from the overload set typically doesn't help users either, most of whom don't care about SFINAE. What they want are good diagnostics.

  2. The current specification of the customization points and utilities make type errors SFINAE-able: either a construct type-checks or else it is ill-formed. That makes it very difficult for sender adaptors to propagate type errors from their child senders. In runtime code, we have exceptions to propagate errors to API boundaries. We have no equivalent for type computations, and P2300's current facilities offer no help.

Suggested solution

To address the first issue, the author recommends using static_asserts instead of requires clauses for type errors in sender algorithms.

But what condition should we put in the static_assert? If we use the same predicates that are in the requires clauses, the errors will be little better. Instead of "no overload found", users will see: "static_assert: sender_to<Sndr, Rcvr> evaluated to false", followed by a (lengthy and probably truncated) concepts backtrace. Buried in there somewhere may be the cause of the error for those entripid enough to dig for it.

This brings us to the second issue: propagating type errors from deep inside a sender tree evaluation to the API boundary where it can be concisely reported to the user.

The best way the author has found to report "late" (at connect time) type-checking failures is via the sender's completion signatures. If a type error happens while trying to compute completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr, Env>, instead of making the type ill-formed, it is better for it to name a type that communicates the error to the user.

Algorithms like sync_wait can then static_assert that the result of completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr, Env> is a specialization of the completion_signatures class template. If it instead names a type that is descriptive of the error, the name of that type will appear prominently in the compiler's (blissfully short) diagnostic.

Consider the following code, which has a type error in it:

thread_context ctx; // non-standard extension
auto sch = ctx.get_scheduler();

using namespace std::execution;

auto work = read_env(get_delegatee_scheduler)
          | let_value([](auto sched) {
              // create some work to delegate to the main thread.
              auto delegated_work =
                just() | then([] {
                  std::puts("Hello, world!");

              // launch the work on the delegation scheduler.
              start_on(sched, delegated_work); // <<< ERROR HERE

auto s = start_on(sch, work);


The error in the code above is that the lambda passed to let_value must return a sender. The error cannot be caught early because this is a dependent sender: the type of the delegation scheduler isn't known until we pass the sender to sync_wait.

Compiling this with the µstdex library, which uses the suggested technique of propagating descriptive type errors via the completion signatures, results in the following diagnostic:

[build] /home/eniebler/Code/ustdex/include/ustdex/detail/sync_wait.hpp:139:7: error: static_assert failed due to requirement '_is_completion_signatures<
ustdex::ERROR<ustdex::WHERE (ustdex::IN_ALGORITHM, ustdex::let_value_t), ustdex::WHAT (ustdex::FUNCTION_MUST_RETURN_A_SENDER), ustdex::WITH_FUNCTION ((l
ambda at /home/eniebler/Code/ustdex/examples/scratch.cpp:64:25))>>'
[build]       static_assert(_is_completion_signatures<_completions>);
[build]       ^             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[build] /home/eniebler/Code/ustdex/examples/scratch.cpp:74:12: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'ustdex::sync_wait_t::operator
()<ustdex::start_on_t::_sndr_t<ustdex::run_loop::_scheduler, ustdex::_let<ustdex::_value>::_sndr_t<ustdex::read_env_t::_sndr_t<ustdex::get_delegatee_sch
eduler_t>, (lambda at /home/eniebler/Code/ustdex/examples/scratch.cpp:64:25)>> &>' requested here
[build]   sync_wait(s);
[build]            ^
[build] 1 error generated.

This is the complete diagnostic. As you can see, the source of the error has been propagated out of the sender expression tree and reported at the API boundary, in sync_wait. The diagnostic contains only the information the user needs to fix the problem.

Another problem and a solution

For the authors of sender adaptor algorithms, this meta-error propagation technique presents a neigh insurmountable metaprogramming challenge. Computing completion signatures is hard enough. But now a child sender's completion signatures may not actually be completion signatures! They could instead be an error that the algorithm author must propagate in their completion signatures, or else lose the information about the root cause.

P2300 recognizes that manipulating completion signatures at compile time is taxing. It provides a utility to help: transform_completion_signatures. Given a set of completion signatures and some alias templates, it applies transformations to the set, resulting in a new set of completion signatures. Sender adaptor authors can use transform_completion_signatures to adapt the child sender's completions.

With a few small changes, transform_completions_signatures can be made to automatically propagate any intermediate types that might represent errors, saving users the trouble of doing so manually. This paper proposes those design changes.

Comparison Table

Consider the following use of transform_completion_signatures:


template <class... Values>
using _value_completions_t = std::conditional_t<
                                 sizeof...(Values) > 1,

// For a given sender and environment, check that the value completions
// never send more than one value.
template <class Sndr, class Env>
using _checked_completions = transform_completion_signatures<
                                 completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr, Env>,

Type computation

Result Before

Result After

using S =
   decltype(just(1, 2, 3));

using T =
  _checked_completions<S, empty_env>;

hard error


using S =

using T =
  _checked_completions<S, empty_env>;

hard error

T is:

ustdex::ERROR<ustdex::WHERE (ustdex::IN_ALGORITHM, ustdex::read_env_t),
::WITH_QUERY (ustdex::get_scheduler_t), ustdex::WITH_ENVIRONMENT (ustde

(with the µstdex library)

In the first case, the type error happens in the _value_completions_t alias template. In the second case, the type error happens when trying to ask the read_env(get_scheduler) sender what its completions are when used with empty_env. That's an error because the empty_env does not have a value for the get_scheduler query. In both cases, the error gets propagated by transform_completion_signatures after the proposed change.

Design Considerations

A point was raised during LEWG design review that, after the proposed changes, transform_completion_signatures will assume a type represents an error unless it is a specialization of completion_signatures<>, and that it may be preferrable to have a more explicit representation of a type error.

A different design would have get_completion_signatures return a compile-time analogue of std::expected, and to further require that sender algorithms propagate any unexpected results encountered when computing a sender's completion signatures.

The author feels this is a reasonable request but advises against it for now. For one, there is no difficulty in this instance distinguishing success from error: only specializations of completion_signatures<> can represent success. Anything else is by definition an error.

Also, with the coming of reflection (P2996) and constexpr exceptions (P3068), a superior mechanism for computing completion signatures with idiomatic non-local error propagation seems plausible in the C++26 timeframe. That leads to author to believe that this is not the right time to invest design effort codifying a library mechanism to propagate type errors.

Proposed Wording

This proposed wording is based on P2300R9.

Change [async.ops]/13 as follows:

  1. A completion signature is a function type that describes a completion operation. An asychronous operation has a finite set of possible completion signatures corresponding to the completion operations that the asynchronous operation potentially evaluates ([basic.def.odr]). For a completion function set, receiver rcvr, and pack of arguments args, let c be the completion operation set(rcvr, args...), and let F be the function type decltype(auto(set))(decltype((args))...). A completion signature Sig is associated with c if and only if MATCHING-SIG(Sig, F) is true ([exec.general]). Together, a sender type and an environment type Env determine the set of completion signatures of an asynchronous operation that results from connecting the sender with a receiver that has an environment of type Env. The type of the receiver does not affect an asychronous operation’s completion signatures, only the type of the receiver’s environment. A sender type whose completion signatures are knowable independent of an execution environment is known as a non-dependent sender.

Change [exec.syn] as follows:

template<class Sndr, class... Env = empty_env>
  concept sender_in = see below;
template<class Sndr, class... Env = empty_env>
   requires sender_in<Sndr, Env>
  using completion_signatures_of_t = call-result-t<get_completion_signatures_t, Sndr, Env...>;

Change [exec.snd.concepts] as follows:

template<class Sndr, class... Env = empty_env>
  concept sender_in =
    sender<Sndr> &&
    (sizeof...(Env) <= 1)
    (queryable<Env> &&...) &&
    requires (Sndr&& sndr, Env&&... env) {
      { get_completion_signatures(std::forward<Sndr>(sndr), std::forward<Env>(env)...) }
        -> valid-completion-signatures;

this subtly changes the meaning of sender_in<Sndr>. Before the change, it tests whether a type is a sender when used specifically with the environment empty_env. After the change, it tests whether a type is a non-dependent sender. This is a stronger assertion to make about the type; it says that this type is a sender regardless of the environment. One can still get the old behavior with sender_in<Sndr, empty_env>.

Change [exec.awaitables] as follows:

  1. The sender concepts recognize awaitables as senders. For this clause ([exec]), an awaitable is an expression that would be well-formed as the operand of a co_await expression within a given context.

  2. For a subexpression c, let GET-AWAITER(c, p) be expression-equivalent to the series of transformations and conversions applied to c as the operand of an await-expression in a coroutine, resulting in lvalue e as described by [expr.await]/3.2-4, where p is an lvalue referring to the coroutine’s promise type, Promise. This includes the invocation of the promise type’s await_transform member if any, the invocation of the operator co_await picked by overload resolution if any, and any necessary implicit conversions and materializations. Let GET-AWAITER(c) be expression-equivalent to GET-AWAITER(c, q) where q is an lvalue of an unspecified empty class type none-such that lacks an await_transform member, and where coroutine_handle<none-such> behaves as coroutine_handle<void>.

  3. Let is-awaitable be the following exposition-only concept:

         template<class T>
         concept await-suspend-result = see below;
         template<class A, class... Promise>
         concept is-awaiter = // exposition only
             requires (A& a, coroutine_handle<Promise...> h) {
                 a.await_ready() ? 1 : 0;
                 { a.await_suspend(h) } -> await-suspend-result;
         template<class C, class... Promise>
         concept is-awaitable =
             requires (C (*fc)() noexcept, Promise&... p) {
                 { GET-AWAITER(fc(), p...) } -> is-awaiter<Promise...>;

    await-suspend-result<T> is true if and only if one of the following is true:

    • T is void, or
    • T is bool, or
    • T is a specialization of coroutine_handle.
  4. For a subexpression c such that decltype((c)) is type C, and an lvalue p of type Promise, await-result-type<C, Promise> denotes the type decltype(GET-AWAITER(c, p).await_resume()) , and await-result-type<C> denotes the type decltype(GET-AWAITER(c).await_resume()).

Change [exec.getcomplsigs] as follows:

  1. get_completion_signatures is a customization point object. Let sndr be an expression such that decltype((sndr)) is Sndr, and let env be an expression such that decltype((env)) is Env a pack of zero or one expression. Then get_completion_signatures(sndr, env...) is expression-equivalent to:

    1. remove_cvref_t<Sndr>::completion_signatures{} if that expression is well-formed,
    1. Otherwise, decltype(sndr.get_completion_signatures(env...)){} if that expression is well-formed,
    1. Otherwise, remove_cvref_t<Sndr>::completion_signatures{} if that expression is well-formed,

    2. Otherwise, if is-awaitable<Sndr, env-promise<Env>...> is true, then:

               SET-VALUE-SIG(await-result-type<Sndr, env-promise<Env>...>), // see [exec.snd.concepts]
    3. Otherwise, if sizeof...(env) is 1, then get_completion_signatures(sndr) if that expression is well-formed,

    4. Otherwise, get_completion_signatures(sndr, env...) is ill-formed.

  1. If get_completion_signatures(sndr) is well-formed and its type denotes a specialization of the completion_signatures class template, then Sndr is a non-dependent sender type ([async.ops]).

  2. Given a type Env, if completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr> and completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr, Env> are both well-formed and denote instantiations of the completion_signatures class template, they shall denote the same set of completion signatures, with type equality determined with MATCHING-SIG ([exec.general]).

  1. Let rcvr be an rvalue receiver of type Rcvr before

To [exec.adapt.general], add paragraphs (8) and (9) as follows:

  1. Unless otherwise specified, an adaptor whose child senders are all non-dependent ([async.ops]) is itself non-dependent. This requirement applies to any function that is selected by the implementation of the sender adaptor.

  2. Recommended practice: Implementors are encouraged to use the completion signatures of the adaptors to communicate type errors to users and to propagate any such type errors from child senders.

Change [exec.then] as follows:

  1. The names then, upon_error, and upon_stopped denote customization point objects. For then, upon_error, and upon_stopped, let set-cpo be set_value, set_error, and set_stopped respectively. Let the expression then-cpo be one of then, upon_error, or upon_stopped. For subexpressions sndr and f, let Sndr be decltype((sndr)) and let F be the decayed type of f. If Sndr does not satisfy sender, or F does not satisfy movable-value, then-cpo(sndr, f) is ill-formed.
  1. Otherwise, let invoke-result be an alias template such that invoke-result<Ts...> denotes the type invoke_result_t<F, Ts...>. If sender_in<Sndr> is true and gather-signatures<decayed-typeof<set-cpo>, completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr>, invoke-result, type-list> is ill-formed, the program is ill-formed.
  1. Otherwise, the expression then-cpo(sndr, f) is expression-equivalent to: before

  2. For then, upon_error, and upon_stopped, let set-cpo be set_value, set_error, and set_stopped respectively. The exposition-only class template impls-for ([exec.snd.general]) is specialized for then-cpo as follows: before

Change [exec.let] by inserting a new paragraph between (4) and (5) as follows:

  1. Let invoke-result be an alias template such that invoke-result<Ts...> denotes the type completion_signatures<invoke_result_t<F, Ts...>. If sender_in<Sndr> is true and gather-signatures<decayed-typeof<set-cpo>, completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr>, invoke-result, type-list> is ill-formed, or if any of the types in the resulting type list fail to satisfy sender, the program is ill-formed.

Change [exec.bulk] by inserting a new paragraph between (3) and (4) as follows:

  1. Let invoke-result be an alias template such that invoke-result<Ts...> denotes the type invoke_result_t<F, Shape, Ts...>. If sender_in<Sndr> is true and gather-signatures<decayed-typeof<set-cpo>, completion_signatures_of_t<Sndr>, invoke-result, type-list> is ill-formed, the program is ill-formed.

Change [exec.split] as follows:

  1. The names split and ensure_started denote customization point objects. Let the expression shared-cpo be one of split or ensure_started. For a subexpression sndr, let Sndr be decltype((sndr)). If sender_in<Sndr, shared-env> is false, shared-cpo(sndr) the program is ill-formed.

Change [exec.start.detached] as follows:

  1. start_detached eagerly starts a sender without the caller needing to manage the lifetimes of any objects.

  2. The name start_detached denotes a customization point object. For a subexpression sndr, let Sndr be decltype((sndr)). If sender_in<Sndr, empty_env> is false, start_detached the program is ill-formed. Otherwise before

Change [exec.sync.wait] as follows:

  1. The name this_thread::sync_wait denotes a customization point object. For a subexpression sndr, let Sndr be decltype((sndr)). If sender_in<Sndr, sync-wait-env> is false, the expression this_thread::sync_wait(sndr) the program is ill-formed. Otherwise, it the expression this_thread::sync_wait(sndr) is expression-equivalent to before

Change [exec.utils.tfxcmplsigs] as follows:

  1. namespace std::execution {
      template<valid-completion-signaturesclass InputSignatures,
               valid-completion-signaturesclass AdditionalSignatures = completion_signatures<>,
               template<class...> class SetValue = default-set-value,
               template<class> class SetError = default-set-error,
               valid-completion-signaturesclass SetStopped = completion_signatures<set_stopped_t()>>
      using transform_completion_signatures = completion_signatures<see below>;
    1. SetValue shall name an alias template such that for any template parameter pack As..., the type SetValue<As...> is either ill-formed or else valid-completion-signatures<SetValue<As...>> is satisfied.

    2. SetError shall name an alias template such that for any type Err, SetError<Err> is either ill-formed or else valid-completion-signatures<SetError<Err>> is satisfied.


    1. If valid-completion-signatures<E> is false where E is one of InputSignatures, AdditionalSignatures, or SetStopped, transform_completion_signatures<InputSignatures, AdditionalSignatures, SetValue, SetError, SetStopped> denotes the type E. If there are multiple types that fail to satisfy valid-completion-signatures, it is unspecified which is chosen.
    1. Let Vs... be a pack of the types in the type-list named by gather-signatures<set_value_t, InputSignatures, SetValue, type-list>.

    2. Let Es... be a pack of the types in the type-list named by gather-signatures<set_error_t, InputSignatures, type_identity_t, error-list>, where error-list is an alias template such that error-list<Ts...> names type-list<SetError<Ts>...>.

    3. Let Ss name the type completion_signatures<> if gather-signatures<set_stopped_t, InputSignatures, type-list, type-list> is an alias for the type type-list<>; otherwise, SetStopped.


    1. If any of the types in Vs or Es are ill-formed, then transform_completion_signatures<InputSignatures, AdditionalSignatures, SetValue, SetError, SetStopped> is ill-formed,

    1. Otherwise, if any type E from set of types in Vs and Es fails to satisfy valid-completion-signatures, then transform_completion_signatures<InputSignatures, AdditionalSignatures, SetValue, SetError, SetStopped> denotes the type E. If more than one type in Vs and Es fail to satisfy valid-completion-signatures, it is unspecified which is chosen.

    1. Otherwise, transform_completion_signatures<InputSignatures, AdditionalSignatures, SetValue, SetError, SetStopped> names the type completion_signatures<Sigs...> where Sigs... is the unique set of types in all the template arguments of all the completion_signatures specializations in [AdditionalSignatures, Vs..., Es..., Ss]. For the purpose of uniqueness, type equality is determined with MATCHING-SIG ([exec.general]).


We owe our thanks to Ville Voutilainen who first noticed that most sender expressions could be type-checked eagerly but are not by P2300R8.