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Binary-Binary transform_reduce(): The Missing Overload

Published Proposal,

This version:
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++


Renaming the parallel inner_product() overload to transform_reduce(), and unifying transform_reduce()’s interface with the rest of the algorithms library.

While reviewing the C++17 CD and preparing my CppCon talk, I found some issues revolving around transform_reduce() and the parallel form of inner_product().

1. inner_product() Cannot Be Parallelized

The parallel version of inner_product() (e.g. ExecutionPolicy overload) is not useful because the wording limits parallelization. 26.8.5 [inner.product] p1 of the C++17 CD states that inner_product():

computes its result by initializing the accumulator acc with the initial value init and then modifying it with acc = acc + (*i1) * (*i2) or acc = binary_op1(acc, binary_op2(*i1,*i2))

Similar to accumulate(), while an inner_product() operation can be parallelized in principle, the wording for inner_product() prevents parallelization for reduction operations that are non-commutative and non-associative, like floating point addition. For such operations, the wording forces each iteration to depend on the prior iteration to ensure the correct ordering of accumulation. This introduces a loop-carried dependency that makes it impossible to parallelize.

2. inner_product() is a Form of transform_reduce()

Just as reduce() is the parallel counterpart of accumulate() (same basic operation but without a specific ordering), inner_product() has a natural counter-part. Consider this possible implementation of inner_product():

template <class InputIt1, class InputIt2,
          class T,
          class ReductionOperation, class BinaryTransformOperation>
T inner_product(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1,
                InputIt2 first2, T init,
                ReductionOperation reduce_op
                BinaryTransformOperation transform_op)
    while (first1 != last1)
        init = reduce_op(init, transform_op(*first1, *first2));
    return value;

The application of transform_op to the sequence is a binary transform():

template <class InputIt1, class InputIt2, 
          class OutputIt, class BinaryTransformOperation>
OutputIt transform(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2, 
                   OutputIt o_first, BinaryTransformOperation transform_op)
    while (first1 != last1)
        *o_first++ = transform_op(*first1++, *first2++);
    return o_first;

And the application of reduce_op accumulates the transformed values:

template <class InputIt, class T, class ReductionOperation>
T accumulate(InputIt first, InputIt last, T init, 
             ReductionOperation reduce_op)
    for (; first != last; ++first)
        init = reduce_op(init, *first);
    return init;

So, inner_product() is an accumulate()s reduce()s of a transform()ed sequence. It’s a transform_reduce()!.

3. transform_reduce() is Missing an Overload

However, transform_reduce() is missing an overload for a binary transform; only overloads with unary transform operations are currently specified by the C++17 CD. I call this missing overload binary-binary transform_reduce(), since both the reduction and transformation operation are binary operations.

This overload, which is equivalent to parallel inner_product() with weaker ordering, is very useful. Many of the typical examples of transform_reduce() usage that I’ve seen use tricks to perform a binary-binary transform_reduce() using the unary-binary transform_reduce() that is in the C++17 CD.

The typical transform_reduce() dot product example (similar to what is found in the original transform_reduce() proposal [N3960]) looks like this:

std::vector<std::tuple<double, double> > XY = // ...

double dot_product = std::transform_reduce(

    // Input sequence.
    XY.begin(), XY.end(),

    // Unary transformation operation. 
    [](std::tuple<double, double> const& xy)
      // Array of struct means this is tricky to execute on vector hardware:
      // memory layout: X[0] Y[0] X[1] Y[1] X[2] Y[2] X[3] Y[3] ...
      // op #0: load a pack of Xs (they aren’t contiguous; the load will be
      //                           strided, may need to access multiple
      //                           cache lines and may be harder for the
      //                           hardware prefetcher to handle)
      // op #1: load a pack of Ys (same as above)
      // op #2: multiply the pack of Xs by vector of Ys
      return std::get<0>(xy) * std::get(xy);

    double(0.0), // Initial value for reduction.

    // Binary reduction operation.

Note that this is array-of-structs NOT struct-of-arrays. The HPX and THRUST dot product examples use iterator tricks (zip iterators or counting iterators) to switch to a struct-of-arrays scheme. The zip iterator trick is shown below, using Boost:

std::vector<double> X = // ...
std::vector<double> Y = // ...

double dot_product = std::transform_reduce(

    // Input sequence.
    boost::make_zip_iterator(X.begin(), Y.begin()),
    boost::make_zip_iterator(X.end(), Y.end()),

    // Unary transformation operation.
    [](auto&& xy) // std::tuple<double, double>-esque
        // Struct of arrays means this is easier to execute on vector hardware:
        // memory layout: X[0] X[1] X[2] X[3] ... Y[0] Y[1] Y[2] Y[3] ...
        // op #0: load a pack of Xs (elements are contiguous, load will access
        //                           only one cache line and the hardware
        //                           prefetcher will easily track the memory
        //                           stream)
        // op #1: load a pack of Ys (same as above)
        // op #2: multiply the pack of Xs by the pack of Ys
        return std::get<0>(xy) * std::get<1>(xy);

    double(0.0), // Initial value for reduction.

    // Binary reduction operation.

More examples of this pattern can be found in HPX (zip iterator example and counting iterator example) and THRUST (zip iterator example).

4. transform_reduce() Parameter Order is Odd

The missing binary-binary transform_reduce() would look like this:

template <class InputIt1, class InputIt2,
          class BinaryTransformOperation,
          class T,
          class ReductionOperation> // Always binary.
T transform_reduce(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1,
                   InputIt2 first2,
                   BinaryTransformOperation transform_op,
                   T init,
                   ReductionOperation reduce_op);

Note that the order of parameters, which is consistent with the other transform_reduce() overloads, is inconsistent with inner_product(), transform() and reduce():

template <class InputIt1, class InputIt2,
          class T,
          class ReductionOperation, class BinaryTransformOperation>
T inner_product(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1,
                InputIt2 first2, T init,
                ReductionOperation reduce_op
                BinaryTransformOperation transform_op)

template <class InputIt1, class InputIt2, 
          class OutputIt, class BinaryTransformOperation>
OutputIt transform(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2, 
                   OutputIt o_first, BinaryTransformOperation transform_op);

template <class InputIt, class T, class ReductionOperation>
T accumulate(InputIt first, InputIt last, T init, 
             ReductionOperation reduce_op);

The inconsistencies are:

5. Proposed Resolutions

I filed a US national body ballot comment about the issue with the parallel inner_product() overload. The following solutions would resolve that comment.

5.1. Resolution 1: Rename inner_product() to transform_reduce() and Fix transform_reduce()

Rename the useless parallel inner_product() with a binary-binary transform_reduce(), and we should change the transform_reduce() interface to have the same parameter order as inner_product(), accumulate(), reduce() and transform().

Specifically, we should:

With these changes, a parallel dot product over struct-of-arrays data can be written as:

std::vector<double> X = // ...
std::vector<double> Y = // ...

double dot_product =
    std::transform_reduce(std::par_unseq, x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), double(0.0));

A parallel word count could be written with binary-binary transform_reduce() as:

bool is_word_beginning(char left, char right)
    return std::isspace(left) && !std::isspace(right);

std::size_t word_count(std::string_view s)
    if (s.empty()) return 0;

    // Count the number of characters that start a new word.
    return std::transform_reduce(
        // "Left" input sequence:  s[0], s[1], ..., s[s.size() - 2]
        s.begin(), s.end() - 1,
        // "Right" input sequence: s[1], s[2], ..., s[s.size() - 1]
        s.begin() + 1,

        // Initial value for reduction: if the first character
        // is not a space, then it’s the beginning of a word.
        std::size_t(!std::isspace(s.front()) ? 1 : 0),

        // Binary transformation operation.

        // Binary transformation operation: Return 1 when we hit
        // a new word.

5.2. Resolution 2: Weaken inner_product()

Alternatively, we could weaken ordering required by inner_product(), which would make it equivalent to binary-binary transform_reduce(). This approach is not backwards compatible; implementations could rewrite their serial inner_product() in a way that uses a different ordering than the one previously required, breaking user code. Additionally, different implementations might provide different orderings, which could cause portably issues.

However, this would still leave transform_reduce() with an interface that is inconsistent with other algorithms that implement very similar behavior. If we ship transform_reduce() with a broken interface, it will be difficult to fix it later because we would have to break users code.

5.3. Resolution 3: Weaken inner_product() and Fix transform_reduce()

Adopt Resolution 2, and also the parts of Resolution 1 that fix the inconsistencies in transform_reduce():

5.4. Resolution 4: Remove Parallel inner_product()

The simplest approach, and least desirable, is to simply remove the parallel inner_product() overloads. This removes useful functionality which was intended to go into the standard (e.g. binary transform_reduce()). Additionally, it would leave transform_reduce()s interface inconsistent with the other algorithms, and it will be difficult to fix that interface in the future because it would be a breaking change.

6. Acknowledgement

Thanks to:


Informative References

Jared Hoberock. Working Draft, Technical Specification for C++ Extensions for Parallelism. 28 February 2014. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n3960.pdf