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a simple and practical optional reference for C++

Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
Current Source:
Reply To:
JeanHeyd Meneide, @thephantomderp


optional has seen much contention over its semantics and other points related to Regularity and Consistency, but not being able to answer these questions has delayed important advances in expected, variant, optional and other vocabulary types. This proposal demonstrates a safe and simple subset of optional that can gain consensus and still leaves the door open for when questions of consistency and regularity can be answered with confidence.

1. Revision History

1.1. Revision 0

Initial release.

2. Overview

2.1. The Great Big Table of Behaviors

Below is a succint synopsis of the options presented in this paper and their comparison with known solutions and alternative implementations. It does not include the totality of the optional API surface, but has the most exemplary pieces. A key for the symbols:

✔️ - Succeeds

🚫 - Compile-Time Error

❌ - Runtime Error

❓ - Implementation Inconsistency (between engaged/unengaged states, runtime behaviors, etc.)

optional behaviors
Operation T std::reference_wrapper<T> Proposed:
T& conservative
exemplary implementation(s) ✔️
optional(const optional&) ✔️
copy constructs T (disengaged: nothing)
binds reference (disengaged: nothing)
binds reference (disengaged: nothing)
optional(optional&&) ✔️
move constructs T (disengaged: nothing)
binds reference (disengaged: nothing)
binds reference (disengaged: nothing)
optional(T&) ✔️
(copy) constructs T
binds reference
binds reference
optional(T&&) ✔️
(move) constructs T
compile-time error
compile-time error
overwrites T
rebinds data
compile-time error
overwrites data
rebinds data (overwrites reference wrapper)
compile-time error
move-assigns T
compile-time error
compile-time error
constructs T
compile-time error
compile-time error
overwrites T
compile-time error
compile-time error
overwrites data
overwrites data
compile-time error
arg engaged
move assign T
rebind data
rebind data
arg engaged
move construct T
rebind data
rebind data
arg disengaged
disengage T
disengage T
disengage T
arg disengaged
*my_op = value
copy assigns T
copy assigns T
copy assigns T
*my_op = value

runtime error

runtime error

runtime error
*my_op = std::move(value)
move assigns T
move assigns T
move assigns T
*my_op = std::move(value)

runtime error

runtime error

runtime error
calls some_member()
compile-time error
calls some_member()

runtime error

runtime error

runtime error
operator==(const optional&) ✔️
compares values if both engaged, returns true if both disengaged, returns false otherwise
compares values if both engaged, returns true if both disengaged, returns false otherwise
compile-time error
operator<(const optional&) ✔️
compares values if both engaged, returns true if both disengaged, returns false otherwise
compares values if both engaged, returns true if both disengaged, returns false otherwise
compile-time error
operator==(const T&)
compares values
compares values
compile-time error
operator<(const T&)
compares values
compares values
compile-time error
operator==(const T&)
returns false
returns false
compile-time error
operator<(const T&)
returns false
returns false
compile-time error

3. Motivation

Originally, std::optional<T> -- where T denotes the name of a type -- contained a specialization to work with regular references, std::optional<T&>. When some of the semantics for references were called into question with respect to assign-through semantics (assign into the value or rebind the optional) and how comparisons would be performed, the debate stopped early and no full consensus was reached. Rather than remove just the operator or modify comparison operators, the entirety of std::optional<T&> was removed entirely.

This left many codebases in an interesting limbo: previous implementations and external implementations handled references without a problem. Transitioning to pointers created both a problem of unclear API (pointers are an exceedingly overloaded construct used for way too many things) and had serious implications for individuals who wanted to use temporaries as part of their function calls.

As Library Evolution Working Group Chair Titus Winters has frequently stated and demonstrated, having multiple vocabulary types inhibits growth of the C++ ecosystem and fragments libraries and their developers. This comes at an especially high cost for optional, variant, any, expected and more. There are at least 6 different optionals in the wild with very slightly differing semantics, a handful more variants, a few expected types, and more (not including the ones from boost::). Of note is that many optionals have been created and are being nurtured to this day without the need to take care of legacy code, which greatly inhibits interopability between code bases and general sharing.

4. Design Considerations

This solution is the simplest cross-section that enables behavior without encroaching upon a future where the to be posed in the yet-to-be-released p1129r0 will reach an answer to move the C++ community forward. Care has been taken to only approach the most useful subsection, while keeping everything else deleted. This will enable developers to use optional for the 80% use cases, while users handle the 20% use case of rebinding, assigning through, or comparing values / location by choosing much more explicit syntax that will not be deprecated.

4.1. The Solution

This baseline version is the version that has seen adoption from hundreds of companies and users: an optional where operator= is not allowed, comparison operators are nuked, rebinding is done with an explicit wrapping of my_op = std::optional<T&>( my_lvalue ) and assign-through is performed using *my_op = my_l_or_rvalue. This keeps std::optional as a delay-constructed type, allows usage in all of the places a programmer might want to put it trivially, allows it to be used as a parameter, and allows it to be used as a return type.

It forces the user to choose assign-through by explicitly dereferencing the optional as in *my_op = some_value, and forces rebind by making the user specify optional<T&amp;>(some_lvalue). It is safe, but penalizes the user for this safety with verbosity (and, arguably, disappointment). It also prevents users of boost::optional, tl::optional, ts::optional_ref and others from migrating painlessly to the standard version, but still allows many of the high-priority uses of such classes with references to transition to using the standard library version.

Another notable feature of adding optional references and using const T& is the ability to transition codebases that use temporary values (r-values) passed to functions, this solution will work for individuals without requiring a full rewrite of the code. For example, the function void old_foo( int arg, const options& opts); can be transitioned to void old_foo( int arg, optional<const options&> opts); and work for both l-values and r-values passed to the type. This is safe thanks to C++'s lifetime rules around temporary objects, when they bind to references, and when they are lifetime extended; see [class.temporary]/6 for applicable lifetime extension clauses of temporaries, including temporaries that bind to stored references.

5. Implementation Experience

This "simple", baseline version is featured in akrzemi/optional, [sol2], and the "portable" version of [boost-optional] (following Boost’s advice to avoid the use of the assignment operator in select cases for compilers with degenerate behavior). It is the least offensive, tasteless, hazard-proof, odorless, non-toxic, biodegradable, organic, and politically correct choice™; it can also be expanded upon at a later date.

This specific version has seen experience for about 8+ years. It is known to be safe and easy to use and covers a good portion of user’s use cases without having to invoke the problem of figuring out assign-through or rebind semantics.

The comparison operators do not exist, which make it a subset of boost and other optional implementations. Additional work can be done later once the Committee and its constituents .

6. Wording

All wording is relative to [n4762].

6.1. Intent

The intent of this proposal is to provide a l-value reference optional. The comparison and equality operators will not be provided. The assignment operator from an l-value reference or from an l-value reference of its base will not be provided. The copy-assignment from two optionals will rebind the optional.

Comparison to nullopt with equality will provided.

6.2. Feature Test Macro

The proposed feature test macro is __cpp_lib_optional_ref.

6.3. Proposed Wording

Append to §16.3.1 General [support.limits.general]'s Table 35 one additional entry:

Macro name Value
__cpp_lib_optional_ref 201811L

Add additional class template specialization to §19.6.2 Header <optional> synopsis [optional.syn]:

// 19.6.3, class template optional
template<class T>
class optional;
// 19.6.4, class template optional for lvalue reference types
template<class T>
class optional<T&>;

Insert §19.6.4 [optional.lref] after §19.6.3 Class template optional [optional.mod]:

19.6.4 Class template optional for lvalue reference types [optional.lref]
namespace std {

  template <class T>
  class optional<T&> {
    typedef T& value_type;

    //, construction/destruction
    constexpr optional() noexcept;
    constexpr optional(nullopt_t) noexcept;
    constexpr optional(T&) noexcept;
    optional(T&&) = delete;
    constexpr optional(const optional&) noexcept;
    template <class U> optional(const optional<U&>&) noexcept;
    ~optional() = default;

    //, mutation
    constexpr optional& operator=(nullopt_t) noexcept;
    optional& operator=(optional&&) = delete;
    optional& operator=(const optional&) = delete;

    //, observers
    constexpr T* operator->() const;
    constexpr T& operator*() const;
    constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
    template<class U> constexpr T value_or(U&&) const&;
    //, modifiers
    void reset() noexcept;

    T* ref;  // exposition only

} // namespace std

1 Engaged instances of optional<T> where T is of lvalue reference type, refer to objects of type std::remove_reference_t<T>, but their life-time is not connected to the life-time of the referred to object. Destroying or disengageing the optional object does not affect the state of the referred to object.

2 Member ref is provided for exposition only. Implementations need not provide this member. If ref == nullptr, optional object is disengaged; otherwise ref points to a valid object. Construction and destruction [optional.lref.ctor]

constexpr optional<T&>::optional() noexcept;
constexpr optional<T&>::optional(nullopt_t) noexcept;

1 Effects: Constructs a disengaged optional object by initializing ref with nullptr.

2 Ensures: bool(*this) == false.

3 Remarks: For every object type T these constructors shall be constexpr constructors.

optional<T&>::optional(T& v) noexcept;

4 Effects: Constructs an engaged optional object by initializing ref with addressof(v).

5 Ensures: bool(*this) == true && addressof(*(*this)) == addressof(v).

optional<T&>::optional(const optional& rhs) noexcept;
template <class U> optional<T&>::optional(const optional<U&>& rhs) noexcept;

6 Constraints: is_base_of<T, U>::value == true, and is_convertible<U&, T&>::value is true.

7 Effects: If rhs is disengaged, initializes ref with nullptr; otherwise, constructs an engaged object by initializing ref with addressof(*rhs).

optional<T&>::~optional() = default;

9 Effects: No effect. This destructor shall be a trivial destructor. Mutation [optional.lref.mutate]

optional<T&>& optional<T&>::operator=(nullopt_t) noexcept;

1 Effects: Assigns ref with a value of nullptr. If ref was non-null initially, the object it referred to is unaffected.

2 Returns: *this.

3 Ensures: bool(*this) == false. Observers [optional.lref.observe]

T* optional<T&>::operator->() const;

1 Requires: bool(*this) == true.

2 Returns: ref.

3 Throws: nothing.

T& optional<T&>::operator*() const;

4 Requires: bool(*this) == true.

5 Returns: *ref

6 Throws: nothing.

explicit optional<T&>::operator bool() noexcept;

7 Returns: ref != nullptr

template <class U> T& optional<T&>::value_or(U&& u) const;

8 Returns: .value() when bool(*this) is true, otherwise std::forward<U>(u). Observers [optional.lref.modifiers]

template <class U> T& optional<T&>::value_or(U&& u) const;

12 Returns: .value() when bool(*this) is true, otherwise std::forward<U>(u).

Modify §19.6.6 Relational operators [optional.relops] to include the following top-level clause:

1 None of the comparisons in this subsection participate in overload resolutions if T or U in optional<T> or optional<U> are an l-value reference.

Modify §19.6.8 Comparison with T [optional.comp_with_t] to include the following top-level clause:

1 None of the comparisons in this subsection participate in overload resolutions if T or U in optional<T> or optional<U> are an l-value reference.

7. Acknowledgements

Thank you to sol2 users for encouraging me to fix this in the standard. Thank you to Lisa Lippincott for encouraging me to make this and one other proposal after seeing my C++Now 2018 presentation. Thank you to Matt Calabrese, R. Martinho Fernandes and Michał Dominiak for the advice on how to write and handle a paper of this magnitude.

Thank you to Tim Song and Walter Brown for reviewing one of my papers, and thus allowing me to improve all of them.


Informative References

Andrzej Krzemieński. Optional (nullable) objects for C++14. April 23rd, 2018. URL: https://github.com/akrzemi1/Optional
Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal; Andrzej Krzemieński. Boost.Optional. July 24th, 2018. URL: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/libs/optional/doc/html/index.html
Facebook. folly/Optional. August 11th, 2018. URL: https://github.com/facebook/folly
LLVM Developer Group. Optional.h. July 4th, 2018. URL: http://llvm.org/doxygen/Optional_8h_source.html
Martin Moene. Optional Lite. June 21st, 2018. URL: https://github.com/martinmoene/optional-lite
Isabella Muerte. core::optional. February 26th, 2018. URL: https://mnmlstc.github.io/core/optional.html
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C++ Standards Committee; Richard Smith. n4762 - Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++. May 7th, 2018. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/n4750.pdf
ThePhD. sol2: C++ <-> Lua Binding Framework. July 3rd, 2018. URL: https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2