Document Number: P1187R0
Date: 2018-10-07
Audience: LEWG
Reply-To: Barry Revzin, barry dot revzin at gmail dot com

A type trait for std::compare_3way()'s type


  1. Motivation
  2. Proposal
    1. Wording
    2. Interaction with P1186
  3. References

1. Motivation

For some types, in order to implement operator<=>() you have to defer to the implementation of the comparison operators of other types. And more than that, you need to know what the comparison category is for those types you defer to in order to know what comparison category to return. When I went through the exercise of trying to implement operator<=> for optional<T>, the declarations of the three functions ended up looking like this (rewritten here as non-member operator templates just for clarity):

template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr auto operator<=>(optional<T> const& lhs, optional<U> const& rhs)
    -> decltype(compare_3way(*lhs, *rhs));

template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr auto operator<=>(optional<T> const& lhs, U const& rhs)
    -> decltype(compare_3way(*lhs, rhs));

template <typename T>
constexpr auto operator<=>(optional<T> const&, nullopt_t)
    -> strong_ordering;

We need to use std::compare_3way(*lhs, *rhs) instead of writing lhs <=> rhs to also handle those types which do not yet implement <=>, and that function is specified in a way to correctly address all the possible situations.

Let's throw in a few more examples for implementations for vector and expected:

template <typename T, typename U>
auto operator<=>(vector<T> const& lhs, vector<U> const& rhs)
    -> decltype(compare_3way(lhs[0], rhs[0]));

template <typename T1, typename E1, typename T2, typename E2>
auto operator<=>(expected<T1,E1> const& lhs, expected<T2,E2> const& rhs)
    -> common_comparison_category_t<
            decltype(compare_3way(lhs.value(), rhs.value())),
            decltype(compare_3way(lhs.error(), rhs.error()))>;

We see the same thing over and over and over again. We need to know what comparison category to return, and this comparison category is a property of the types that we're comparing.

That's a type trait. A type trait that's currently missing from the standard library.

2. Proposal

This paper proposes the addition of a new type trait based on the preexisting rules in [alg.3way] and respecifying std::compare_3way() to use that trait in its return type instead of auto. This mirrors the usage of std::invoke_result_t as the return type of std::invoke(), and so should be named either compare_3way_result or compare_3way_type.

The trait should be a binary type trait, since ultimately we're comparing two things, but for convenience for common cases, the second type parameter should be defaulted to the first, so that users can simply write compare_3way_type<T> instead of compare_3way_type<T,T>.

Because comparison should not modify its arguments and compare_3way() takes its arguments by reference to const anyway, compare_3way_type is specified in such a way as to not require adding const& to every argument all the time.

The trait would allow for less cumbersome declarations of all of these operator templates:



template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr auto operator<=>(optional<T> const& lhs,
        optional<U> const& rhs)
    -> decltype(compare_3way(*lhs, *rhs));
template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr auto operator<=>(optional<T> const& lhs,
        optional<U> const& rhs)
    -> compare_3way_type_t<T, U>;
template <typename T, typename U>
auto operator<=>(vector<T> const& lhs,
        vector<U> const& rhs)
    -> decltype(compare_3way(lhs[0], rhs[0]));
template <typename T, typename U>
auto operator<=>(vector<T> const& lhs,
        vector<U> const& rhs)
    -> compare_3way_type_t<T, U>;
template <typename T1, typename E1,
    typename T2, typename E2>
auto operator<=>(expected<T1,E1> const& lhs,
        expected<T2,E2> const& rhs)
    -> common_comparison_category_t<
                lhs.value(), rhs.value())),
                lhs.error(), rhs.error()))>;
template <typename T1, typename E1,
    typename T2, typename E2>
auto operator<=>(expected<T1,E1> const& lhs,
        expected<T2,E2> const& rhs)
    -> common_comparison_category_t<
            compare_3way_type_t<T1, T2>,
            compare_3way_type_t<E1, E2>>;

2.1. Wording

Add the new trait and its use into the <algorithm> synopsis in 23.4 [algorithm.sym]:

#include <initializer_list>

namespace std {
  // ...

  // [alg.3way], three-way comparison algorithms
  template<class T, class U = T> struct compare_3way_type;

  template<class T, class U = T>
    using compare_3way_type_t = typename compare_3way_type<T, U>::type;

  template<class T, class U>
    constexpr auto compare_3way_type_t<T, U> compare_3way(const T& a, const U& b);

  // ...

Add a new specification for compare_3way_type at the beginning of 23.7.11 [alg.3way]:

The behavior of a program that adds specializations for the compare_3way_type template defined in this subclause is undefined.

For the compare_3way_type type trait applied to the types T and U, the member typedef type shall be either defined or not present as follows. Let t and u denote lvalues of types const remove_reference_t<T> and const remove_reference_t<U>.

A program shall not specialize compare_3way_type.

Change the return type of compare_3way in 23.7.11 [alg.3way]. Its specification is largely repeated from the above, but the repetition is necessary:

template<class T, class U> constexpr auto compare_3way_type_t<T, U> compare_3way(const T& a, const U& b);

2.2. Interaction with P1186

P1186 proposed to obviate std::compare_3way() in favor of having <=> itself perform all of this logic. That paper getting adopted does not change the need for having a type trait like this, though it would make the specification much simpler as the library wording could simply defer to the core wording.

Add a new specification for compare_3way_type at the beginning of 23.7.11 [alg.3way]:

The behavior of a program that adds specializations for the compare_3way_type template defined in this subclause is undefined.

For the compare_3way_type type trait applied to the types T and U, let t and u denote lvalues of types const remove_reference_t<T> and const remove_reference_t<U>. If the expression t <=> u is well formed, the member typedef-name type shall equal decltype(t <=> u). Otherwise, there shall be no member type.

3. References