Towards C++23 executors: A proposal for an initial set of algorithms

Document #: P1897R3
Date: 2020-05-16
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Lee Howes

1 Changelog

1.1 Differences between R2 and R3

1.2 Differences between R1 and R2

1.3 Differences between R0 and R1

2 Introduction

In [P0443R13] we have included the fundamental principles described in [P1660R0], and the fundamental requirement to customize algorithms. In recent discussions we have converged to an understanding of the submit operation on a sender and its more fundamental primitives connect and start supporting general interoperation between algorithms, and algorithm customization giving us full flexibility to optimize, to offload and to avoid synchronization in chains of mutually compatible algorithm customizations.

As a starting point, in [P0443R13] we only include a bulk_execute algorithm, that satisfies the core requirement to provide scalar and bulk execution. To make the C++23 solution completely practical, we should extend the set of algorithms, however. This paper suggests an expanded initial set that enables early useful work chains. This set is intended to act as a discussion focus for us to discuss one by one, and to analyze the finer constraints of the wording to make sure we do not over-constrain the design.

This paper does not attempt to propose the mapping of the C++20 parallel algorithms into an asynchronous environment. Once we have basic primitives, we can describe default implementations of the parallel algorithms, as well as std::async, in terms of these.

In the long run we expect to have a much wider set of algorithms, potentially covering the full set in the current C++20 parallel algorithms. The precise customization of these algorithms is open to discussion: they may be individually customized and individually defaulted, or they may be optionally individually customized but defaulted in a tree such that customizing one is known to accelerate dependencies. It is open to discussion how we achieve this and that is an independent topic, beyond the scope of this paper.

2.1 Summary

Starting with [P0443R13] as a baseline we have the following customization points:

and the following Concepts:

We propose immediately discussing the addition of the following algorithms:

2.2 Examples Simple example

A very simple example of applying a function to a propagated value and waiting for it.

auto  just_sender =       // sender_to<int>

auto transform_sender =  // sender_to<float>
    [](int a){return a+0.5f;});

int result =              // value: 3.5

In this very simple example we:

Using operator| as in ranges to remove the need to pass arguments around, we can represent this as:

float f = sync_wait(
  just(3) | transform([](int a){return a+0.5f;})); Using when_all

when_all joins a list of incoming senders, propagating their values.

auto  just_sender =       // sender_to<int>
  just(std::vector<int>{3, 4, 5}, 10);
auto  just_float_sender =       // sender_to<int>

auto when_all_sender = when_all(
  std::move(just_sender), std::move(just_float_sender));

auto transform_sender(
  [](std::vector<int> vec, int /*i*/, float /*f*/) {
    return vec;

vector<int> result =       // value: {3, 4, 5}

This demonstrates simple joining of senders:

Using operator| as in ranges to remove the need to pass arguments around, we can represent this as:

vector<int> result_vec = sync_wait(
  when_all(just(std::vector<int>{3, 4, 5}, 10), just(20.0f)) |
  transform([](vector<int> vec, int /*i*/, float /*f*/){return vec;})); With exception

A simple example showing how an exception that leaks out of a transform may propagate and be thrown from sync_wait.

int result = 0;
try {
  auto just_sender = just(3);
  auto on_sender = on(std::move(just_sender), scheduler1);
  auto transform_sender = transform(
    [](int a){throw 2;});
  auto skipped_transform_sender = transform(
    [](){return 3;});

  result = sync_wait(std::move(skipped_transform_sender));
} catch(int a) {
 result = a;                                     // Assign 2 to result

In this example we:

As before, using operator| as in ranges to remove the need to pass arguments around, we can represent this more cleanly:

int result = 0;
try {
 result = sync_wait(
    just(3) |
    on(scheduler1) |
    transform([](int a){throw 2;}) |
    transform([](){return 3;}));
} catch(int a) {
 result = a;                                     // Assign 2 to result
} Handle an exception

Very similar to the above, we can handle an error mid-stream

auto just_sender = just(3);
auto via_sender = on(std::move(just_sender), scheduler1);
auto transform_sender = transform(
  [](int a){throw 2;});
auto skipped_transform_sender = transform(
  [](){return 3;});
auto error_handling_sender = let_error(
  [](exception_ptr e){return just(5);});

auto result = sync_wait(std::move(error_handling_sender));

In this example we:

As before, using operator| as in ranges to remove the need to pass arguments around, we can represent this more cleanly:

auto s = ;
int result = sync_wait(
  just(3) |
  on(scheduler1) |
  transform([](float a){throw 2;}) |
  transform([](){return 3;}) |
  let_error([](auto e){
   return just(5);}));

3 Impact on the standard library

3.1 Sender adapter objects

Taking inspiration from range adaptors define sender adapters.

Wording to be based on [range.adaptors] with the basic requirement that:

Details below are in loosely approximated wording and should be made consistent with [P0443R11] and the standard itself when finalized. We choose this set of algorithms as a basic set to allow a range of realistic, though still limited, compositions to be written against executors.

3.2 execution::just

3.2.1 Overview

just creates a sender that propagates a value inline to a submitted receiver.


template <typename T>
concept moveable-value = // exposition only
  move_constructible<remove_cvref_t<T>> &&
  constructible_from<remove_cvref_t<T>, T>;

template <movable-value... Ts>
see-below just(Ts&&... ts) noexcept(see-below);

[ Example:

int r = sync_wait(just(3));
// r==3

- end example]

3.2.2 Wording

The expression execution::just(t...) returns a sender, s wrapping the values t....

3.3 execution::just_on

3.3.1 Overview

just_on creates a sender that propagates a value to a submitted receiver on the execution context of a passed scheduler. Semantically equivalent to on(just(t), s) if just_on is not customized on s. Providing just_on offers an opportunity to directly customise the algorithm to control allocation of the value t at the head of a custom pipeline.


template <execution::scheduler Sch, movable-value... Ts>
see-below just_on(Sch sch, Ts&&... ts) noexcept(see-below);

[ Example:

MyScheduler s;
int r = sync_wait(just_on(s, 3));
// r==3

- end example]

3.3.2 Wording

The name execution::just_on denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions sch and ts... let Sch be a type such that decltype((sch)) is Sch and let Ts... be a pack of types such that decltype((ts))... is Ts.... The expression execution::just_on(sch, ts...) is expression-equivalent to:

   void just_on() = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::just_on. * Otherwise returns the result of the expression: execution::on(execution::just(ts...), sch)

3.4 execution::sync_wait

3.4.1 Overview

Blocks the calling thread to wait for the passed sender to complete. Returns T when passed a typed_sender that sends a T on the value channel, where T may be void, throws if an exception is propagated and calls std::terminate on propagation of the set_done() signal.

template <execution::typed_sender S>
auto sync_wait(S&& s) -> std::sender_traits<S>::value_types;
template <class ValueType, execution::sender S>
ValueType sync_wait_r(S&& s);

[ Example:

int r = sync_wait(just(3));
float r = sync_wait<float>(just(3.5f));
// r==3

- end example]

3.4.2 Wording

The name execution::sync_wait denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression s let S be a type such that decltype((s)) is S. The expression execution::sync_wait(s) is expression-equivalent to:

     void sync_wait() = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::sync_wait.

3.5 execution::on

3.5.1 Overview

Takes a sender and a scheduler and ensures that the sender operation is connected and started on the execution context associated with the scheduler, giving the programmer control over where the work encapsulated by sender is started.

template <execution::sender S, execution::scheduler Sch>
see-below on(S s, Sch sch);

[ Example:

auto r = sync_wait(just(3) | on(my_scheduler{}) | transform([](int v){return v+1;}));
// r==3

- end example]

3.5.2 Wording

The name execution::on denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions s and sch, let S be a type such that decltype((s)) is S and Sch be a type such that decltype((sch)) is Sch The expression execution::on(s, sch) is expression-equivalent to:

     void on() = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::on.

3.6 execution::when_all

3.6.1 Overview

when_all combines a set of non-void senders, returning a sender that, on success, completes with the combined values of all incoming senders. To make usage simpler, when_all is restricted to typed_senders that each send only a single possible value type.


template <execution::typed_sender Ss...>
see-below when_all(Ss... ss);

[ Example:

auto r =
      when_all(just(3) | just(1.2f)),
      [](int a, float b){return a + b;}));
// r==4.2

- end example]

3.6.2 Wording

The name execution::when_all denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression ss..., let Ss... be a list of types such that decltype((ss))... is Ss.... The expression execution::when_all(ss...) is expression-equivalent to:

When start is called on the returned sender’s operation_state, call execution::start(osi) for each operation_state osi.

Note: See Planned Developments.

3.7 execution::transform

3.7.1 Overview

transform is a sender adapter that takes a sender and an invocable and returns a sender that propagates the value resulting from calling the invocable on the value passed by the preceding sender.


template <execution::sender S, moveable-value F>
  requires std::invocable<F, sender_traits<S>::template value_types>
see-below transform(S s, F f);

[ Example:

int r = sync_wait(just(3) | transform([](int v){return v+1;}));
// r==4

- end example]

3.7.2 Wording

The name execution::transform denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions s and f, let S be a type such that decltype((s)) is S and decltype((f)) is F. The expression execution::transform(s, f) is expression-equivalent to:

   void transform() = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::transform.

When start() is called on os2 calls execution::start(os).

3.8 execution::let_value

3.8.1 Overview

let_value is a sender adapter that takes a sender and an invocable and returns a sender that keeps the completion result of the incoming sender alive for the duration of the algorithm returned by the invocable and makes that value available to the invocable.


template<typename F>
struct is-invocable-with {
  template<typename... Args>
  using apply = std::bool_constant<(std::invocable<F, Args...> && ...)>;

template<execution::sender S, moveable-value F>
  requires sender_traits<S>::template value_types<
    is-invocable-with<F>::template apply>::value
see-below let_value(S s, F f);

where S<T...> and S<T2> are implementation-defined types that is represent senders that send a value of type list T... or T2 respectively in their value channels. Note that in the general case there may be many types T... for a given sender, in which case the invocable may have to represent an overload set.

[ Example:

int r = sync_wait(
  just(3) |
  let_value([](int& let_v){
    return just(4) | transform([&](int v){return let_v + v;})));
// r==7

3.8.2 Wording

The name execution::let_value denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions s and f, let S be a type such that decltype((s)) is S and decltype((f)) is F. The expression execution::let_value(s, f) is expression-equivalent to:

    void let_value() = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::let_value. * Otherwise, returns a sender, s2, that, when connect(s, output_receiver) is called on s2, for some output_receiver, returning an operation_state os2 which will be stored as a subobject of the parent operation_state, constructs a receiver r and passes that receiver to connect(s, r), returning operation_state object os and stores os as a subobject of os2:

When start is called on os2, call execution::start(os).

3.9 execution::let_error

3.9.1 Overview

let_error is a sender adapter that takes a sender and an invocable and returns a sender that, on error propagation, keeps the error result of the incoming sender alive for the duration of the sender returned by the invocable and makes that value available to the invocable.


template<typename F>
struct is-invocable-with {
  template<typename... Args>
  using apply = std::bool_constant<(std::invocable<F, Args...> && ...)>;

template<execution::sender S, moveable-value F>
  requires sender_traits<S>::template error_types<
    is-invocable-with<F>::template apply>::value
see-below let_error(S s, F f);

[ Example:

float r = sync_wait(
  just(3) |
  transform([](int v){throw 2.0f;}) |
  let_error([](float e){return just(e+1);}));
// r==3.0f

3.9.2 Wording

The name execution::let_error denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions s and f, let S be a type such that decltype((s)) is S and decltype((f)) is F. The expression execution::let_error(s, f) is expression-equivalent to:

    void let_error() = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::let_error.

3.10 execution::ensure_started

3.10.1 Overview

ensure_started is a sender adapter that takes a sender, eagerly submits it and returns a sender that propagates the value by reference and can be used as an l-value.


template <execution::sender S>
see-below ensure_started(S s);

[ Example:

auto s1 = just(3) | ensure_started();
auto s2 = s1 | transform([](const int& a){return a+1;}))
int r = sync_wait(
    [](int b){return b*2;}));
// r==8

3.10.2 Wording

The name execution::ensure_started denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions s, let S be a type such that decltype((s)) is S. The expression execution::ensure_started(s, f) is expression-equivalent to:

   void ensure_started() = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::ensure_started.

Note: See Planned Developments.

4 Customization and example

Each of these algorithms, apart from just, is customizable on one or more sender implementations. This allows full optimization. For example, in the following simple work chain:

auto s = just(3) |                                        // s1
         on(scheduler1) |                                 // s2
         transform([](int a){return a+1;}) |              // s3
         transform([](int a){return a*2;}) |              // s4
         on(scheduler2) |                                 // s5
         let_error([](auto e){return just(3);});          // s6
int r = sync_wait(s);

The result of s1 might be a just_sender<int> implemented by the standard library vendor.

on(just_sender<int>, scheduler1) has no customization defined, and this expression returns an scheduler1_on_sender<int> that is a custom type from the author of scheduler1, it will call submit on the result of s1.

s3 calls transform(scheduler1_on_sender<int>, [](int a){return a+1;}) for which the author of scheduler1 may have written a customization. The scheduler1_on_sender has stashed the value somewhere and build some work queue in the background. We do not see submit called at this point, it uses a behind-the-scenes implementation to schedule the work on the work queue. An scheduler1_transform_sender<int> is returned.

s4 implements a very similar customization, and again does not call submit. There need be no synchronization in this chain.

At s5, however, the implementor of scheduler2 does not know about the implementation of scheduler1. At this point it will call submit on the incoming scheduler1_transform_sender, forcing scheduler1’s sender to implement the necessary synchronization to map back from the behind-the-scenes optimal queue to something interoperable with another vendor’s implementation.

let_error at s6 will be generic in terms of submit and not do anything special, this uses the default implementation in terms of submit. sync_wait similarly constructs a condition_variable and a temporary int, submits a receiver to s and waits on the condition_variable, blocking the calling thread.

r is of course the value 8 at this point assuming that neither scheduler triggered an error. If there were to be a scheduling error, then that error would propagate to let_error and r would subsequently have the value 3.

5 Planned developments

Future changes and discussion points based on R3 of this paper.

5.1 when_all and ensure_started’s contexts

Based on experience in Facebook’s codebase, we believe that when_all and ensure_started should return senders that require a scheduler_providers and use forward progress delegation as discussed in [P1898R1].

In the case of when_all, the context the returned sender completes on will depend on which incoming sender completes last. It is thus non-deterministic across that set.

ensure_started is similarly adding non-determinism by removing laziness. If the sender returned by ensure_started is complete by the time a receiver is connected to it, the start call would complete inline with the caller.

In both cases, requiring a scheduler_provider, as discussed in [P1898R1] would offer determinism by guaranteeing a transition onto some downstream scheduler and adding wording to require submission onto that provided scheduler if it does not match the completing context.

5.2 when_all for void types and mixed success

We should add a when_all variant that returns tuples and variants in its result, or some similar mechanism for to allow parameter packs, including empty packs in the form of void-senders, and mixed success/error to propagate.

5.3 when_all and ensure_started both require cancellation and async cleanup to be fully flexible

Under error circumstances, when_all should cancel the other incoming work. This will be described separately.

ensure_started similarly needs to be updated to describe how it behaves in the presence of one downstream task being cancelled, and precisely when and where the shared state is destroyed. This would be a preferable solution to termination, as described above, particularly in cases where ensure_started is used as part of a set of operations where something else might throw and cause the sender to be destroyed.

6 Proposed question for the Prague 2020 meeting

6.1 Replace bulk_execute in P0443 with indexed_for as described above.

indexed_for as described above should replace bulk_execute during the merge of [P0443R11] into C++23. Suggest fine-tuning this wording and forwarding to LEWG.

The changes this leads to:

6.2 Result of discussion and Prague SG1 vote on P1897R2

Poll: We should add a sender argument and sender result to bulk execution functions (providing an opportunity to build shared state, established dependencies in/out)

SA: 17; F: 7; N: 0; A: 0; SA: 0


Poll: We should replace bulk_execute with indexed_for

SA: 4; F: 11; N: 3; A: 7; SA: 1

No consensus for change. Discussed in the room that indexed_for (and other algorithms by inference) should be build on top of bulk_execute.

The bulk_execute primitive should take an execution policy to constrain the invocable.

SA: 5; F: 7; N: 8; A: 3; SA: 1

R3 of this paper removes indexed_for. If bulk_execute is to remain, there is less urgent need to add indexed_for. Instead R3 focuses on the core set of algorithms. Something like indexed_for, or for_each will be in the async update of the parallel algorithms.

7 References

[P0443R11] 2019. A Unified Executors Proposal for C++.

[P0443R13] 2020. A Unified Executors Proposal for C++.

[P1660R0] 2019. A Compromise Executor Design Sketch.

[P1898R1] 2020. Forward progress delegation for executors.

[P1993R0] 2019. Restore factories to bulk_execute.