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Integer Width Literals

Published Proposal,

This version:
Isabella Muerte
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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
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1. Revision History

1.1. Revision 0

Initial Release 🎉

2. Motivation

Proposal [p0330r2] proposes literal suffixes for ptrdiff_t and size_t. In it, the question What about the fixed/least/max (unsigned) int types? is given regarding the fixed/least/max integer types provided by <cstdint>. As that paper has decided to focus exclusively on ptrdiff_t and size_t, this proposal will instead focus on the fixed width integer literals. The problem of least/max literals is left for another time and paper. The primary goal of this paper is to replace the UINTxx_C/INTxx_C macros found in <cstdint> with user defined literal suffixes.

As an example, one can see the results of the compiler results on godbolt.

#include <cstdint>

void foo(uint32_t);
void foo(uint64_t);

void test()
    // change this to 10ul and it fails to compile on MSVC
    // change this to 10ull and it fails to compile on GCC and Clang
    // The only safe thing to do is to use the UINTXX_C macros.
    auto x = 10; 

Note: The author is more than willing to extend this paper’s scope for the least and max integer types, however the fixed width integer literals show promise of the least complex changes. Also we get to deprecate some C macros in the process and that’s always a good thing.

3. Design

The design for these literals suffixes is to permit explicitly sized expressions when writing integer literals (e.g., 123i32 + 12i16). These operators are declared in the namespace std::literals::integer_literals where both literals and integer_literals are inline namespaces. Access to these operators can be gained with:

It is intended that these operators be placed into the <cstdint> header.

3.1. Synopsis

The operator’s full specification is:

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
  constexpr uint64_t operator ""u64 (unsigned long long arg);
  constexpr uint32_t operator ""u32 (unsigned long long arg);
  constexpr uint16_t operator ""u16 (unsigned long long arg);
  constexpr uint8_t operator ""u8 (unsigned long long arg);

  constexpr int64_t operator ""i64 (unsigned long long arg);
  constexpr int32_t operator ""i32 (unsigned long long arg);
  constexpr int16_t operator ""i16 (unsigned long long arg);
  constexpr int8_t operator ""i8 (unsigned long long arg);

4. Examples

A small code example is presented below to show how the suffix can be used in code. (This code sample assumes that [P0645] has been added to the standard. Additionally as the author of [P1276], we use that here as well)

Note: This code sample does not attempt to solve the previously shown code in §2 Motivation, as this is easily solved elsewhere.

template <class... Args>
void println (Args&&... args) {

void main () {
  using namespace std::literals;
  println("1 + 2 = {}", 1u32 + 2);
  println("1 - 2 = {}", 1i32 - 2);

  println("0011 AND 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 & 0b0101);
  println("0011 XOR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 ^ 0b0101);
  println("0011 OR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 | 0b0101);

  println("One million is written as {}", 1000000u32)

5. Wording

The following is wording for the library section.

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr uint64_t operator ""u64 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type uint64_t with the value given in arg

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr uint32_t operator ""u32 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type uint32_t with the value given in arg

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr uint16_t operator ""u16 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type uint16_t with the value given in arg

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr uint8_t operator ""u8 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type uint8_t with the value given in arg

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr int64_t operator ""i64 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type int64_t with the value given in arg

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr int32_t operator ""i32 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type int32_t with the value given in arg

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr int16_t operator ""i16 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type int16_t with the value given in arg

namespace std::inline literals::inline integer_literals {
    constexpr int8_t operator ""i8 (unsigned long long arg);
  1. Constraints

    arg must fit in the range arg <= numeric_limits<int8_t>::max()

  2. Returns

    An integer of type int8_t with the value given in arg

5.1. Feature Testing

The __cpp_lib_integer_literals feature test macro should be added.


Informative References

JeanHeyd Meneide; Rein Halbersma. Literal Suffixes for ptrdiff_t and size_t. URL: https://wg21.link/p0330r2
Victor Zverovich. Text Formatting. URL: https://wg21.link/p0645r3
Isabella Muerte. Void Main. URL: https://wg21.link/p1276r0