constexpr for uninitialized_default_construct

Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


This paper proposes to add constexpr to uninitialized_default_construct.

1. Changelog

2. Motivation and scope

[P2283R2] ("constexpr for specialized memory algorithms") proposes to add constexpr to most specialized memory algorithms:

All the overloads of these algorithms in namespaces std and std::ranges, as well as their _n variants, are affected by [P2283R2]; the only exceptions are the parallel overloads (cf. [P2902R0], "constexpr Parallel Algorithms").

One algorithm family is missing: uninitialized_default_construct. The reason for it is that it was impossible to perform default construction in a constexpr context; std::construct_at always performs value initialization, and indeed, all the proposed algorithms are specified in terms of calls to std::construct_at.

With the adoption of [P2747R2] ("constexpr placement new") it is now possible to perform such default construction during constant evaluation, without the need of changing how uninitialized_default_construct is specified. Therefore, this paper simply proposes to add constexpr to those algorithms.

3. Impact on the Standard

This proposal is a pure library addition. The necessary changes to core language have already been adopted.

4. Proposed Wording

All the proposed changes are relative to [N4986].

4.1. Feature-testing macro

In [version.syn], modify the value of the __cpp_lib_raw_memory_algorithms to match the date of adoption of the present proposal.

4.2. Wording

Modify [memory.syn] as follows:

template<class NoThrowForwardIterator>
  void uninitialized_default_construct(NoThrowForwardIterator first,              // freestanding
                                       NoThrowForwardIterator last);
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class NoThrowForwardIterator>
  void uninitialized_default_construct(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,                    // see [algorithms.parallel.overloads]
                                       NoThrowForwardIterator first,
                                       NoThrowForwardIterator last);
template<class NoThrowForwardIterator, class Size>
    uninitialized_default_construct_n(NoThrowForwardIterator first, Size n);      // freestanding
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class NoThrowForwardIterator, class Size>
    uninitialized_default_construct_n(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,                     // see [algorithms.parallel.overloads]
                                      NoThrowForwardIterator first, Size n);

namespace ranges {
  template<nothrow-forward-iterator I, nothrow-sentinel-for<I> S>
    requires default_initializable<iter_value_t<I>>
      I uninitialized_default_construct(I first, S last);                         // freestanding
  template<nothrow-forward-range R>
    requires default_initializable<range_value_t<R>>
      borrowed_iterator_t<R> uninitialized_default_construct(R&& r);              // freestanding

  template<nothrow-forward-iterator I>
    requires default_initializable<iter_value_t<I>>
      I uninitialized_default_construct_n(I first, iter_difference_t<I> n);       // freestanding

Modify [uninitialized.construct.default] as follows:

template<class NoThrowForwardIterator>
  void uninitialized_default_construct(NoThrowForwardIterator first, NoThrowForwardIterator last);
namespace ranges {
  template<nothrow-forward-iterator I, nothrow-sentinel-for<I> S>
    requires default_initializable<iter_value_t<I>>
    I uninitialized_default_construct(I first, S last);
  template<nothrow-forward-range R>
    requires default_initializable<range_value_t<R>>
    borrowed_iterator_t<R> uninitialized_default_construct(R&& r);
template<class NoThrowForwardIterator, class Size>
  NoThrowForwardIterator uninitialized_default_construct_n(NoThrowForwardIterator first, Size n);
namespace ranges {
  template<nothrow-forward-iterator I>
    requires default_initializable<iter_value_t<I>>
    I uninitialized_default_construct_n(I first, iter_difference_t<I> n);

5. Acknowledgements

Thanks to Michael Schellenberger Costa for [P2283R2] and Barry Revzin for [P2747R2].

Thanks to KDAB for supporting this work.

All remaining errors are ours and ours only.


Informative References

Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++. 16 July 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/n4986
Michael Schellenberger Costa. constexpr for specialized memory algorithms. 26 November 2021. URL: https://wg21.link/p2283r2
Barry Revzin. constexpr placement new. 19 March 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p2747r2
Oliver Rosten. constexpr 'Parallel' Algorithms. 17 June 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2902r0