SC 22 N 3485
WG15 N733 --, 20 May 1997
Supersedes: N121, N352r, N676 (96)
JTC1/SC22/WG15-IEEE CS PASC (POSIX) Synchronization Plan
In ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 N729 Resolution 110, SC22 instructs conveners that a synchronization plan as described in SC22 N730, be developed by all SC22 working groups, where national bodies are doing development work under an SC22 Administrative resolution. JTC1/SC22/WG15 (POSIX) [referred to below as WG15]; is operating under such terms in conjunction with the U.S. Standards Development Organization: IEEE Computer Society Portable Applications Standards Committee[referred to below as PASC, and previously part of TCOS]. The review and approval for this plan is as follows: This version is in response to the new JTC1 concept of "Final CD".
PASC Sponsor Executive Committee |
N |
IEEE Computer Society SAB |
N |
WG15 |
N720, N733, resolution 97- |
SC22 |
N |
To use the same text for relevant standards, at
each stage of development, and for final adoption.
To gain the greatest possible consensus.
1. Availability of Working Documents
The following steps are being taken by PASC-SEC in document distribution:
1.1. WG15 heads of delegation are included on any PASC-SEC electronic document distribution lists they select at no charge; and they may duplicate and distribute this information for national body evaluation. All draft documents will be made available though this channel.
1.2. Mature draft documents will also be distributed for review and comment within WG15, and prior to a request for CD registration, the US national body will have a draft distributed to SC22 for review and comment.
1.3 Any individual in the international community can participate in the IEEE CS PASC Standards work: attending meetings, receiving mailings obtain online access, or (if the individual is an IEEE or Computer Society member) participating in the balloting group. Minimal fees are associated with these forms of participation.
2. Processing stages up to final adoption
The relevant processing stages prior to balloting in IEEE are as follows:
1) Approval of a Project Authorization Request ("PAR") by the IEEE
2) Technical working group meetings and document development
3) Submission of the draft document for balloting
2.1 The following steps are being taken by PASC-SEC:
2.1.1 Distribution of overall PASC-SEC project status information to WG15, which provides visibility into new work areas, including those outside of the current scope of WG15. IEEE Project Authorization Requests (PARs) proposing new or revised work areas within POSIX shall be distributed to WG15 for review and comment.
2.1.2 Use of the format approved by ITTF for draft documents.
2.1.3 Encourage common membership between WG15 and the PASC working groups.
2.1.4 Encourage holding of occasional PASC Standards meetings outside of the US mainland.
2.2 The following steps have been taken by WG15:
2.2.1 The WG15 Convener has initiated regular status reports on WG15 work for SC22 (as requested by SC22 N729 resolution 139).
2.2.2 Division of Work Item was submitted to clarify the organization of work within the scope of WG15 (Approved by SC22, N729 resolution 136).
2.2.3 Ongoing encouragement of participation by individuals in IEEE PASC development work.
2.2.4 WG15 encourages participation by PASC technical experts in WG15 editing/ballot resolution meetings.
2.2.5 Early working draft distribution (1.1)
Review and comment distribution in WG15 and SC22 (1.2) of at least 3
months is essential to verify that the work of PASC will result in a
document that can be readily accepted for balloting in SC22.
Member body feedback at this stage is most important, as the "final CD" process calls for technical comment and review to take place earlier in the development cycle.
3. Synchronization of balloting periods
The PASC Chair (chair of PASC-SEC) has the authority to delay steps in the IEEE balloting process. This is being used to force synchronization with ISO approval as follows:
3.1. For new documents and revisions (CD-DIS-IS path):3.1.0 IEEE 'ballot group formation' invitations shall be distributed to WG15 (in both paper and email form if expedient to do so) to ensure that WG15 Member Bodies are aware that an IEEE draft is about to enter this phase.
3.1.1. The IEEE balloting period is started when the document is ready for broad comment; at this time this draft document will be forwarded to SC22 for CD registration ballot. SC22 Member bodies are expected to submit technical comments at this point in time to WG15, as well as recommendations with respect to "final CD" registration..
3.1.2. The U.S. will recommend, to WG15, for CD Ballot, a document draft which includes revisions resulting from a draft circulated for IEEE balloting and the CD registration ballot comments. The project editor should indicate when "Final CD" may not be appropriate.
3.1.3. The international comments on the CD registration and ballot are fed into the IEEE balloting process; and IEEE recommendations for changes are fed into the CD ballot process as comments from the US national body. Substantive changes in response to these comments may result in multiple "Final CD" ballots.
3.1.4. The IEEE final approval is delayed until a disposition of comments satisfactory to WG15 can be developed that will permit an updated "Final CD" to be registered as a DIS. Once WG15 has made this agreement the same document is forwarded for IEEE approval. (This assumes that IEEE will reach 75% before WG15 has completed its part... which might not always be the case.)
3.1.5.. With the "Final CD" process, changes are not allowed at the DIS level, so concurrent publication by IEEE and ISO is appropriate. Corrections after "Final CD" need to be addressed as "Technical Corrigenda".
3.2. For Amendments, the approval sequence remains PDAM registration> (F)PDAM=>DAM=>AMD, but with a focused scope in the divided WI or NP.
3.2.1. Common sense leads to limitations on the number of amendments that can be handled independent of the main document. Most of the amendments expected for 9945 will be in the form of extended functions and new clauses. WG15 has proposed the following approach: Proceed through the PDAM ballot process component so that timely review and comment can be obtained. Combine approved PDAM level documents that affect the same part of IS 9945 into a single DAM amendment ballot where this can consolidate amendments proposed within a small window of time.
3.2.2. PASC will synchronize IEEE balloting periods with the PDAM registration & PDAM ballot process for amendments as in 3.1 above.
4.0 Interpretations / Defect Report Handling
4.1 The PASC Interpretations Vice Chair will forward Interpretations through the US national body (via the appropriate TAG) as defect reports to the appropriate WG Convener (see ISO/IEC form 14).
4.2 Defect reports received by WG15 Convener are distributed to all participating National bodies with a request to the U.S. to provide a proposed response. WG experts are invited to participate in the applicable PASC interpretations committee.
4.3 The WG15 defect report log will use the same numbering sequence as the IEEE PASC interpretations log
4.4 The IEEE interpretations committee will forward a response through the US National Body to WG15 as a proposed resolution.
4.5 Interpretation responses approved by WG15 will be notified to the initiator of the defect report by the WG15 Convener, and by the VC interpretations for IEEE PASC if it was submitted though IEEE initially.
4.6 Technical Corrigenda and Record of Response
4.6.1 Interpretations responses that do not require substantive changes to the document will be incorporated into a Record of Response which will be forwarded for SC22 action on a periodic basis, and to the IEEE for publication as an Interpretations document.
4.6.2 Interpretations that do require substantive changes will be incorporated into a Technical Corrigenda for SC22 approval, and concurrent balloting as a focused amendment in the IEEE process so that a single document is approved by both organizations.