Document number: | P0944R0 |
Date: | 2018-02-11 |
Project: | C++ Extensions for Ranges, Library Evolution Working Group |
Reply-to: |
Casey Carter <> |
This paper proposes extensions to ISO/IEC TS 21425:2017 “C++ Extensions for ranges” (The “Ranges TS”) to enable first-class support for contiguous iterators and contiguous ranges. Contiguity of storage is a critical property of data which the Ranges design should be able to communicate to generic algorithms.
The C++ standard library has been slowly recognizing the increasing importance of data contiguity. The word “contiguous” does not appear in the C++98 standard library specification. Nevertheless:
was implicitly required to store elements contiguously per [lib.valarray.access]/3:
The expression
&a[i + j] == &a[i] + j
evaluates astrue
for allsize_t i
andsize_t j
such thati+j
is less than the length of the non-constant arraya
In those days a quality implementation was expected to implement vector
(not vector<bool>
) using contiguous memory despite that property not being required. Even in the “dark ages” of the late 1990s we understood the interaction of contiguous storage with caches; hence the exhortation in [lib.sequence.reqmts]/2 “vector
is the type of sequence that should be used by default.”
As a Technical Corrigendum, C++03 made very few changes. One of those changes was to promote the contiguity of vector<not_bool>
from QoI to a requirement in [lib.vector]/1:
The elements of a vector are stored contiguously, meaning that if
is avector<T, Allocator>
is some type other thanbool
, then it obeys the identity&v[n] == &v[0] + n
for all0 <= n < v.size()
. Presumably five more years of studying the interactions of contiguity with caching made it clear to WG21 that contiguity needed to be mandated and non-contiguousvector
implementation should be clearly banned.
Eight more years of processor speed increasing faster than memory latency made cache effects even more pronounced in the C++11 era. The standard library responded by adding more support for contiguity: basic_string
added a requirement for contiguous storage, the new std::array
sprang into existence with contiguous storage, and a new library function std::align
was added to help users parcel out aligned chunks of contiguous memory from large blocks of storage.
C++17 recognized that pointers are members of a larger class of contiguous iterators. N4284 “Contiguous iterators” defined the terms “contiguous iterator” [iterator.requirements.general]/6:
Iterators that further satisfy the requirement that, for integral values
and dereferenceable iterator valuesa
and(a + n)
,*(a + n)
is equivalent to*(addressof(*a) + n)
, are called contiguous iterators. and “contiguous container” [container.requirements.general]/13: A contiguous container is a container that supports random access iterators and whose member typesiterator
are contiguous iterators.
Sadly, C++17 fell short of providing the tools necessary to make contiguous iterators usable in generic contexts. There is a set of concrete iterator types that are specified to be contiguous iterators, but there is no general mechanism in C++17 to determine if a given iterator type is a contiguous iterator. It is notable that N3884 “Contiguous Iterators: a refinement of random access iterators” did try to provide such a facility in the form of a new iterator tag contiguous_iterator_tag
. LEWG rejected the new category tag in Issaquah 2014 out of fear that too much code would be broken by changing the iterator category of the existing contiguous iterators from random_access_iterator_tag
to contiguous_iterator_tag
. LEWG requested a new type trait be used to distinguish contiguous iterators. N4183 “Contiguous Iterators: Pointer Conversion & Type Trait” presented such a trait, but that proposal seems to have been regarded with indifference by LEWG.
This paper does not motivate the need for contiguous ranges, or for generic algorithms that work with contiguous ranges. The treatment in N3884 is sufficient.
This paper proposes to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the distinct mechanisms in the Ranges TS to both leave the iterator category of the standard library’s contiguous iterators unchanged and update the category of those iterators to denote them as contiguous. In the Ranges TS design, the category of iterators is determined using the ranges::iterator_category_t
alias and its backing class template ranges::iterator_category
(Ranges TS [iterator.assoc.types.iterator_category]). This trait is notably distinct from std::iterator_traits
that determines the category of Standard iterators. By defining the Ranges and Standard traits to different categories, “new” code that is Ranges-aware can detect contiguous iterators using ranges::iterator_category_t
, while “old” code that may break if presented a category other than random access for for e.g. vector::iterator
will use std::iterator_traits
and be presented std::random_access_iterator_tag
This paper also proposes that contiguous iterators are a refinement of random access iterators as did N3884. Since a contiguous range [i, s)
(where s
is a sentinel for i
) must be equivalent to some pointer range [p, n)
and random access is certainly possible in that pointer range, it is trivial to implement random access for any contiguous iterator. Allowing contiguous iterators that are not random access would not admit any additional models or increase the expressive power of the design.
Unlike the prior art, this paper does not propose a customization point to retrieve the pointer value that corresponds to some contiguous iterator value. This paper’s goal is to enable access to contiguous ranges, rather than provide mechanisms to handle individual contiguous iterators, and a sized contiguous range rng
(or [i, s)
) can always be converted to a pointer range [data(rng), size(rng))
(resp. [s - i ? addressof(*i) : nullptr, s - i)
). Implementation of generic algorithms that take advantage of contiguity does not require a facility to convert a “monopole” contiguous iterator to a pointer. The copy
algorithm, for example, could be approximated with:
template<InputIterator I, Sentinel<I> S, Iterator O>
requires IndirectlyCopyable<I, O>
void copy(I i, S s, O o) {
for (; i != s; ++i, ++o) {
*o = *i;
template<ContiguousIterator I, SizedSentinel<I> S, ContiguousIterator O>
requires IndirectlyCopyable<I, O> &&
Same<value_type_t<I>, value_type_t<O>> &&
void copy(I i, S s, O o) {
if (s - i > 0) {
std::memmove(&*o, &*i, (s - i) * sizeof(value_type_t<I>));
A variant of this design has been implemented in CMCSTL2, the reference implementation of the Ranges TS, for several months.
Wording relative to N4685, the Ranges TS Working Draft.
Change the synopsis of header <experimental/ranges/iterator>
in [iterator.synopsis] as follows:
// [iterators.random.access], RandomAccessIterator:
template <class I>
concept bool RandomAccessIterator = see below;
// [iterators.contiguous], ContiguousIterator:
template <class I>
concept bool ContiguousIterator = see below;[…]
// 9.6.3, iterator tags:
struct output_iterator_tag { };
struct input_iterator_tag { };
struct forward_iterator_tag : input_iterator_tag { };
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : forward_iterator_tag { };
struct random_access_iterator_tag : bidirectional_iterator_tag { };
struct contiguous_iterator_tag : random_access_iterator_tag { };
Modify [iterator.assoc.types.iterator_category]/1 as follows:
is implemented as if:[…]
template <class T>
struct iterator_category<T*>
: enable_if<is_object<T>::value,random_accesscontiguous_iterator_tag> { };[…]
Insert a new paragraph after [iterator.assoc.types.iterator_category]/3:
- the member type
of a specialization ofstd::basic_string
(ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [basic.string])
- the member type
of a specialization ofstd::array
(ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [array])
- the member type
of a specialization ofstd::vector
except forstd::vector<bool>
(ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [vector])
- the type returned by the
overloads ofstd::begin
(ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [valarray.range])[Note: Implementations of this document that also implement
from ISO/IEC 14882:2017 are also encouraged to ensure thatiterator_category<I>::type
denotes the member typeiterator
of a specialization ofbasic_string_view
.—end note]
Add a new subclause immediately after [iterators.random.access]:
9.3.?? Concept
concept refinesRandomAccessIterator
and provides a guarantee that the denoted elements are stored contiguously in memory.template <class I>
concept bool ContiguousIterator =
RandomAccessIterator<I> &&
DerivedFrom<iterator_category_t<I>, contiguous_iterator_tag> &&
is_lvalue_reference<reference_t<I>>::value &&
Same<value_type_t<I>, remove_cv_t<remove_reference_t<reference_t<I>>>>;Let
be a dereferenceable iterators of typeI
such thatb
is reachable froma
is satisfied only if:
addressof(*(a + (b - a))) == addressof(*a) + (b - a)
Modify [std.iterator.tags]/1 as follows:
1 […] The category tags are:
,andrandom_access_iterator_tag, andcontiguous_iterator_tag
. […]namespace std { namespace experimental { namespace ranges { inline namespace v1 {
struct output_iterator_tag { };
struct input_iterator_tag { };
struct forward_iterator_tag : input_iterator_tag { };
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag : forward_iterator_tag { };
struct random_access_iterator_tag : bidirectional_iterator_tag { };
struct contiguous_iterator_tag : random_access_iterator_tag { };
Modify the synopsis of class template reverse_iterator
in [reverse.iterator] as follows:
template <BidirectionalIterator I>
class reverse_iterator {
using iterator_type = I;
using difference_type = difference_type_t<I>;
using value_type = value_type_t<I>;
using iterator_category =iterator_category_t<I>see below;
Add a new paragraph following the synopsis:
-?- The member typedef-name
is satisfied, and otherwise denotes the same type asiterator_category_t<I>
Modify the synopsis of <experimental/ranges/range>
in [range.synopsis] as follows:
// 10.6.10, RandomAccessRange:
template <class T>
concept bool RandomAccessRange = see below;
// 10.6.??, ContiguousRange:
template <class T>
concept bool ContiguousRange = see below;
Modify [] as follows:
(1.3) — Otherwise,
if it is a valid expression of pointer to object type.(1.?) — Otherwise, if
is a valid expression whose type satisfiesContiguousIterator
,ranges::begin(E) == ranges::end(E) ? nullptr : addressof(*ranges::begin(E))
, except thatE
is evaluated only once.(1.4) — Otherwise,
is ill-formed.[…]
Add a new subclause after [ranges.random.access]:
10.6.?? Contiguous ranges [ranges.contiguous]
1 The
concept specifies requirements of aRandomAccessRange
type for whichbegin
returns a type that satisfiesContiguousIterator
([iterators.contiguous]).template <class R>
concept bool ContiguousRange =
Range<R> && ContiguousIterator<iterator_t<R>> &&
requires(R& r) {
requires Same<decltype(ranges::data(r)), add_pointer_t<reference_t<iterator_t<R>>>>;