Strongly Typed Bitset

The latest draft, reference header, and links to past discussions on Github:


The proposal enhances std::bitset by adding a new template parameter which allows the programmer to control the size and alignment of the underlying representation along with a few additional public members.

This proposal is aimed for a C++ Technical Specification.

Impact on the standard

This proposal is a pure library extension. It changes the template signature of std::bitset by adding a new template parameter. It also adds 2 new aliases std::fast_bitset and std::small_bitset, 3 new public members, a new constructor overload and a new assignment operator overload.

Impact on Implementations

Implementation of this proposal will likely break the ABI of all standard library implementations of std::bitset. Adding a new template parameter may change the mangled name of the type. If accepted, the deployment date of this proposal into the standard should be carefully considered to avoid too many ABI breaks.

Motivation and Design

When dealing with bits, the classical method of implementation is to use an unsigned integral type and perform bit operations using logical operations, shifts, and masks.

With C++11, we have std::bitset which is a nice abstraction for acting on the individual bits of a fixed size quantity. The objective of std::bitset should be to entirely replace unsigned integers for implementing small collections of bit flags.

Often times, sets of bits or flags are included in binary protocols or other tightly packed small objects in memory. Due to the precise size and alignment requirements of such domains, std::bitset is unusable because the programmer has no control over the alignment or size of std::bitset. Indeed it appears that std::bitset on x86_64 linux gcc is always at least 8 bytes. In some situations, the overhead of the extra space makes bitset unusable.

In addition, sometimes users may want a bitset object whose underlying representation has been automatically optimize for speed or space on a given platform. For this we provide fast_bitset and small_bitset.

Technical Specification

We will now describe the additions to the <experimental/bitset> header.


This new declaration is aimed to eventually replace the current std::bitset.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
template <size_t N, typename T = /* Implementation defined */>
  class bitset;
} //namespace experimental
} // namespace std

std::bitset<N,T> shall have the following constraints:

static_assert(alignof(bitset<N,T>) == alignof(T[N / (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) + (n % (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) != 0)];
static_assert(sizeof(bitset<N,T>) == sizeof(T[N / (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) + (n % (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) != 0)];

There are no changes being proposed to the current set of members of std::bitset.

[Note: bitset<N,T> is not required to actually be implemented using an array of type T, it only needs to satisfy the size and alignment constraints. --end node]

Implementation guidance for the default T

The default type T used for std::bitset<N,T> is implementation defined. This behavior is provided for backwards source compatibility with C++14. We offer the following recommendations for platforms in choosing which type to use.

Conceptual implementation

A conforming implementation could be constructed using the following data model.

template <size_t N, typename T>
  struct alignas(T) bitset {
    array<T, N / (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) + (n % (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) != 0)> data;

Note that this implementation also works on Linux i386 where sizeof(long long) == 8 but struct t { long long x; }; alignof(t) == 4.

Accessing the underlying storage

We propose to add the following public members to std::bitset:

template <size_t N, typename T>
  using bitset<N,T>::underlying_type = std::array<T, N / (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) + (n % (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) != 0)>;

The underlying_type typedef is present to inform the programmer what kind of storage is being used by the bitset. The bitset must have the same size and alignment as this type.

template <size_t N, typename T>
  underlying_type& bitset<N,T>::underlying() noexcept;
template <size_t N, typename T>
  const underlying_type& bitset<N,T>::underlying() const noexcept;

These 2 accessors allow the programmer manual access to the underlying storage. The values of the bits from 0 to N-1 in the returned reference will be the same as the corresponding bits in the bitset. The values of the bits >= N in the returned reference are implementation defined.

Any modifications performed on bits 0 to N-1 of the returned reference will also be performed on the bitset object. Likewise modifying the bits in the bitset will also modify the bits of the reference. Modifying any bits >= N will have no effect on the underlying bitset and their state is not guaranteed to remain consistent after calling any member function of bitset or any free function which modifies bitset.

Note that while we do not require implementations to actually use underlying_type to implement bitset, we do require them to match the size and alignment constraints of underlying_type. Therefore if bitset is implemented using a different type, the implementation can internally perform a cast to underlying_type to implement these methods.

Copying bitsets of different types.

A bitset using one representation T may be copied from another bitset using a different representation U. We add the following constructor and assignment operator overloads.

template <size_t N, typename T> template <typename U>
  constexpr bitset<N,T>::bitset(const bitset<N,U>& other) noexcept;
template <size_t N, typename T> template <typename U>
  constexpr bitset<N,T>& bitset<N,T>::operator=(const bitset<N,U>& other) noexcept;


The type fast_bitset<N> shall be an alias for std::bitset<N,T>, where T is chosen to be the fastest underlying representation for N bits.

Possible implementation

template <size_t N>
struct __fast_bitset_type : public
  std::conditional<N > 32, uint_fast64_t,
    std::conditional<N > 16, uint_fast32_t,
      std::conditional<N > 8, uint_fast16_t,
  > {};

template <size_t N> using fast_bitset = bitset<N,typename __fast_bitset_type<N>::type>;


The type fast_bitset<N> shall be an alias for std::bitset<N,T>, where T is chosen to be the smallest underlying representation for N bits. Note that there are no restrictions on alignment.

Possible implementation

template <size_t N>
struct __small_bitset_type : public
  std::conditional<N % 64 > 32 || N % 64 == 0, uint_least64_t,
    std::conditional<N % 64 > 16, uint_least32_t,
      std::conditional<N % 64 > 8, uint_least16_t,
  > {};

template <size_t N> using small_bitset = bitset<N,typename __small_bitset_type<N>::type>;

Use Cases
