1. Motivation
This paper reviews [P1708R0], [P1708R1] and [P1708R2]: Simple Statistical Functions and summarizes the discussions about the functionality. All the reviews are mentioned because the approach towards the functionality changes between the reviews.
The idea of the paper is to provide an overview of users' expectations towards the statistical functions and a comparison of analogical features available in other programming languages. The paper does not propose any syntax. Subsections about users' perspective contain opinions only.
2. Users' perspective
Simple statistical functions are available not only in python, as it was mentioned in [P1708R0], but also in R, S, SAS, Matlab and many other languages used by statisticians.
Potential users expect both free-standing simple statistical functions (for simlicity) and some way to calculate them all in one pass, or as fewer passes as possible, over a container (for speed). Additionally, they expect user-friendly, intuitive and extendable interface for both use-cases. Preferably, it should be easy to use for an inexperienced user and easy to customize for more sophisticated use-cases.
Typically, users need to calculate one statistic with the default parameters. It seems excessive to require an additional object in these cases. The requirement that the collection is sorted is unintuitive. Hence, it is unexpected as the default option and it may be error-prone. Morover, the necessity to sort the collection before the calculation of statistics may lead to computational overhead.
3. Common expectations for all statistics
- both iterator-based and range-based versions
- free-standing functions that are simple in use
- possibility to compute multiple statistics of the same sample in a comutationally effective and intuitive way, consistent with the interface of free-standing functions
- possibility to choose internal representation/return type for the calculation (e.g. the mean of integers can be fractional, so should computations be made on ints, floats or doubles?)
- customization of NANs and missing data: yes/no, functor, list of values (?). This is a common issue in many statistical domains.
- transformation possibility
The last two points seem to be achievable with ranges, for example:
range | std :: views :: filter ( not_nan_in_key ) | std :: views :: transform ( value_only )
or depending on the user needs
range | std :: views :: trasform ( key_only ) | std :: views :: filter ( not_nan )
4. Free-standing statistical functions
Some statistical functions have been proposed in [[N1668]: A Proposal to add Mathematical Functions for Statistics to the C++ Standard Library, but the proposal did not cover the topics described in the P1708 paper. The N1668 proposes functions to calculate the statistical properties of common probability distributions (e.g. quantiles, densities of the normal distribution with chosen parameters) whereas P1708 proposes functions to calculate statistical properties of a sample.
4.1. Mean
4.1.1. Definition
The arithmetic mean of the sample. The definition is given in [P1708R2]
4.1.2. Users' perspective
The most commonly used mean function is an arithmetic mean defined in P1708. However, it could be extended to compute the trimmed arithmetic mean, which is robust against outliers. It would be useful to have it supported under the same or different function name.
4.1.3. Interfaces in other languages
[data-set]: List or tuple of a set of numbers.
x: An R object.
trim: the fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be trimmed from each end of x before the mean is computed.
na.rm: a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
…: further arguments passed to or from other methods.
argument: specifies a numeric constant, variable, or expression.
A: matrix or vector
all: computes the mean over all elements of A.
dim: returns the mean along dimension dim
vecdim: computes the mean based on the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim
outtype: returns the mean with a specified data type, using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes. outtype can be default, double, or native.
nanflag: specifies whether to include or omit NaN values from the calculation for any of the previous syntaxes. mean(A,includenan) includes all NaN values in the calculation while mean(A,omitnan) ignores them.
Sample arithmetic mean of the provided data-set.
Sample arithmetic mean of the (optionally: non-missing) provided data-set.
Sample arithmetic mean of the non-missing values provided data-set.
The mean of the elements of A along the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1.
Numeric values must be passed as parameter.
Numeric/logical vectors and date, date-time and time interval objects. Complex vectors are allowed for trim = 0, only.
At least one non-missing argument is required.
specified in details
Error handling
Exceptions TypeError
If x is not logical (coerced to numeric), numeric (including integer) or complex, NA_real_ is returned, with a warning.
The function returns a missing value.
returns a missing value
All the languages listed above, except python, provide a way to exclude missing value. It is worth to mention that all the languages have a NaN “type” for missing data. The interfaces that do not have a trim parameter provide separate functions for a trimmed mean.
4.2. Median
4.2.1. Definition
Median is a quantile with probability 0.5. The definition of a quantile will be provided in section 4.3. One of the definitions of median is described in [P1708R1].
4.2.2. Users' perspective
It is a quantile so one can either treat it this way, with all the customization points available for quantiles, or reduce the use-cases for std::median to the definition from [P1708R1] and types that support the required mathematical mathematical operations.
In other programming languages median returns a single value. For details about python, R, Matlab and SAS, see the comparison in the following subsection. Moreover, in [UNUR_2016] A. Sinan Unur described median calculation results from perl, Stata, R, Octave, WolframAlfa and Boost library and they all returned a single number, so it would be counter-intuitive to return a tuple in the same case in the C++ standard library as proposed in [P1708R2].
4.2.3. Interfaces in other languages
a: array_like object
axis: {int, sequence of int, None}, optional Axis or axes along which the medians are computed.
out: ndarray, optional Alternative output array in which to place the result.
overwrite_input: bool, optional If True, then allow use of memory of input array a for calculations.
keepdims: bool, optional If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one.
x: an object for which a method has been defined, or a numeric vector containing the values whose median is to be computed.
na.rm: a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
...: potentially further arguments for methods; not used in the default method.
value: is a numeric constant, variable, or expression
A: matrix or vector
all: computes the mean over all elements of A.
dim: returns the mean along dimension dim
vecdim: computes the mean based on the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim
outtype: returns the mean with a specified data type, using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes. outtype can be default, double, or native.
nanflag: specifies whether to include or omit NaN values from the calculation for any of the previous syntaxes. function(A,includenan) includes all NaN values in the calculation while function(A,omitnan) ignores them.
statistics.median return the median (middle value) of numeric data, using the common “mean of middle two” method
ndarray A new array holding the result. If the input contains integers or floats smaller than float64, then the output data-type is np.float64. Otherwise, the data-type of the output is the same as that of the input. If out is specified, that array is returned instead..
The default method returns a length-one object of the same type as x, except when x is logical or integer of even length, when the result will be double.
If there are no values or if na.rm = FALSE and there are NA values the result is NA of the same type as x.
the median of non-missing values
For ordinal categorical arrays, MATLAB interprets the median of an even number of elements as follows:
If the number of categories between the middle two values is ... Then the median is ... zero (values are from consecutive categories) larger of the two middle values an odd number value from category occurring midway between the two middle values an even number value from larger of the two categories occurring midway between the two middle values
statistics.median: data can be a sequence or iterable.
The input array will be modified by the call to median.
See: details
See: details
See: details
Error handling
If data is empty, StatisticsError is raised
the result is NA of the same type as x
If all arguments have missing values, the result is a missing value.
returns NaN
All the languages listed above, except python, provide a way to exclude missing values. It is worth to mention that all the languages have a NaN “type” for missing data. Also, all the interfaces return one value as a result.
4.3. Quantiles
The only quantile mentioned in P1708 is median, but I think that quantile function is worth considering as an input to discussion about a median of non-numeric types.
4.3.1. Definition
Quantiles are cut points dividing the range of a probability distribution into continuous intervals with equal probabilities, or dividing the observations in a sample in the same way. See: [HYNDMAN+FAN_1996]
4.3.2. Users' perspective
In [HYNDMAN+FAN_1996] Rob J. Hyndman and Yanan Fan discussed nine algorithms of quantile calculation. They are summarized in R_doc_quantile in Type section. Types 1 and 3 can be applied to non-numeric types as they do not require interpolation and so they are adequate for discontiunous sample quantiles.
4.3.3. Interfaces in other languages
a: array_like input array or object that can be converted to an array.
q: array_like of float Quantile or sequence of quantiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
axis{int, tuple of int, None}: Axis or axes along which the quantiles are computed.
out: ndarray Alternative output array in which to place the result.
overwrite_inputbool: If True, then allow the input array a to be modified by intermediate calculations, to save memory.
interpolation{‘linear’, ‘lower’, ‘higher’, ‘midpoint’, ‘nearest’}: This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to use when the desired quantile lies between two data points i < j:
x: an object for which a method has been defined, or a numeric vector containing the values whose median is to be computed.
probs: numeric vector of probabilities with values in [ 0 , 1 ] .
na.rm: a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
type: number - one of 9 types described in [HYNDMAN+FAN_1996]
...: potentially further arguments for methods; not used in the default method
q: specifies a matrix to contain the quantiles of the x matrix.
x: specifies an numerical matrix of data. The QNTL subroutine computes quantiles for each column of the matrix.
probs: specifies a numeric vector of probabilities used to compute the quantiles.
method: specifies the method (one of the 9 types described in [HYNDMAN+FAN_1996])
x: matrix or vector
p: probability or probabilities p in the interval [0,1]
N: number N of evenly spaced cumulative probabilities (1/(N + 1), 2/(N + 1), ..., N/(N + 1)) for integer N>1
all: computes the quantiles over all elements of A.
dim: returns the quantiles along dimension dim
vecdim: computes the quantiles based on the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim
method: approximate quantiles based on the value of method, using any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes
scalar or ndarray
If q is a single quantile and axis=None, then the result is a scalar. If multiple quantiles are given, first axis of the result corresponds to the quantiles.
scalar or matrix
estimates of underlying distribution quantiles based on one or two order statistics from the supplied elements in x at probabilities in probs.
scalar or matrix
The QNTL subroutine computes sample quantiles for data.
scalar or matrix
quantile treats NaNs as missing values and removes them.
See: details
See: details
See: details
See: details
Error handling
not specified
the result is NA of the same type as x
If all arguments have missing values, the result is a missing value.
treats NaNs as missing values and removes them
Every syntax described above provides a way to customize how the quantiles are estimated. It can be configured by choosing an approximation method (Python, Matlab), or algorithm from [HYNDMAN+FAN_1996] (SAS, R).
4.4. Mode
4.4.1. Definition
The definition is provided in [P1708R2]
4.4.2. Users' perspective
Despite a possibly linear complexity the function may have huge space requirements for example when a container is big and contains unique numbers. It would be good to have some policy that allows returning a single value in case of multiple modes.
4.4.3. Interfaces in other languages
not provided
data: discrete or nominal data
a: array_like n-dimensional array of which to find mode(s).
axis: int or None, Axis along which to operate. None means full matrix
nan_policy: {‘propagate’, ‘raise’, ‘omit’} Nan handling
x: an object for which a method has been defined, or a numeric vector containing the values
na.rm: a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
A: matrix or vector
all: computes the mean over all elements of A.
dim: returns the mean along dimension dim
vecdim: computes the mean based on the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim
Return the single most common data point from discrete or nominal data. If there are multiple modes with the same frequency, returns the first one encountered in the data
If there is more than one such value, only the smallest is returned.
Returns mode: ndarray Array of modal values and count: ndarray Array of counts for each mode.
Returns the most frequent value. If there are more than one, all of them will be returned in a vector.
M = mode(A) returns the sample mode of A, which is the most frequently occurring value in A. When there are multiple values occurring equally frequently, mode returns the smallest of those values. For complex inputs, the smallest value is the first value in a sorted list.
[M,F] = mode(___) also returns a frequency array F
[M,F,C] = mode(___) also returns a cell array C that is a sorted vector of all values that have the same frequency as the corresponding element of M.
assumes discrete data and returns a single value
See: details
The mode function is most useful with discrete or coarsely rounded data. Also, the mode function is not suitable for finding peaks in distributions having multiple modes.
Error handling
StatisticsError is raised when more than one mode was found.
NaNs can be ignored
See: details
Not each of the above interfaces provides a mode function. Python always returns a single value (however, there is a separate function that returns multiple values), Matlab can provide both single (lowest) mode or all of them and R always returns all of the modes. Both python and R provide a way to handle missing values (NaNs and NAs).
4.5. Standard deviation
4.5.1. Definition
Definition of population and sample standard deviation is provided in [P1708R2] in the equations (2) and (3). However, there is a typo in equation (2).
4.5.2. Users' perspective
To compute standard deviation, a type must support subtration, multiplication, division by a scalar and square root. This reduces the number of potentially supported types. Both the population standard deviation and the sample standard deviation are commonly used.
4.5.3. Interfaces in other languages
data: an iterable of at least two real-valued numbers.
m: the mean of data (optional parameter)
a: array_like Calculate the standard deviation of these values.
axis: None or int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the standard deviation is computed.
d: typedtype, optional Type to use in computing the standard deviation.
out: ndarray, optional Alternative output array in which to place the result.
ddof: int, optional Means Delta Degrees of Freedom.
keepdims: bool, optional If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one.
x: a numeric vector or an R object but not a factor coercible to numeric by as.double(x).
na.rm: a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
x: a numerical matrix or vector
A: matrix or vector
w: specifies a weighting scheme for any of the previous syntaxes. When w = 0 (default), S is normalized by N-1. When w = 1, S is normalized by the number of observations, N. w also can be a weight vector containing nonnegative elements. In this case, the length of w must equal the length of the dimension over which std is operating.
all: computes the mean over all elements of A.
dim: returns the mean along dimension dim
vecdim: computes the mean based on the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim
nanflag: specifies whether to include or omit NaN values from the calculation for any of the previous syntaxes
pstdev returns the population standard deviation
stdev returns the sample standard deviation
returns population or sample standard deviation depanding on parameters
the sample standard deviation of the values in x
the sample standard deviation of data
the sample or population standarddeviation of the data depending on the parameters
statistics: least two real-valued numbers
vectors of numerics or type that are converible to double
numeric data
numeric data
Error handling
statistics: Raises StatisticsError if data is empty.
numpy: If the sub-class’ method does not implement keepdims any exceptions will be raised.
numpy provides a separate function that handles nan (nanstdev)
The standard deviation of a length-one or zero-length vector is NA.
not specified
returns NaN
Python and Matlab support sample and population standard deviation, while R and SAS calculate sample standard deviation only. Python, R, Matlab support excluding NaN values either as a parameter or as a separate function.
4.6. Variance
Definition of variance is provided in [P1708R2].
4.6.1. Users' perspective
Variance is the squared standard deviation.
Due to this relationship they are expected to have very similar interfaces.
4.6.2. Interfaces in other languages
data: an iterable of at least two real-valued numbers.
m: the mean of data (optional parameter)
a: array_like Calculate the standard deviation of these values.
axis: None or int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the standard deviation is computed.
d: typedtype, optional Type to use in computing the standard deviation.
out: ndarray, optional Alternative output array in which to place the result.
ddof: int, optional Means Delta Degrees of Freedom.
keepdims: bool, optional If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one.
x: a numeric vector or an R object but not a factor coercible to numeric by as.double(x).
y: NULL (default) or a vector, matrix or data frame with compatible dimensions to x.
na.rm: a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
use: ignored
x: a numerical matrix or vector
A: matrix or vector
w: specifies a weighting scheme for any of the previous syntaxes. When w = 0 (default), S is normalized by N-1. When w = 1, S is normalized by the number of observations, N. w also can be a weight vector containing nonnegative elements. In this case, the length of w must equal the length of the dimension over which std is operating.
all: computes the mean over all elements of A.
dim: returns the mean along dimension dim
vecdim: computes the mean based on the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim
nanflag: specifies whether to include or omit NaN values from the calculation for any of the previous syntaxes
pvariance returns the population variance
variance returns the sample variance
returns population or sample variance depanding on parameters
the sample variance of the values in x
The VAR function computes the sample variance of the columns of this matrix.
the sample or population variance of the data depending on the parameters
statistics: least two real-valued numbers
vectors of numerics or type that are converible to double
numeric data
numeric data
Error handling
statistics: Raises StatisticsError if data is empty.
numpy: If the sub-class’ method does not implement keepdims any exceptions will be raised.
numpy provides a separate function that handles nan (nanstdev)
The variance of a length-one or zero-length vector is NA.
not specified
returns NaN
Matlab, Python and SAS provide similar interfaces for variance and standard deviation. Python, R, Matlab support NaN excluding either as a parameter or as a separate function.
5. Grouped statistics
Grouped statistics are expected to provide a way to calculate a group of statistics in one pass (or as fewer passes as possible) over a container.
5.1. Expectations from the users' perspective
The interface for computing a group of statistics is expected to fulfil common requirements stated in section 3 and the following requirements:
- extendable
- a way to pass parameters to every statistic
- information about required statistics handled in types
- consistent with stand-alone statistical functions
5.2. Users' perspective
Mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis are commonly described as (raw, central or standardized) moments of order 1, 2, 3, and 4. Consequently, it might be reasonable to implement a function for computing moments of a chosen order. There are diverging opinions whether these moments should be available for group computation alongside statistics of different origin, such as quantiles. Proponents of common treatment stress user-friendliness and the statistical notions of location (mean, median) and scale (variance, inter quantile range) parameters. Opponents highlight implementation-based difficulties and point out conceptual differences in the way these statistics are constructed.
6. Some use-cases
- A user wants to calculate a mean of a vector of doubles.
- A user wants to calculate a mean of a list of a custom numeric type that support addition as well as division by integer.
- A user wants to calculate a mean of a vector of floats, where missing data are marked as values below -90.
- A user wants to calculate a mean of a vector of floats using a double as a return value and internal representation during calculations (for precision).
- A user wants to calculate mean, variance and standard deviation of a sample in a computationally effective way.
- A user wants to calculate mean, variance and standard deviation of a sample in a computationally effective way, but her biggest concern is numerical stability of the calculation.
- A user wants to calculate a median of values stored in a map if keys are in a certian range.
- A user wants to calculate quantiles 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 of a container of floats excluding NANs that are in the data.
- A user wants to calculate percentils of a sample (i.e. quantiles with order 0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.99).
- A user wants to calculate percentils of a sorted sample.
7. Summary
In my opinion, the solution proposed in [P1708R2] needs a major revision to fulfill the expectations stated in the previous sections.
8. Document history
- R0, 2020-02-13: Initial version.
9. Acknowledgements
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who provided comments on the use cases and acknowleadge discussions in SG6, SG14, SG18 and SG19.
Jolanta Opara’s work was supported by Mobica Limited sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce.