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Back to the std2::future Part II

Published Proposal,

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(STE||AR Group)
(Nokia Networks)
(STE||AR Group)
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ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++


Suggested direction for a new high-level asynchronous handle in C++

1. Overview

C++11 introduced asynchronous programming facilities:

The Concurrency TS v1 extended these interfaces, adding:

We think many would agree that futures are the right model for asynchronous handles in C++, and we want composable generic futures. But, the futures we have today in both the standard and the Concurrency TS v1 are not as generic, expressive or powerful as they should be.

Additionally, the ongoing work on executors and coroutines has brought to light the need for a set of concepts for future-like objects. However, developing such concepts is not straightforward; generic future-like objects have many of the same issues of std::future, with the added complications of composition.

While formulating concepts for futures, we must address these fundamental questions:

This paper highlights some of the challenges we face in a re-design of std::future and the introduction of future concepts.

2. future/promise Should Not Be Coupled to std::thread Execution Agents

Until recently std::future and std::thread were inherently entwined and inseparable. This is due to history: we got futures with .get first, which - due to how it was specified - required an internal synchronization mechanism to be present inside the future’s shared state.

This seemed tolerable, because we had just one type of execution agent (std::threads). In C++17, the parallel algorithms library introduced new kinds of execution agents with weaker forward progress guarantees, although they are not surfaced in the standard library API. We’ll add more execution agents with the upcoming Executors TS.

There are many different methods of synchronization. They each have different trade-offs, and users may select a particular mechanism that is a good fit for their needs.

Some synchronization mechanisms will only preserve forward progress guarantees (aka work properly) with certain kinds of execution agents. In fact, many types of executors will require the use of a particular set of synchronization mechanisms.

For a parallel tasking system like HPX, using native OS synchronization primitives (mutex, condition_variable, etc) are problematic, because they block at the OS-thread level, not the HPX-task level, and thus interfere with our userspace scheduling. Thus, we need an hpx::future. Other libraries and applications that manage asynchronous operations (see: SYCL, folly, agency) also need their own future types for the same reasons.

Likewise, for a networking library, we might need to check for new messages and process outstanding work items while blocking - otherwise, we might never receive and process the message that will change the state of the future we are blocking on:

  T get()
    while (!ready())
      // Poll my endpoint to see if I have any messages;
      // If so, enqueue the tasks described by the messages.

      // If my task queue is not empty, dequeue some tasks
      // and execute them.
    return shared_state->get();

Such a library would also need its own future type.

A future built with the Coroutines TS would also need its own future type (see: cppcoro).

futures will obviously interact with executors in a number of ways. This is one of the reasons we have decided to delay integrating the future extensions in the Concurrency TS into C++17 or C++Next, because the Executors TS will inform the design of future's continuation mechanism. Originally, the executors group believed we needed a future concept, since executors would create execution agents that would be unable to or would prefer not to use std::future, and thus would need their own future type.

We feel that the proliferation of std::future implementations in a variety of C++ libraries and the inability to use std::future in the Executors TS indicates that std::future has failed to become the universal vocabulary type it was intended to be. It’s not truly universal, because the blocking interfaces of std::future (.get and .wait) do not parameterize a synchronization mechanism.

3. Where are .then Continuations are Invoked?

In our current pre-executor world, it is unspecified where a .then continuation will be run. There are a number of possible answers today:

The first two answers are undesirable, as they would require blocking, which is not ideal for an asynchronous interface.

This issue is not entirely alleviated by executors. The problem is that it is not clear which execution agent (either the consumer or the producer) passes the .then continuation to the executor.

Consider an executor that always enqueues a work item into a task queue associated with the current OS-thread. If the continuation is added to the executor on the consumer thread, the consumer thread will execute it. Otherwise, the producer thread will execute the continuation.

Additionally, this seems counter intuitive:

auto i = async(thread_pool, f).then(g).then(h);

f will be executed on thread_pool, but what about g and h? The could be executed on:

The second option is problematic and probably not what the user intended.

The thread_executor answer almost works. It removes ambiguity about where the continuation is run without forcing either the consumer or producer execution agents to block. The only problem is that it forces a particular type of execution agent (std::thread) on users.

We propose a similar solution to thread_executor approach. The continuation should execute on the executor associated with the future/promise pair; either the executor passed to promise::get_future or the executor of the execution agent calling promise::get_future (e.g. the producer execution agent). For a future created by async, this would be the executor passed to async. Either the consumer execution agent or the producer execution agent will pass the continuation to the executor (as noted above, this is not deterministic and can be observed).

This executor propagation mechanism is intuitive, and gives users flexibility and control:

auto i = async(thread_pool, f).then(g).then(h);
// f, g and h are executed on thread_pool.
auto i = async(thread_pool, f).then(g, gpu).then(h);
// f is executed on thread_pool, g and h are executed on gpu.
auto i = async(inline_executor, f).then(g).then(h);
// h(g(f())) are invoked in the calling execution agent.

To implement this, a type-erased reference to an executor is stored along with the continuation in the shared state (at Toronto 2017, a preference was shown for keeping the executor out of the future's type). Machinery for setting and retrieving the executor of the current execution agent (e.g. a global get_current_executor) is also needed - a future paper will describe that machinery in greater detail.

4. Passing futures to .then Continuations is Unwieldy

The signature for .then continuations in the Concurrency TS v1 is:


The future gets passed to the continuation instead of the value so that continuation can handle futures that contain exceptions. The future passed to the continuation is always ready; .get can be used to retrieve the value, and will not block. Unfortunately, this can make .then quite unwieldy to work with, especially when you want to use existing functions that cannot be modified as continuations:

future<double> f;
future<double> f.then(abs); // ERROR: No std::abs(future<double>) overload.
future<double> f.then([](future<double> v) { return abs(v.get()); }); // OK.

futures would be far more composable if the second line in the above example worked. We should be able to use "future-agnostic" functions as continuations - existing unmodified interfaces, extern "C" functions, etc.

.then should take continuations that are invocable with future<T> and continuations that are invocable with T. If the continuation is invocable with both, future<T> is passed to the continuation (preferring this over T ensures compatibility with user code written using the Concurrency TS v1 future).

There are two ways that exceptions could be handled

When .then is invoked with a continuation that is only invocable with T and the future that the continuation is being attached to contains an exception, .then does not invoke the continuation and returns a future containing the exception. We call this exception propagation.

Another .then could be added that takes a Callable parameter that will be invoked with the future's exception in the case of an error. This paper does not propose such an overload in the interest of simplicity.

5. How Does when_all and when_any Work with Generic Futures?

If, instead of taking std::futures, when_all and when_any were to take generic future parameters, how would they work?

Typical implementations of when_all and when_any require some degree of tight coupling with the underlying future implementation. At first, it might seem like you could implement these facilities with .then using an inline_executor. However, this does not work for a variety of future types. A number of asynchronous systems, such as CUDA and RDMA libraries like GASNet, provide callback mechanism that place restrictions on what the callbacks can do - typically, the restriction is that the callback cannot call functions in the asynchronous system’s API (because a lock is being held while the callback is invoked).

For future types abstracting these types of asynchronous systems, if one uses .then with an inline_executor to implement when_any and when_all, it is possible that the final callback - which needs to launch any continuations that have been attached to the when_all/when_any future - will be run by the asynchronous system as a restricted callback. In this case, it will likely fail, because it is unable to call into the asynchronous system to enqueue the continuation attached to the when_all/when_any future.

6. when_all and when_any Return Types are Unwieldy

when_all has the following signature (Concurrency TS v1, 2.7 [futures.when_all] p2):

template <typename InputIterator>
future<vector<typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>>
when_all(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

template <typename... Futures>
when_all(Futures&&... futures);

And when_any has the following signature (Concurrency TS v1, 2.9 [futures.when_any] p2):

template <typename Sequence>
struct when_any_result
  std::size_t index;
  Sequence futures;

template <typename InputIterator>
future<when_any_result<vector<typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>>>
when_any(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

template <typename... Futures>
when_any(Futures&&... futures);

The TL;DR version:

Again, the reason for the complexity here is error reporting. If when_all's return type was simplified from future<vector<future<T>>> to future<vector<T>>, what would we do if some of the futures being combined threw exceptions? One possible answer would be for .get on the result of when_all to throw something like an exception_list, where each element of the list would be a tuple<size_t, exception_ptr>. An error that occurs during the combination of the futures (e.g. in when_all itself) could be distinguished by using a distinct exception type.

One benefit of this simplification is that it would enable this pattern:

bool f(string, double, int);

future<string> a = /* ... */;
future<double> b = /* ... */;
future<int>    c = /* ... */;

future<bool> d = when_all(a, b, c).then(
  [](future<tuple<int, double, string>> v)
    return apply(f, v); // f(a.get(), b.get(), c.get());

If .then passed a value to the continuation instead of a future, as we have proposed, this would become:

future<bool> d = when_all(a, b, c).then(
  [](tuple<int, double, string> v)
    return apply(f, v); // f(a.get(), b.get(), c.get());

We could add a .then_apply for future<tuple<Ts...>>:

future<bool> d = when_all(a, b, c).then_apply(f); // f(a.get(), b.get(), c.get());

when_any, clearly, can be updated to use variant, which is a natural fit for its interface.

.then could be extended to have visit like semantics for when_any futures (e.g. future<variant<Ts...>>) in the same way that .then could be extended to have apply like semantics for when_all:

future<bool> d = when_any(a, b, c).then_visit(f); // f(a.get()); or f(b.get()); or f(c.get());

7. Conditional Blocking in futures Destructor Must Go

C++11’s future will block in its destructor if the shared state was created by async, the shared state is not ready and this future was holding the last reference to the shared state. This is done to prevent runaway std::threads from outliving main.

These semantics are restricted to futures created by async because the semantics are not sensible for programmers using future and promise.

Implicitly blocking, especially in destructors, is very error prone. Even worse, the behavior is conditional, and there is no way to determine if a particular future's destructor is going to block.

In HPX, this is one of the few places where our implementation has chosen to not conform to the standard. We made this decision based on usage experience and feedback from our end-users.

It’s time to revisit this design decision. Runaway std::threads should be addressed in another way. std::future's destructor should never block.

8. Immediate Values and future Values Should Be Easy to Composable

In C++11, there was no convenience function for creating a future that is ready and contains a particular value (e.g. immediate values). You’d have to write:

promise<string> p;
future<string> a = p.get_future();

The Concurrency TS v1 adds such a function, make_ready_future (Concurrency TS v1, 2.10 [futures.make_ready_future]):

future<string> a = make_ready_future("hello");

However, it is still unnecessarily verbose to work with immediate values. Consider:

bool f(string, double, int);

future<string> a = /* ... */;
future<int>    c = /* ... */;

future<bool> d = when_all(a, make_ready_future(3.14), c).then(/* Call f. */);

Why not allow both future and non-future arguments to when_all? Then we could write:

future<bool> d = when_all(a, 3.14, c).then(/* Call f. */);

In combination with the direction described in the previous section, we’d be able to write:

future<bool> d = when_all(a, 3.14, c).then_apply(f); // f(a.get(), 3.14, c.get());

Additionally, with C++17 class template deduction, instead of make_ready_future, we could just have a ready future constructor:

auto f = future(3.14);