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indirect_value: A Free-Store-Allocated Value Type For C++

Published Proposal,

This version:
Issue Tracking:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++

1. Abstract

Add a class template, indirect_value, to the C++ Standard Library to support free-store-allocated objects with value-like semantics.

2. Change history

Changes in P1950r1

3. Introduction

The class template, indirect_value, confers value-like semantics on a free-store-allocated object. An indirect_value may hold an object of a class T, copying the indirect_value will copy the object T. When a parent object contains a member of type indirect_value<T> and is accessed through a const access path, constness will propagate from the parent object to the instance of T owned by the indirect_value member.

3.1. Motivation

It may be desirable for a class member to be an incomplete type or for the storage used by a member object to be separate from the class itself. In both such cases, the member would traditionally be represented as pointer:

class MyClass {
    AType data_member_;
    AnotherType* indirect_data_member_;

The author of such a class will need to implement special member functions as the compiler-generated special member functions will not function correctly (indirect data will not be copied, assigned to or deleted, only the pointer).

Special care will be needed when using the class in multithreaded environments. An instance of MyClass accessed through a const-access-path will not propagate the const-ness to the indirect data (only to the pointer itself) as pointers do not propagate const to their pointees.

The class template indirect_value is a drop-in replacement for pointer members in cases where non-polymorphic data referenced by the pointer member is logically part of the class. Use of indirect_value will ensure that the compiler-generated special member functions behave correctly and that const is propagated to indirect data.

3.1.1. Node-based containers

A tree or linked list can be implemented as a node-based container. This gives stable references to data in the nodes at the cost of memory indirection when accessing data.

Nodes would typically contain data and pointer(s) to other nodes so that the list or tree can be navigated:

class ForwardListNode {
    int data_;
    ForwardListNode* next_;

class ForwardList {
    ForwardListNode* head_;
    // ...

The special member functions of ForwardList would need to be user-implemented as the compiler-generated versions would not copy, move or delete the nodes correctly.

Care must be taken when implementing const-qualified member functions as const will not propagate down from the ForwardList to the ForwardListNodes nor to the data that the nodes contain.

Implementing the ForwardList and ForwardListNode with indirect_value corrects these issues:

class ForwardListNode {
    int data_;
    indirect_value<ForwardListNode> next_;

class ForwardList {
    indirect_value<ForwardListNode> head_;
    // ...

Compiler-generated special member functions will behave correctly and do not need to be written manually. const-propagation will allow the compiler to ensure that data that is logically part of the container cannot be modified through a const access path.

3.1.2. Hot-cold splitting

When working with collections of data, CPU caches are often under-utilized when algorithms access certain data members much more frequently than others. This results in some cache lines becoming busier than others, prefetchers preemptively caching memory which is later evicted without being used by the CPU or memory bandwidth becoming a limiting factor in performance. In such cases segregating data structures in terms of hot and cold data can remove pressure on system resources.

class Element {
  SmallData frequently_accessed_data;
  LargeData infrequently_accessed_data;

vector<Element> elements;
auto active = find(elements.begin(), 
                   [](const auto& e) 
                     return e.frequently_accessed_data.active();

In such cases adding a level of indirection to the larger, less frequently-accessed data can relieve bandwidth pressure [C. Ericson]. Using indirect_value in this refactoring does not change guarantees around constness. Compiler-generated special member functions will behave correctly and do not need to be manually implemented.

class Element {
  SmallData frequently_accessed_data;
  indirect_value<LargeData> infrequently_accessed_data;

vector<Element> elements;
auto active = find(elements.begin(), 
                   [](const auto& e) 
                     return e.frequently_accessed_data.active();

3.1.3. Pointer to Implementation - PImpl

In C++, when anything in a class definition changes, dependent classes require recompilation. As early as 1992 the Handle/Body idiom was suggested to break this dependency [J. Coplien]. From this pattern, the PImpl idiom was specialised [H. Sutter]. Despite its relative maturity, using the PImpl idiom requires careful thought about copying and const-propagation.

// Header file
class widget {
    class impl;
    std::unique_ptr<impl> pimpl_;
// Implementation file
class widget::impl {
    // :::
widget::widget() : pimpl_{ std::make_unique<impl>( /*...*/  } { }
// Destructor needs to be defined in a the same TU as <code data-opaque bs-autolink-syntax='`widget::impl`'>widget::impl</code>.
widget::~widget() = default; 

For convenience, the widget class will be referred to as the “visible class” and impl class the “PImpl class”. Note, semantically the PImpl class is the implementation details of the visible class. Issues with const-propagation
Using std::unique_ptr to store the implementation object introduces an issue - within a const-qualified member function, an instance of the visible class can mutate data inside the implementation object. This is because const-qualification applies only to the unique_ptr value, and not the pointed-to-object.

The compiler is unable to make thread-compatibility assumptions for const objects when const does not propagate: const does not mean immutable in the face of pointer-like-member data.

The desired semantics of a PImpl-owner are value-like, like those of std::optional which has appropriate const and non-const-qualified overloads for operator* and operator->. Issues with copies
The copy-constructor and copy-assignment operator of std::unique_ptr are deleted. Users of a class with a std::unique_ptr member will be required to implement copy-construction and copy-assignment [S. Meyers]. An indirect_value implementation of the PImpl Idiom
Using indirect_value to implement the PImpl idiom ensures that the PImpl object is const when accessed through a const access path and that compiler-generated special member functions will behave correctly and do not need to be manually implemented.
// Header file
class widget {
    widget(widget&& rhs) noexcept;
    widget(const widget& rhs);
    widget& operator=(widget&& rhs) noexcept;
    widget& operator=(const widget& rhs);
    class impl;
    std::indirect_value<impl>> pimpl;
// Implementation file
class widget::impl {
    // :::

// Special-member functions need to be defined in a the same TU as <code data-opaque bs-autolink-syntax='`widget::impl`'>widget::impl</code>.
widget::widget(widget&& rhs) noexcept = default;
widget::widget(const widget& rhs) = default;
widget& widget::operator=(widget&& rhs) noexcept = default;
widget& widget::operator=(const widget& rhs) = default;
widget::~widget() = default;

3.2. Design decisions

3.2.1. Should there be be an empty state?

There is a design decision to be made about the default constructor of indirect_value. It could place indirect_value in an empty state with no owned object or it could default construct an owned object so that indirect_value is never empty.

If indirect_value<T> is never empty then T must be default constructible for indirect_value<T> to be a regular type. The default constructor of indirect_value<T> would then need to allocate memory, which cannot be controlled by the user-supplied copier or deleter.

If the default constructed state of indirect_value is non-empty then the moved from state should be similarly non-empty. This requires that T is noexcept move constructible.

Allowing an empty state for indirect_value<T> imposes preconditions on operator* and operator-> (similar to those of the raw pointer it may be replacing) but removes requirements on T and the need to allocate memory.

A nullable indirect_value<T> could be mimicked with std::optional<indirect_value<T>> but this is verbose, does not solve the problem of T needing to be noexcept move-constructible and would require partial template specialization of std::optional to avoid overhead that would not be incurred by a nullable indirect_value.

As designed, indirect_value has an empty state where it owns no object. A default constructed indirect_value is empty and the empty state is the state of a moved-from object.

3.2.2. Is there a small object optimization?

A small object optimization is permissible for indirect_value. A small buffer that is part of the indirect_value class can be used to store the owned object if it is small. We do not require that indirect_value is the same size as a raw pointer; implementers are free, but not required, to add a small buffer optimization as a quality of implementation improvement.

It would be possible for the size of the small buffer to be specified as a template argument. Such a design would be inconsistent with the broader Standard Library design: std::string, std::any, std::function all permit a small object optimization but do not let users specify the size of the buffer.

3.2.3. How are allocators supported?

It may be desirable for users to control the way memory is managed by an instance of a class. Classes such as std::vector and std::string allow an allocator to be specified as template argument to control memory management.

Like std::unique_ptr, indirect_value allows a deleter to be provided as a template argument so that disposal of the owned object can be customized. indirect_value also allows copying to be be customized by specifying a copier, another template argument.

The in-place constructor of indirect_value<T> uses new to create an instance of T with the supplied constructor argument. This constructor is disabled where the copier and deleter are not default_copy and default_delete.

Memory management for indirect_value can be fully controlled by specifying a suitable copier and deleter and using the pointer constructor indirect_value(T* t, C c, D d).

3.3. Prior Art

There have been previous proposal for deep-copying smart pointers that proposed copy semantics [W. Brown]. cloned_ptr was proposed in [J. Coe], however under guidance of LEWG this was renamed to polymorphic_value. With this change in name came the addition of const propagation.

This paper is not unique in these ideas. GitHub code search finds 602k lines of code referencing "PImpl" and 99 C ++ repositories claiming to provide generic implementations of Pimpl. Additionally other authors have addressed this topic [A. Upadyshev]. Some generic implementations of note in the wild are:

Project Link Deep Copying Const Propagation
Boost Pimpl https://github.com/sean-/boost-pimpl Yes Yes
pimpl https://github.com/JonChesterfield/pimpl Yes No
impl_ptr https://github.com/sth/impl_ptr Yes Yes
Simpl https://github.com/oliora/samples/blob/master/spimpl.h Yes Yes
smart_pimpl https://github.com/SBreezyx/smart_pimpl No No
pimpl_on_stack https://github.com/kuznetsss/pimpl_on_stack/ Yes Yes
deep_const_ptr https://github.com/torbjoernk/deep_const_ptr No Yes

Divergence on issues such as deep copying and const propagation along with subtleties in implementation mean that a single standardized solution would be of broad benefit to the community of C++ users.

3.4. Completeness of T

Smart pointer types in the Standard Library expect that some of the members can be instantiated with incomplete types [H.Hinnant]. Similarly, this is the case for indirect_value, the table outlines the expected behaviour for incomplete pointer types:
Method Description Incomplete/Complete
indirect_value() Default constructor Incomplete
indirect_value(const indirect_value&) Copy-constructor Complete
indirect_value(indirect_value&&) Move-constructor Incomplete
~indirect_value() Destructor Complete
indirect_value& indirect_value::operator=(const indirect_value&) Copy-assignment Complete
indirect_value& indirect_value::operator=(indirect_value&&) Move-assignment Complete
T& operator*() Indirection-operator Incomplete
const T& operator*() const Indirection-operator Incomplete
T* operator->() noexcept Member-of-pointer-operator Incomplete
const T* operator->() const noexcept Member-of-pointer-operator Incomplete
explicit operator bool() const noexcept Bool-operator Incomplete
void swap(indirect_value& p) noexcept Swap Incomplete

3.5. Comparison with unique_ptr<T> and polymorphic_value<T>

The class template indirect_value<T> is in many respects similar to unique_ptr<T> and the proposed polymorphic_value<T> [J. Coe]. The table below highlights the similarities and differences:

Behaviour indirect_value polymorphic_value unique_ptr
Default constructed state Empty Empty Empty
Copyable Yes Yes No
Const-propagating Yes Yes No
Polymorphic No Yes Yes
Customizable memory access Yes No Yes

3.6. Impact on the standard

This proposal is a pure library extension. It requires additions to be made to the standard library header <memory>.

4. Technical specifications

4.1. X.X Class template default_copy [default.copy]

namespace std {
    template <class T>
    struct default_copy {
        T* operator()(const T& t) const;
} // namespace std
The class template default_copy serves as the default copier for the class template indirect_value. The template parameter T of default_copy may be an incomplete type.

T* operator()(const T& t) const;

4.2. X.Y Class template indirect_value [indirect_value]

4.2.1. X.Y.1 Class template indirect_value general [indirect_value.general]

An indirect_value is an object that owns another object and manages that other object through a pointer. More precisely, an indirect value is an object v that stores a pointer to a second object p and will dispose of p when v is itself destroyed (e.g., when leaving block scope (9.7)). In this context, v is said to own p.

An indirect_value object is empty if it does not own a pointer.

Copying a non-empty indirect_value will copy the owned object so that the copied indirect_value will have its own unique copy of the owned object.

Copying from an empty indirect_value produces another empty indirect_value.

Copying and disposal of the owned object can be customised by supplying a copier and deleter.

The template parameter T of indirect_value must be a non-union class type.

The template parameter T of indirect_value may be an incomplete type.

[Note: Implementations are encouraged to avoid the use of dynamic memory for ownership of small objects.]

4.2.2. X.Y.2 Class template indirect_value synopsis [indirect_value.synopsis]

    template <class T, class C = std::default_copy<T>, class D = std::default_delete<T>>
    class indirect_value {
        using value_type = T;

        // Constructors
        constexpr indirect_value() noexcept;
        explicit indirect_value(T* p, C c=C{}, D d=D{});

        indirect_value(const indirect_value& p);
        indirect_value(indirect_value&& p) noexcept;

        template <class ...Ts>
        indirect_value(std::in_place_t, Ts&&... ts);  // See below

        // Destructor

        // Assignment
        indirect_value& operator=(const indirect_value& p);
        indirect_value& operator=(indirect_value&& p) noexcept;

        // Modifiers
        void swap(indirect_value<T>& p) noexcept;

        // Observers
        T& operator*();
        T* operator->();
        const T& operator*() const;
        const T* operator->() const;
        explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    // indirect_value creation
    template <class T, class ...Ts> indirect_value<T>
    make_indirect_value(Ts&& ...ts);  // See below

    // indirect_value specialized algorithms
    template<class T>
    void swap(indirect_value<T>& p, indirect_value<T>& u) noexcept;

} // end namespace std

4.2.3. X.Y.3 Class template indirect_value constructors [indirect_value.ctor]

constexpr indirect_value() noexcept;

explicit indirect_value(T* p, C c=C{}, D d=D{});

indirect_value(const indirect_value& p);

indirect_value(indirect_value&& p) noexcept;

indirect_value(std::in_place_t, Ts&& ...ts);

4.2.4. X.Y.4 Class template indirect_value destructor [indirect_value.dtor]


4.2.5. X.Y.5 Class template indirect_value assignment [indirect_value.assignment]

indirect_value& operator=(const indirect_value& p);

indirect_value& operator=(indirect_value&& p) noexcept;

4.2.6. X.Y.6 Class template indirect_value modifiers [indirect_value.modifiers]

void swap(indirect_value& p) noexcept;

4.2.7. X.Y.7 Class template indirect_value observers [indirect_value.observers]

T& operator*();
const T& operator*() const;
T* operator->() noexcept;
const T* operator->() const noexcept;

explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

4.2.8. X.Z.8 Class template indirect_value creation [indirect_value.creation]

template <class T, class U=T, class ...Ts> indirect_value<T>
  make_indirect_value(Ts&& ...ts);

5. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Thomas Russell, and Andrew Bennieston for useful discussions on the topic and the BSI panel for on-going support.

6. References

[J. Coe] p0201r3: A polymorphic value-type for C++

[J. Coplien] Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms (Addison-Wesley), James O. Coplien, 1992

[C. Ericson] Memory Optimization, Christer Ericson, Games Developers Conference, 2003

[A. Upadyshev] PIMPL, Rule of Zero and Scott Meyers, Andrey Upadyshev, 2015

[H. Hinnant] “Incomplete types and shared_ptr / unique_ptr”, Howard Hinnant, 2011

[H. Sutter] "Pimpls - Beauty Marks You Can Depend On", Herb Sutter, 1998

[Impl] Reference implementation: indirect_value, J.B.Coe

[S. Meyers] Effective Modern C++, Item 22: When using the Pimpl Idiom, define special member functions in the implementation file, Scott Meyers, 2014

[W. Brown] n3339: A Preliminary Proposal for a Deep-Copying Smart Pointer, Walter E. Brown, 2012