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C++17 parallel algorithms and P2300

Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


This paper provides the facilities to integrate [P2300R5] with C++17 parallel algorithms

1. Motivation

C++17 parallel algorithms, together with executions policies, were a good start for parallel computation in C++ standard. However, they don’t have explicit way to specify what hardware the algorithm should use to be executed on.

In C++ standard we have execution policies that represent "how" the particular algorithm should be executed, in other words, they provide the semantical guarantees for the user callable objects passed to parallel algorithms. Without having other facilities in the C++ standard library execution policies tend to be used to combine both semantics of "how" and "where" the code should be executed.

[P2300R5] introduces scheduler concept that represents the execution context. It’s more flexible abstraction comparing with using the execution policies for answering "where" the code should be executed because scheduler is tightly connected to the hardware it sends work to.

Since [P2300R5] is targeted to C++26 we also should answer the question how the rest of C++ standard library would interoperate with the schedulers/senders/receiver mechanism.

P2500R0 is targeted to C++26 and is intended to answer the question how C++17 parallel algorithms support [P2300R5] facilities.

2. Proposed API

2.1. Parallel algorithms CPO

std::for_each is used as a reference. When the design has a consensus it can be applied to all parallel algorithms.

The proposed API for C++17 parallel algorithms is a customization point object with the following signature of operator():

struct __for_each
    template <std::policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, typename It, typename Callable>
    void operator()(Scheduler s, It b, It e, Callable c) const
        if constexpr (std::tag_invocable<__for_each, Scheduler, It, It, Callable>)
            std::tag_invoke(*this, s, b, e, c);
            // default implementation

inline constexpr __for_each for_each;

See § 2.3 policy_aware_scheduler section for more details about policy_aware_scheduler concept.

The implementation should invoke the customization, if exists. Otherwise, the default generic implementation is called. That allows customizing every particular algorithm by scheduler vendor, if necessary.

Note: P2500 is supposed to use the same customization point mechanism as [P2300R5] does (currently std::tag_invoke).

Eventually, the API above should be combined with § 2.2 execute_on and the call would look like:

for_each(execute_on(scheduler, std::execution::par), begin, end, callable);

2.1.1. Why scheduler?

The algorithms should accept the scheduler to be able to get as many senders as they need to be able to build a dependency graph they want.

2.1.2. Alternative API

Alternative API might look like having both scheduler and execution_policy as operator() parameters.

struct __for_each
    template <std::policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, std::execution_policy ExecutionPolicy,
              typename It, typename Callable>
    void operator()(Scheduler s, ExecutionPolicy policy, It b, It e, Callable c) const;

inline constexpr __for_each for_each;

However (IMHO), it complicates the API and still requires scheduler to check if it can work with passed execution policy object but on later stage (after resolving the algorithm call) and requires either something like execute_on (see § 2.2 execute_on) underneath or direct API from scheduler (or execution policy) for that kind of checking.

2.2. execute_on

execute_on is the customization point that serves the purpose to tie scheduler and execution_policy.

It’s up to scheduler customization to check if it can work with the passed execution policy.

struct __execute_on {
    policy_aware_scheduler auto operator()(scheduler auto sched,
                                           execution_policy auto policy) const
        return std::tag_invoke(*this, sched, policy);

inline constexpr __execute_on execute_on;

execute_on might have the default implementation but it’s a open question what the behavior it should implement. See § 2.5 Open question for more details.

2.3. policy_aware_scheduler

policy_aware_scheduler is a concept for parallel algorithms that represents a combined scheduler and execution_policy entity. It allows to get both execution policy type and execution policy object parallel algorithm is called with.

template <typename S>
concept policy_aware_scheduler = scheduler<S> && requires (S s) {
    typename S::base_scheduler_type;
    typename S::policy_type;
    { s.get_policy() } -> execution_policy; // requires to allow specialization 
                                            // of execution_policy on the user side
                                            // Also might require to make policy copy constructible

See § 2.4 execution_policy concept for more details about execution_policy concept.

Customizations of the parallel algorithms can reuse the existing implementation of parallel algorithms with ExecutionPolicy template parameter for "known" base_scheduler_type type.

2.4. execution_policy concept

The execution policy is optional if we want to constraint the return type of (some kind of) s.get_policy() method for policy_aware_scheduler.

template <typename ExecutionPolicy>
concept execution_policy = std::is_execution_policy_v<std::remove_cvref_t<ExecutionPolicy>>;

The potential problem with that concept, thought, is a support of user-defined policies. We might need to allow is_execution_policy specialization.

2.5. Open question

3. Further exploration

The author is planning to explore how to specify the set of basic functions (named "parallel backend") the rest of parallel algorithms can be expressed with. It might be a separate paper based on the analysis.


Informative References

Michał Dominiak, Georgy Evtushenko, Lewis Baker, Lucian Radu Teodorescu, Lee Howes, Kirk Shoop, Michael Garland, Eric Niebler, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. `std::execution`. 22 April 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2300r5