
  Annex 0 (normative)

  Universal-character-names for identifiers                   [extendid]


1 This Clause lists the hexadecimal code values that are valid  in  uni-
  versal-character-names in C++ identifiers.

2 This  table  is reproduced unchanged from ISO/IEC PDTR 10176, produced
  by ISO/IEC  JTC1/SC22/WG20,  except  that  the  ranges  0041-005a  and
  0061-007a  designate the upper and lower case English alphabets, which
  are part of the basic source character set, and are  not  repeated  in
  the table below.  [Note: If PDTR 10176 is changed during its balloting
  and adoption as a TR, then this table should be changed to  match  its
  changes.  ]

  Latin:   00c0-00d6,   00d8-00f6,   00f8-01f5,   01fa-0217,  0250-02a8,
  1e00-1e9a, 1ea0-1ef9

  Greek:  0384, 0388-038a, 038c, 038e-03a1, 03a3-03ce, 03d0-03d6,  03da,
  03dc,   03de,   03e0,   03e2-03f3,  1f00-1f15,  1f18-1f1d,  1f20-1f45,
  1f48-1f4d,  1f50-1f57,  1f59,  1f5b,   1f5d,   1f5f-1f7d,   1f80-1fb4,
  1fb6-1fbc,  1fc2-1fc4,  1fc6-1fcc,  1fd0-1fd3,  1fd6-1fdb,  1fe0-1fec,
  1ff2-1ff4, 1ff6-1ffc

  Cyrilic:   0401-040d,  040f-044f,  0451-045c,  045e-0481,   0490-04c4,
  04c7-04c8, 04cb-04cc, 04d0-04eb, 04ee-04f5, 04f8-04f9

  Armenian:  0531-0556, 0561-0587

  Hebrew:  05d0-05ea, 05f0-05f4

  Arabic:    0621-063a,   0640-0652,  0670-06b7,  06ba-06be,  06c0-06ce,

  Devanagari:  0905-0939, 0958-0962

  Bengali:  0985-098c, 098f-0990, 0993-09a8, 09aa-09b0, 09b2, 09b6-09b9,
  09dc-09dd, 09df-09e1, 09f0-09f1

  Gurmukhi:   0a05-0a0a,  0a0f-0a10,  0a13-0a28,  0a2a-0a30,  0a32-0a33,
  0a35-0a36, 0a38-0a39, 0a59-0a5c, 0a5e

  Gujarati:    0a85-0a8b,   0a8d,   0a8f-0a91,   0a93-0aa8,   0aaa-0ab0,
  0ab2-0ab3, 0ab5-0ab9, 0ae0

  Oriya:    0b05-0b0c,   0b0f-0b10,   0b13-0b28,  0b2a-0b30,  0b32-0b33,
  0b36-0b39, 0b5c-0b5d, 0b5f-0b61

  Tamil:  0b85-0b8a, 0b8e-0b90, 0b92-0b95, 0b99-0b9a,  0b9c,  0b9e-0b9f,
  0ba3-0ba4, 0ba8-0baa, 0bae-0bb5, 0bb7-0bb9

  Telugu:    0c05-0c0c,   0c0e-0c10,  0c12-0c28,  0c2a-0c33,  0c35-0c39,

  Kannada:   0c85-0c8c,  0c8e-0c90,  0c92-0ca8,  0caa-0cb3,   0cb5-0cb9,

  Malayalam:  0d05-0d0c, 0d0e-0d10, 0d12-0d28, 0d2a-0d39, 0d60-0d61

  Thai:  0e01-0e30, 0e32-0e33, 0e40-0e46, 0e4f-0e5b

  Lao:   0e81-0e82,  0e84, 0e87, 0e88, 0e8a, 0e0d, 0e94-0e97, 0e99-0e9f,
  0ea1-0ea3, 0ea5,  0ea7,  0eaa,  0eab,  0ead-0eb0,  0eb2,  0eb3,  0ebd,
  0ec0-0ec4, 0ec6

  Georgian:  10a0-10c5, 10d0-10f6

  Hiragana:  3041-3094, 309b-309e

  Katakana:  30a1-30fe

  Bopmofo:  3105-312c

  Hangul:  1100-1159, 1161-11a2, 11a8-11f9

  CJK   Unified   Ideographs:   f900-fa2d,  fb1f-fb36,  fb38-fb3c, fb3e,
  fb40-fb41,  fb42-fb44,  fb46-fbb1,  fbd3-fd3f,  fd50-fd8f,  fd92-fdc7,
  fdf0-fdfb,   fe70-fe72,   fe74,   5e76-fefc,   ff21-ff3a,   ff41-ff5a,
  ff66-ffbe, ffc2-ffc7, ffca-ffcf, ffd2-ffd7, ffda-ffdc, 4e00-9fa5