
  20   General utilities library               [lib.utilities]


1 This clause describes components used by other elements of  the  Stan­
  dard  C++ library.  These components may also be used by C++ programs.

2 The following subclauses describe utility and allocator  requirements,
  utility components, function objects, dynamic memory management utili­
  ties, and date/time utilities, as summarized in Table 1:

                Table 1--General utilities library summary

         |               Subclause                   Header(s)   |
         |_lib.utility.requirements_ Requirements                |
         |_lib.utility_ Utility components          <utility>    |
         |_lib.function.objects_ Function objects   <functional> |
         |_lib.memory_ Memory                       <memory>     |
         |_lib.date.time_ Date and time             <ctime>      |

  20.1  Requirements                          [lib.utility.requirements]

1 This subclause describes requirements  on  template  arguments.   Sub­
  clauses   _lib.equalitycomparable_   through   _lib.copyconstructible_
  describe requirements on types used to  instantiate  templates.   Sub­
  clause  _lib.allocator.requirements_  describes  the  requirements  on
  storage allocators.

  20.1.1  Equality comparison                   [lib.equalitycomparable]

1 In the following Table 2, T is a type to be supplied by a C++  program
  instantiating a template, a and b are values of type T.

                 Table 2--EqualityComparable requirements

  |expression       return type                post-condition             complexity |
  |a == b       convertible to bool   == is an equivalence relationship   constant   |

  20.1.2  Less than comparison                  [lib.lessthancomparable]

1 In  the following Table 3, T is a type to be supplied by a C++ program
  instantiating a template, a and b are values of type T.

                 Table 3--LessThanComparable requirements

  |expression       return type                            post-condition                        complexity |
  |a < b        convertible to bool   < is a strict weak ordering relation (_lib.alg.sorting_)   constant   |

  20.1.3  Copy construction                      [lib.copyconstructible]

1 In the following Table 4, T is a type to be supplied by a C++  program
  instantiating a template, t is a value of type T, and u is a valuse of
  type const T.

                 Table 4--CopyConstructible requirements

    |expression   return type        post-condition        complexity |
    |T(t)                       t is equivalent to T(t)    constant   |
    |T(u)                       u is equivalent to T(u)    constant   |
    |t.~T()                                                constant   |
    |&t           T*            denotes the address of t   constant   |
    |&u           const T*      denotes the address of u   constant   |

2 The default constructor is not required.  Certain container class mem­
  ber  function  signatures specify the default constructor as a default
  argument.  T() must be a well-defined expression (_dcl.init_)  if  one

  of   those   signatures   is   called   using   the  default  argument

  20.1.4  Allocator requirements            [lib.allocator.requirements]

1 The library describes a standard set of requirements  for  allocators,
  which are objects that encapsulate the information about an allocation
  model.  This information includes the knowledge of pointer types,  the
  type  of  their  difference,  the  type of the size of objects in this
  allocation model, as well as the memory  allocation  and  deallocation
  primitives  for  it.   All  of  the  containers (_lib.containers_) are
  parameterized in terms of allocators.

2 Table 5 describes the requirements on types manipulated through  allo­
  cators.  All the operations on the allocators are expected to be amor­
  tized constant time.

                Table 5--Descriptive variable definitions

    |Variable                         Definition                      |
    |X           An Allocator class                                   |
    |T           any type                                             |
    |t           a value of type const T&                             |
    |a, a1, a2   Values of type X&                                    |
    |p           a value of type X::pointer obtained by calling       |
    |            allocate on some a1 where a1 == a.                   |
    |q           a value of type X::const_pointer obtained by         |
    |            conversion from a value p.                           |
    |r           a value of type X::reference obtained by applying    |
    |            unary operator* to a value p.                        |
    |s           a value of type X::const_reference obtained by       |
    |            applying unary operator* to a value q or by          |
    |            conversion from a value r.                           |
    |u           a value of type X::rebind<U>::const_pointer for some |
    |            type U, obtained by calling member a1.allocate       |
    |            on some a1 where a1 == a.                            |
    |n           a value of type X::size_type.                        |

3 Table 6 describes the requirements on allocator types.

                     Table 6--Allocator requirements

       expression             return type                 assertion/note
   X::pointer           convertible to T* and
   X::const_pointer     convertible to const T*
                        and const void*
   X::reference         convertible to T&
   X::const_reference   convertible to const T&
   X::value_type        Identical to T
   X::size_type         unsigned integral type    the type that can represent
                                                  the size of the largest object
                                                  in the allocation model.
   X::difference_type   signed integral type      the type that can represent
                                                  the difference between any two
                                                  pointers in the allocation
   typename X::
   rebind<U>::other     for X an instantiation
                        of XT<T>, the type
   X a;                                           note: a destructor is assumed.
   a.address(r)         X::pointer
   a.address(s)         X::const_pointer
   a.allocate(n)        X::pointer                memory is allocated for n ob­
   a.allocate(n,u)                                jects of type T but objects
                                                  are not constructed.  allocate
                                                  may raise an appropriate ex­
                                                  ception.  The result is a ran­
                                                  dom access iterator.
   a.deallocate(p)      (not used)                all the objects in the area
                                                  pointed  by p should be de­
                                                  stroyed prior to the call of
   new(x) T             X::pointer                new((void*)x.allocate(1)) T

  |                                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |new(x) T[n]          X::pointer                new((void*)x.allocate(n)) T[n] |
  |a.max_size()         X::size_type              the largest value that can     |
  |                                               meaningfully be passed to      |
  |                                               X::allocate().                 |
  |a1 == a2             bool                      Returns true iff the two allo­ |
  |                                               cators are interchangeable,    |
  |                                               such that storage allocated    |
  |                                               from each can be deallocated   |
  |                                               via the other.                 |
  |a1 != a2             bool                      same as !(a1 == a2)            |
  |a1 = a2              X&                        post: a1 == a2                 |
  |X a1(a2);                                      post: a1 == a2                 |
  |x.construct(p,u)     (not used)                Effect: new((void*)p) T(u)     |
  |x.destroy(p)         (not used)                Effect: ((T*)p)->~T()          |

4 It  is  assumed that any pointer types have a (possibly lossy) conver­
  sion to void*, yielding a pointer sufficient for use as the this value
  in    a    constructor    or   destructor,   and   a   conversion   to
  XT<void>::const_pointer (for appropriate  XT)  as  well,  for  use  by

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 1                -------+
  Change:  Modified  the requirements for conversions from X::pointer to
  X::const_pointer and XT<void>::const_pointer.  An issue will be opened
  on  whether  this is the correct and complete set of necessary conver­
  sions.  (E.g. what about the reference types?)
  +-------                  END BOX 1                 -------+

5 The second parameter to the call a.allocate in the table above  is  an
  implementation-defined  hint  from  the  container  implementor to the
  allocator, typically as an aid for locality of reference1).

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 2                -------+
  Change:  The  expression  allocate<U>(n,u)  in  N0790R1 was changed to
  allocate(n,u), replacing the member  template  with  reliance  on  the
  required  pointer-to-void  conversion.  This resolves implementability
  +-------                  END BOX 2                 -------+

  1) In a container member function, the address of an adjacent  element
  is often a good choice to pass for this argument.

  20.2  Utility components                                 [lib.utility]

1 This subclause contains some basic template functions and classes that
  are used throughout the rest of the library.

  Header <utility> synopsis

  namespace std {
  // subclause _lib.operators_, operators:
    namespace rel_ops {
      template<class T> bool operator!=(const T&, const T&);
      template<class T> bool operator> (const T&, const T&);
      template<class T> bool operator<=(const T&, const T&);
      template<class T> bool operator>=(const T&, const T&);
  // subclause _lib.pairs_, pairs:
    template <class T1, class T2> struct pair;
    template <class T1, class T2>
      bool operator==(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);
    template <class T1, class T2>
      bool operator< (const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);
    template <class T1, class T2> pair<T1,T2> make_pair(const T1&, const T2&);

  20.2.1  Operators                                      [lib.operators]

1 To  avoid  redundant  definitions  of operator!= out of operator== and
  operators >, <=, and >= out of operator<,  the  library  provides  the

  template <class T> bool operator!=(const T& x, const T& y);

    Type T is EqualityComparable (_lib.equalitycomparable_).
    !(x == y).

  template <class T> bool operator>(const T& x, const T& y);

    Type T is LessThanComparable (_lib.lessthancomparable_).
    y < x.

  template <class T> bool operator<=(const T& x, const T& y);

    Type T is LessThanComparable (_lib.lessthancomparable_).
    !(y < x).

  template <class T> bool operator>=(const T& x, const T& y);

    Type T is LessThanComparable (_lib.lessthancomparable_).
    !(x < y).

  20.2.2  Pairs                                              [lib.pairs]

1 The library provides a template for heterogenous pairs of values.  The
  library also provides a matching template function to  simplify  their

  template <class T1, class T2>
  struct pair {
    typedef T1 first_type;
    typedef T2 second_type;

    T1 first;
    T2 second;
    pair(const T1& x, const T2& y);
    template<class U, class V> pair(const pair<U, V> &p);


    Initializes  its  members  as  if implemented: pair() : first(T1()),
    second(T2()) {}

  pair(const T1& x, const T2& y);

    The constructor initializes first with x and second with y.

  template<class U, class V> pair(const pair<U, V> &p);

    Initializes members from the corresponding members of the  argument,
    performing implicit conversions as needed.

  template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator==(const pair<T1, T2>& x, const pair<T1, T2>& y);

    x.first == y.first && x.second == y.second.

  template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator<(const pair<T1, T2>& x, const pair<T1, T2>& y);

    x.first  < y.first || (!(y.first < x.first) && x.second < y.second).

  template <class T1, class T2>
    pair<T1, T2> make_pair(const T1& x, const T2& y);

    pair<T1, T2>(x, y).

2 [Example: In place of:
    return pair<int, double>(5, 3.1415926); // explicit types
  a C++ program may contain:
    return make_pair(5, 3.1415926); // types are deduced
   --end example]

  20.3  Function objects                          [lib.function.objects]

1 Function objects are objects with an  operator()  defined.   They  are
  important  for  the effective use of the library.  In the places where
  one would expect to pass a pointer to a  function  to  an  algorithmic
  template  (_lib.algorithms_),  the interface is specified to accept an
  object with an operator() defined.  This not  only  makes  algorithmic
  templates  work  with  pointers to functions, but also enables them to
  work with arbitrary function objects.

  Header <functional> synopsis

  namespace std {
  // subclause _lib.base_, base:
    template <class Arg, class Result> struct unary_function;
    template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result> struct binary_function;
  // subclause _lib.arithmetic.operations_, arithmetic operations:
    template <class T> struct plus;
    template <class T> struct minus;
    template <class T> struct times;
    template <class T> struct divides;
    template <class T> struct modulus;
    template <class T> struct negate;
  // subclause _lib.comparisons_, comparisons:
    template <class T> struct equal_to;
    template <class T> struct not_equal_to;
    template <class T> struct greater;
    template <class T> struct less;
    template <class T> struct greater_equal;
    template <class T> struct less_equal;

  // subclause _lib.logical.operations_, logical operations:
    template <class T> struct logical_and;
    template <class T> struct logical_or;
    template <class T> struct logical_not;
  // subclause _lib.negators_, negators:
    template <class Predicate> struct unary_negate;
    template <class Predicate>
      unary_negate<Predicate>  not1(const Predicate&);
    template <class Predicate> struct binary_negate;
    template <class Predicate>
      binary_negate<Predicate> not2(const Predicate&);
  // subclause _lib.binders_, binders:
    template <class Operation>  class binder1st;
    template <class Operation, class T>
      binder1st<Operation> bind1st(const Operation&, const T&);
    template <class Operation> class binder2nd;
    template <class Operation, class T>
      binder2nd<Operation> bind2nd(const Operation&, const T&);
  // subclause _lib.function.pointer.adaptors_, adaptors:
    template <class Arg, class Result> class pointer_to_unary_function;
    template <class Arg, class Result>
      pointer_to_unary_function<Arg,Result> ptr_fun(Result (*)(Arg));
    template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
      class pointer_to_binary_function;
    template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
      pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Result> ptr_fun(Result (*)(Arg1,Arg2));
  // subclause _lib.member.pointer.adaptors_, adaptors:
    template<class S, class T> class mem_fun_t;
    template<class S, class T, class A> class mem_fun1_t;
    template<class S, class T>
        mem_fun_t<S,T> mem_fun(S (T::*f)());
    template<class S, class T, class A>
        mem_fun1_t<S,T,A> mem_fun(S (T::*f)(A));
    template<class S, class T> class mem_fun_ref_t;
    template<class S, class T, class A> class mem_fun1_ref_t;
    template<class S, class T>
        mem_fun_ref_t<S,T> mem_fun_ref(S (T::*f)());
    template<class S, class T, class A>
        mem_fun1_ref_t<S,T,A> mem_fun_ref(S (T::*f)(A));

2 Using function objects together with function templates increases  the
  expressive  power  of the library as well as making the resulting code
  much more efficient.

3 [Example: If a C++ program wants to have a by-element addition of  two
  vectors  a  and  b containing double and put the result into a, it can
    transform(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), a.begin(), plus<double>());
   --end example]

4 [Example: To negate every element of a:
    transform(a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), negate<double>());
  The corresponding functions will inline the addition and the negation.

   --end example]

5 To enable adaptors and other components to manipulate function objects
  that take one or two arguments it is required  that  they  correspond­
  ingly  provide  typedefs  argument_type  and  result_type for function
  objects  that  take  one  argument   and   first_argument_type,   sec­
  ond_argument_type,  and result_type for function objects that take two

  20.3.1  Base                                                [lib.base]

1 The following classes are provided to simplify  the  typedefs  of  the
  argument and result types:
    template <class Arg, class Result>
    struct unary_function {
      typedef Arg    argument_type;
      typedef Result result_type;
    template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
    struct binary_function {
      typedef Arg1   first_argument_type;
      typedef Arg2   second_argument_type;
      typedef Result result_type;

  20.3.2  Arithmetic operations              [lib.arithmetic.operations]

1 The  library  provides  basic  function  object classes for all of the
  arithmetic operators in the language (_expr.mul_, _expr.add_).

  template <class T> struct plus : binary_function<T,T,T> {
    T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

2 operator() returns x + y.

  template <class T> struct minus : binary_function<T,T,T> {
    T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

3 operator() returns x - y.

  template <class T> struct times : binary_function<T,T,T> {
    T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

4 operator() returns x * y.

  template <class T> struct divides : binary_function<T,T,T> {
    T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

5 operator() returns x / y.

  template <class T> struct modulus : binary_function<T,T,T> {
    T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

6 operator() returns x % y.

  template <class T> struct negate : unary_function<T,T> {
    T operator()(const T& x) const;

7 operator() returns -x.

  20.3.3  Comparisons                                  [lib.comparisons]

1 The library provides basic function object classes for all of the com­
  parison  operators  in  the  language (_expr.rel_, _expr.eq_).  In all
  cases, type T is convertible to type bool.

  template <class T> struct equal_to : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

2 operator() returns x == y.

  template <class T> struct not_equal_to : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

3 operator() returns x != y.

  template <class T> struct greater : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

4 operator() returns x > y.

  template <class T> struct less : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

5 operator() returns x < y.

  template <class T> struct greater_equal : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

6 operator() returns x >= y.

  template <class T> struct less_equal : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

7 operator() returns x <= y.

  20.3.4  Logical operations                    [lib.logical.operations]

1 The library provides basic function object classes for all of the log­
  ical   operators   in  the  language  (_expr.log.and_,  _expr.log.or_,

  template <class T> struct logical_and : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

2 operator() returns x && y.

  template <class T> struct logical_or : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

3 operator() returns x || y.

  template <class T> struct logical_not : unary_function<T,bool> {
    bool operator()(const T& x) const;

4 operator() returns !x.

  20.3.5  Negators                                        [lib.negators]

1 Negators not1 and not2 take a unary and a  binary  predicate,  respec­
  tively, and return their complements (_expr.unary.op_).

  template <class Predicate>
    class unary_negate
      : public unary_function<Predicate::argument_type,bool> {
    explicit unary_negate(const Predicate& pred);
    bool operator()(const argument_type& x) const;

2 operator() returns !pred(x).

  template <class Predicate>
    unary_negate<Predicate> not1(const Predicate& pred);


  template <class Predicate>
    class binary_negate
      : public binary_function<Predicate::first_argument_type,
                               Predicate::second_argument_type, bool> {
      explicit binary_negate(const Predicate& pred);
      bool operator()(const first_argument_type&  x,
                      const second_argument_type& y) const;

3 operator() returns !pred(x,y).

  template <class Predicate>
    binary_negate<Predicate> not2(const Predicate& pred);


  20.3.6  Binders                                          [lib.binders]

1 Binders  bind1st and bind2nd take a function object f of two arguments
  and a value x and return a function object of one argument constructed
  out of f with the first or second argument correspondingly bound to x.  Template class binder1st                    [lib.binder.1st]
    template <class Operation>
    class binder1st
      : public unary_function<Operation::second_argument_type,
                              Operation::result_type> {
      Operation                      op;
      Operation::first_argument_type value;
      binder1st(const Operation& x, const Operation::first_argument_type& y);
      result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const;

1 The constructor initializes op with x and value with y.

2 operator() returns op(value,x).  bind1st                                       [lib.bind.1st]

  template <class Operation, class T>
    binder1st<Operation> bind1st(const Operation& op, const T& x);

    binder1st<Operation>(op, Operation::first_argument_type(x)).  Template class binder2nd                    [lib.binder.2nd]
    template <class Operation>
    class binder2nd
      : public unary_function<Operation::first_argument_type,
                              Operation::result_type> {
      Operation                       op;
      Operation::second_argument_type value;
      binder2nd(const Operation& x, const Operation::second_argument_type& y);
      result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const;

1 The constructor initializes op with x and value with y.

2 operator() returns op(x,value).  bind2nd                                       [lib.bind.2nd]

  template <class Operation, class T>
    binder2nd<Operation> bind2nd(const Operation& op, const T& x);

    binder2nd<Operation>(op, Operation::second_argument_type(x)).

1 [Example:
    find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), bind2nd(greater<int>(), 5));
  finds the first integer in vector v greater than 5;
    find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), bind1st(greater<int>(), 5));
  finds the first integer in v less than 5.   --end example]

  20.3.7  Adaptors for pointers to       [lib.function.pointer.adaptors]

1 To  allow  pointers to (unary and binary) functions to work with func­
  tion adaptors the library provides:
    template <class Arg, class Result>
    class pointer_to_unary_function : public unary_function<Arg, Result> {
      explicit pointer_to_unary_function(Result (*f)(Arg));
      Result operator()(const Arg& x) const;

2 operator() returns f(x).

  template <class Arg, class Result>
    pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Result> ptr_fun(Result (*f)(Arg));

    pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Result>(f).
        template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
        class pointer_to_binary_function : public binary_function<Arg1,Arg2,Result> {
          explicit pointer_to_binary_function(Result (*f)(Arg1, Arg2));
          Result operator()(const Arg1& x, const Arg2& y) const;

3 operator() returns f(x,y).

  template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
      ptr_fun(Result (*f)(Arg1, Arg2));


4 [Example:
      replace_if(v.begin(), v.end(), not1(bind2nd(ptr_fun(strcmp), "C")), "C++");
  replaces each C with C++ in sequence v.2)  --end example]

  2) Implementations that have multiple pointer to function  types  pro­
  vide additional ptr_fun template functions.

  20.3.8  Adaptors for pointers to         [lib.member.pointer.adaptors]

1 The purpose of the following is to provide  the  same  facilities  for
  pointer  to members as those provided for pointers to functions in the
  preceeding section.
    template <class S, class T> class mem_fun_t
          : public unary_function<T*, S> {
      explicit mem_fun_t(S (T::*p)());
      S operator()(T* p);
  mem_fun_t calls the member function it is  initialized  with  given  a
  pointer argument.
    template <class S, class T, class A> class mem_fun1_t
          : public binary_function<T*, A, S> {
      explicit mem_fun1_t(S (T::*p)(A));
      S operator()(T* p, A x);
  mem_fun1_t  calls  the  member function it is initialized with given a
  pointer argument and an additional argument of the appropriate type.
    template<class S, class T> mem_fun_t<S,T>
       mem_fun(S, (T::*f)());

    template<class S, class T, class A> mem_fun1_t<S,T,A>
       mem_fun1(S, (T::*f)(A));
  mem_fun(&X::f) returns an object through  which  X::f  can  be  called
  given  a  pointer  to an X followed by the argument required for f (if
    template <class S, class T> class mem_fun_ref_t
          : public unary_function<T, S> {
      explicit mem_fun_ref_t(S (T::*p)());
      S operator()(T* p);
  mem_fun_ref_t calls the member function it is initialized with given a
  reference argument.
    template <class S, class T, class A> class mem_fun1_ref_t
          : public binary_function<T, A, S> {
      explicit mem_fun1_ref_t(S (T::*p)(A));
      S operator()(T* p, A x);
  mem_fun1_ref_t  calls the member function it is initialized with given
  a reference argument and an additional  argument  of  the  appropriate
    template<class S, class T> mem_fun_ref_t<S,T>
       mem_fun_ref(S, (T::*f)());
    template<class S, class T, class A> mem_fun1_ref_t<S,T,A>
       mem_fun1_ref(S, (T::*f)(A));
  mem_fun_ref(&X::f)  returns an object through which X::f can be called
  given a reference to an X followed by the argument required for f  (if


  20.4  Memory                                              [lib.memory]

  Header <memory> synopsis

  #include <cstddef>      // for size_t, ptrdiff_t
  #include <iterator>     // for iterator traits
  #include <utility>      // for pair

  namespace std {
  // subclause _lib.default.allocator_, the default allocator:
    template <class T> class allocator;
    template <> class allocator<void>;
    template <class T> void* operator new(size_t N, allocator<T>& a);
    bool operator==(const allocator&, const allocator&) throw();
    bool operator!=(const allocator&, const allocator&) throw();
  // subclause _lib.storage.iterator_, raw storage iterator:
    template <class OutputIterator, class T> class raw_storage_iterator;
  // subclause _lib.memory.primitives_, memory handling primitives:
    template <class ForwardIterator>
      void destroy(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
    template <class T>
      pair<T*,ptrdiff_t> get_temporary_buffer(ptrdiff_t n);
    template <class T> void return_temporary_buffer(T* p);
  // subclause _lib.specialized.algorithms_, specialized algorithms:
    template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator>
        uninitialized_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                           ForwardIterator result);
    template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
      void uninitialized_fill(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                              const T& x);
    template <class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T>
      void uninitialized_fill_n(ForwardIterator first, Size n, const T& x);
  // subclause _lib.auto.ptr_, pointers:
    template<class X> class auto_ptr;

  20.4.1  The default allocator                  [lib.default.allocator]
  namespace std {
    template <class T> class allocator;

    // specialize for void:
    template <> class allocator<void> {
      typedef size_t      size_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t   difference_type;
      typedef void*       pointer;
      typedef const void* const_pointer;
      //  reference-to-void members are impossible.
      typedef void  value_type;
      template <class U> struct rebind { typedef allocator<U> other; };

      allocator() throw();
      template <class U> allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw();
      template <class U> allocator operator=(const allocator<U>&) throw();
     ~allocator() throw();

      pointer allocate(size_type, const void* hint);
      void deallocate(pointer p);
      size_type max_size() const throw();
    template <class T> class allocator {
      typedef size_t    size_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
      typedef T*        pointer;
      typedef const T*  const_pointer;
      typedef T&        reference;
      typedef const T&  const_reference;
      typedef T         value_type;
      template <class U> struct rebind { typedef allocator<U> other; };
      allocator() throw();
      template <class U> allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw();
      template <class U> allocator& operator= (const allocator<U>&) throw();
     ~allocator() throw();
      pointer address(reference x) const;
      const_pointer address(const_reference x) const;
      pointer allocate(
        size_type, typename allocator<void>::const_pointer hint = 0);
      void deallocate(pointer p);
      size_type max_size() const throw();
      void construct(pointer p, const T& val);
      void destroy(pointer p);
    template <class T>
      void* operator new(size_t N, allocator<T>& a);
    template <class T, class U>
      bool operator==(const allocator<T>&, const allocator<U>&) throw();
    template <class T, class U>
      bool operator!=(const allocator<T>&, const allocator<U>&) throw();

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 3                -------+
  Change:  N0790R1  specified a template member allocate using a default

  template argument, which is forbidden.  It has been replaced by a non-
  template member relying on the required conversion to const void*.
  +-------                  END BOX 3                 -------+

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 4                -------+
  Change:  The  following  was  specified in N0790R1, but this isn't the
  right place for it, and a similar statement  already  appears  in  the
  right  place.   "It is assumed that any pointer types have a (possibly
  lossy) conversion to void*, yielding a pointer sufficient for  use  as
  the this value in a constructor or destructor."
  +-------                  END BOX 4                 -------+  allocator members                    [lib.allocator.members]

  pointer address(reference x) const;


  const_pointer address(const_reference x) const;


  pointer allocate(size_type n, allocator<void>::const_pointer hint);

    Uses ::operator new(size_t) (_lib.new.delete_).
    a  pointer to the initial element of an array of storage of size n *
    sizeof(T), aligned appropriately for objects of type T.
    the storage is obtained by  calling  ::operator  new(),  but  it  is
    unspecified  when  or how often this function is called.  The use of
    hint is unspecified, but intended as an aid to locality if an imple­
    mentation so desires.
    bad_alloc if the storage cannot be obtained.

  void deallocate(pointer p);

    p shall be a pointer value obtained from allocate().
    Deallocates the storage referenced by p.
    Uses   ::operator   delete(void*)   (_lib.new.delete_),  but  it  is

    unspecified when this function is called.

  size_type max_size() const throw();

    the largest value N for which the call allocate(N,0) might  succeed.

  void construct(pointer p, const_reference val);

    new((void *)p) T1(val)

  void destroy(pointer p);

    ((T*)p)->~T()  allocator globals                    [lib.allocator.globals]

  void* operator new(size_t N, allocator& a);


  template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator==(const allocator<T1>&, const allocator<T2>&) throw();


  template <class T1, class T2>
    bool operator!=(const allocator<T1>&, const allocator<T2>&) throw();

    false.  Example allocator                    [lib.allocator.example]

1 [Example:  Here  is  a sample container parameterized on the allocator

    template <class T, class Allocator = allocator<T> >
      class AContainer {
        template <class T> class Treenode;
        typedef typename Allocator::rebind< Treenode<T> >::other
        Treenode_allocator::pointer Treenode_ptr;
        template <class T>
          struct Treenode { Treenode_ptr left_, right_; T t; };
        explicit AContainer(const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
          : alloc_(alloc), root_(0) {}
        void aMember();
         Treenode_allocator alloc_;
        Treenode_ptr root_;
    template <class T, class Allocator>
      void AContainer::aMember()
        Treenode_ptr p = new(alloc_.allocate(1, this)) Treenode<T>;
  Here is an allocator for shared memory:
      template <class T>
      class shared_allocator: public std::allocator<T> {
        class impl {
          explicit impl(void* region);
          void* allocate(size_t);
          void* deallocate(void*);
          template <class T> friend class shared_allocator<T>;
        impl* impl_;
        template <class U> struct rebind { typedef shared_allocator<U> other; };

        explicit shared_allocator(void* region) : impl_(new impl(region)) {}
        template <class U>
          shared_allocator(const shared_allocator<U>&) throw();
        template <class U>
          shared_allocator& operator=(const shared_allocator<U>&) throw();
        pointer allocate(size_t N, const void* hint);
            { return impl_->allocate(N*sizeof T); }
        void deallocate(pointer p)
            { impl_->deallocate(p); }
   --end example]

  20.4.2  Raw storage iterator                    [lib.storage.iterator]

1 raw_storage_iterator is provided to enable  algorithms  to  store  the
  results into uninitialized memory.  The formal template parameter Out­
  putIterator is required to have its operator*  return  an  object  for
  which operator& is defined and returns a pointer to T.
  namespace std {
    template <class OutputIterator, class T>
    class raw_storage_iterator
      : public iterator<output_iterator_tag,void,void> {
      explicit raw_storage_iterator(OutputIterator x);
      raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T>& operator*();
      raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T>& operator=(const T& element);
      raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T>& operator++();
      raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T>  operator++(int);

  raw_storage_iterator(OutputIterator x);

    Initializes  the  iterator  to  point  to  the same value to which x

  raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T>& operator*();


  raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T>& operator=(const T& element);

    Constructs a value from element at the location to which the  itera­
    tor points.
    A reference to the iterator.

  raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T>& operator++();

    Pre-increment:  advances the iterator and returns a reference to the
    updated iterator.

  raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator,T> operator++(int);

    Post-increment:  advances the iterator and returns the old value  of

    the iterator.

  20.4.3  Temporary buffers                       [lib.temporary.buffer]

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 5                -------+
  ISSUE:  Is  there something here that cannot be done with operator new
  and operator delete?
  +-------                  END BOX 5                 -------+

  template <class T>
    pair<T*, ptrdiff_t> get_temporary_buffer(ptrdiff_t n);

    Obtains a pointer to storage sufficient to store up to n adjacent  T
    A pair containing the buffer's address and capacity (in the units of
    sizeof(T)), or a pair of 0 values if no storage can be obtained.3)

  template <class T> void return_temporary_buffer(T* p);

    Deallocates the buffer to which p points.
    The   buffer   shall   have    been    previously    allocated    by

  20.4.4  Specialized algorithms            [lib.specialized.algorithms]

1 All  the  iterators that are used as formal template parameters in the
  following algorithms are required to  have their operator*  return  an
  object for which operator& is defined and returns a pointer to T.  uninitialized_copy                  [lib.uninitialized.copy]

  template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator>
      uninitialized_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                         ForwardIterator result);

  3) For every allocation model that an implementation  supports,  there
  is  a  corresponding  get_temporary_buffer  template  function defined
  which is overloaded on the corresponding signed  integral  type.   For
  example,  if  a system  supports huge pointers and their difference is
  of type long long, the following function has to be provided:
    template <class T>
      pair<T huge *, long long> get_temporary_buffer(long long n, T*);

    while (first != last) construct(&*result++, *first++);
    result  uninitialized_fill                  [lib.uninitialized.fill]

  template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
    void uninitialized_fill(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                            const T& x);

    while (first != last) construct(&*first++, x);  uninitialized_fill_n              [lib.uninitialized.fill.n]

  template <class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T>
    void uninitialized_fill_n(ForwardIterator first, Size n, const T& x);

    while (n--) construct(&*first++, x);

  20.4.5  Template class auto_ptr                         [lib.auto.ptr]

1 Template  auto_ptr  stores a pointer to an object obtained via new and
  deletes that object when it itself is destroyed (such as when  leaving
  block scope _stmt.dcl_).
  namespace std {
    template<class X> class auto_ptr {
      typedef T element_type;
    // _lib.auto.ptr.cons_ construct/copy/destroy:
      explicit auto_ptr(X* p =0);
      template<class Y> auto_ptr(const auto_ptr<Y>&);
      template<class Y> auto_ptr& operator=(const auto_ptr<Y>&);
    // _lib.auto.ptr.members_ members:
      X& operator*() const;
      X* operator->() const;
      X* get() const;
      X* release();

2 The  auto_ptr provides a semantics of strict ownership.  After initial
  construction an auto_ptr owns the object it holds a pointer to.  Copy­
  ing an auto_ptr copies the pointer and transfers ownership to the des­
  tination.  If more than one auto_ptr owns the same object at the  same
  time the behaviour of the program is undefined.  auto_ptr constructors                    [lib.auto.ptr.cons]

  explicit auto_ptr(X* p =0);

    p  points to an object of type X or a class derived from X for which
    delete p is defined and accessible, or else p is a null pointer.
    *this holds the pointer to p.  *this owns *get() if and only if p is
    not a null pointer.

  template<class Y> auto_ptr(const auto_ptr<Y>& a);

    Y  is  type  X  or  a  class derived from X for which delete (Y*) is
    defined and accessible.
    Calls a.release().
    *this holds the  pointer  returned  from  a.release().   *this  owns
    *get() if and only if a owns *a.

  template<class Y> auto_ptr& operator=(const auto_ptr<Y>& a);

    Y  is  type  X  or  a  class derived from X for which delete (Y*) is
    defined and accessible.
    If *this owns *get() and *this  !=  &a  then  delete  get().   Calls
    *this  holds  the  pointer  returned  from  a.release().  *this owns
    *get() if and only if a owns *a.


    If *this owns *get() then delete get().  auto_ptr members                      [lib.auto.ptr.members]

  X& operator*() const;

    get() != 0


  X* operator->() const;


  X* get() const;

    The pointer *this holds.

  X* release() const;

    *this is not the owner of *get().

  20.4.6  C Library                                       [lib.c.malloc]

1 Header <cstdlib> (Table 7):

                    Table 7--Header <cstdlib> synopsis

                     |   Type          Name(s)      |
                     |Functions:   calloc   malloc  |
                     |             free     realloc |

2 The contents are the same as the Standard C library, with the  follow­
  ing changes:

3 The  functions  calloc(),  malloc(),  and  realloc() do not attempt to
  allocate storage by calling ::operator new()  (_lib.support.dynamic_).

4 The  function free() does not attempt to deallocate storage by calling
  ::operator delete().

  SEE ALSO: ISO C subclause 7.11.2.

5 Header <cstring> (Table 8):

                    Table 8--Header <cstring> synopsis

                     |   Type          Name(s)      |
                     |Macro:       NULL             |
                     |Type:        size_t           |
                     |Functions:   memchr    memcmp |
                     |memcpy       memmove   memset |

6 The contents are the same as the Standard C library, with  the  change
  to memchr() specified in subclause _lib.c.strings_.

  SEE ALSO: ISO C subclause 7.11.2.

  20.5  Date and time                                    [lib.date.time]

1 Header <ctime> (Table 9):

                     Table 9--Header <ctime> synopsis

   | Type                             Name(s)                         |
   |Macros:   NULL                                                    |
   |Types:    size_t clock_t time_t                                   |
   |Struct:   tm                                                      |
   |Functions:                                                        |
   |asctime   clock                   difftime   localtime   strftime |
   |ctime     gmtime                  mktime     time                 |

2 The contents are the same as the Standard C library.

  +-------                 BEGIN BOX 6                -------+
  Note:  in  Monterey  we  accepted  the  resolution for issue 20-007 in
  95-0099R1, the body of which was "to  be  specified"!   So  this  sub-
  clause still needs work:-)
  Steve Rumsby
  +-------                  END BOX 6                 -------+

  SEE ALSO: ISO C subclause 7.12, Amendment 1 subclause 4.6.4.