P1673R1: A free function linear algebra interface based on the BLAS



Date: 2019-06-17

Revision history

Purpose of this paper

This paper proposes a C++ Standard Library dense linear algebra interface based on the dense Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS). This corresponds to a subset of the BLAS Standard. Our proposal implements the following classes of algorithms on matrices and vectors:

Our algorithms work with most the matrix storage formats that the BLAS Standard supports:

Our proposal also has the following distinctive characteristics:

Interoperable with other linear algebra proposals

We believe this proposal is complementary to P1385R1, a proposal for a C++ Standard linear algebra library that introduces matrix and vector classes and overloaded arithmetic operators. In fact, we think that our proposal would make a natural foundation for a library like what P1385R1 proposes. However, a free function interface - which clearly separates algorithms from data structures - more naturally allows for a richer set of operations such as what the BLAS provides. A natural extension of the present proposal would include accepting P1385's matrix and vector objects as input for the algorithms proposed here.

Why include dense linear algebra in the C++ Standard Library?

  1. C++ applications in "important application areas" (see P0939R0) have depended on linear algebra for a long time.

  2. Linear algebra is like sort: obvious algorithms are slow, and the fastest implementations call for hardware-specific tuning.

  3. Dense linear algebra is core functionality for most of linear algebra, and can also serve as a building block for tensor operations.

  4. The C++ Standard Library includes plenty of "mathematical functions." Linear algebra operations like matrix-matrix multiply are at least as broadly useful.

  5. The set of linear algebra operations in this proposal are derived from a well-established, standard set of algorithms that has changed very little in decades. It is one of the strongest possible examples of standardizing existing practice that anyone could bring to C++.

  6. This proposal follows in the footsteps of many recent successful incorporations of existing standards into C++, including the UTC and TAI standard definitions from the International Telecommunications Union, the time zone database standard from the International Assigned Numbers Authority, and the ongoing effort to integrate the ISO unicode standard.

Linear algebra has had wide use in C++ applications for nearly three decades (see P1417R0 for a historical survey). For much of that time, many third-party C++ libraries for linear algebra have been available. Many different subject areas depend on linear algebra, including machine learning, data mining, web search, statistics, computer graphics, medical imaging, geolocation and mapping, engineering, and physics-based simulations.

"Directions for ISO C++" (P0939R0) offers the following in support of adding linear algebra to the C++ Standard Library:

Obvious algorithms for some linear algebra operations like dense matrix-matrix multiply are asymptotically slower than less-obvious algorithms. (Please refer to a survey one of us coauthored, "Communication lower bounds and optimal algorithms for numerical linear algebra.") Furthermore, writing the fastest dense matrix-matrix multiply depends on details of a specific computer architecture. This makes such operations comparable to sort in the C++ Standard Library: worth standardizing, so that Standard Library implementers can get them right and hardware vendors can optimize them. In fact, almost all C++ linear algebra libraries end up calling non-C++ implementations of these algorithms, especially the implementations in optimized BLAS libraries (see below). In this respect, linear algebra is also analogous to standard library features like random_device: often implemented directly in assembly or even with special hardware, and thus an essential component of allowing no room for another language "below" C++ (see notes on this philosophy in P0939R0 and Stroustrup's seminal work "The Design and Evolution of C++").

Dense linear algebra is the core component of most algorithms and applications that use linear algebra, and the component that is most widely shared over different application areas. For example, tensor computations end up spending most of their time in optimized dense linear algebra functions. Sparse matrix computations get best performance when they spend as much time as possible in dense linear algebra.

The C++ Standard Library includes many "mathematical special functions" ([sf.cmath]), like incomplete elliptic integrals, Bessel functions, and other polynomials and functions named after various mathematicians. Any of them comes with its own theory and set of applications for which robust and accurate implementations are indispensible. We think that linear algebra operations are at least as broadly useful, and in many cases significantly more so.

Why base a C++ linear algebra library on the BLAS?

  1. The BLAS is a standard that codifies decades of existing practice.

  2. The BLAS separates out "performance primitives" for hardware experts to tune, from mathematical operations that rely on those primitives for good performance.

  3. Benchmarks reward hardware and system vendors for providing an optimized BLAS implementations.

  4. Writing a fast BLAS implementation for common element types is nontrivial, but well understood.

  5. Optimized third-party BLAS implementations with liberal software licenses exist.

  6. Building a C++ interface on top of the BLAS is a straightforward exercise, but has pitfalls for unaware developers.

Linear algebra has had a cross-language standard, the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS), since 2002. The Standard came out of a standardization process that started in 1995 and held meetings three times a year until 1999. Participants in the process came from industry, academia, and government research laboratories. The dense linear algebra subset of the BLAS codifies forty years of evolving practice, and has existed in recognizable form since 1990 (see P1417R0).

The BLAS interface was specifically designed as the distillation of the "computer science" / performance-oriented parts of linear algebra algorithms. It cleanly separates operations most critical for performance, from operations whose implementation takes expertise in mathematics and rounding-error analysis. This gives vendors opportunities to add value, without asking for expertise outside the typical required skill set of a Standard Library implementer.

Well-established benchmarks such as the LINPACK benchmark reward computer hardware vendors for optimizing their BLAS implementations. Thus, many vendors provide an optimized BLAS library for their computer architectures. Writing fast BLAS-like operations is not trivial, and depends on computer architecture. However, it is not black magic; it is a well-understood problem whose solutions could be parameterized for a variety of computer architectures. See, for example, Goto and van de Geijn 2008. There are optimized third-party BLAS implementations for common architectures, like ATLAS and GotoBLAS. A (slow but correct) reference implementation of the BLAS exists and it has a liberal software license for easy reuse.

We have experience in the exercise of wrapping a C or Fortran BLAS implementation for use in portable C++ libraries. We describe this exercise in detail in our paper "Evolving a Standard C++ Linear Algebra Library from the BLAS" (P1674R0). It is straightforward for vendors, but has pitfalls for developers. For example, Fortran's application binary interface (ABI) differs across platforms in ways that can cause run-time errors (even incorrect results, not just crashing). Historical examples of vendors' C BLAS implementations have also had ABI issues that required work-arounds. This dependence on ABI details makes availability in a standard C++ library valuable.

Notation and conventions

The BLAS uses Fortran terms

The BLAS' "native" language is Fortran. It has a C binding as well, but the BLAS Standard and documentation use Fortran terms. Where applicable, we will call out relevant Fortran terms and highlight possibly confusing differences with corresponding C++ ideas. Our paper P1674R0 ("Evolving a Standard C++ Linear Algebra Library from the BLAS") goes into more detail on these issues.

We call "subroutines" functions

Like Fortran, the BLAS distinguishes between functions that return a value, and subroutines that do not return a value. In what follows, we will refer to both as "BLAS functions" or "functions."

Element types and BLAS function name prefix

The BLAS implements functionality for four different matrix, vector, or scalar element types:

The BLAS' Fortran 77 binding uses a function name prefix to distinguish functions based on element type:

For example, the four BLAS functions SAXPY, DAXPY, CAXPY, and ZAXPY all perform the vector update Y = Y + ALPHA*X for vectors X and Y and scalar ALPHA, but for different vector and scalar element types.

The convention is to refer to all of these functions together as xAXPY. In general, a lower-case x is a placeholder for all data type prefixes that the BLAS provides. For most functions, the x is a prefix, but for a few functions like IxAMAX, the data type "prefix" is not the first letter of the function name. (IxAMAX is a Fortran function that returns INTEGER, and therefore follows the old Fortran implicit naming rule that integers start with I, J, etc.)

Not all BLAS functions exist for all four data types. These come in three categories:

  1. The BLAS provides only real-arithmetic (S and D) versions of the function, since the function only makes mathematical sense in real arithmetic.

  2. The complex-arithmetic versions perform a slightly different mathematical operation than the real-arithmetic versions, so they have a different base name.

  3. The complex-arithmetic versions offer a choice between non-conjugated or conjugated operations.

As an example of the second category, the BLAS functions SASUM and DASUM compute the sums of absolute values of a vector's elements. Their complex counterparts CSASUM and DZASUM compute the sums of absolute values of real and imaginary components of a vector v, that is, the sum of abs(real(v(i))) + abs(imag(v(i))) for all i in the domain of v. The latter operation is still useful as a vector norm, but it requires fewer arithmetic operations.

Examples of the third category include the following:

The conjugate transpose and the (non-conjugated) transpose are the same operation in real arithmetic (if one considers real arithmetic embedded in complex arithmetic), but differ in complex arithmetic. Different applications have different reasons to want either. The C++ Standard includes complex numbers, so a Standard linear algebra library needs to respect the mathematical structures that go along with complex numbers.

What we exclude from the design

Functions not in the Reference BLAS

The BLAS Standard includes functionality that appears neither in the Reference BLAS library, nor in the classic BLAS "level" 1, 2, and 3 papers. (For history of the BLAS "levels" and a bibliography, see P1417R0. For a paper describing functions not in the Reference BLAS, see "An updated set of basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS)," listed in "Other references" below.) For example, the BLAS Standard has

Our proposal only includes core Reference BLAS functionality, for the following reasons:

  1. Vendors who implement a new component of the C++ Standard Library will want to see and test against an existing reference implementation.

  2. Many applications that use sparse linear algebra also use dense, but not vice versa.

  3. The Sparse BLAS interface is a stateful interface that is not consistent with the dense BLAS, and would need more extensive redesign to translate into a modern C++ idiom. See discussion in P1417R0.

  4. Our proposal subsumes some dense mixed-precision functionality (see below).

LAPACK or related functionality

The LAPACK Fortran library implements solvers for the following classes of mathematical problems:

It also provides matrix factorizations and related linear algebra operations. LAPACK deliberately relies on the BLAS for good performance; in fact, LAPACK and the BLAS were designed together. See history presented in P1417R0.

Several C++ libraries provide slices of LAPACK functionality. Here is a brief, noninclusive list, in alphabetical order, of some libraries actively being maintained:

P1417R0 gives some history of C++ linear algebra libraries. The authors of this proposal have designed, written, and maintained LAPACK wrappers in C++. Some authors have LAPACK founders as PhD advisors. Nevertheless, we have excluded LAPACK-like functionality from this proposal, for the following reasons:

  1. LAPACK is a Fortran library, unlike the BLAS, which is a multilanguage standard.

  2. We intend to support more general element types, beyond the four that LAPACK supports. It's much more straightforward to make a C++ BLAS work for general element types, than to make LAPACK algorithms work generically.

First, unlike the BLAS, LAPACK is a Fortran library, not a standard. LAPACK was developed concurrently with the "level 3" BLAS functions, and the two projects share contributors. Nevertheless, only the BLAS and not LAPACK got standardized. Some vendors supply LAPACK implementations with some optimized functions, but most implementations likely depend heavily on "reference" LAPACK. There have been a few efforts by LAPACK contributors to develop C++ LAPACK bindings, from Lapack++ in pre-templates C++ circa 1993, to the recent "C++ API for BLAS and LAPACK". (The latter shares coauthors with this proposal.) However, these are still just C++ bindings to a Fortran library. This means that if vendors had to supply C++ functionality equivalent to LAPACK, they would either need to start with a Fortran compiler, or would need to invest a lot of effort in a C++ reimplementation. Mechanical translation from Fortran to C++ introduces risk, because many LAPACK functions depend critically on details of floating-point arithmetic behavior.

Second, we intend to permit use of matrix or vector element types other than just the four types that the BLAS and LAPACK support. This includes "short" floating-point types, fixed-point types, integers, and user-defined arithmetic types. Doing this is easier for BLAS-like operations than for the much more complicated numerical algorithms in LAPACK. LAPACK strives for a "generic" design (see Jack Dongarra interview summary in P1417R0), but only supports two real floating-point types and two complex floating-point types. Directly translating LAPACK source code into a "generic" version could lead to pitfalls. Many LAPACK algorithms only make sense for number systems that aim to approximate real numbers (or their complex extentions). Some LAPACK functions output error bounds that rely on properties of floating-point arithmetic.

For these reasons, we have left LAPACK-like functionality for future work. It would be natural for a future LAPACK-like C++ library to build on our proposal.

Extended-precision BLAS

Our interface subsumes some functionality of the Mixed-Precision BLAS specification (Chapter 4 of the BLAS Standard). For example, users may multiply two 16-bit floating-point matrices (assuming that a 16-bit floating-point type exists) and accumulate into a 32-bit floating-point matrix, just by providing a 32-bit floating-point matrix as output. Users may specify the precision of a dot product result. If it is greater than the input vectors' element type precisions (e.g., double vs. float), then this effectively performs accumulation in higher precision. Our proposal imposes semantic requirements on some functions, like vector_norm2, to behave in this way.

However, we do not include the "Extended-Precision BLAS" in this proposal. The BLAS Standard lets callers decide at run time whether to use extended precision floating-point arithmetic for internal evaluations. We could support this feature at a later time. Implementations of our interface also have the freedom to use more accurate evaluation methods than typical BLAS implementations. For example, it is possible to make floating-point sums completely independent of parallel evaluation order.

Arithmetic operators and associated expression templates

Our proposal omits arithmetic operators on matrices and vectors. We do so for the following reasons:

  1. We propose a low-level, minimal interface.

  2. operator* could have multiple meanings for matrices and vectors. Should it mean elementwise product (like valarray) or matrix product? Should libraries reinterpret "vector times vector" as a dot product (row vector times column vector)? We prefer to let a higher-level library decide this, and make everything explicit at our lower level.

  3. Arithmetic operators require defining the element type of the vector or matrix returned by an expression. Functions let users specify this explicitly, and even let users use different output types for the same input types in different expressions.

  4. Arithmetic operators may require allocation of temporary matrix or vector storage. This prevents use of nonowning data structures.

  5. Arithmetic operators strongly suggest expression templates. These introduce problems such as dangling references and aliasing.

Our goal is to propose a low-level interface. Other libraries, such as that proposed by P1385R1, could use our interface to implement overloaded arithmetic for matrices and vectors. P0939R0 advocates using "an incremental approach to design to benefit from actual experience." A constrained, function-based, BLAS-like interface builds incrementally on the many years of BLAS experience.

Arithmetic operators on matrices and vectors would require the library, not necessarily the user, to specify the element type of an expression's result. This gets tricky if the terms have mixed element types. For example, what should the element type of the result of the vector sum x + y be, if x has element type complex<float> and y has element type double? It's tempting to use common_type_t, but common_type_t<complex<float>, double> is complex<float>. This loses precision. Some users may want complex<double>; others may want complex<long double> or something else, and others may want to choose different types in the same program.

P1385R1 lets users customize the return type of such arithmetic expressions. However, different algorithms may call for the same expression with the same inputs to have different output types. For example, iterative refinement of linear systems Ax=b can work either with an extended-precision intermediate residual vector r = b - A*x, or with a residual vector that has the same precision as the input linear system. Each choice produces a different algorithm with different convergence characteristics. Thus, our library lets users specify the result element type of linear algebra operations explicitly, by calling a named function that takes an output argument explicitly, rather than an arithmetic operator.

Arithmetic operators on matrices or vectors may also need to allocate temporary storage. Users may not want that. When LAPACK's developers switched from Fortran 77 to a subset of Fortran 90, their users rejected the option of letting LAPACK functions allocate temporary storage on their own. Users wanted to control memory allocation. Also, allocating storage precludes use of nonowning input data structures like basic_mdspan, that do not know how to allocate.

Arithmetic expressions on matrices or vectors strongly suggest expression templates, as a way to avoid allocation of temporaries and to fuse computational kernels. They do not require expression templates. For example, valarray offers overloaded operators for vector arithmetic, but the Standard lets implementers decide whether to use expression templates. However, all of the current C++ linear algebra libraries that we mentioned above have some form of expression templates for overloaded arithmetic operators, so users will expect this and rely on it for good performance. This was, indeed, one of the major complaints about initial implementations of valarray: its lack of mandate for expression templates meant that initial implementations were slow, and thus users did not want to rely on it. (See Josuttis 1999, p. 547, and Vandevoorde and Josuttis 2003, p. 342, for a summary of the history. Fortran has an analogous issue, in which (under certain conditions) it is implementation defined whether the run-time environment needs to copy noncontiguous slices of an array into contiguous temporary storage.)

Expression templates work well, but have issues. Our papers P1417R0 and "Evolving a Standard C++ Linear Algebra Library from the BLAS" (P1674R0) give more detail on these issues. A particularly troublesome one is that modern C++ auto makes it easy for users to capture expressions before their evaluation and writing into an output array. For matrices and vectors with container semantics, this makes it easy to create dangling references. Users might not realize that they need to assign expressions to named types before actual work and storage happen. Eigen's documentation describes this common problem.

Our scaled_view, conjugate_view, and transpose_view functions make use of one aspect of expression templates, namely modifying the array access operator. However, we intend these functions for use only as in-place modifications of arguments of a function call. Also, when modifying basic_mdspan, these functions merely view the same data that their input basic_mdspan views. They introduce no more potential for dangling references than basic_mdspan itself. The use of views like basic_mdspan is self-documenting; it tells users that they need to take responsibility for scope of the viewed data. We permit applying these functions to the container basic_mdarray (see P1684R0), but this has no more risk of dangling references than vector::data does.

Banded matrix layouts

This proposal omits banded matrix types. It would be easy to add the required layouts and specializations of algorithms later. The packed and unpacked symmetric and triangular layouts in this proposal cover the major concerns that would arise in the banded case, like nonstrided and nonunique layouts, and matrix types that forbid access to some multi-indices in the Cartesian product of extents.


We exclude tensors from this proposal, for the following reasons. First, tensor libraries naturally build on optimized dense linear algebra libraries like the BLAS, so a linear algebra library is a good first step. Second, mdspan and mdarray have natural use as a low-level representation of dense tensors, so we are already partway there. Third, even simple tensor operations that naturally generalize the BLAS have infintely many more cases than linear algebra. It's not clear to us which to optimize. Fourth, even though linear algebra is a special case of tensor algebra, users of linear algebra have different interface expectations than users of tensor algebra. Thus, it makes sense to have two separate interfaces.

Design justification

We take a step-wise approach. We begin with core BLAS dense linear algebra functionality. We then deviate from that only as much as necessary to get algorithms that behave as much as reasonable like the existing C++ Standard Library algorithms. Future work or collaboration with other proposals could implement a higher-level interface. We also offer an option for an extension to "batched BLAS" in order to support machine learning and other use cases.

We propose to build the interface on top of basic_mdspan, as well as a new basic_mdarray variant of basic_mdspan with container semantics. We explain the value of these two classes below.

Please refer to our papers "Evolving a Standard C++ Linear Algebra Library from the BLAS" (P1674R0) and "Historical lessons for C++ linear algebra library standardization" (P1417R0). They will give details and references for many of the points that we summarize here.

We do not require using the BLAS library

Our proposal is based on the BLAS interface, and it would be natural for implementers to use an existing C or Fortran BLAS library. However, we do not require an underlying BLAS C interface. Vendors should have the freedom to decide whether they want to rely on an existing BLAS library. They may also want to write a "pure" C++ implementation that does not depend on an external library. They will, in any case, need a "generic" C++ implementation for matrix and vector element types other than the four that the BLAS supports.

Why use basic_mdspan and basic_mdarray?

Defining a concept for the data structures instead

LEWGI requested the exploration of using a concept instead of basic_mdspan to define the arguments for the linear algebra functions. A brief investigation of that option leads us to believe that such a concept would largely replicate the definition of basic_mdspan since almost all its features are explicitly used in part of this proposal. This includes the extents, layout and accessor_policy customization point. At this point it is not clear to us that there would be significant benefits of defining lineary algebra functions in terms of such a concept, instead of defining a general customization point get_mdspan, allowing acceptance of any object type, which provides it.

Why optionally include batched linear algebra?

Function argument aliasing and zero scalar multipliers


  1. The BLAS Standard forbids aliasing any input (read-only) argument with any output (write-only or read-and-write) argument.

  2. The BLAS uses INTENT(INOUT) (read-and-write) arguments to express "updates" to a vector or matrix. By contrast, C++ Standard algorithms like transform take input and output iterator ranges as different parameters, but may let input and output ranges be the same.

  3. The BLAS uses the values of scalar multiplier arguments ("alpha" or "beta") of vectors or matrices at run time, to decide whether to treat the vectors or matrices as write only. This matters both for performance and semantically, assuming IEEE floating-point arithmetic.

  4. We decide separately, based on the category of BLAS function, how to translate INTENT(INOUT) arguments into a C++ idiom:

    1. For in-place triangular solve or triangular multiply, we translate the function to take separate input and output arguments that shall not alias each other.

    2. Else, if the BLAS function unconditionally updates (like xGER), we retain read-and-write behavior for that argument.

    3. Else, if the BLAS function uses a scalar beta argument to decide whether to read the output argument as well as write to it (like xGEMM), we provide two versions: a write-only version (as if beta is zero), and a read-and-write version (as if beta is nonzero).

For a detailed analysis, see "Evolving a Standard C++ Linear Algebra Library from the BLAS" (P1674R0).

Support for different matrix layouts


  1. The dense BLAS supports several different dense matrix "types." Type is a mixture of "storage format" (e.g., packed, banded) and "mathematical property" (e.g., symmetric, Hermitian, triangular).

  2. Some "types" can be expressed as custom basic_mdspan layouts; others do not.

  3. Thus, a C++ BLAS wrapper cannot overload on matrix "type" simply by overloading on basic_mdspan specialization. The wrapper must use different function names, tags, or some other way to decide what the matrix type is.

For more details, including a list and description of the matrix "types" that the dense BLAS supports, see our paper "Evolving a Standard C++ Linear Algebra Library from the BLAS" (P1674R0) lists the different matrix types.

A C++ linear algebra library has a few possibilities for distinguishing the matrix "type":

  1. It could imitate the BLAS, by introducing different function names, if the layouts and accessors do not sufficiently describe the arguments.

  2. It could introduce a hierarchy of higher-level classes for representing linear algebra objects, use basic_mdspan (or something like it) underneath, and write algorithms to those higher-level classes.

  3. It could use the layout and accessor types in basic_mdspan simply as tags to indicate the matrix "type." Algorithms could specialize on those tags.

We have chosen Approach 1. Our view is that a BLAS-like interface should be as low-level as possible. Approach 2 is more like a "Matlab in C++"; a library that implements this could build on our proposal's lower-level library. Approach 3 sounds attractive. However, most BLAS matrix "types" do not have a natural representation as layouts. Trying to hack them in would pollute basic_mdspan - a simple class meant to be easy for the compiler to optimize - with extra baggage for representing what amounts to sparse matrices. We think that BLAS matrix "type" is better represented with a higher-level library that builds on our proposal.


This proposal does not yet have full wording. We have filled in enough wording for meaningful design discussions, such as those presented in "Options and votes" below.

Data structures and utilities borrowed from other proposals


P0009R9 is a proposal for adding multidimensional arrays to the C++ Standard Library. basic_mdspan is the main class in this proposal. It is a "view" (in the sense of span) of a multidimensional array. The rank (number of dimensions) is fixed at compile time. Users may specify some dimensions at run time and others at compile time; the type of the basic_mdspan expresses this. basic_mdspan also has two customization points:

The basic_mdspan class has an alias mdspan that uses the default Layout and Accessor. In this paper, when we refer to mdspan without other qualifiers, we mean the most general basic_mdspan.


basic_mdspan views an existing memory allocation. It does not give users a way to allocate a new array, even if the array has all compile-time dimensions. Furthermore, basic_mdspan always stores a pointer. For very small matrices or vectors, this is not a zero-overhead abstraction. Also, it's often more natural to pass around very small objects by value. For these reasons, our paper (P1684R0) proposes a new class basic_mdarray.

basic_mdarray is a new kind of container, with the same deep copy behavior as vector. It has the same extension points as basic_mdspan, and also has the ability to use any contiguous container (see [container.requirements.general]) for storage. Contiguity matters because basic_mdspan views a subset of a contiguous pointer range, and we want to be able to get a basic_mdspan that views the basic_mdarray. basic_mdarray will come with support for two different underlying containers: array and vector. A subspan (see P0009R9) of a basic_mdarray will return a basic_mdspan with the appropriate layout and corresponding accessor. Users must guard against dangling pointers, just as they currently must do when using span to view a subset of a vector.

The basic_mdarray class has an alias mdarray that uses default policies. In this paper, when we refer to mdarray without other qualifiers, we mean basic_mdarray.

Data structures and utilities


Our proposal uses the layout policy of basic_mdspan and basic_mdarray in order to represent different matrix and vector data layouts. Layouts as described by P0009R9 come in three different categories:

P0009R9 includes three different layouts -- layout_left, layout_right, and layout_stride -- all of which are unique, contiguous, and strided.

This proposal includes the following additional layouts:

These layouts have "tag" template parameters that control their properties; see below.

We do not include layouts for unpacked "types," such as Symmetric (SY), Hermitian (HE), and triangular (TR). P1674R0 explains our reasoning. In summary: Their actual layout - the arrangement of matrix elements in memory - is the same as General. The only differences are constraints on what entries of the matrix algorithms may access, and assumptions about the matrix's mathematical properties. Trying to express those constraints or assumptions as "layouts" or "accessors" violates the spirit (and sometimes the law) of basic_mdspan.

The packed matrix "types" do describe actual arrangements of matrix elements in memory that are not the same as in General. This is why we provide layout_blas_packed. Note that these layouts would thus be the first additions to the layouts in P0009R9 that are not unique, contiguous, and strided.

Algorithms cannot be written generically if they permit arguments with nonunique layouts, especially output arguments. Nonunique output arguments require specialization of the algorithm to the layout, since there's no way to know generically at compile time what indices map to the same matrix element. Thus, we impose the following rule: Any basic_mdspan or basic_mdarray argument to our functions must always have unique layout (is_always_unique() is true), unless otherwise specified.

Some of our functions explicitly require outputs with specific nonunique layouts. This includes low-rank updates to symmetric or Hermitian matrices, and matrix-matrix multiplication with symmetric or Hermitian matrices.

Tag classes for layouts

We use tag classes to parameterize a small number of layout names. Layouts take tag types as template arguments, and function callers use the corresponding constexpr instances of tag types for compile-time control of function behavior.

Storage order tags
struct column_major_t {
  constexpr explicit column_major_t() noexcept = default;
inline constexpr column_major_t column_major = { };

struct row_major_t {
  constexpr explicit row_major_t() noexcept = default;
inline constexpr row_major_t row_major = { };

column_major_t indicates a column-major order, and row_major_t indicates a row-major order. The interpretation of each depends on the specific layout that uses the tag. See layout_blas_general and layout_blas_packed.

Triangle tags

Linear algebra algorithms find it convenient to distinguish between the "upper triangle," "lower triangle," and "diagonal" of a matrix.

struct upper_triangle_t {
  constexpr explicit upper_triangle_t() noexcept = default;
inline constexpr upper_triangle_t upper_triangle = { };

struct lower_triangle_t {
  constexpr explicit lower_triangle_t() noexcept = default;
inline constexpr lower_triangle_t lower_triangle = { };

These tag classes specify whether algorithms and other users of a matrix (represented as a basic_mdspan or basic_mdarray) should access the upper triangle (upper_triangular_t) or lower triangle (lower_triangular_t) of the matrix. This is also subject to the restrictions of implicit_unit_diagonal_t if that tag is also applied; see below.

Diagonal tags
struct implicit_unit_diagonal_t {
  constexpr explicit implicit_unit_diagonal_t() noexcept = default;
inline constexpr implicit_unit_diagonal_t implicit_unit_diagonal = { };

struct explicit_diagonal_t {
  constexpr explicit explicit_diagonal_t() noexcept = default;
inline constexpr explicit_diagonal_t explicit_diagonal = { };

These tag classes specify what algorithms and other users of a matrix (represented as a basic_mdspan or basic_mdarray) should assume about the diagonal entries of the matrix, and whether algorithms and users of the matrix should access those diagonal entries explicitly.

The implicit_unit_diagonal_t tag indicates two things:

[Note:* Typical BLAS practice is that the algorithm never actually needs to form an explicit 1.0, so there is no need to impose a constraint that 1 or 1.0 is convertible to the matrix's element_type. -*end note]

The tag explicit_diagonal_t indicates that algorithms and other users of the viewer may access the matrix's diagonal entries directly.

Side tags

Linear algebra algorithms find it convenient to distinguish between applying some operator to the left side of an object, or the right side of an object. [Note:* Matrix-matrix product and triangular solve with a matrix generally do not commute. -*end note]

struct left_side_t {
  constexpr explicit left_side_t() noexcept = default;
constexpr left_side_t left_side = { };

struct right_side_t {
  constexpr explicit right_side_t() noexcept = default;
constexpr right_side_t right_side = { };

These tag classes specify whether algorithms should apply some operator to the left side (left_side_t) or right side (right_side_t) of an object.

New "General" layouts

template<class StorageOrder>
class layout_blas_general;

These new layouts represent exactly the layout assumed by the General (GE) matrix type in the BLAS' C binding.

These layouts are both always unique and always strided. They are contiguous if and only if the "leading dimension" equals the number of rows resp. columns. Both layouts are more general than layout_left and layout_right, because they permit a stride between columns resp. rows that is greater than the corresponding extent. This is why BLAS functions take an LDA (leading dimension of the matrix A) argument separate from the dimensions (extents, in mdspan terms) of A. However, these layouts are slightly less general than layout_stride, because they assume contiguous storage of columns resp. rows. See P1674R0 for further discussion.

These new layouts have natural generalizations to ranks higher than 2. The definition of each of these layouts would look and work like layout_stride, except for the following differences:

These new layouts differ intentionally from layout_stride, which (as of P0009R9) takes strides all as run-time elements in an array. (We favor changing this in the next revision of P0009, to make layout_stride take the strides as a second extents object.) We want users to be able to express strides as an arbitrary mix of compile-time and run-time values, just as they can express dimensions.

Packed layouts

template<class Triangle,
         class StorageOrder>
class layout_blas_packed;

Throughout this Clause, where the template parameters are not constrained, the names of template parameters are used to express type requirements.

Packed layout mapping

The BLAS' packed matrix "types" all store the represented entries of the matrix contiguously. They start at the top left side of the matrix.

A StorageOrder of column_major_t indicates column-major ordering. This packs matrix elements starting with the leftmost (least column index) column, and proceeding column by column, from the top entry (least row index). A StorageOrder of row_major_t indicates row-major ordering. This packs matrix elements starting with the topmost (least row index) row, and proceeding row by row, from the leftmost (least column index) entry.

Whether the "type" stores the upper or lower triangle of the matrix matters for the layout, not just for the matrix's mathematical properties. Thus, the choice of upper or lower triangle must be part of the layout. Triangle=upper_triangle_t means that the layout represents the upper triangle; Triangle=lower_triangle_t means that the layout represents the lower triangle. We will describe the mapping as a function of StorageOrder and Triangle below.

Packed layouts require that the matrix/matrices are square. That is, the rightmost two extents (extents(extents().rank()-2) and extents(extents().rank()-1)) are equal.

Packed layouts generalize just like unpacked layouts to "batches" of matrices. The last two (rightmost) indices index within a matrix, and the remaining index/indices identify which matrix.

Let N be extents(extents().rank()-1). (That is, each matrix in the batch has N rows and N columns.) Let i,j be the last two (rightmost) indices in the is parameter pack given to the packed layout's mapping::operator().

[Note:* Whether or not the storage format has an implicit unit diagonal (see the implicit_unit_diagonal_t tag above) does not change the mapping. This means that packed matrix storage "wastes" the unit diagonal, if present. This follows BLAS convention; see Section 2.2.4 of the BLAS Standard. It also has the advantage that every index pair i,j in the Cartesian product of the extents maps to a valid (though wrong) codomain index. This is why we declare the packed layout mappings as "nonunique." -*end note]

Packed layout views

The idea behind packed matrix types is that users take an existing 1-D array, and view it as a matrix data structure. We adapt this approach to our library by including functions that create a "packed view" of an existing basic_mdspan or basic_mdarray. The resulting packed object has one higher rank.


Throughout this Clause, where the template parameters are not constrained, the names of template parameters are used to express type requirements.

Create a packed triangular view of an existing object
template<class EltType,
         class Extents,
         class Layout,
         class Accessor,
         class Triangle,
         class StorageOrder>
constexpr basic_mdspan<EltType,
  const basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& m,
  typename basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>::index_type num_rows,

template<class EltType,
         class Extents,
         class Layout,
         class Accessor,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class StorageOrder>
constexpr basic_mdspan<const EltType,
  const basic_mdarray<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& m,
  typename basic_mdarray<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>::index_type num_rows,

template<class EltType,
         class Extents,
         class Layout,
         class Accessor,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class StorageOrder>
constexpr basic_mdspan<EltType,
  basic_mdarray<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& m,
  typename basic_mdarray<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>::index_type num_rows,

Scaled view of an object

Most BLAS functions that take scalar arguments use those arguments as a transient scaling of another vector or matrix argument. For example, xAXPY computes y = alpha*x + y, where x and y are vectors, and alpha is a scalar. Scalar arguments help make the BLAS more efficient by combining related operations and avoiding temporary vectors or matrices. In this xAXPY example, users would otherwise need a temporary vector z = alpha*x (xSCAL), and would need to make two passes over the input vector x (once for the scale, and another for the vector add). However, scalar arguments complicate the interface.

We can solve all these issues in C++ by introducing a "scaled view" of an existing vector or matrix, via a changed basic_mdspan Accessor. For example, users could imitate what xAXPY does by using our linalg_add function (see below) as follows:

mdspan<double, extents<dynamic_extent>> y = ...;
mdspan<double, extents<dynamic_extent>> x = ...;
double alpha = ...;

linalg_add(scaled_view(alpha, x), y, y);

The resulting operation would only need to iterate over the entries of the input vector x and the input / output vector y once. An implementation could dispatch to the BLAS by noticing that the first argument has an accessor_scaled (see below) Accessor type, extracting the scalar value alpha, and calling the corresponding xAXPY function (assuming that alpha is nonzero; see discussion above).

The same linalg_add interface would then support the operation w := alpha*x + beta*y:

linalg_add(scaled_view(alpha, x), scaled_view(beta, y), w);

Note that this operation could not dispatch to an existing BLAS library, unless the library implements the xWAXPBY function specified in the BLAS Standard. However, implementations could specialize on the result of a scaled_view, in order to transform the user's arguments into something suitable for a BLAS library call. For example, if the user calls matrix_product (see below) with A and B both results of scaled_view, then the implementation could combine both scalars into a single "alpha" and call xGEMM with it.


scaled_scalar expresses a scaled version of an existing scalar. This must be read only. [Note:* This avoids likely confusion with the definition of "assigning to a scaled scalar." -*end note]


scaled_scalar and conjugated_scalar (see below) behave a bit like atomic_ref, in that they are special reference types for the Accessors accessor_scaled resp. accessor_conjugate (see below), and that they provide overloaded arithmetic operators that implement a limited form of expression templates. The arithmetic operators are templated on their input type, so that they only need to compile if an algorithm actually uses them. The conversion to T allows simple assignment to T, or invocation in functions that take T.

There are other surprising results outside the scope of this proposal to fix, like the fact that operator* does not work for complex<float> times double. This means scaled_view(x, 93.0) for x with element_type complex<float> will not compile. Neither does complex<float>(5.0, 6.0) * y. Our experience with generic numerical algorithms is that floating-point literals need type adornment.

-end note]

template<class Reference, class ScalingFactor>
class scaled_scalar {
  Reference value;
  const ScalingFactor scaling_factor;
  using result_type = decltype (value * scaling_factor);
  scaled_scalar(Reference v, const ScalingFactor& s) :
    value(v), scaling_factor(s) {}

  operator result_type() const { return value * scaling_factor; }


Accessor to make basic_mdspan return a scaled_scalar.

template<class Accessor, class S>
class accessor_scaled {
  using element_type  = Accessor::element_type;
  using pointer       = Accessor::pointer;
  using reference     = scaled_scalar<Accessor::reference,S>;
  using offset_policy = accessor_scaled<Accessor::offset_policy,S>;

  accessor_scaled(Accessor a, S sval) :
    acc(a), scale_factor(sval) {}

  reference access(pointer& p, ptrdiff_t i) const noexcept {
    return reference(acc.access(p,i), scale_factor);

  offset_policy::pointer offset(pointer p, ptrdiff_t i) const noexcept {
    return a.offset(p,i);

  element_type* decay(pointer p) const noexcept {
    return a.decay(p);

  Accessor acc;
  S scale_factor;


Return a scaled view using a new accessor.

template<class T, class Extents, class Layout,
         class Accessor, class S>
basic_mdspan<T, Extents, Layout, accessor_scaled<Accessor, S>>
scaled_view(S s, const basic_mdspan<T, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& a);

template<class T, class Extents, class Layout,
         class Accessor, class S>
basic_mdspan<const T, Extents, Layout, <i>see-below</i> >
scaled_view(S s, const basic_mdarray<T, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& a);

The Accessor type of the basic_mdspan returned by the overload that takes basic_mdarray is accessor_scaled<ConstAccessor, S>, where ConstAccessor is an implementation-defined type. See P1684R0 for details.


void test_scaled_view(basic_mdspan<double, extents<10>> a)
  auto a_scaled = scaled_view(5.0, a);
  for(int i = 0; i < a.extent(0); ++i)
    assert(a_scaled(i) == 5.0 * a(i));

Conjugated view of an object

Some BLAS functions of matrices also take an argument that specifies whether to view the transpose or conjugate transpose of the matrix. The BLAS uses this argument to modify a read-only input transiently. This means that users can let the BLAS work with the data in place, without needing to compute the transpose or conjugate transpose explicitly. However, it complicates the BLAS interface.

Just as we did above with "scaled views" of an object, we can apply the complex conjugate operation to each element of an object using a special accessor.

What does the complex conjugate mean for non-complex numbers? We use the convention that the "complex conjugate" of a non-complex number is just the number. This makes sense mathematically, if we embed a field (of real numbers) in the corresponding set of complex numbers over that field, as all complex numbers with zero imaginary part. It's also the convention that the Trilinos library (among others) uses. However, as we will show below, this does not work with the C++ Standard Library's definition of conj. We deal with this by defining conjugate_view so that it does not use conj for real element types.


conjugated_scalar expresses a conjugated version of an existing scalar. This must be read only. [Note:* This avoids likely confusion with the definition of "assigning to the conjugate of a scalar." -*end note]

The C++ Standard imposes the following requirements on complex<T> numbers:

  1. T may only be float, double, or long double.

  2. Overloads of conj(const T&) exist for T=float, double, long double, or any built-in integer type, but all these overloads have return type complex<U> with U either float, double, or long double. (See [cmplx.over].)

We need the return type of conjugated_scalar's arithmetic operators to be the same as the type of the scalar that it wraps. This means that conjugated_scalar only works for complex<T> scalar types. Users cannot define custom types that are complex numbers. (The alternative would be to permit users to specialize conjugated_scalar, but we didn't want to add a customization point in the sense of [namespace.std]. Our definition of conjugated_scalar is compatible with any future expansion of the C++ Standard to permit complex<T> for other T.)

template<class T>
class conjugated_scalar {
  using value_type = T;

  conjugated_scalar(const T& v) : val(v) {}

  operator T() const { return conj(val); }

  template<class T2>
  T operator* (const T2 upd) const {
    return conj(val) * upd;

  template<class T2>
  T operator+ (const T2 upd) const {
    return conj(val) + upd;

  template<class T2>
  bool operator== (const T2 upd) const {
    return conj(val) == upd;

  template<class T2>
  bool operator!= (const T2 upd) const {
    return conj(val) != upd;

  // ... add only those operators needed for the functions in this
  // proposal ...

  const T& val;


The accessor_conjugate Accessor makes basic_mdspan access return a conjugated_scalar if the scalar type is std::complex<R> for some R. Otherwise, it makes basic_mdspan access return the original basic_mdspan's reference type.

template<class Accessor, class T>
class accessor_conjugate {
  using element_type  = typename Accessor::element_type;
  using pointer       = typename Accessor::pointer;
  using reference     = typename Accessor::reference;
  using offset_policy = typename Accessor::offset_policy;

  accessor_conjugate() = default;
  accessor_conjugate(Accessor a) : acc(a) {}

  reference access(pointer p, ptrdiff_t i) const noexcept {
    return reference(acc.access(p, i));

  typename offset_policy::pointer offset(pointer p, ptrdiff_t i) const noexcept {
    return acc.offset(p,i);

  element_type* decay(pointer p) const noexcept {
    return acc.decay(p);
  Accessor acc;

template<class Accessor, class T>
class accessor_conjugate<Accessor, std::complex<T>> {
  using element_type  = typename Accessor::element_type;
  using pointer       = typename Accessor::pointer;
  // FIXME Do we actually need to template conjugated_scalar
  // on the Reference type as well as T ?
  using reference     =
    conjugated_scalar< /* typename Accessor::reference, */ std::complex<T>>;
  using offset_policy =
    accessor_conjugate<typename Accessor::offset_policy, std::complex<T>>;

  accessor_conjugate() = default;

  accessor_conjugate(Accessor a) : acc(a) {}

  reference access(pointer p, ptrdiff_t i) const noexcept {
    return reference(acc.access(p, i));

  typename offset_policy::pointer offset(pointer p, ptrdiff_t i) const noexcept {
    return acc.offset(p, i);

  element_type* decay(pointer p) const noexcept {
    return acc.decay(p);
  Accessor acc;


The conjugate_view function returns a conjugated view using a new accessor.

template<class EltType, class Extents, class Layout, class Accessor>
basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, Layout,
             accessor_conjugate<Accessor, EltType>>
conjugate_view(basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor> a);

template<class EltType, class Extents, class Layout, class Accessor>
basic_mdspan<const EltType, Extents, Layout, <i>see-below</i> >
conjugate_view(const basic_mdarray<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& a);

The Accessor type of the basic_mdspan returned by the overload that takes basic_mdarray is accessor_conjugate<ConstAccessor, S>, where ConstAccessor is an implementation-defined type. See P1684R0 for details.


void test_conjugate_view(basic_mdspan<complex<double>, extents<10>>)
  auto a_conj = conjugate_view(a);
  for(int i = 0; i < a.extent(0); ++i)
    assert(a_conj(i) == conj(a(i));

[Note:* Instead of a partial specialization of accessor_conjugate, one could have different overloads of conjugate_view that return fo non-complex scalar types the same accessor as the input argument. -*end note]

Transpose view of an object

Many BLAS functions of matrices take an argument that specifies whether to view the transpose or conjugate transpose of the matrix. The BLAS uses this argument to modify a read-only input transiently. This means that users can let the BLAS work with the data in place, without needing to compute the transpose or conjugate transpose explicitly. However, it complicates the BLAS interface.

Just as we did above with a "scaled view" of an object, we can construct a "transposed view" or "conjugate transpose" view of an object. This lets us simplify the interface.

An implementation could dispatch to the BLAS by noticing that the first argument has a layout_transpose (see below) Layout type (in both transposed and conjugate transposed cases), and/or an accessor_conjugate (see below) Accessor type (in the conjugate transposed case). It could use this information to extract the appropriate run-time BLAS parameters.


This layout wraps an existing layout, and swaps its rightmost two indices.

template<class Layout>
class layout_transpose {
  template<class Extents>
  struct mapping {
    using nested_mapping_type = typename Layout::template mapping<Extents>;
    nested_mapping_type nested_mapping;

    mapping() = default;

    mapping(nested_mapping_type map) : nested_mapping(map) {}

    // ... insert other standard mapping things ...

    // for non-batched layouts
    ptrdiff_t operator() (ptrdiff_t i, ptrdiff_t j) const {
      return nested_mapping(j, i);

    // FIXME The overload below doesn\'t compile

    // // for batched layouts
    // ptrdiff_t operator() (ptrdiff_t... rest, ptrdiff_t i, ptrdiff_t j) const {
    //  return nested_mapping(rest..., j, i);
    // }


The transpose_view function returns a transposed view of an object. For rank-2 objects, the transposed view swaps the row and column indices. In the batched (higher rank) case, the transposed view swaps the rightmost two indices.

Note that transpose_view always returns a basic_mdspan with the layout_transpose argument. This gives a type-based indication of the transpose operation. However, functions' implementations may convert the layout_transpose object to an object with a different but equivalent layout. For example, functions can view the transpose of a layout_blas<column_major_t> matrix as a layout_blas<row_major_t> matrix. (This is a classic technique for supporting row-major matrices using the Fortran BLAS interface.)

template<class EltType, class Extents, class Layout, class Accessor>
basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, layout_transpose<Layout>, Accessor>
transpose_view(basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor> a);

template<class EltType, class Extents, class Layout, class Accessor>
basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, layout_transpose<Layout>, <i>see-below</i> >
transpose_view(const basic_mdarray<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& a);

The Accessor type of the basic_mdspan returned by the overload that takes basic_mdarray is an implementation-defined type. See P1684R0 for details.

Conjugate transpose view

The conjugate_transpose_view function returns a conjugate transpose view of an object. This combines the effects of transpose_view and conjugate_view.

template<class EltType, class Extents, class Layout, class Accessor>
basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, layout_transpose<Layout>,
             accessor_conjugate<Accessor, EltType>>
  basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor> a);

template<class EltType, class Extents, class Layout, class Accessor>
basic_mdspan<EltType, Extents, layout_transpose<Layout>,
             <i>see-below</i> >
  const basic_mdarray<EltType, Extents, Layout, Accessor>& a)

The Accessor type of the basic_mdspan returned by the overload that takes basic_mdarray is accessor_conjugate<ConstAccessor, S>, where ConstAccessor is an implementation-defined type. See P1684R0 for details.



Throughout this Clause, where the template parameters are not constrained, the names of template parameters are used to express type requirements. In the requirements below, we use * in a typename to denote a "wildcard," that matches zero characters, _1, _2, _3, or other things as appropriate.

BLAS 1 functions


The BLAS developed in three "levels": 1, 2, and 3. BLAS 1 includes vector-vector operations, BLAS 2 matrix-vector operations, and BLAS 3 matrix-matrix operations. The level coincides with the number of nested loops in a naïve sequential implementation of the operation. Increasing level also comes with increasing potential for data reuse. The BLAS traditionally lists computing a Givens rotation among the BLAS 1 operations, even though it only operates on scalars.

–end note]

Givens rotations

Compute Givens rotations
template<class Real>
void givens_rotation_setup(const Real a,
                           const Real b,
                           Real& c,
                           Real& s,
                           Real& r);

template<class Real>
void givens_rotation_setup(const complex<Real>& a,
                           const complex<Real>& a,
                           Real& c,
                           complex<Real>& s,
                           complex<Real>& r);

This function computes the plane (Givens) rotation represented by the two values c and s such that the mathematical expression

[c        s]   [a]   [r]
[          ] * [ ] = [ ]
[-conj(s) c]   [b]   [0]

holds, where conj indicates the mathematical conjugate of s, c is always a real scalar, and c*c + abs(s)*abs(s) equals one. That is, c and s represent a 2 x 2 matrix, that when multiplied by the right by the input vector whose components are a and b, produces a result vector whose first component r is the Euclidean norm of the input vector, and whose second component as zero. [Note:* The C++ Standard Library conj function always returns complex<T> for some T, even though overloads exist for non-complex input. The above expression uses conj as mathematical notation, not as code. -*end note]

[Note:* This function corresponds to the LAPACK function xLARTG. The BLAS variant xROTG takes four arguments - a, b, c, and s– and overwrites the input a with r. We have chosen xLARTG's interface because it separates input and output, and to encourage following xLARTG's more careful implementation. -*end note]

[Note:* givens_rotation_setup has an overload for complex numbers, because the output argument c (cosine) is a signed magnitude. -*end note]

Apply a computed Givens rotation to vectors
template<class inout_vector_1_t,
         class inout_vector_2_t,
         class Real>
void givens_rotation_apply(
  inout_vector_1_t x,
  inout_vector_2_t y,
  const Real c,
  const Real s);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class inout_vector_1_t,
         class inout_vector_2_t,
         class Real>
void givens_rotation_apply(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  inout_vector_1_t x,
  inout_vector_2_t y,
  const Real c,
  const Real s);

template<class inout_vector_1_t,
         class inout_vector_2_t,
         class Real>
void givens_rotation_apply(
  inout_vector_1_t x,
  inout_vector_2_t y,
  const Real c,
  const complex<Real> s);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class inout_vector_1_t,
         class inout_vector_2_t,
         class Real>
void givens_rotation_apply(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  inout_vector_1_t x,
  inout_vector_2_t y,
  const Real c,
  const complex<Real> s);


These functions correspond to the BLAS function xROT. c and s form a plane (Givens) rotation. Users normally would compute c and s using givens_rotation_setup, but they are not required to do this.

–end note]

Swap matrix or vector elements
template<class inout_object_1_t,
         class inout_object_2_t>
void linalg_swap(inout_object_1_t x,
                 inout_object_2_t y);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class inout_object_1_t,
         class inout_object_2_t>
void linalg_swap(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                 inout_object_1_t x,
                 inout_object_2_t y);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xSWAP. –*end note]

Multiply the elements of an object in place by a scalar

template<class Scalar,
         class inout_object_t>
void scale(const Scalar alpha,
           inout_object_t obj);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class Scalar,
         class inout_object_t>
void scale(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
           const Scalar alpha,
           inout_object_t obj);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xSCAL. –*end note]

Copy elements of one matrix or vector into another

template<class in_object_t,
         class out_object_t>
void linalg_copy(in_object_t x,
                 out_object_t y);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_object_t,
         class out_object_t>
void linalg_copy(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                 in_object_t x,
                 out_object_t y);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xCOPY. –*end note]

Add vectors or matrices elementwise

template<class in_object_1_t,
         class in_object_2_t,
         class out_object_t>
void linalg_add(in_object_1_t x,
                in_object_2_t y,
                out_object_t z);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_object_1_t,
         class in_object_2_t,
         class out_object_t>
void linalg_add(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                in_object_1_t x,
                in_object_2_t y,
                out_object_t z);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xAXPY. –*end note]

Inner (dot) product of two vectors

Non-conjugated inner (dot) product
template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class T>
T dot(in_vector_1_t v1,
      in_vector_2_t v2,
      T init);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class T>
T dot(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      in_vector_1_t v1,
      in_vector_2_t v2,
      T init);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xDOT (for real element types), xDOTC, and xDOTU (for complex element types). –*end note]

[Note:* Like reduce, dot applies binary operator+ in an unspecified order. This may yield a nondeterministic result for non-associative or non-commutative operator+ such as floating-point addition. However, implementations may perform extra work to make the result deterministic. They may do so for all dot overloads, or just for specific ExecutionPolicy types. -*end note]

[Note:* Users can get xDOTC behavior by giving the second argument as a conjugate_view. Alternately, they can use the shortcut dotc below. -*end note]

Non-conjugated inner (dot) product with default result type
template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t>
auto dot(in_vector_1_t v1,
         in_vector_2_t v2);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t>
auto dot(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
         in_vector_1_t v1,
         in_vector_2_t v2);
Conjugated inner (dot) product
template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class T>
T dotc(in_vector_1_t v1,
       in_vector_2_t v2,
       T init);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class T>
T dotc(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
       in_vector_1_t v1,
       in_vector_2_t v2,
       T init);

[Note:* dotc exists to give users reasonable default inner product behavior for both real and complex element types. -*end note]

Conjugated inner (dot) product with default result type
template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t>
auto dotc(in_vector_1_t v1,
          in_vector_2_t v2);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t>
auto dotc(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
          in_vector_1_t v1,
          in_vector_2_t v2);

Euclidean (2) norm of a vector

template<class in_vector_t,
         class T>
T vector_norm2(in_vector_t v,
               T init);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t,
         class T>
T vector_norm2(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
               in_vector_t v,
               T init);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xNRM2. –*end note]

[Note:* The intent of the second point of Remarks is that implementations generalize the guarantees of hypot regarding overflow and underflow. This excludes naïve implementations for floating-point types. -*end note]

Euclidean (2) norm of a vector with default result type

template<class in_vector_t>
auto vector_norm2(in_vector_t v);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t>
auto vector_norm2(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                  in_vector_t v);

Sum of absolute values

template<class in_vector_t,
         class T>
T vector_abs_sum(in_vector_t v,
                 T init);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t,
         class T>
T vector_abs_sum(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                 in_vector_t v,
                 T init);

[Note:* This function corresponds to the BLAS functions SASUM, DASUM, CSASUM, and DZASUM. The different behavior for complex element types is based on the observation that this lower-cost approximation of the one-norm serves just as well as the actual one-norm for many linear algebra algorithms in practice. -*end note]

Sum of absolute values with default result type

template<class in_vector_t>
auto vector_abs_sum(in_vector_t v);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t>
auto vector_abs_sum(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                    in_vector_t v);

Index of maximum absolute value of vector elements

template<class in_vector_t>
ptrdiff_t idx_abs_max(in_vector_t v);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t>
ptrdiff_t idx_abs_max(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                 in_vector_t v);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function IxAMAX. –*end note]

BLAS 2 functions

General matrix-vector product

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xGEMV. -*end note]

The following requirements apply to all functions in this section.

Overwriting matrix-vector product
template<class in_vector_t,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void matrix_vector_product(in_matrix_t A,
                           in_vector_t x,
                           out_vector_t y);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void matrix_vector_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                           in_matrix_t A,
                           in_vector_t x,
                           out_vector_t y);
Updating matrix-vector product
template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void matrix_vector_product(in_matrix_t A,
                           in_vector_1_t x,
                           in_vector_2_t y,
                           out_vector_t z);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void matrix_vector_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                           in_matrix_t A,
                           in_vector_1_t x,
                           in_vector_2_t y,
                           out_vector_t z);

Symmetric matrix-vector product

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xSYMV and xSPMV. -*end note]

The following requirements apply to all functions in this section.

Overwriting symmetric matrix-vector product
template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void symmetric_matrix_vector_product(in_matrix_t A,
                                     Triangle t,
                                     in_vector_t x,
                                     out_vector_t y);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void symmetric_matrix_vector_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                                     in_matrix_t A,
                                     Triangle t,
                                     in_vector_t x,
                                     out_vector_t y);
Updating symmetric matrix-vector product
template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void symmetric_matrix_vector_product(
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  out_vector_t z);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void symmetric_matrix_vector_product(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  out_vector_t z);

Hermitian matrix-vector product

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xHEMV and xHPMV. -*end note]

The following requirements apply to all functions in this section.

Overwriting Hermitian matrix-vector product
template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void hermitian_matrix_vector_product(in_matrix_t A,
                                     Triangle t,
                                     in_vector_t x,
                                     out_vector_t y);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void hermitian_matrix_vector_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                                     in_matrix_t A,
                                     Triangle t,
                                     in_vector_t x,
                                     out_vector_t y);
Updating Hermitian matrix-vector product
template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void hermitian_matrix_vector_product(in_matrix_t A,
                                     Triangle t,
                                     in_vector_1_t x,
                                     in_vector_2_t y,
                                     out_vector_t z);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void hermitian_matrix_vector_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                                     in_matrix_t A,
                                     Triangle t,
                                     in_vector_1_t x,
                                     in_vector_2_t y,
                                     out_vector_t z);

Triangular matrix-vector product

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xTRMV and xTPMV. -*end note]

The following requirements apply to all functions in this section.

Overwriting triangular matrix-vector product
template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class in_vector_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void triangular_matrix_vector_product(
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  DiagonalStorage d,
  in_vector_t x,
  out_vector_t y);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class in_vector_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void triangular_matrix_vector_product(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  DiagonalStorage d,
  in_vector_t x,
  out_vector_t y);
Updating triangular matrix-vector product
template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void triangular_matrix_vector_product(in_matrix_t A,
                                      Triangle t,
                                      DiagonalStorage d,
                                      in_vector_1_t x,
                                      in_vector_2_t y,
                                      out_vector_t z);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class out_vector_t>
void triangular_matrix_vector_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                                      in_matrix_t A,
                                      Triangle t,
                                      DiagonalStorage d,
                                      in_vector_1_t x,
                                      in_vector_2_t y,
                                      out_vector_t z);

Solve a triangular linear system

template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class in_object_t,
         class out_object_t>
void triangular_matrix_vector_solve(
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  DiagonalStorage d,
  in_object_t b,
  out_object_t x);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class in_object_t,
         class out_object_t>
void triangular_matrix_vector_solve(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  DiagonalStorage d,
  in_object_t b,
  out_object_t x);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xTRSV and xTPSV. -*end note]

Rank-1 (outer product) update of a matrix

Nonsymmetric non-conjugated rank-1 update
template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t>
void matrix_rank_1_update(
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t>
void matrix_rank_1_update(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A);

[Note:* This function corresponds to the BLAS functions xGER (for real element types), xGERC, and xGERU (for complex element types). -*end note]

[Note:* Users can get xGERC behavior by giving the second argument as a conjugate_view. Alternately, they can use the shortcut matrix_rank_1_update_c below. -*end note]

Nonsymmetric conjugated rank-1 update
template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t>
void matrix_rank_1_update_c(
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t>
void matrix_rank_1_update_c(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A);
Rank-1 update of a Symmetric matrix
template<class in_vector_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void symmetric_matrix_rank_1_update(
  in_vector_t x,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void symmetric_matrix_rank_1_update(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_vector_t x,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xSYR and xSPR. -*end note]

Rank-1 update of a Hermitian matrix
template<class in_vector_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void hermitian_matrix_rank_1_update(
  in_vector_t x,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void hermitian_matrix_rank_1_update(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_vector_t x,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xHER and xHPR. -*end note]

Rank-2 update of a symmetric matrix

template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void symmetric_matrix_rank_2_update(
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void symmetric_matrix_rank_2_update(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xSYR2 and xSPR2. -*end note]

Rank-2 update of a Hermitian matrix

template<class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void hermitian_matrix_rank_2_update(
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_vector_1_t,
         class in_vector_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void hermitian_matrix_rank_2_update(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_vector_1_t x,
  in_vector_2_t y,
  inout_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS functions xHER2 and xHPR2. -*end note]

BLAS 3 functions

General matrix-matrix product

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xGEMM. –*end note]

The following requirements apply to all functions in this section.

Overwriting general matrix-matrix product
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void matrix_product(in_matrix_1_t A,
                    in_matrix_2_t B,
                    out_matrix_t C);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void matrix_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                    in_matrix_1_t A,
                    in_matrix_2_t B,
                    out_matrix_t C);
Updating general matrix-matrix product
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class in_matrix_3_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void matrix_product(in_matrix_1_t A,
                    in_matrix_2_t B,
                    in_matrix_3_t E,
                    out_matrix_t C);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class in_matrix_3_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void matrix_product(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                    in_matrix_1_t A,
                    in_matrix_2_t B,
                    in_matrix_3_t E,
                    out_matrix_t C);

Symmetric matrix-matrix product

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xSYMM. Unlike the symmetric rank-1 update functions, these functions assume that the input matrix - not the output matrix - is symmetric. -*end note]

The following requirements apply to all functions in this section.

Overwriting symmetric matrix-matrix product
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void symmetric_matrix_product(
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  out_matrix_t C);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void symmetric_matrix_product(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  out_matrix_t C);
Updating symmetric matrix-matrix product
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class in_matrix_3_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void symmetric_matrix_product(
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  in_matrix_3_t E,
  out_matrix_t C);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class in_matrix_3_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void symmetric_matrix_product(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  in_matrix_3_t E,
  out_matrix_t C);

Hermitian matrix-matrix product

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xHEMM. Unlike the Hermitian rank-1 update functions, these functions assume that the input matrix - not the output matrix - is Hermitian. -*end note]

The following requirements apply to all functions in this section.

Overwriting Hermitian matrix-matrix product
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void hermitian_matrix_product(
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  out_matrix_t C);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void hermitian_matrix_product(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  out_matrix_t C);
Updating Hermitian matrix-matrix product
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class in_matrix_3_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void hermitian_matrix_product(
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  in_matrix_3_t E,
  out_matrix_t C);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class Triangle,
         class Side,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class in_matrix_3_t,
         class out_matrix_t>
void hermitian_matrix_product(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  Triangle t,
  Side s,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  in_matrix_3_t E,
  out_matrix_t C);

Rank-2k update of a symmetric or Hermitian matrix

[Note:* Users can achieve the effect of the TRANS argument of these BLAS functions, by making C a transpose_view or conjugate_transpose_view. -*end note]

Rank-2k update of a symmetric matrix
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void symmetric_matrix_rank_2k_update(
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  inout_matrix_t C,
  Triangle t);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void symmetric_matrix_rank_2k_update(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  inout_matrix_t C,
  Triangle t);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xSYR2K. The BLAS "quick reference" has a typo; the "ALPHA" argument of CSYR2K and ZSYR2K should not be conjugated. -*end note]

Rank-2k update of a Hermitian matrix
template<class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void hermitian_matrix_rank_2k_update(
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  inout_matrix_t C,
  Triangle t);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_1_t,
         class in_matrix_2_t,
         class inout_matrix_t,
         class Triangle>
void hermitian_matrix_rank_2k_update(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_1_t A,
  in_matrix_2_t B,
  inout_matrix_t C,
  Triangle t);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xHER2K. –*end note]

Solve multiple triangular linear systems with the same matrix

template<class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class Side,
         class in_object_t,
         class out_object_t>
void triangular_matrix_matrix_solve(
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  DiagonalStorage d,
  Side s,
  in_object_t B,
  out_object_t X);

template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class in_matrix_t,
         class Triangle,
         class DiagonalStorage,
         class Side,
         class in_object_t,
         class out_object_t>
void triangular_matrix_matrix_solve(
  ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
  in_matrix_t A,
  Triangle t,
  DiagonalStorage d,
  Side s,
  in_object_t B,
  out_object_t X);

[Note:* These functions correspond to the BLAS function xTRSM. The Reference BLAS does not have a xTPSM function. -*end note]


using vector_t = basic_mdspan<double, extents<dynamic_extent>>;
using dy_ext2_t = extents<dynamic_extent, dynamic_extent>;
using matrix_t = basic_mdspan<double, dy_ext2_t>;

// Create vectors
vector_t x = ...;
vector_t y = ...;
vector_t z = ...;

// Create matrices
matrix_t A = ...;
matrix_t B = ...;
matrix_t C = ...;

// z = 2.0 * x + y;
linalg_add(par, scaled_view(2.0, x), y, z);
// y = 2.0 * y + z;
linalg_add(par, z, scaled_view(2.0, y), y);

// y = 3.0 * A * x;
matrix_vector_product(par, scaled_view(3.0, A), x, y);
// y = 3.0 * A * x + 2.0 * y;
matrix_vector_product(par, scaled_view(3.0, A), x,
                      scaled_view(2.0, y), y);

// y = transpose(A) * x;
matrix_vector_product(par, transpose_view(A), x, y);

Batched BLAS

This proposal has an optional extension to support batched operations. Functions that take matrices and/or vectors would simply be overloaded to take arguments with one higher rank. The leftmost dimension of each basic_mdspan or basic_mdarray would refer to a specific matrix or vector in the "batch." A nonunique "broadcast" layout could also be used to use the same lower-rank object in the operation for each of the batched operations. Otherwise, the extent(0) of each basic_mdspan or basic_mdarray argument must be equal.

Options and votes

This is a preliminary proposal. Besides the usual bikeshedding, we also want to present more broad options for voting. Here is a list; we will explain each option below.

  1. Omit vector-vector operations in favor of existing C++ Standard algorithms?

  2. Retain "view" functions (modest expression templates)?

  3. Combine functions that differ only by rank of arguments?

  4. Prefer overloads to different function names?

  5. Retain existing BLAS behavior for scalar multipliers?

Omit vector-vector operations in favor of existing C++ Standard algorithms?

Annex C of the BLAS Standard offers a "Thin BLAS" option for Fortran 95, where the language itself could replace many BLAS operations. Fortran 95 comes with dot products and other vector operations built in, so the "Thin BLAS" only retains four "BLAS 1" functions: SWAP, ROT, NRM2, and ROTG. By analogy with the "Thin BLAS," we could reduce the number of new functions, by relying on functionality either already in C++, or likely to enter C++ soon. For example, if we defined iterators for rank-1 basic_mdspan and basic_mdarray, we could rely on transform and transform_reduce for most of the vector-vector operations.

Matrix-vector ("BLAS 2") and matrix-matrix ("BLAS 3") operations require iteration over two or three dimensions, and are thus less natural to implement using transform or transform_reduce. They are also more likely to get performance benefits from specialized implementations.

Here are arguments for this approach:

  1. It reduces the number of new functions.

  2. It focuses on "performance primitives" most likely to benefit from vendor optimization.

  3. If a hypothetical "parallel Ranges" enters the Standard, it could cover many of the use cases for parallel vector-vector operations.

Here are arguments against this approach:

  1. It takes some effort to implement correct and accurate vector norms. Compare to POSIX requirements for hypot. If hypot is in the Standard, then perhaps norms should also be.

  2. In general, a linear algebra library can make more specific statements about the precision at which output arguments are computed.

  3. Some of our "vector-vector" operations are actually "object-object" operations that work for matrices too. Replacing those with existing Standard algorithms would call for iterators on matrices.

  4. It's easier to apply hardware-specific optimizations to vector-vector operations if they are exposed as such.

  5. Exposing a full linear algebra interface would give implementers the option to use extended-precision or even reproducible floating-point arithmetic for all linear algebra operations. This can be useful for debugging complicated algorithms. Compare to "checked iterator" debug options for the C++ Standard Library.

  6. It helps to have linear algebra names for linear algebra operations. For example, string still exists, even though much of its functionality is covered by vector<char>.

Our preference:

Retain "view" functions (modest expression templates)?

The four functions scaled_view, conjugate_view, transpose_view, and conjugate_transpose_view use mdspan accessors to implement a modest form of expression templates. We say "modest" because they mitigate several known issues with expression templates:

  1. They do not introduce ADL-accessible arithmetic operators on matrices or vectors.

  2. If used with mdspan, then they would not introduce any more dangling references than span ([views.span]) would introduce.

  3. Their intended use case, as temporary "decorators" for function arguments, discourages capture as auto (which may result in unexpectedly dangling references).

The functions have the following other advantages:

  1. They reduce the number of linear algebra function arguments.

  2. They simplify native C++ implementations, especially for BLAS 1 and BLAS 2 functions that do not need complicated optimizations in order to get reasonable performance.

However, the functions have the following disadvantages:

  1. They would be the first instance of required expression templates in the C++ Standard Library. (valarray in [valarray.syn] permits but does not require expression templates.)

  2. When applied to a basic_mdarray, the functions could introduce dangling references. Compare to gslice_array for valarray.

  3. If users can "tag" a matrix with a scaling factor or the transpose property, why can't they "tag" the matrix with other properties, like symmetry? That suggests a design in which function parameters are generic "things," convertible to basic_mdspan or basic_mdarray, with properties (in the sense of P0939R0) that the function can query.

Here are the options:

  1. Keep existing "view" functions.

  2. Add a general property tagging mechanism, so users can tag a matrix with mathematical properties like "symmetric," "Hermitian," or "triangular." Use this mechanism to pass assumptions into functions, and eliminate symmetric_*, hermitian_*, and (in some cases) triangular_* versions of functions.

  3. Drop "view" functions. Specify scaling, transpose, and conjugation as function parameters.

Our preference: Option 1 (retain existing "view" functions).

Option 2 is interesting but would add a lot of complication. Would we let users customize properties? Algorithms could never be made generic on arbitrary mathematical properties of matrices. This is also closer to the high-level interface - "Matlab in C++" - that is not our target for this proposal. In addition, Option 2 would generalize well beyond what the BLAS does. For example, the BLAS' xSYMM (symmetric matrix-matrix multiply) only specifies that one of the input matrices is symmetric.

We would prefer Option 3 over Option 2.

Combine functions that differ only by rank of arguments?

This relates to the "thin BLAS" proposal mentioned above. Another part of that proposal was the elimination of separate function names, when (the Fortran 95 equivalent of) overloads could express the same idea. There are two parts to this:

  1. Combine functions that differ only by rank of arguments.

  2. Combine functions that differ only by matrix "type."

The second part especially has pitfalls that we will describe below.

As an example of the first part, the BLAS functions xSYRK and xSYR1 differ only by rank of their input arguments. Both perform a symmetric outer-product update of their input/output matrix argument C. xSYRK could implement xSYR1 by taking an input "matrix" A with a single column. This is not necessarily the fastest way to implement xSYR1. However, since the rank of an mdspan or mdarray is known at compile time, implementations could dispatch to the appropriate low-level computational kernel with no run-time overhead. (Existing BLAS implementations do not always optimize for the case where a "matrix" argument to a BLAS 3 function like xGEMM has only one column, and thus the function could dispatch to a BLAS 2 function like xGEMV.)

Here are arguments for this approach:

  1. It reduces the number of new functions.

  2. Implementations could identify all special cases at compile time.

Here are arguments against this approach:

  1. It adds special cases to implementations.

  2. It's easy to make mistakes: for example, xTRMV and xTRMM differ by SIDE argument. Combining them while ignoring SIDE would lose use cases.

  3. It calls for a "tagging matrices with properties" mechanism that we rejected above.

For instance, the BLAS functions xGEMM and xSYRK appear to differ just by assumptions on their output argument. xGEMM computes the matrix-matrix product update C := alpha * A * B + beta * C, and assumes that C has the General BLAS matrix "type." xSYRK computes the symmetric matrix-matrix product update C := alpha * A * A^T + beta * C, where C is assumed to be symmetric and the algorithm only accesses either the upper or lower triangle of C. If users could "tag" C as symmetric, then it seems like we could express both algorithms as a single function gemm. However, this approach easily leads to unexpected behavior. What if C has a symmetric layout and A * B is nonsymmetric, but users request to compute C := A * B? The result C would be mathematically incorrect, even though it would retain symmetry.

Our preference: Do not combine functions in this way.

Retain existing BLAS behavior for scalar multipliers?

The BLAS Standard treats zero values of alpha or beta scalar multipliers as special short-circuiting cases. For example, the matrix-matrix multiply update C := alpha * A * B + beta * C does not compute A*B if alpha is zero, and treats C as write only if beta is zero. We propose to change this behavior by always performing the requested operation, regardless of the values of any scalar multipliers.

This has the following advantages:

  1. It removes special cases.

  2. It avoids branches, which could affect performance for small problems.

  3. It does not privilege floating-point element types.

However, it has the following disadvantages:

  1. Implementations based on an existing BLAS library must "double-check" scaling factors. If any is zero, the implementation cannot call the BLAS and must perform the scaling manually. This will likely reduce performance for a case that users intend to be fast, unless the implementation has access to internal BLAS details that can skip the special cases.

  2. Users may expect BLAS semantics in a library that imitates BLAS functionality. These users will get unpleasantly surprising results (like Inf or NaN instead of zero, if they set alpha=0 and assume short circuiting).

Our preference: Remove the special short-circuiting cases.

We mitigate the disadvantages by offering both write-only and read-and-write versions of algorithms like matrix-matrix multiply, whose BLAS versions take a beta argument. In our experience using the BLAS, users are more likely to expect that setting beta=0 causes write-only behavior. Thus, if the interface suggests write-only behavior, users are less likely to be unpleasantly surprised.


Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

Special thanks to Bob Steagall and Guy Davidson for boldly leading the charge to add linear algebra to the C++ Standard Library, and for many fruitful discussions. Thanks also to Andrew Lumsdaine for his pioneering efforts and history lessons.

References by coathors

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