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Input range adaptors

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++


istream_iterator is a great way to populate a range using some input, but it is a little bit clunky. P1035 proposes a range adaptor to eliminate the clunkiness.

1. Motivation

Iterators are a powerful tool in a C++ developer’s toolbox. They allow us to reason about algorithms generically, and separate the implementation of an algorithm from the implementation of a data structure. An iterator range is denoted by an iterator that addresses the beginning of some sequence of data, and is terminated by some sentinel that determines when the range has been exhausted. We call a paired iterator and sentinel an 'iterator pair'.

// Iterator pair
copy(begin(v), end(v), std::ostream_iterator<int>{std::cout});

Ranges are an important abstraction over iterators, because they allow us to abstract the first element of an iterator range and the last element of an iterator range into a single entity, when the first element and last element are the beginning and end elements, respectively.

// Ranges abstraction
copy(v, ranges::ostream_iterator<int>{std::cout});

This is ideal for two reasons: firstly, it simplifies our expression from "the beginning to the end", to "the whole range". Secondly, it makes it impossible to make the following mistake:

// Iterator pair mistake!
copy(begin(v1), end(v2), std::ostream_iterator<int>{std::cout});

The use of ranges can be enjoyed today by using libraries such as cmcstl2 or range-v3. Unfortunately, the Ranges TS lacks support for strict input ranges and strict output ranges. This paper proposes three input range adaptors that can be added to C++20.

2. istream_range

istream_iterator is an abstraction over a basic_istream object, so that it may be used as though it were an input iterator. It is a great way to populate a container from the get-go, or fill a container later in its lifetime. Instead of writing a loop, such as in Listing 1.1, they can simplify their code to look like Listing 1.2.

// Listing 1.1
auto v = []{
   auto result = std::vector<int>{};
   for (auto i = 0; std::cin >> i;) {
// ...
for (auto i = 0; std::cin >> i;) {
// Listing 1.2
auto v = std::vector(istream_iterator<int>{std::cin}, istream_iterator<int>{});
// ...
copy(istream_iterator<int>{std::cin}, istream_iterator<int>{}, back_inserter(v));

This is great, as copy is a standard algorithm that cleanly communicates that we’re copying something from one range into another. There aren’t any Hidden SurprisesTM. This is also good when writing generic code, because the generic library author does not need to care how things are inserted at the end of v, only that they are.

The problem with istream_iterator is that we need to provide a bogus istream_iterator<T>{} (or default_sentinel) every time we want to use it; this acts as the sentinel for istream_iterator. It is bogus, because the code is equivalent to saying "from the first element of the istream range until the last element of the istream range", but an istream range does not have a last element. Instead, we denote the end of an istream range to be when the istream's failbit is set. This is otherwise known as the _end-of-stream_ iterator value, but it doesn’t denote a 'past-the-last element' in the same way that call to vector<T>::end does. Because it is the same for every range, the _end-of-stream_ object may as well be dropped, so that we can write code that resembles Listing 1.3.

// Listing 1.3
auto v = std::vector(istream_range<int>{std::cin});
// ...
copy(istream_range<int>{std::cin}, back_inserter(v));

This code is cleaner: we are implicitly saying "until our basic_istream object fails, insert our input into the back of v". There is less to read (and type!), and the code is simpler for it.

istream_range is a range adaptor for istream_iterator.

2.1. Interface

All code bodies are exposition only, and are deemed to be "equivalent to".

template <class T, class charT = char, class traits = char_traits<charT>,
   class Distance = ptrdiff_t>
class istream_range {
   istream_iterator<T, charT, traits, Distance> iterator_{}; // exposition only
   using value_type = T;
   using reference = value_type&;
   using const_reference = value_type const&;
   using pointer = value_type*;
   using const_pointer = value_type const*;
   using difference_type = Distance;
   using iterator = istream_iterator<value_type, charT, traits, Distance>;
   using sentinel = iterator; // or default_sentinel
   using const_iterator = istream_iterator<value_type, charT, traits, Distance>;
   using const_sentinel = const_iterator; // or default_sentinel

   istream_range() = default;

   /// @brief Constructs an istream_range out of a previously constructed
   ///        istream_iterator.
   /// @note This constructor is useful for constructing from an istream_iterator
   ///       that has not yet reached the _end-of-stream_ value (e.g. double-input
   ///       transform can return a useful iterator for this constructor).
   istream_range(iterator i)
      : iterator_{i}

   /// @brief Initialises the range with an input stream.
   /// @param s The input stream to be abstracted.
   /// @postcondition iterator_.in_stream == &s
   istream_range(basic_istream<charT, traits>& s)
      : iterator_{s}

   iterator begin()
      return iterator_;

   const_iterator begin() const
      return iterator_;

   auto cbegin() const
      return begin();

   sentinel end()
      return sentinel{};

   const_sentinel end() const
      return sentinel{};

   auto cend() const
      return end();

   friend bool operator==(istream_range const& a, istream_range const& b) noexcept
      return a.iterator_ == b.iterator_;

   friend bool operator!=(istream_range const& a, istream_range const& b) noexcept
      return !(a == b);

2.2. Co-consideration

This section does not discuss istreambuf_iterator. Similar arguments can be made for istreambuf_iterator, and so P1035 advocates for them to be rangified as well.

2.3. Notes

3. Implementations

  1. https://github.com/cjdb/cmcstl2/blob/ext-ranges/include/stl2/detail/range/istream_range.hpp

  2. https://github.com/cjdb/cmcstl2/blob/ext-ranges/test/range/istream_range.cpp

4. Exclusions

*Terse concept syntax used for brevity only.

5. Acknowledgements

I’d like to thank Morris Hafner for his review of this paper. This document was written using Markdown and rendered using Bikeshed.

Finally, I’d like to thank my employer, Codeplay, for allowing me time to work on this project.