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Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21
Current draft:
Current draft source:


Introduce a CRTP base class template as a more efficient alternative to inplace_stop_callback.

1. Introduction

Any sender [P2300R9] wishing to support cancellation using cancellation tokens, particularly std::inplace_stop_token, must currently store as a subobject of its operation state a std::inplace_stop_callback object containing a reference to the operation state itself:

class my_sender {
  template<typename R>
  class op_state {
    R receiver;

    class cb_t {
      op_state& op;
      cb_t(op_state& op)
        : op(op) {}
      void operator()() const {
    std::inplace_stop_callback<cb_t> cb;

    void on_stop_requested();

This naturally comes with a small but non-zero cost in the space required for each operation state. While standard library implementations could likely eliminate this cost for any standard senders in just the manner described in this paper, that will not be possible for any user senders wishing to make use of std::inplace_stop_token as it is currently specified.

2. Proposal

We propose to introduce a new standard library CRTP class template for use as a base subobject of classes which would otherwise contain as a subobject a std::inplace_stop_callback with a reference to the enclosing object:

template<typename T>
class inplace_stoppable_base;

As is usual with CRTP, it is required that the class type T is derived (directly or indirectly) from inplace_stoppable_base<T> and that the conversion from inplace_stoppable_base<T>* to T* is accessible to inplace_stoppable_base<T>.

Unlike inplace_stop_callback, the only constructor of inplace_stoppable_base has protected access and takes a single parameter of type inplace_stop_token.

Upon request for cancellation of the inplace_stop_token to which a inplace_stoppable_base object is registered, the member function on_stop_requested() is invoked on the derived object of type T.

Using this class template, the previous example can not only be optimised, but vastly simplified:

class my_sender {
  template<typename R>
  class op_state : std::inplace_stoppable_base<op_state<R>> {
    R receiver;
    // invoked upon request for cancellation.
    void on_stop_requested();

Note that it is possible to implement std::inplace_stop_callback in terms of inplace_stoppable_base, while the reverse is not true.

2.1. Naming of the derived member function

We propose the name on_stop_requested which has much precedent in libraries in the wild and in other languages, but little directly applicable precedent in the standard library. The standard library does include a few things named similarly:

Other possible names include:

  1. stop_requested
    This is a reasonable name, but inplace_stop_token itself has a function with the same name used for a different but related purpose.

  2. at_stop_requested
    This pattern has existing precedent in the standard library for callback functions:

    • atexit

    • at_quick_exit.

Note that it is fairly trivial for users to create a thin wrapper which uses their desired naming:

template<typename T>
class InplaceStoppableBase : std::inplace_stoppable_base<InplaceStoppableBase<T>> {
  friend std::inplace_stoppable_base<InplaceStoppableBase<T>>;
  using std::inplace_stoppable_base<InplaceStoppableBase<T>>::inplace_stoppable_base;
  void on_stop_requested() noexcept {

2.2. Interaction with stop_callback_for_t

This proposal does not include any changes to stop_callback_for_t or the stop token concepts.

It is possible for users to handle arbitrary stop token types by specializing for types known to support CRTP and falling back to the callback type otherwise:

template<typename T, typename Token>
class my_stoppable_base_for {
  class cb_t {
    my_stoppable_base_for& base;
    explicit cb_t(my_stoppable_base_for& base)
      : base(base) {}
    void operator()() {
  std::stop_callback_for_t<Token, cb_t> cb;

  explicit my_stoppable_base_for(Token token)
    : cb(token) {}

template<typename T>
class my_stoppable_base_for<T, std::inplace_stop_token>
  : public std::inplace_stoppable_base<T> {
  friend std::inplace_stoppable_base<T>;
  using std::inplace_stoppable_base::inplace_stoppable_base;

3. Alternatives considered

3.1. inplace_stop_callback optional parameter

Instead of introducing a new class template, inplace_stop_callback could be modified such that a reference to the inplace_stop_callback<CB> itself is passed in the invocation of its stop-callback member, if such an invocation is viable. In addition to no new standard library template, this avoids choosing a name to be imposed on the user operation state.

We prefer the proposed inplace_stoppable_base over this approach mainly due to the increased complexity of user code in the common case:

class my_sender {
  struct cb_t {
    static void operator()(std::inplace_stop_callback<cb_t<OpState>>& cb) {

  template<typename R>
  class op_state : std::inplace_stop_callback<cb_t<op_state<R>>> {
    friend my_sender;
    R receiver;
    void on_stop_requested();

Note that both this modified inplace_stop_callback (under another user-chosen name) and inplace_stoppable_base are implementable in terms of the other.

3.2. Superobject accessor function

A new standard library function template std::get_superobject which, given a reference to the stop-callback object, returns a reference to the enclosing std::inplace_stop_callback<CB> object:

class my_sender {
  struct cb_t {
    void operator()() {
      using super_type = std::inplace_stop_callback<cb_t<OpState>>;

  template<typename R>
  class op_state : std::inplace_stop_callback<cb_t<op_state>> {
    friend my_sender;
    R receiver;
    void on_stop_requested();

The other alternatives are implementable in terms of this option, while the reverse is not true. In that sense this the most general solution. However, apart from introducing this new function template and all the bikeshedding that comes with that, there is one major downside: In order to derive a reference to the inplace_stop_callback from a reference to its stop-callback member, one of three conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. The stop-callback must be a base subobject of the inplace_stop_callback, which in turn requires the user callback type to be non-final.

  2. The inplace_stop_callback must be a standard layout type, which in turn requires the user callback type itself to also be a standard layout type.

  3. The standard library must use compiler magic not accessible to the user in the implementation of inplace_stop_callback.

4. Implementation experience

This proposal has been implemented at github.com/vasama/stdexec.


Normative References

Eric Niebler, Michał Dominiak, Georgy Evtushenko, Lewis Baker, Lucian Radu Teodorescu, Lee Howes, Kirk Shoop, Michael Garland, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. `std::execution`. 2 April 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p2300r9