______________________________________________________________________ Foreword ______________________________________________________________________ 1 This document revises the version dated 24 September 1996 by incorpo- rating the substantive changes approved by ISO WG21 and ANSI|- X3J16 at their joint meeting in Kona, Hawaii, USA in November, 1996. It will be submitted to ISO SC22 for registration as the second Committee Draft (CD) produced by WG21. 2 The C++ programming language as described in this Working Paper is based on the language as described in Chapter R (Reference Manual) of Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language (second edition, Addison-Wes- ley Publishing Company, ISBN 0-201-53992-6, copyright © 1991 AT&T). That, in turn, is based on the C programming language as described in Appendix A of Kernighan and Ritchie: The C Programming Language (Pren- tice-Hall, 1978, ISBN 0-13-110163-3, copyright © 1978 AT&T). In addi- tion, portions of this Working Paper are based on work by P.J. Plauger, which was published as The Draft Standard C++ Library; Pren- tice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-117003-1, copyright © 1995 P.J. Plauger). All rights in these originals are reserved. 3 The C language changed substantially after The C Programming Language was published. Those changes are reflected in ISO/IEC 9899:1990, C Standard which, together with Chapter R of The C++ Programming Lan- guage, serve as the two base documents for this Working Paper. 4 Most clause and subclause titles have text in square brackets at the end of their respective lines. The bracketed text is a symbolic name for that clause or subclause, with the idea that the symbolic name will remain constant even if the corresponding number changes in sub- sequent drafts. These symbolic names are there for convenience only and are not part of the text; they will not appear in the final ver- sion of the International Standard. _________________________ |- American National Standards Institute