Superior String Splitting

Document #: P2210R1
Date: 2021-01-04
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Barry Revzin

1 Revision History

Since [P2210R0], corrected the explanation of const-iteration and corrected that it is sort of possible to build a better split on top of the existing one. Changed the proposal to keep the preexisting split with its semantics under a different name instead.

2 Introduction

Let’s say you have a string like "" and you want it turn it into a range of integers. You might expect to be able to write:

std::string s = "";

auto ints =
    s | views::split('.')
      | views::transform([](auto v){
            int i = 0;
            std::from_chars(, v.size(), &i);
            return i;

But that doesn’t work. Nor does this:

std::string s = "";

auto ints =
    s | views::split('.')
      | views::transform([](auto v){
          return std::stoi(std::string(v.begin(), v.end()));

although for a different reason.

The problem ultimately is that splitting a string using C++20’s views::split gives you a range that is only a forward range. Even though the source range is contiguous! And that forward range isn’t a common range either. As a result, can’t use from_chars (it needs a pointer) and can’t construct a std::string (its range constructor takes an iterator pair, not iterator/sentinel).

2.1 Can we get there from here

The reason it’s like this is that views::split is maximally lazy. It kind of needs to be in order to support splitting an input range. But the intent of laziness is that you can build more eager algorithms on top of them. We can sort of do that with this one:

std::string input = "";
auto parts = input | views::split('.')
                   | views::transform([](auto r){
                        auto b = r.begin();
                        auto e = ranges::next(b, r.end());
                        return ranges::subrange(b.base(), e.base());

This implementation requires b.base() (split_view’s iterators do not provide such a thing at the moment), but once we add that, this solution provides the right overall shape that we need. The individual elements of parts here are contiguous views, which will have a data() member function that can be passed to std::from_chars.

Given the range adapter closure functionality, we could just stash this somewhere:

template <typename Pattern>
auto split2(Pattern pattern) {
    return views::split(std::move(pattern))
         | views::transform([](auto r){
              auto b = r.begin();
              auto e = ranges::next(b, r.end());
              return ranges::subrange(b.base(), e.base());

std::string input = "";
auto parts = input | split2('.');

Is this good enough?

It’s better, but there’s some downsides with this. First, the above fares pretty badly with input iterators - since we’ve already consumed the whole range before even providing it to the user. If they touch the range in any way, it’s undefined behavior. The narrowest possible contract?

We can fix that:

template <typename Pattern>
auto split2(Pattern pattern) {
    return views::split('.')
         | views::transform([](auto r){
                if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<decltype(r)>) {
                    auto b = r.begin();
                    auto e = ranges::next(b, r.end());
                    return ranges::subrange(b.base(), e.base());
                } else {
                    return r;

Now we properly handle input ranges as well, although we can’t really avoid the extra completely-pointless transform without writing a proper range adapter closure ourselves.

Second, this has the problem that every iterator dereference from the resulting view has to do a linear search. That’s a cost that’s incurred entirely due to this implementation strategy. This cost could be alleviated by using [P2214R0]’s suggested views::cache_latest, though this itself has the problem that it demotes the resulting range to input-only… whereas a split_view could be a forward range.

Third, this is complicated! There are two important points here:

  1. split is overwhelmingly likely to be used on, specifically, a contiguous range of characters.
  2. splitting a string is a common operation to want to do.

While I’ve transformed and filtered all sorts of other kinds of ranges, and have appreciated the work that went into making them as flexible as they are, I’ve really never wanted to split anything other than a string (or a string_view or other equivalent types). But for the most common use case of a fairly common operation, the views::split that we have ends up falling short because of what it gives us: a forward range. Pretty much every interesting string algorithm requires more than that:

It would be great if views::split could work in such a way that the result was maximally usable - which in this case means that splitting a contiguous range should provide contiguous sub-ranges.

3 Design

I wrote a blog on this topic [revzin.split], which implements a version of split_view that operates on contiguous ranges (and naughtily partially specializes std::ranges::split_view) such that the following actually works:

auto ip = ""s;
auto parts = ip | std::views::split('.')
                | std::views::transform([](std::span<char const> s){
                      int i;
                      std::from_chars(, + s.size(), i);
                      return i;

struct zstring_sentinel {
    bool operator==(char const* p) const {
        return *p == '\0';

struct zstring : view_interface<zstring> {
    char const* p = nullptr;
    zstring() = default;
    zstring(char const* p) : p(p) { }
    auto begin() const { return p; }
    auto end() const { return zstring_sentinel{}; }

char const* words = "A quick brown fox";
for (std::span ss : zstring{words} | std::views::split(' ')) {
    auto sv = std::string_view(, ss.size());
    std::cout << sv << '\n';

There are a few big questions to be resolved here:

3.1 What should the reference type of this be?

Given a range V, the reference type of split_view<V> should be subrange<iterator_t<V>>. This is a generic solution, that works well for all range categories (as long as they’re forward-or-better).

For splitting a string, this means we get a range of subrange<string::iterator> where we might wish we got a span<char const> or a string_view, but span<char const> is already constructible from subrange<string::iterator> and string_view would be with the adoption of [P1989R0].

We could additionally favor the char case (since, again, splitting strings is the overwhemlingly common case) by doing something like:

struct reference : subrange<iterator_t<V>> {
    using subrange::subrange;
    operator string_view() const
        requires same_as<range_value_t<V>, char>
              && contiguous_range<V>
        return {this->data(), this->size()};

But this just seems weirdly specific and not a good idea.

3.2 How would const iteration work?

We say that a type, R, is const-iterable if R const is also a range. This comes into play if you want to write something like:

// parts is 'const'
auto const parts = rng | views::split(pat);

Or pass this adapted range into a function template that looks like this:

template <typename R> void some_algo(R const&);

Several range adapters in the standard library today are not const-iterable (such as filter_view and its similar cousin drop_while_view). See also [issue385].

The big issue for moving forward with std::ranges::split_view is how to square some constraints:

  1. begin() must be amortized constant time to model range
  2. Member functions that are marked const in the standard library cannot introduce data results (see []).
  3. The existing split_view is const-iterable.

So how do we get the first piece? What I did as part of my implementation was to not allow const-iteration. split_view just has an optional<iterator> member which is populated the first time you call begin and then is just returned thereafter. This is similar to other views that need to do arbitrary work to yield the first element (canonically, filter_view).

You can’t do this in a const member function. We cannot simply specify the optional<iterator> member as mutable, since two threads couldn’t safely update it concurrently. We could introduce a synchronization mechanism into split_view which would safely allow such concurrent modification, but that’s a very expensive solution which would also pessimize the typical non-const-iteration case. So we shouldn’t.

So that’s okay, we just don’t support const-iteration. What’s the big deal?

Well, as I noted, the existing split_view is const-iterable - because it’s lazy! It doesn’t yield subranges, it yields a lazy range. So it doesn’t actually need to do work in begin() - this is a non-issue.

On the other hand, any kind of implementation that eagerly produces subranges for splitting a string const necessarily has to do work to get that first subrange and that ends up being a clash with the existing design.

The question is - how much code currently exists that iterates over, specifically, a const split_view that is splitting a contiguous range? It’s likely to be exceedingly small, both because of the likelihood if such iteration to begin with (you’d have to specifically declare an object of type split_view as being const) and the existing usability issues described in this paper.

Plus, at this point, only libstdc++ ships split_view. And even then, it implements the spec to the letter, which means there are at least two issues with it: broken support of long patterns [LWG3505] and trailing patterns [LWG3478]. So even if somebody is depending on existing behavior, they probably shouldn’t.

Personally, I think the trade-off is hugely in favor of making this change - it makes split substantially more useful.

3.3 What about input ranges?

This strategy of producing a range of subrange<iterator_t<V>> works fine for forward ranges, and is a significant improvement over status quo for bidirectional, random access, and contiguous ranges.

But it fails miserably for input ranges, which the current views::split supports. While const-iteration doesn’t strike me as important functionality, being able to split an input range definitely does.

A subrange-yielding split could still fall back to the existing views::split behavior for splitting input ranges, but then we end up with fairly different semantics for splitting input ranges and splitting forward-or-better ranges. But we also don’t want to not support splitting input ranges.

This leads us to the big question…

3.4 Replace or Add

Do we replace the existing views::split with the one outlined in this paper, or do we add a new one?

The only way to really replace is if we have the one-view-two-semantics implementation described in the previous section: for forward-or-better, the view produces subranges, while for input, it produces a lazy-searching range. This just doesn’t seem great from a design perspective. And if we don’t do that, then the only way we can replace is by dropping input range support entirely. Which doesn’t seem great from a user perspective since we lose functionality. Granted, we gain the ability to actually split strings well, which is drastically more important than splitting input ranges, but still.

The alternative is to add a new kind of views::split that only supports splitting forward-or-better ranges. We could adopt such a new view under a different name (views::split2 is the obvious choice, but std2::split is even better), but I think it would be better to give the good name to the more broadly useful facility.

That is, provide a new views::split that produces subranges and rename the existing facility to views::lazy_split. This isn’t a great name, since views::split is also a lazy split, but it’s the best I’ve got at the moment.

Note that, as described earlier, views::split should not be specified (or implemented) in terms of views::lazy_split, since a proper implementation of it could be much more efficient.

4 Proposal

This paper proposes the following:

  1. Rename the existing views::split / ranges::split_view to views::lazy_split / ranges::lazy_split_view. Add base() member functions to the inner-iterator type to get back to the adapted range’s iterators.

  2. Introduce a new range adapter under the name views::split / ranges::split_view with the following design:

    1. It can only support splitting forward-or-better ranges.
    2. Splitting a V will yield subrange<iterator_t<V>>s, ensuring that the adapted range’s category is preserved. Splitting a bidirectional range gives out bidirectional subranges. Spltiting a contiguous range gives out contiguous subranges.
    3. views::split will not be const-iterable.

This could certainly break some C++20 code. But I would argue that views::split is so unergonomic for its most common intended use-case that the benefit of making it actually usable for that case far outweighs the cost of potentially breaking some code (which itself is likely to be small given both the usability issues and lack of implementations thus far).

4.1 Implementation

The implementation can be found in action here [revzin.split.impl], but reproduced here for clarity.

This implementation does the weird operator string_view() const hack described earlier as a workaround for the lack of [P1989R0], and currently just hijacks the real views::split as a shortcut, but other than that it should be a valid implementation.

This implementation also correctly handles [LWG3505] and [LWG3478].

using namespace std::ranges;

template <forward_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
class split2_view
    : public view_interface<split2_view<V, Pattern>>
    split2_view() = default;
    split2_view(V base, Pattern pattern)
        : base_(base)
        , pattern_(pattern)
    { }

    template <forward_range R>
        requires std::constructible_from<V, views::all_t<R>>
            && std::constructible_from<Pattern, single_view<range_value_t<R>>>
    split2_view(R&& r, range_value_t<R> elem)
        : base_(std::views::all(std::forward<R>(r)))
        , pattern_(std::move(elem))
    { }

    struct sentinel;
    struct as_sentinel_t { };

    class iterator {
        friend sentinel;

        split2_view* parent = nullptr;
        iterator_t<V> cur = iterator_t<V>();
        iterator_t<V> next = iterator_t<V>();
        bool trailing_empty = false;

        iterator() = default;
        iterator(split2_view* p)
            : parent(p)
            , cur(std::ranges::begin(p->base_))
            , next(lookup_next())
        { }
        iterator(as_sentinel_t, split2_view* p)
            : parent(p)
            , cur(std::ranges::end(p->base_))
            , next()
        { }

        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        struct reference : subrange<iterator_t<V>> {
            using reference::subrange::subrange;

            operator std::string_view() const
                requires std::same_as<range_value_t<V>, char>
                      && contiguous_range<V>
                return {this->data(), this->size()};
        using value_type = reference;
        using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;

        bool operator==(iterator const& rhs) const {
            return cur == rhs.cur && trailing_empty == rhs.trailing_empty;

        auto lookup_next() const -> iterator_t<V> {
            auto n = std::ranges::search(
                subrange(cur, std::ranges::end(parent->base_)),

            if (n != std::ranges::end(parent->base_) and std::ranges::empty(parent->pattern_)) {

            return n;

        auto operator++() -> iterator& {
            cur = next;
            if (cur != std::ranges::end(parent->base_)) {
                std::ranges::advance(cur, distance(parent->pattern_));
                if (cur == std::ranges::end(parent->base_)) {
                    trailing_empty = true;
                next = lookup_next();
            } else {
                trailing_empty = false;
            return *this;
        auto operator++(int) -> iterator {
            auto tmp = *this;
            return tmp;

        auto operator*() const -> reference {
            return {cur, next};

    struct sentinel {
        bool operator==(iterator const& rhs) const {
            return rhs.cur == sentinel and not rhs.trailing_empty;

        sentinel_t<V> sentinel;

    auto begin() -> iterator {
        if (not cached_begin_) {
        return *cached_begin_;
    auto end() -> sentinel {
        return {std::ranges::end(base_)};

    auto end() -> iterator requires common_range<V> {
        return {as_sentinel_t(), this};

    V base_ = V();
    Pattern pattern_ = Pattern();
    std::optional<iterator> cached_begin_;

// It's okay if you're just writing a paper?
namespace std::ranges {
    template<forward_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern>
      && indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, equal_to>
    class split_view<V, Pattern> : public split2_view<V, Pattern>
        using split2_view<V, Pattern>::split2_view;

5 Wording

Change 24.2 [ranges.syn] to add the new view:

  // [range.split], split view
  template<class R>
    concept tiny-range = see below;   // exposition only

  template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
             indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to> &&
             (forward_range<V> || tiny-range<Pattern>)
- class split_view;
+ class lazy_split_view;

+ template<forward_range V, forward_range Pattern>
+   requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
+            indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to>
+ class split_view;

- namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified split = unspecified; }
+ namespace views {
+   inline constexpr unspecified lazy_split = unspecified;
+   inline constexpr unspecified split = unspecified;
+ }

5.1 Wording for split -> lazy_split

Rename all references to split and split_view in 24.7.12 [range.split] to lazy_split and lazy_split_view, respectively, and rename all the clauses from [range.split.meow] to [range.lazy.split.meow].

Add base() overloads to lazy_split_view::inner-iterator’ in [range.split.inner]:

namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
             indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to> &&
             (forward_range<V> || tiny-range<Pattern>)
  template<bool Const>
- struct split_view<V, Pattern>::inner-iterator {
+ struct lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>::inner-iterator {
    using Base = maybe-const<Const, V>;                 // exposition only
    outer-iterator<Const> i_ = outer-iterator<Const>(); // exposition only
    bool incremented_ = false;                          // exposition only
    using iterator_concept  = typename outer-iterator<Const>::iterator_concept;
    using iterator_category = see below;
    using value_type        = range_value_t<Base>;
    using difference_type   = range_difference_t<Base>;

    inner-iterator() = default;
    constexpr explicit inner-iterator(outer-iterator<Const> i);

+   constexpr iterator_t<Base> base() const&
+       requires copyable<iterator_t<Base>>;
+   constexpr iterator_t<Base> base() &&;

    constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() const { return *i_.current; }

    constexpr inner-iterator& operator++();
    constexpr decltype(auto) operator++(int) {
      if constexpr (forward_range<V>) {
        auto tmp = *this;
        return tmp;
      } else

    friend constexpr bool operator==(const inner-iterator& x, const inner-iterator& y)
      requires forward_range<Base>;

    friend constexpr bool operator==(const inner-iterator& x, default_sentinel_t);

    friend constexpr decltype(auto) iter_move(const inner-iterator& i)
    noexcept(noexcept(ranges::iter_move(i.i_.current))) {
      return ranges::iter_move(i.i_.current);

    friend constexpr void iter_swap(const inner-iterator& x, const inner-iterator& y)
      noexcept(noexcept(ranges::iter_swap(x.i_.current, y.i_.current)))
      requires indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<Base>>;

And add text describing those two new functions, just before operator++:

constexpr iterator_t<Base> base() const&
    requires copyable<iterator_t<Base>>;

a Effects: Equivalent to: return i_.current;

constexpr iterator_t<Base> base() &&;

b Effects: Equivalent to: return std::move(i_.current);

constexpr inner-iterator& operator++();

3 Effects: […]

5.2 Wording for new split

[ Editor's note: All of the wording here is new, so I’m not going to highlight it in green. To help differentiate that these are all new clauses, I’m going to refer to them as [range.split2] but the intent here is that they would be added under the name [range.split] throughout ]

5.2.1 Overview [range.split2.overview]

1 split_view takes a view and a delimiter, and splits the view into subranges on the delimiter. The delimiter can be a single element or a view of elements. [ Editor's note: NB: code font on subrange since they are, specifically, subranges ]

2 The name views​::​split denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Given subexpressions E and F, the expression views​::​split(E, F) is expression-equivalent to split_view(E, F).

3 [Example 1:

string str{"the quick brown fox"};
for (span<char const> word : split(str, ' ')) {
  for (char ch : word)
    cout << ch;
  cout << '*';
// The above prints: the*quick*brown*fox*

[ Editor's note: Same example as we have for split today, except explicitly iterating via span ]

end example]

5.2.2 Class template split_view [range.split2.view]

  template<forward_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
             indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to>
  class split_view : public view_interface<split_view<V, Pattern>> {
    V base_ = V();                              // exposition only
    Pattern pattern_ = Pattern();               // exposition only
    // [range.split2.iterator], class split_view​::​iterator
    struct iterator;                            // exposition only
    // [range.split2.sentinel], class split_view​::sentinel
    struct sentinel;                            // exposition only
    split_view() = default;
    constexpr split_view(V base, Pattern pattern);

    template<forward_range R>
      requires constructible_from<V, views::all_t<R>> &&
               constructible_from<Pattern, single_view<range_value_t<R>>>
    constexpr split_view(R&& r, range_value_t<R> e);

    constexpr V base() const { return base_; }

    constexpr iterator begin();
    constexpr auto end() {
        if constexpr (common_range<V>) {
            return iterator{*this, ranges::end(base_), {}};
        } else {
            return sentinel{*this};
    constexpr iterator_t<V> find-next(iterator_t<V>); // exposition only

  template<class R, class P>
    split_view(R&&, P&&) -> split_view<views::all_t<R>, views::all_t<P>>;

  template<forward_range R>
    split_view(R&&, range_value_t<R>)
      -> split_view<views::all_t<R>, single_view<range_value_t<R>>>;
constexpr split_view(V base, Pattern pattern);

1 Effects: Initializes base_ with std​::​move(base), and pattern_ with std​::​move(pattern).

template<forward_range R>
  requires constructible_from<V, views::all_t<R>> &&
           constructible_from<Pattern, single_view<range_value_t<R>>>
constexpr split_view(R&& r, range_value_t<R> e);

2 Effects: Initializes base_ with views​::​all(std​::​forward<R>(r)), and pattern_ with single_view{​std​::​move(e)}.

constexpr iterator begin();

3 Returns: {*this, ranges::begin(base_), find-next(ranges::begin(base_))}.

4 Remarks: In order to provide the amortized constant time complexity required by the range concept, this function caches the result within the split_view for use on subsequent calls.

constexpr subrange<iterator_t<V>> find-next(iterator_t<V> it); // exposition only

5 Effects: Equivalent to:

auto [b,e] = ranges::search(subrange(it, ranges::end(base_)), pattern_);
if (b != ranges::end(base_) && ranges::empty(pattern_)) {
return {b,e};

5.2.3 Class template split_view​::​iterator [range.split2.iterator]

  template<forward_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
             indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to>
  class split_view<V, Pattern>::iterator {
    split_view* parent_ = nullptr;                              // exposition only
    iterator_t<V> cur_ = iterator_t<V>();                       // exposition only
    subrange<iterator_t<V>> next_ = subrange<iterator_t<V>>();  // exposition only
    bool trailing_empty_ = false;                               // exposition only
    using iterator_concept = forward_iterator_tag;
    using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = subrange<iterator_t<V>>;
    using difference_type = range_difference_t<V>;
    iterator() = default;
    constexpr iterator(split_view& parent, iterator_t<V> current, subrange<iterator_t<V>> next);

    constexpr iterator_t<V> base() const;
    constexpr value_type operator*() const;

    constexpr iterator& operator++();
    constexpr iterator operator++(int);

    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
constexpr iterator(split_view& parent, iterator_t<V> current, subrange<iterator_t<V>> next);

1 Effects: Initializes parent_ with addressof(parent), cur_ with std::move(current), and next_ with std::move(next).

constexpr iterator_t<V> base() const;

2 Effects: Equivalent to return cur_;

constexpr value_type operator*() const;

3 Effects: Equivalent to return {cur_, next_.begin()};

constexpr iterator& operator++();

4 Effects: Equivalent to:

cur_ = next_.begin();
if (cur_ != ranges::end(parent_->base_)) {
    cur_ = next_.end();
    if (cur_ == ranges::end(parent_->base_)) {
        trailing_empty_ = true;
        next_ = {cur_, cur_};
    } else {
        next_ = parent_->find-next(cur_);
} else {
    trailing_empty_ = false;
return *this;
constexpr iterator operator++(int);

5 Effects: Equivalent to:

auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)

6 Effects: Equivalent to:

return x.cur_ == y.cur_ && x.trailing_empty_ == y.trailing_empty_;

5.2.4 Class template split_view​::​sentinel [range.split2.sentinel]

  template<forward_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V> && view<Pattern> &&
             indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to>
  struct split_view<V, Pattern>::sentinel {
    sentinel_t<V> end_ = sentinel_t<V>(); // exposition only
    sentinel() = default;
    constexpr explicit sentinel(split_view& parent);
    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const sentinel& y);
constexpr explicit sentinel(split_view& parent);

1 Effects: Initializes end_ with ranges​::​end(parent.base_).

friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const sentinel& y);

2 Effects: Equivalent to: return x.cur_ == y.end_ && !x.trailing_empty_;

6 Acknowledgments

Thanks to Tim Song for help with implementation and wording.

7 References

[issue385] Casey Carter. 2016. const-ness of view operations.

[LWG3478] Barry Revzin. views::split drops trailing empty range.

[LWG3505] Tim Song. split_view::outer-iterator::operator++ misspecified.

[P1989R0] Corentin Jabot. 2019-11-25. Range constructor for std::string_view 2: Constrain Harder.

[P2210R0] Barry Revzin. 2020-08-14. Superior String Splitting.

[P2214R0] Barry Revzin, Conor Hoekstra, Tim Song. 2020-10-15. A Plan for C++23 Ranges.

[revzin.split] Barry Revzin. 2020. Implementing a better views::split.

[revzin.split.impl] Barry Revzin. 2020. Implementation of split2_view.