Title: Dependent Execution for a Unified Executors Proposal for C++
Authors: Jared Hoberock, jhoberock@nvidia.com
Michael Garland, mgarland@nvidia.com
Chris Kohlhoff, chris@kohlhoff.com
Chris Mysen, mysen@google.com
Carter Edwards, hcedwar@sandia.gov
Gordon Brown, gordon@codeplay.com
Other Contributors: Hans Boehm, hboehm@google.com
Thomas Heller, thom.heller@gmail.com
Lee Howes, lwh@fb.com
Bryce Lelbach, brycelelbach@gmail.com
Hartmut Kaiser, hartmut.kaiser@gmail.com
Bryce Lelbach, brycelelbach@gmail.com
Gor Nishanov, gorn@microsoft.com
Thomas Rodgers, rodgert@twrodgers.com
David Hollman, dshollm@sandia.gov
Michael Wong, michael@codeplay.com
Document Number: P1244R0
Date: 2018-10-08
Audience: SG1 - Concurrency and Parallelism, LEWG
Reply-to: sg1-exec@googlegroups.com
Abstract: This paper extends P0443's executors programming model with functionality to support dependent execution.

0.1 Changelog

0.1.1 Revision 0

Initial revision.

As directed by the SG1/LEWG straw poll taken during the 2018 Bellevue executors meeting, we have separated The Unified Executors programming model proposal into two papers. P0443 contains material related to one-way execution which the authors hope to standardize with C++20 as suggested by the Bellevue poll. This document contains remaining material related to dependent execution. We expect the form of this paper's material to evolve as committee consensus builds around a design for dependent execution.

1 Proposed Wording

1.0.1 Header <exception> synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace executors_v1 {

  // Exception argument tag
  struct exception_arg_t { explicit exception_arg_t() = default; };
  inline constexpr exception_arg_t exception_arg{};


1.1 Exception argument tag

The exception_arg_t struct is an empty structure type used as a unique type to disambiguate constructor and function overloading. Specifically, functions passed to then_execute and bulk_then_execute may have exception_arg_t as an argument, immediately followed by an argument that should be interpreted as an exception thrown from a preceding function invocation.

1.2 Execution Support Library

1.2.1 Header <execution> synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace executors_v1 {
namespace execution {

  // Interface-changing properties:

  struct twoway_t;
  struct then_t;
  struct bulk_twoway_t;
  struct bulk_then_t;

  constexpr twoway_t twoway;
  constexpr then_t then;
  constexpr bulk_twoway_t bulk_twoway;
  constexpr bulk_then_t bulk_then;

  // Executor type traits:

  template<class Executor> struct is_twoway_executor;
  template<class Executor> struct is_then_executor;
  template<class Executor> struct is_bulk_twoway_executor;
  template<class Executor> struct is_bulk_then_executor;

  template<class Executor> constexpr bool is_twoway_executor_v = is_twoway_executor<Executor>::value;
  template<class Executor> constexpr bool is_then_executor_v = is_then_executor<Executor>::value;
  template<class Executor> constexpr bool is_bulk_twoway_executor_v = is_bulk_twoway_executor<Executor>::value;
  template<class Executor> constexpr bool is_bulk_then_executor_v = is_bulk_then_executor<Executor>::value;

  template<class Executor, class T> struct executor_future;

  template<class Executor, class T> using executor_future_t = typename executor_future<Executor, T>::type;

} // namespace execution
} // inline namespace executors_v1
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

1.3 Requirements

1.3.1 Future requirements

A type F meets the Future requirements for some value type T if F is std::experimental::future<T> (defined in the C++ Concurrency TS, ISO/IEC TS 19571:2016). [Note: This concept is included as a placeholder to be elaborated, with the expectation that the elaborated requirements for Future will expand the applicability of some executor customization points. --end note]

Forward progress guarantees are a property of the concrete Future type. [Note: std::experimental::future<T>::wait() blocks with forward progress guarantee delegation until the shared state is ready. --end note]

1.3.2 TwoWayExecutor requirements

The TwoWayExecutor requirements specify requirements for executors which submit function objects with a channel for awaiting the completion of a submitted function object and obtaining its result.

A type X satisfies the TwoWayExecutor requirements if it satisfies the general requirements on executors, as well as the requirements in the Table below.

In the Table below,

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
x.twoway_execute(f) A type that satisfies the Future requirements for the value type R. Evaluates DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)) on the calling thread to create cf that will be invoked at most once by an execution agent.
May block pending completion of this function object.
Synchronizes with [intro.multithread] the invocation of f.
Stores the result of the invocation, or any exception thrown by the invocation, in the associated shared state of the returned Future.

1.3.3 ThenExecutor requirements

The ThenExecutor requirements specify requirements for executors which submit function objects whose invocation is predicated on the readiness of a specified future, and which provide a channel for awaiting the completion of the submitted function object and obtaining its result.

A type X satisfies the ThenExecutor requirements if it satisfies the general requirements on executors, as well as the requirements in the Table below.

In the Table below,

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
x.then_execute(f, fut) A type that satisfies the Future requirements for the value type R. Evaluates DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)) on the calling thread to create cf. When fut becomes nonexceptionaly ready and if NORMAL is a well-formed expression then NORMAL is invoked by an execution agent at most once.
Otherwise, when fut becomes exceptionally ready and if EXCEPTIONAL is a well-formed expression then EXCEPTIONAL is invoked at most once by an execution agent.
If NORMAL and EXCEPTIONAL are both well-formed expressions, decltype(EXCEPTIONAL) shall be convertible to R.
If NORMAL is not a well-formed expression and EXCEPTIONAL is a well-formed expression, decltype(EXCEPTIONAL) shall be convertible to decltype(val).

If neither NORMAL nor EXCEPTIONAL are well-formed expressions, the invocation of then_execute is ill-formed.
May block pending completion of NORMAL or EXCEPTIONAL.
Synchronizes with [intro.multithread] the invocation of f.
Stores the result of either the NORMAL or EXCEPTIONAL expression, or any exception thrown by either, in the associated shared state of the returned Future. Otherwise, stores either val or e in the associated shared state of the returned Future.

1.3.4 BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements

The BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements specify requirements for executors which submit a function object with a channel for awaiting the completion of the submitted function object and obtaining its result.

A type X satisfies the BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements if it satisfies the general requirements on executors, as well as the requirements in the Table below.

In the Table below,

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
x.bulk_twoway_execute(f, n, rf, sf) A type that satisfies the Future requirements for the value type R. Evaluates DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)) on the calling thread to create a function object cf. [Note:* Additional copies of cf may subsequently be created. *--end note] For each value of i in shape n, INVOKE_CF (possibly with copy of cf)) will be invoked at most once by an execution agent that is unique for each value of i. If R is non-void, rf() will be invoked at most once to produce the value r. sf() will be invoked at most once to produce the value s.
May block pending completion of one or more invocations of cf.
Synchronizes with [intro.multithread] the invocations of f.
Once all invocations of f finish execution, r or any exception thrown by an invocation of f are stored in the associated shared state of the returned Future.

1.3.5 BulkThenExecutor requirements

The BulkThenExecutor requirements specify requirements for executors which submit function objects whose initiation is predicated on the readiness of a specified future, and which provide a channel for awaiting the completion of the submitted function object and obtaining its result.

A type X satisfies the BulkThenExecutor requirements if it satisfies the general requirements on executors, as well as the requirements in the Table below.

In the Table below,

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
x.bulk_then_execute(f, n, fut, rf, sf) A type that satisfies the Future requirements for the value type R. Evaluates DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)) on the calling thread to create function object cf. [Note:* Additional copies of cf may subsequently be created. *--end note]
When fut becomes nonexceptionaly ready and if NORMAL is a well-formed expression then for each value of i in shape n, NORMAL (possibly with copy of cf)) will be invoked at most once by an execution agent that is unique for each value of i. If R is non-void then rf() will be invoked at most once to produce the value r. sf() will be invoked at most once to produce the value s.
Otherwise, when fut becomes exceptionally ready and if EXCEPTIONAL is a well-formed expression then EXCEPTIONAL is invoked at most once by an execution agent.
If NORMAL and EXCEPTIONAL are both well-formed expressions, decltype(EXCEPTIONAL) shall be convertible to R.
If NORMAL is not a well-formed expression and EXCEPTIONAL is a well-formed expression, decltype(EXCEPTIONAL) shall be convertible to decltype(val).
If neither NORMAL nor EXCEPTIONAL are well-formed expressions, the invocation of then_execute is ill-formed.
May block pending completion of NORMAL or EXCEPTIONAL.
Synchronizes with [intro.multithread] the invocation of f.
Stores the result of either the NORMAL or EXCEPTIONAL expression, or any exception thrown by either, in the associated shared state of the returned Future. Otherwise, stores either val or e in the associated shared state of the returned Future.

1.4 Executor properties

1.4.1 Interface-changing properties

struct twoway_t;
struct then_t;
struct bulk_twoway_t;
struct bulk_then_t;
Property Requirements
twoway_t The executor type satisfies the TwoWayExecutor requirements.
then_t The executor type satisfies the ThenExecutor requirements.
bulk_twoway_t The executor type satisfies the BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements.
bulk_then_t The executor type satisfies the BulkThenExecutor requirements.

The std::execution::oneway_t, twoway_t, then_t, std::execution::bulk_oneway_t, bulk_twoway_t and bulk_then_t properties are mutually exclusive. twoway_t customization points

In addition to conforming to the above specification, the twoway_t property provides the following customization:

struct twoway_t
  template<class Executor>
    friend see-below require(Executor ex, twoway_t);

This customization point returns an executor that satisfies the twoway_t requirements by adapting the native functionality of an executor that does not satisfy the twoway_t requirements.

template<class Executor>
  friend see-below require(Executor ex, twoway_t);

Returns: A value e1 of type E1 that holds a copy of ex. E1 has member functions require and query that forward to the corresponding members of the copy of ex, if present. For some type T, the type yielded by executor_future_t<E1, T> is executor_future_t<Executor, T> if then_t::static_query_v<Executor> is true; otherwise, it is std::experimental::future<T>. e1 has the same properties as ex, except for the addition of the twoway_t property and the exclusion of other interface-changing properties. The type E1 satisfies the TwoWayExecutor requirements as follows:

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless twoway_t::template static_query_v<Executor> is false and bulk_twoway_t::static_query_v<Executor> || then_t::static_query_v<Executor> || bulk_then_t::static_query_v<Executor> || (std::execution::oneway_t::static_query_v<Executor> && adaptable_blocking_t::static_query_v<Executor>) || (std::execution::bulk_oneway_t::static_query_v<Executor> && adaptable_blocking_t::static_query_v<Executor>) is true. twoway_t polymorphic wrapper

In addition to conforming to the specification for polymorphic executor wrappers, the nested class template twoway_t::polymorphic_executor_type provides the following member functions:

template <class... SupportableProperties>
class polymorphic_executor_type
  template<class Executor>
    polymorphic_executor_type(Executor e);

  template<class Executor>
    polymorphic_executor_type& operator=(Executor e);

  template<class Function>
      twoway_execute(Function&& f) const

twoway_t::polymorphic_executor_type satisfies the TwoWayExecutor requirements.

template<class Executor>
  polymorphic_executor_type(Executor e);

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless:

Effects: *this targets a copy of e1, where e1 is the result of execution::require(e, twoway).

template<class Executor>
  polymorphic_executor_type& operator=(Executor e);

Requires: As for template<class Executor> polymorphic_executor_type(Executor e).

Effects: polymorphic_executor_type(std::move(e)).swap(*this).

Returns: *this.

template<class Function>
    twoway_execute(Function&& f) const

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless: * CONTAINS_PROPERTY(execution::twoway_t, SupportableProperties), * and CONTAINS_PROPERTY(execution::single_t, SupportableProperties).

Effects: Performs e.twoway_execute(f2), where:

Returns: A future, whose shared state is made ready when the future returned by e.twoway_execute(f2) is made ready, containing the result of f1() or any exception thrown by f1(). [Note: e2.twoway_execute(f2) may return any future type that satisfies the Future requirements, and not necessarily std::experimental::future. One possible implementation approach is for the polymorphic wrapper to attach a continuation to the inner future via that object's then() member function. When invoked, this continuation stores the result in the outer future's associated shared and makes that shared state ready. --end note] then_t customization points

In addition to conforming to the above specification, the then_t property provides the following customization:

struct then_t
  template<class Executor>
    friend see-below require(Executor ex, then_t);

This customization point returns an executor that satisfies the then_t requirements by adapting the native functionality of an executor that does not satisfy the then_t requirements.

template<class Executor>
  friend see-below require(Executor ex, then_t);

Returns: A value e1 of type E1 that holds a copy of ex. E1 has member functions require and query that forward to the corresponding members of the copy of ex, if present. e1 has the same properties as ex, except for the addition of the then_t property and the exclusion of other interface-changing properties. The type E1 satisfies the ThenExecutor requirements by implementing member function then_execute in terms of the member function bulk_then_execute of the object ex, and E1 has a member function Executor require(bulk_then_t) const that returns a copy of ex.

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless then_t::static_query_v<Executor> is false and bulk_then_t::static_query_v<Executor> is true. then_t polymorphic wrapper

TODO bulk_twoway_t customization points

In addition to conforming to the specification for polymorphic executor wrappers, the nested class template bulk_twoway_t::polymorphic_executor_type provides the following member functions:

struct bulk_twoway_t
  template<class Executor>
    friend see-below require(Executor ex, bulk_twoway_t);

This customization point returns an executor that satisfies the bulk_twoway_t requirements by adapting the native functionality of an executor that does not satisfy the bulk_twoway_t requirements.

template<class Executor>
  friend see-below require(Executor ex, bulk_twoway_t);

Returns: A value e1 of type E1 that holds a copy of ex. E1 has member functions require and query that forward to the corresponding members of the copy of ex, if present. For some type T, the type yielded by executor_future_t<E1, T> is executor_future_t<Executor, T> if bulk_then_t::static_query_v<Executor> is true; otherwise, it is std::experimental::future<T>. e1 has the same properties as ex, except for the addition of the bulk_twoway_t property and the exclusion of other interface-changing properties. The type E1 satisfies the BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements as follows:

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless bulk_twoway_t::template static_query_v<Executor> is false and twoway_t::static_query_v<Executor> || bulk_then_t::static_query_v<Executor> || then_t::static_query_v<Executor> || (std::execution::bulk_oneway_t::static_query_v<Executor> && adaptable_blocking_t::static_query_v<Executor>) || (std::execution::oneway_t::static_query_v<Executor> && adaptable_blocking_t::static_query_v<Executor>) is true. bulk_twoway_t polymorphic wrapper

In addition to conforming to the above specification, the nested class template bulk_twoway_t::polymorphic_executor_type has the following member function to satisfy the BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements.

template <class... SupportableProperties>
class polymorphic_executor_type
  template<class Executor>
    polymorphic_executor_type(Executor e);

  template<class Executor>
    polymorphic_executor_type& operator=(Executor e);

  template<class Function, class ResultFactory, class SharedFactory>
      bulk_twoway_execute(Function&& f, size_t n, ResultFactory&& rf, SharedFactory&& sf) const;

bulk_twoway_t::polymorphic_executor_type satisfies the BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements.

template<class Executor>
  polymorphic_executor_type(Executor e);

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless:

Effects: *this targets a copy of e1, where e1 is the result of execution::require(e, bulk_twoway).

template<class Executor>
  polymorphic_executor_type& operator=(Executor e);

Requires: As for template<class Executor> polymorphic_executor_type(Executor e).

Effects: polymorphic_executor_type(std::move(e)).swap(*this).

Returns: *this.

template<class Function, class ResultFactory, class SharedFactory>
    void bulk_twoway_execute(Function&& f, size_t n, ResultFactory&& rf, SharedFactory&& sf) const;

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless: * CONTAINS_PROPERTY(execution::twoway_t, SupportableProperties), * and CONTAINS_PROPERTY(execution::bulk_t, SupportableProperties).

Effects: Performs e.bulk_twoway_execute(f2, n, rf2, sf2), where:

Returns: A future, whose shared state is made ready when the future returned by e.bulk_twoway_execute(f2, n, rf2, sf2) is made ready, containing the result in r1 (if decltype(rf1()) is non-void) or any exception thrown by an invocationf1. [Note: e.bulk_twoway_execute(f2) may return any future type that satisfies the Future requirements, and not necessarily std::experimental::future. One possible implementation approach is for the polymorphic wrapper to attach a continuation to the inner future via that object's then() member function. When invoked, this continuation stores the result in the outer future's associated shared and makes that shared state ready. --end note] bulk_then_t customization points

In addition to conforming to the above specification, the bulk_then_t property provides the following customization:

struct bulk_then_t
  template<class Executor>
    friend see-below require(Executor ex, bulk_then_t);

This customization point returns an executor that satisfies the bulk_then_t requirements by adapting the native functionality of an executor that does not satisfy the bulk_then_t requirements.

template<class Executor>
  friend see-below require(Executor ex, bulk_then_t);

Returns: A value e1 of type E1 that holds a copy of ex. E1 has member functions require and query that forward to the corresponding members of the copy of ex, if present. e1 has the same properties as ex, except for the addition of the bulk_then_t property and the exclusion of other interface-changing properties. The type E1 satisfies the ThenExecutor requirements by implementing member function bulk_then_execute in terms of the member function then_execute of the object ex, and E1 has a member function Executor require(then_t) const that returns a copy of ex.

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless bulk_then_t::static_query_v<Executor> is false and then_t::static_query_v<Executor> is true. bulk_then_t polymorphic wrapper


1.5 Executor type traits

1.5.1 Determining that a type satisfies executor type requirements

template<class T> struct is_twoway_executor;
template<class T> struct is_then_executor;
template<class T> struct is_bulk_twoway_executor;
template<class T> struct is_bulk_then_executor;

This sub-clause contains templates that may be used to query the properties of a type at compile time. Each of these templates is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the corresponding condition is true, otherwise false_type.

Template Condition Preconditions
template<class T>
struct is_twoway_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for TwoWayExecutor. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct is_then_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for ThenExecutor. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct is_bulk_twoway_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for BulkTwoWayExecutor. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct is_bulk_then_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for BulkThenExecutor. T is a complete type.

1.5.2 Associated future type

template<class Executor, class T>
struct executor_future
  using type = decltype(execution::require(declval<const Executor&>(), execution::twoway).twoway_execute(declval<T(*)()>()));