Repairing input range adaptors and counted_iterator

Document #: P2259R1
Date: 2021-01-12
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LWG
Reply-to: Tim Song

1 Abstract

This paper proposes fixes for several issues with iterator_category for range and iterator adaptors. This resolves [LWG3283], [LWG3289], and [LWG3408].

2 Revision history

3 The problem with iterator_category

This code does not compile:

    std::vector<int> vec = {42};
    auto r = vec | std::views::transform([](int c) { return std::views::single(c);})
                 | std::views::join
                 | std::views::filter([](int c) { return c > 0; });

Not because we are breaking any concept requirements:

The problem is that join_view’s iterator for this case has a postfix operator++ that returns void, making it not a valid C++17 iterator at all - even C++17 output iterators require *i++ to be valid. In turn, that means that iterator_traits<join_view::iterator> is entirely empty, and filter_view cannot cope with that as currently specified, because it expects iterator_category to be always present ( [range.filter.iterator]).

[LWG3283] and [LWG3289] were discussed at length during during the Belfast and Prague meetings. LWG was aware that as specified the range adaptors do not work with non-C++17 iterators due to these issues. However, I do not believe that it was clear to LWG that this impacts not just the one move-only iterator we have specified in the standard library, but also virtually every range adaptor with its own iterator type when used in conditions that produce an input range.

3.1 The fix

We shouldn’t (and can’t) change postfix increment on the adaptor’s iterators. There’s nothing we can meaningfully return from operator++ for arbitrary input iterators, especially if we are trying to adapt them. This was discussed in §3.1.2 of [P0541R1] and there is no need to rehash that discussion here.

These iterators are, then, not C++17 iterators at all, and specializations of std::iterator_traits for them have no members as currently specified. That seems to be an acceptable state of affairs.

It follows that the concern noted in [LWG3283]’s discussion is unlikely to be materialize in practice. While some C++20 input iterators might look like C++17 output iterators, I suspect that a large majority will not look like C++17 iterators at all. The fraction of input iterators that take advantage of the C++20 permission to not define == but not the permission to make postfix increment return void is likely small.

The fact that the iterator_traits specializations for these not-a-C++17-iterators don’t have an iterator_category member (or any other) means that we don’t really have a choice on the fix: we have to handle this case gracefully in the adaptors. The output_iterator_tag hack proposed in [LWG3289] is not a viable approach because these iterators aren’t C++17 output iterators either, regardless of how hard we squint. Inventing a new not_an_iterator_tag defeats the purpose of C++20 iterator_traits as a C++17 compatibility layer: in C++17, if something is not an iterator, then iterator_traits is empty. We should keep this behavior, especially as the gain from making a new tag type is basically just somewhat simpler metaprogramming in the library.

As it turns out, the iterators of the range adaptors are only valid C++17 iterators (with a postfix increment that doesn’t return void) when they are at least C++20 forward iterators or stronger. As all valid C++20 forward iterators meet the C++17 input iterator requirements, we can simply restrict the provision of iterator_category members to C++20 forward iterators. In those cases, the adapted iterators must also be C++20 forward iterators, so iterator_category should always be present in their iterator_traits, ignoring pathological program-defined specializations. That simplifies the wording considerably by removing the need to separately consider whether iterator_category is present.

4 counted_iterator woes

As currently specified, the following test case fails (this is [LWG3408]):

auto v = views::iota(0);
auto i = counted_iterator{v.begin(), 5};

Additionally, we can’t even ask the question whether counted_iterator<int*> is a contiguous_iterator:

static_assert(contiguous_iterator<counted_iterator<int*>> || true);  // hard error

The problem here is that counted_iterator tries to emulate the behavior of the iterator it wraps (with the notable exception of ->) by defining an iterator_traits specialization:

  template<input_­iterator I>
  struct iterator_traits<counted_iterator<I>> : iterator_traits<I> {
    using pointer = void;

But iterator_traits plays two very different roles in the C++20 iterator design:

  1. When generated from the primary template, it serves as a C++17 compatibility layer. Notably, we never define an iterator_concept member in this case, only iterator_category, and the latter is derived from the type’s C++17-iterator-ness.
  2. When explicitly or partially specialized, it serves as the non-intrusive customization point for iterators that takes precedence over member types. In particular, if iterator_concept is not defined, then we use iterator_category to cap the type’s C++20-iterator-ness.

The problem with the iterator_traits partial specialization above is that it takes an iterator_traits being used for (1) and uses its contents for case (2). In the [LWG3408] example, iota_view<...>::iterator properly reported that it is a C++17 input iterator, but the counted_iterator specialization means that we took that as saying that counted_iterator<iota_view<...>::iterator> is only a C++20 input iterator.

Moreover, counted_iterator fails to handle wrapping contiguous_iterators correctly: by inheriting from an iterator_traits specialization, it can inherit the contiguous_iterator_tag opt-in (e.g., for pointers), but it neither defines operator-> nor pointer_traits::to_address, so std::to_address(ci) is ill-formed, and that function template uses a deduced return type, so the error happens outside the immediate context. As a result, even asking the question is ill-formed.

4.1 Fixing counted_iterator

This paper proposes fixing counted_iterator as follows:

5 Implementation experience

The wording in this paper has been implemented atop current libstdc++ master and passes all existing tests, and has been confirmed to fix the examples given above.

6 Wording

This wording is relative to [N4868].

6.1 iterator_category

  1. Add an example to [iterator.traits] p4 as indicated:

4 Explicit or partial specializations of iterator_traits may have a member type iterator_concept that is used to indicate conformance to the iterator concepts (23.3.4 [iterator.concepts]). Example ?: To indicate conformance to the input_iterator concept but a lack of conformance to the Cpp17InputIterator requirements ( [input.iterators]), an iterator_traits specialization might have iterator_concept denote input_iterator_tag but not define iterator_category. — end example ]

  1. Edit [move.iterator] as indicated:
namespace std {
  template<class Iterator>
  class move_iterator {
    using iterator_type     = Iterator;
    using iterator_concept  = input_iterator_tag;
    using iterator_category = see below;    // not always present
    using value_type        = iter_value_t<Iterator>;
    using difference_type   = iter_difference_t<Iterator>;
    using pointer           = Iterator;
    using reference         = iter_rvalue_reference_t<Iterator>;

    // [...]

1 The member typedef-name iterator_­category is defined if and only if the qualified-id iterator_­traits<​Iterator>::​iterator_­category is valid and denotes a type. In that case, iterator_­category denotes

  • (1.1) random_­access_­iterator_­tag if the type iterator_­traits<​Iterator>::​iterator_­category models derived_­from<random_­access_­iterator_­tag>, and
  • (1.2) iterator_­traits<​Iterator>::​iterator_­category otherwise.
  1. Edit [common.iter.types]:

[ Drafting note: common_iterator is a C++17 compatibility layer, and that’s reflected in its synthesis of an operator== even when the underlying type does not support it. The proposed wording here follows that design by similarly providing a C++17-conforming postfix operator++ even if the underlying type doesn’t. ]

1 The nested typedef-names of the specialization of iterator_traits for common_iterator<I, S> are defined as follows.

  • (1.1) iterator_concept denotes forward_iterator_tag if I models forward_iterator; otherwise it denotes input_iterator_tag.
  • (1.2) iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag if the qualified-id iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category is valid and denotes a type that models derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>; otherwise it denotes input_iterator_tag.
  • (1.3) If the expression a.operator->() is well-formed, where a is an lvalue of type const common_iterator<I, S>, then pointer denotes the type of that expression. Otherwise, pointer denotes void.
  1. Edit [common.iter.nav] p5 as indicated:
decltype(auto) operator++(int);

4 Preconditions: holds_­alternative<I>(v_­).

5 Effects: If I models forward_­iterator, equivalent to:

common_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;

Otherwise, if requires (I& i) { { *i++ } -> can-reference; } is true or constructible_from<iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>> is false, equivalent to: return get<I>(v_­)++;

Otherwise, equivalent to:

postfix-proxy p(**this);
return p;

where postfix-proxy is the exposition-only class:

class postfix-proxy  {
  iter_value_t<I> keep_;
  postfix-proxy(iter_reference_t<I>&& x)
    : keep_(std::move(x)) {}
  const iter_value_t<I>& operator*() const {
    return keep_;
  1. Edit [range.iota.iterator] as indicated:

[ Drafting note: While this member typedef is arguably harmless, we should avoid providing misleading tags for something that is, in fact, not a C++17 iterator. ]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<weakly_­incrementable W, semiregular Bound>
    requires weakly-equality-comparable-with<W, Bound>
  struct iota_view<W, Bound>::iterator {
    W value_ = W();             // exposition only
    using iterator_concept = see below;
    using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag; // present only if W models incrementable
    using value_type = W;
    using difference_type = IOTA-DIFF-T(W);

    // [...]
  1. Edit [range.filter.iterator] as indicated:

[ Drafting note: All C++20 forward iterators should qualify as C++17 input iterators, and so the wording expects ​iterator_­category to be present. It seems unnecessary to accommodate hypothetical types that artificially define away C++17 iterator-ness. ]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_­range V, indirect_­unary_­predicate<iterator_t<V>> Pred>
    requires view<V> && is_object_v<Pred>
  class filter_view<V, Pred>::iterator {
    iterator_t<V> current_ = iterator_t<V>();   // exposition only
    filter_view* parent_ = nullptr;             // exposition only
    using iterator_concept  = see below;
    using iterator_category = see below;        // not always present
    using value_type        = range_value_t<V>;
    using difference_type   = range_difference_t<V>;

    // [...]


3 The member typedef-name iterator_category is defined if and only if V models forward_range. In that case, iterator::​iterator_­category is defined as follows:

  • (3.1) Let C denote the type iterator_­traits<iterator_­t<V>>::​iterator_­category.
  • (3.2) If C models derived_­from<bidirectional_­iterator_­tag>, then iterator_­category denotes bidirectional_­iterator_­tag.
  • (3.3) Otherwise, if C models derived_­from<forward_­iterator_­tag>, then iterator_­category denotes forward_­iterator_­tag.
  • (3.4) Otherwise, iterator_­category denotes C.
  1. Edit [range.transform.iterator] as indicated:
namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_­range V, copy_­constructible F>
    requires view<V> && is_object_v<F> &&
             regular_invocable<F&, range_reference_t<V>> &&
             can-reference<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<V>>>
  template<bool Const>
  class transform_view<V, F>::iterator {
    using Parent =                              // exposition only
      conditional_t<Const, const transform_view, transform_view>;
    using Base   =                              // exposition only
      conditional_t<Const, const V, V>;
    iterator_t<Base> current_ =                 // exposition only
    Parent* parent_ = nullptr;                  // exposition only
    using iterator_concept  = see below;
    using iterator_category = see below;        // not always present
    using value_type        =
      remove_cvref_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<Base>>>;
    using difference_type   = range_difference_t<Base>;

    // [...]


2 The member typedef-name iterator_category is defined if and only if Base models forward_range. In that case, iterator​::​iterator_­category is defined as follows: Let C denote the type iterator_­traits<iterator_­t<Base>>::​iterator_­category.

  • (2.1) If is_­lvalue_­reference_­v<invoke_­result_­t<F&, range_­reference_­t<Base>>> is true, then
    • (2.1.1) if C models derived_­from<contiguous_­iterator_­tag>, iterator_­category denotes random_­access_­iterator_­tag;
    • (2.1.2) otherwise, iterator_­category denotes C.
  • (2.2) Otherwise, iterator_­category denotes input_­iterator_­tag.
  1. Edit [range.join.iterator] as indicated:
namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_­range V>
    requires view<V> && input_­range<range_reference_t<V>> &&
             (is_reference_v<range_reference_t<V>> ||
  template<bool Const>
  struct join_view<V>::iterator {
    using Parent =                                              // exposition only
      conditional_t<Const, const join_view, join_view>;
    using Base   = conditional_t<Const, const V, V>;            // exposition only

    static constexpr bool ref-is-glvalue =                      // exposition only

    // [...]

    using iterator_concept  = see below;
    using iterator_category = see below;        // not always present
    using value_type        = range_value_t<range_reference_t<Base>>;
    using difference_type   = see below;

    // [...]


2 The member typedef-name iterator_category is defined if and only if ref-is-glvalue is true, Base models forward_range, and range_reference_t<Base> models forward_range. In that case, iterator​::​iterator_­category is defined as follows:

  • (2.1) Let OUTERC denote iterator_­traits<iterator_­t<Base>>::​iterator_­category, and let INNERC denote iterator_­traits<iterator_­t<range_­reference_­t<Base>>>::​iterator_­category.
  • (2.2) If ref-is-glvalue is true and OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_­from<bidirectional_­iterator_­tag>, iterator_­category denotes bidirectional_­iterator_­tag.
  • (2.3) Otherwise, if ref-is-glvalue is true and OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_­from<forward_­iterator_­tag>, iterator_­category denotes forward_­iterator_­tag.
  • (2.4) Otherwise, if OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_­from<input_­iterator_­tag>, iterator_­category denotes input_­iterator_­tag.
  • (2.5) Otherwise, iterator_­category denotes output_­iterator_­tag.
  1. Edit [range.split.outer] as indicated:
namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_­range V, forward_­range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
             indirectly_­comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to> &&
             (forward_­range<V> || tiny-range<Pattern>)
  template<bool Const>
  struct split_view<V, Pattern>::outer-iterator {
    using Parent =                          // exposition only
      conditional_t<Const, const split_view, split_view>;
    using Base   =                          // exposition only
      conditional_t<Const, const V, V>;

      // [...]
    using iterator_concept  =
      conditional_t<forward_­range<Base>, forward_iterator_tag, input_iterator_tag>;
    using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag; // present only if Base models forward_range

    // [...]
  1. Edit [range.split.inner] as indicated:
namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_­range V, forward_­range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
             indirectly_­comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to> &&
             (forward_­range<V> || tiny-range<Pattern>)
  template<bool Const>
  struct split_view<V, Pattern>::inner-iterator {
    using Base = conditional_t<Const, const V, V>;      // exposition only

    // [...]

    using iterator_concept  = typename outer-iterator<Const>::iterator_concept;
    using iterator_category = see below;               // present only if Base models forward_range

    // [...]

1 The typedef-name iterator_­category denotes:

  • (1.1) forward_­iterator_­tag if iterator_­traits<iterator_­t<Base>>::​iterator_­category models derived_­from<forward_­iterator_­tag>;
  • (1.2) otherwise, iterator_­traits<iterator_­t<<Base>>::​iterator_­category.
  1. Edit [range.elements.iterator] as indicated:
namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_range V, size_t N>
    requires view<V> && has-tuple-element<range_value_t<V>, N> &&
             has-tuple-element<remove_reference_t<range_reference_t<V>>, N>
  template<bool Const>
  class elements_view<V, N>::iterator {                 // exposition only
    using Base = conditional_t<Const, const V, V>;      // exposition only

    iterator_t<Base> current_ = iterator_t<Base>();
    using iterator_concept = see below;
    using iterator_category = typename iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_categorysee below; // not always present
    using value_type = remove_cvref_t<tuple_element_t<N, range_value_t<Base>>>;
    using difference_type = range_difference_t<Base>;

    // [...]

? The member typedef-name iterator_concept is defined as follows:

  • (?.1) If V models random_access_range, then iterator_concept denotes random_access_iterator_tag.
  • (?.2) Otherwise, if V models bidirectional_range, then iterator_concept denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag.
  • (?.3) Otherwise, if V models forward_range, then iterator_concept denotes forward_iterator_tag.
  • (?.4) Otherwise, iterator_concept denotes input_iterator_tag.

? The member typedef-name iterator_category is defined if and only if Base models forward_range. In that case, iterator_category is defined as follows: Let C denote the type iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category.

  • (?.1) If get<N>(*current_) is an rvalue, iterator_category denotes input_iterator_tag.
  • (?.2) Otherwise, if C models derived_from<random_access_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes random_access_iterator_tag.
  • (?.3) Otherwise, iterator_category denotes C.

6.2 counted_iterator

  1. Edit 23.2 [iterator.synopsis], Header <iterator> synopsis, as indicated:
#include <compare>              // see [compare.syn]
#include <concepts>             // see [concepts.syn]

namespace std {

  // [...]

  template<class I>
    struct incrementable_traits<counted_iterator<I>>;

  template<input_­iterator I>
    requires see below
  struct iterator_traits<counted_iterator<I>>;

  // [...]
  1. Edit the definition of iterator_traits<counted_iterator<I>> in [counted.iterator] as indicated:
    template<input_­iterator I>
+      requires same_as<ITER_TRAITS(I), iterator_traits<I>>   // see [iterator.concepts.general]
    struct iterator_traits<counted_iterator<I>> : iterator_traits<I> {
-     using pointer = void;
+     using pointer = conditional_t<contiguous_iterator<I>, add_pointer_t<iter_reference_t<I>>, void>;
  1. Edit the definition of counted_iterator in [counted.iterator] as indicated:
 namespace std {
   template<input_­or_­output_­iterator I>
   class counted_iterator {
     using iterator_type = I;
+    using value_type = iter_value_t<I>;                       // present only if I models indirectly_readable
+    using difference_type = iter_difference_t<I>;
+    using iterator_concept = typename I::iterator_concept;    // present only if the qualified-id
+                                                              // I::iterator_concept is valid and denotes a type
+    using iterator_category = typename I::iterator_category;  // present only if the qualified-id
+                                                              // I::iterator_category is valid and denotes a type

     // [...]

     constexpr I base() const & requires copy_constructible<I>;
     constexpr I base() &&;
     constexpr iter_difference_t<I> count() const noexcept;
     constexpr decltype(auto) operator*();
     constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() const
       requires dereferenceable<const I>;

+    constexpr auto operator->() const noexcept
+      requires contiguous_iterator<I>;

     // [...]
  1. Strike the incrementable_traits<counted_iterator<I>> specialization in [counted.iterator] as unnecessary:
  template<class I>
  struct incrementable_traits<counted_iterator<I>> {
    using difference_type = iter_difference_t<I>;
  1. Add the following to [counted.iter.elem]:
constexpr auto operator->() const noexcept
  requires contiguous_iterator<I>;

? Effects: Equivalent to: return to_address(current);

7 References

[LWG3283] Eric Niebler. Types satisfying input_iterator but not equality_comparable look like C++17 output iterators.

[LWG3289] Eric Niebler. Cannot opt out of C++17 iterator-ness without also opting out of C++20 iterator-ness.

[LWG3408] Patrick Palka. LWG 3291 reveals deficiencies in counted_iterator.

[N4868] Richard Smith. 2020-10-18. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++.

[P0541R1] Eric Niebler. 2017-07-10. Ranges TS: Post-Increment on Input and Output Iterators.