Defect Report #120

Submission Date: 03 Dec 93
Submittor: WG14
Source: Ron Guilmette
ANSI/ISO C Defect Report #rfg27:
Subject: Semantics of assignment to (and initialization of) bit-fields.
a) Is the following program strictly conforming?
b) Must a conforming implementation translate this code into an executable program which prints 3 3?
#include <stdio.h>

struct S { unsigned bit:1; };
struct S object1 = { 3 }; /*
? */
struct S object2;

int main ()
object2.bit = 3; /*
? */
printf ("%d %d\n", object1.bit, object2.bit);
return 0;

Subclause (Semantics):
In simple assignment (=), the value of the right operand is converted to the type of the assignment expression and replaces the value stored in the object designated by the left operand.
Subclause (Semantics):
When a value with integral type is converted to another integral type, if the value can be represented by the new type, its value is unchanged.
Unless I'm mistaken, the type of the assignment expression:
object2.bit = 3;
in the above example is type unsigned int. Thus, according to the rules quoted here, the value of 3 is converted to an unsigned int type value (during this assignment statement) and it is otherwise unchanged. Then, that value of 3 replaces the previous value of object2.bit.
I believe that the above examples illustrate the point that the C Standard currently fails to adequately describe the semantics of assignments to (and/or initializations of) bit-fields in cases where the value being assigned will not actually fit into the bit-field object.
In lieu of any description of the special semantics of assignments to bitfields, it appears to be currently necessary for both implementors and users to assume that the ``normal'' assignment semantics apply, but as you can see from the above examples, such assumptions lead to highly counterintuitive expectations (and to expectations which fly in the face of actual current common practice).
I believe that the Committee should rectify the current unfortunate situation by adding to subclause (or maybe to subclause some additional new verbage explicitly describing the special semantics of assignments to bit-fields.
Subclause states ``A bit-field is interpreted as an integral type consisting of the specified number of bits.'' Thus the type of object1.bit and object2.bit can be informally described as unsigned int : 1. A larger integer is converted to this type according to the rules in subclause Thus the value 3 is converted to the value 1.
The program is strictly conforming. It prints 1 1.
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