Coded Character Sets
Secretariat: Japan (JISC)
DOC TYPE:   Meeting Announcement and Agenda
TITLE:   Calling Notice and Draft Agenda for the Eighth Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 to be held in Redmond, Washington, USA, 1998-03-24/25 
SOURCE:   Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2
STATUS:   This document is circulated to the SC 2 members for review and use. Contributions for additional agenda items should be sent to the SC 2 Secretariat by 1998-02-06. SC 2 members wishing to send their delegations are also quested to send their delegates lists to the SC 2 Secretariat by 1998-02-06. 
DUE DATE:   1998-02-06
DISTRIBUTION:   P, O and L Members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2  
WG Conveners, Secretariats  
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Secretariat  
Doc Access Level  Open 
Issue #:   005
Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2
IPSJ/ITSCJ (Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan)*
Room 308-3, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 JAPAN
Tel: +81 3 3431 2808; Fax: +81 3 3431 6493; Telex: 2425340 IPSJ J; email:
*A Standard Organization accredited by JISC

Draft Agenda for the Seventh Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2,
Redmond, Washington, USA, 1998-03-24/25

Meeting Location:
Pebble Beach Cafe meeting room
Building #31
Microsoft Corp.
One Microsoft Way
REDMOND, WA 98052-6399

Host Contact:
Mr. Michel Suignard
Microsoft Corp.

Tel: +1 425 936 0063
Fax: +1 425 936 7329


1.    Opening of Meeting (9:00 a.m.) Prof. K. Shibano

2.     Roll call of delegates

3.     Remarks by host
        3.1 Administrative and Logistic Arrangements

4.     Adoption of Agenda
        Document: SC 2 N 2995

5.     Appointment of Drafting Committee

6.     Results from the 7th SC 2 Plenary Meeting
        Document: SC 2 N 2940

7.     Report of Secretariat
8.     Reports and Review of JTC 1 Activities Affecting SC 2

        8.1     JTC 1 Ottawa Plenary Meeting, 1997-09
        Document: SC 2 N 2976

        8.2     JTC 1 Cultural Adaptability Workshop

        8.3     Action/Discussion on JTC 1 Activities

9.     Reports of Working Groups and Project Editors

        9.1     WG 2 - Multiple octet codes (Mr. M. Ksar)

            9.1.1     Discussion/Action on WG 2 Projects

           1) Further processing of ongoing projects

           2) Defect Report

           3) Others
                - Collection Identifiers for 10646 subsets/subrepertoire

            9.1.2     Ideographic Rapporteur Group

        9.2     WG 3 - 7-bit and 8-bit codes and their extension (Mr. E. Melagrakis)

            9.2.1     Discussion/Action on WG 3 Projects

            1) Further Processing of ongoing projects
            2) Defect Report

            3) Others
                 - Combining Characters

10.   Review of Programme of Work

        10.1     New Projects, Subdivision/Minor enhancement

        10.2     Re-numbering

        10.3     Target dates review

11.   Report of Registration Authorities
        - IR 200 Uralic Supplementary Cyrillic set
        Document SC 2 N 2975

12.   Activity Reports from National Bodies

13.   Liaison Activities (Presentation of written report only)

        13.1     Reports of Liaisons within ISO/IEC

        13.2    Reports of External Liaisons
                    - CEN TC 304
                    - ITU-T
                    - Unicode
                    - AFII
                    - ISOC/IETF
                    - Others

        13.3     Discussion/Action on Liaison issues

            13.3.1     Review of Liaisons

            13.3.2     Confirmation/Appointment of Liaison Officers

            13.3.3     Others
                             - Transfer of ISO/TC 46 Character sets projects

14    Recommendation for JTC 1 Periodical Review

15    SC 2 Document Distribution

16    (Re) Appointment of Rapporture and Project Editors

        16.1     IRG Rapporture

        16.2     Project Editors

17    Subsequent Meetings

        17.1 Plenary meetings

        17.2 WG meetings

18.   Any Other Business

19.   Approval of Resolutions

20.   Closure of the Meeting