ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 2940
Resolutions of the 7th Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2,
Iraklion-Crete, Greece, 1997-07-08/09

At this meeting, the following National Bodies and Liaison Organizations were represented: Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA and Vietnam, Iceland (O-member), Latvia, (observer), SC 18/WG 9, SC 21, SC22, SC 31, ISO/TC 46/SC 2, ISO/TC 46/SC 4, CEN/TC 304 and GSE. Vietnam was absent when the resolutions were adopted.

JTC 1 Matters

RESOLUTION M07-01: Endorsement of Chairman

SC 2 endorses Professor Kohji Shibano as the chairman of SC 2 for a three-year term. The Secretariat is instructed to forward its nomination to the JTC 1 plenary meeting to be held in Ottawa, Canada, 1997-09 for appointment.

By Acclamation
RESOLUTION M07.02: Cultural Adaptability Workshop

In response to SC 2 N 2909 (JTC 1 N 4789), SC 2 offers to host the Cultural Adaptability Workshop and SC 2 recommends this offering to JTC 1. SC 2 appoints the following experts to a planning committee to organize and execute the workshop.

Mr. Kohji Shibano (SC 2 Chair) as Leader
Ms. Toshiko Kimura (SC 2 Secretariat)
Mr. Mike Ksar (SC 2/WG 2 Convener, USA)
Mr. Arnold Winkler (SC 22/WG 20 Convener, USA)
Mr. Keld Simonsen (SC 2 and SC 22/WG 20 Project Editor, Denmark)
Mr. Erkki Kohlehmainen (Finland)

RESOLUTION M07.03: Registration Authority

SC 2 nominates JISC as the registration authority of ISO 2375 and ISO 7350. The Secretariat is instructed to forward this nomination to the JTC 1 Secretariat for letter ballot and for subsequent appointment by ISO and IEC Council.

RESOLUTION M07.04: Recommendation for JTC1 Periodical Review

SC 2 recommends to JTC 1 for the five year periodical review as follows:

ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 and Cor. 1 Revision (See Resolution 7-06)
ISO/IEC 2033: 1988 (MICR and OCR) Revision
ISO/IEC 6936: 1988 (Conversion between 646 and 6937-2) Confirmation

WG 2 Projects

RESOLUTION M07.05: Progression of 10646-1: DAM 5 (Korean Hangul), 6 (Tibetan) and 7 (Additional 33 Characters)

With reference to N 2927, SC 2 approves the disposition of comments proposed by WG 2. SC 2 further approves that the revised texts prepared by the project editor are forwarded to the ITTF for publication.

RESOLUTION M07.06: Revision of 10646-1

With reference to N 2927, SC 2 approves the recommendation from WG 2 to revise 10646-1: 1993 instead of reconfirmation.

RESOLUTION M07.07: Progression of 10646-1 FPAM 10 (Ethiopic), 11 (Canadian Syllabics), 12 (Cherokee)

With reference to N 2927, SC 2 approves the disposition of comments proposed by WG 2. SC 2 further approves that the revised texts on Ethiopic, Canadian Syllabics, and Cherokee scripts prepared by the project editor are forwarded to the ITTF for 2-month Final DAM ballots.

RESOLUTION M07.08: PDTR 15285: Character Glyph Model

With reference to N 2927, SC 2 approves the disposition of comments proposed by WG 2 (SC 2 N 2901) and instructs its Secretariat to forward the revised text of PDTR (SC 2 N 2902) on Character Glyph Model to the JTC 1 Secretariat for a 3-month DTR letter ballot.

RESOLUTION M07.09: DCOR of 10646-1 - Collection Identifiers

SC 2 approves the recommendation from WG 2 and instructs its Secretariat to forward the Draft Technical Corrigendum on Collection Identifiers prepared by the project editor to SC 2 for a 3-month letter ballot.

RESOLUTION M07.10: Project 02.18.16: Braille patterns

With Reference to SC 2 N 2927, SC 2 approves the recommendation from WG 2 and instructs its Secretariat to forward the final WD on Braille patterns prepared by the project editor for a 4-month combined FPDAM registration and consideration ballot.

RESOLUTION M07.11: Project 02.18.19: Yi Script and Yi radicals

With reference to SC 2 N 2927, SC 2 approves the recommendation from WG 2 and instructs its Secretariat to forward the final WD on Yi Script and Yi radicals prepared by the project editor for a 3-month combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot.

RESOLUTION M07.12: New Subdivisions of Project 1.18 for FPDAMs

With reference to SC 2 N 2927, SC 2 approves the following subdivisions and instructs its Secretariat to forward these subdivision proposals to JTC 1 for endorsement indicating the national bodies expressed their active participation. Further SC 2 Secretariat is instructed to conduct a combined PDAM registration and FPDAM consideration ballot upon receipt of the texts.

a) Runic
Active participating P-members: 7 (Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, UK, USA)

b) Ogham Script
Active participating P-members: 6 (Canada, Ireland, Norway, Romania, UK, USA)

c) Sinhala Script
Active participating P-members: 5 (Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, UK, USA)

d) Symbols and Other collections
Active participating P-members: 8 (Canada, Egypt, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Romania, UK, USA)

RESOLUTION M07.13: New Subdivision of Project 1.18 for PDAM (Keyboard Symbols)

With reference to SC 2 N 2927, SC 2 approves the following subdivision and instructs its Secretariat to forward this subdivision proposal to JTC 1 endorsement indicating the national bodies expressed their active participation. Further SC 2 Secretariat is instructed to conduct a combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot upon receipt of the text.

Active participating P-members: 7 (Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Romania, UK, USA)

WG 3 Projects

RESOLUTION M07.14 (CD 1073-2.3, OCR-B)

With reference to SC 2 N 2933, SC 2 approves the recommendation from WG 3 that this project on OCR-B revision is changed to Type 2 Technical Report.

RESOLUTION M07.15 (Revision of ISO/IEC 6429: 1992, Control Functions for coded character sets)

With reference to SC 2 N 2933, SC 2 approves the recommendation from WG 3 and resolves to reconfirm as is ISO/IEC 6429.

Approval: 15, Abstention: 2 (Denmark, Ireland)
RESOLUTION M07.16 (8859-8 Latin/Hebrew) and 8859-14 (Latin alphabet No. 8 Celtic):

With reference to SC 2 N 2933, SC 2 approves the disposition of comments recommended by WG 3 and instructs its Secretariat to forward the final texts of CDs on Latin/Hebrew and Latin alphabet No. 8, prepared by the project editors to the ITTF for 4-month DIS letter ballots.

RESOLUTION M07.17 (8859-11 Latin Thai):

With reference to SC 2 N 2933, SC 2 approves the suspension of the project on Latin/Thai and instructs WG 3 to report this issue at the next SC 2 plenary meeting (See RESOLUTION M 07.27).

RESOLUTION M07.18 (8859-7 Latin/Greek):

SC 2 instructs its Secretariat to conduct a combined CD registration and FCD consideration ballot upon receipt of the text on Latin/Greek from the project editor.

RESOLUTION M07.19 (8859-12 Latin/Devanagari):

With reference to SC 2 N 2933, SC 2 approves the suspension of discussion on this item and instructs WG 3 to report on this subject at the next SC 2 plenary meeting. SC 2 invites National Bodies and Liaison Organizations to make a contribution.

RESOLUTION M07.20 (New Part of Part of 8859 covering Romanian Characters)

SC 2 invites the National Body of Romania to prepare a subdivision proposal for a new part of 8859 and to forward it to the SC 2 Secretariat for an SC 2 letter ballot.

Approval: 15, Disapproval: 1 (Netherlands), Abstention: 2 (Sweden, USA)
RESOLUTION M07.21 (New Part of 8859 Latin zero)

SC 2 instructs its Secretariat to conduct a combined letter ballot for a project subdivision, CD registration, and FCD consideration based on Document SC 2 N 2910 on Latin zero.

Preliminary active participation: 6 (Canada, Denmark, Finland, France (proxy by Canada), Ireland, Israel)

Approval: 15 (including France by proxy), Disapproval: 2 (Netherlands, USA), Abstention: 2 (Egypt, Japan)
RESOLUTION M07.22 (Disposition of Comments on CD 7350, Registration of repertoires of graphic characters from ISO/IEC 10367)

SC 2 resolves to suspend this project on 7350 Revision (see Resolution M07.28).

RESOLUTION M07.23 (Revision of ISO/IEC 6937, Coded graphic character set for text communication)

SC 2 accepts the scope definition of the Revision in Document SC 2 N 2937 for ISO/IEC 6937 with agreed upon editorial changes. SC 2 instructs its Secretariat to forward SC 2 N 2937 as a liaison statement to ITU-T/SG 8.

RESOLUTION M07.24 (Disposition of comments on 8 parts of 8859 currently under DIS ballot)

SC 2 delegates the authority for the dispositions of comments to the project editors and instructs to prepare the final texts and forward them to the Secretariat for publication.

RESOLUTION M07.25 (Revision of ISO/IEC 10367:1991, Standardized coded graphic character sets for use in 8 bits codes)

SC 2 accepts the recommendation from WG 3 that this project is changed from Revision to Technical Corrigendum.

Apprval:17, Disapproval :1 (Denmark)
RESOLUTION M07.26 (Vietnamese 8 bit standard)

SC 2 invites the National Body of Vietnam to prepare a new work item proposal for an 8 bit standard on Vietnamese and submit it to SC 2 for consideration.

Approval: 17, Abstention: 1 (Sweden)
SC 2 Issues

RESOLUTION M07.27 (Combining character in 8-bit standards)

SC2 instructs WG3 to formulate a recommendation on combining characters in 8 bit standards and to report the result by the next SC2 plenary meeting.

RESOLUTION M07.28 (Collection Identifiers for 10646 subsets/subrepertoire)

With reference to WG 2 Resolution M33.31 in document N 2927 and WG 3 Resolution M12.11 in document N 2933, SC 2 instructs WG 2, in corporation with WG 3, to prepare a proposal to cover the requirements for Collection Identifiers for 10646 subsets and report to the next SC 2 Plenary. SC 2 further invites National Bodies and Liaison Organizations to communicate their needs to WG 2. SC 2 invites US and Canadian National Bodies to assist WG 2 in this effort.

RESOLUTION M07.29 (Implementation of Server Based Documents Distribution)

SC 2 approves Document SC 2 N 2920 on electronic document distribution and instructs its Secretariat to implement server based documentation. SC 2 appoints Mr. K. Simonsen (Denmark) as the SC 2 Web maintainer.

Programme of Work of SC 2

RESOLUTION M07.30 (Renumbering)

SC 2 approves the following re-numbering.

Project Blank (Unassigned)

Project 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 14 Latin alphabet No. 8 (Celtic)

RESOLUTION M07.31 (Target Dates)

SC 2 approves the target dates in SC 2 N 2936 on SC 2 Programme of Work.

Liaison Activities

RESOLUTION M07.32 (SC31 liaison)

SC2 invites national bodies to study JTC1/SC31 (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) liaison report in document N 2928 and to make contributions to assist SC2 to formulate a response to SC31. SC2 further invites National Bodies to nominate a liaison representative to SC31.

RESOLUTION M07.33 (SC22 liaison)

SC2 instructs its secretariat to forward 10646/DAM9 and disposition of comments including response to the Liaison Statement from JTC1/SC22 (Programming Languages) comments on DAM9 to SC22.

RESOLUTION M07.34 (Liaison with Internet Society)

In response to the request from Internet Society (SC 2 N 2859), SC 2 recommends to JTC 1 to seek the approval of ISO Council to make SC 2 standards and working drafts electronically available.

RESOLUTION M07.35 (Establishment of Category C Liaison with UNU/IIST)

SC 2 approves the application from the United Nations University International Institute for Software Technologies (UNU/IIST) for Category C Liaison with SC 2/WG 2. SC 2 instructs its Secretariat to forward SC 2 N 2858 to JTC 1 for approval.

Appointment of Officers

RESOLUTION M07.36 (WG 2 Convener)

SC 2 appoints Mr. Mike Ksar as the Convener of Working Group 2 for an additional three year term.

RESOLUTION M07.37 (WG 3 Convener)

SC 2 appoints Mr. Melagrakis as the Convener of Working Group 3 for a three year term.

RESOLUTION M07.38 (IRG Rapportuer)

SC 2 approves the extension of the term of office of Mr. Zhang Zhoucai till December 1997.

RESOLUTION M 07.39 (Reappointment of Project Editors)

SC 2 re-appoints its the project editors as follows:
Project Editor Projects
Mr. B. Surayuth 02.20.11 (Latin/Thai) 
Mr. M. Everson 02.20.14 (Celtic) 
Mr. S. Fuchs 02.20.08 (Latin/Hebrew) 
Mr. A. Griffee 02.15285 (Character Glyph TR) 
Mr. E. Hart 02.15285 (Character Glyph TR) 
Mr. K. I. Larsson 02.26 (OCR-B), 02.20.04(Latin 4), 02.10 (Latin 10) 
Mr. E. Melagrakis 02.20.07 (Latin/Greek) 
Mr. I. Metra 02.20.13 (Latin 7) 
Mr. J. B. Paterson 02.02 (2022), 02.20.01 (Latin 1), 02.18.00 (10646-1) and all its subprojects 
Mr. K. Sherif 02.20.06 (Latin/Arabic), 02.19 (9036) 
Mr. K. Simonsen 02.14.01/02 (6937) 
Mr. J. van Wingen 02.16 (7350), 02.20.02 (Latin 2), 02.20.03 (Latin 3), 02.20.05 (Latin/Cyrillic), 02.20.11 (Latin/Thai), 02.20.13 (Latin 7), 02.22 (10367) 

RESOLUTION M07.40 (Appointment of New Project Editors)
8859-xx:  New Part of 8859, Latin Zero  Mr. A. LaBonté (Canada)
(If the relevant work item (Res. M 12-10) is approved.)
Approval 16 (including France by proxy), Disapproval: 1 (USA), Abstention (Egypt, Japan)
02.18.200 10646-2 Mr. M. Ksar (acting) 
Approval 16, Abstention: 2 (Denmark, Ireland)
RESOLUTION M07.41 (Appreciation to the former 6429 project editor)

WG 3 expresses its appreciation to Mr. Willy Bohn for his long efforts as the 6429 project editor.

RESOLUTION M07.42(Appointment of Liaison Representatives)

SC 2 appoints its Liaison representatives as follows:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 18 Mr. A. Griffee 
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 18/WG 9 Mr. A. LaBonté 
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21 Mr. K. Shibano 
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 Mr. J. van Wingen 
ISO/TC 46/SC 2 Mr. J. Clews 
GSE Mr. A. LaBonté 
ISOC Mr. K. Simonsen
ITU-T Mr. G. B. Tzortzinis, Mr. Melagrakis 

Administrative matters

RESOLUTION M07.43 Meeting Schedule

SC 2 approves the future meeting schedule as follows:

1998-03-24/25 Seattle, USA
1999-01 Japan (Tentative)
2000-03 Egypt (Tentative)


RESOLUTION M07.44 Appreciation to Host

SC 2 expresses its sincere appreciation to the Greek National Body (ELOT) for hosting the 7th Plenary meeting of SC 2 in beautiful Iraklion-Crete, Greece and for the excellent reception on July 4, 1997. Additionally, SC 2 expresses its appreciation to the following individuals for their assistance in this regard:

Mr. E. Melagrakis
Mrs. M Verykiou
Mr. G. Chaitidis
Mr. N. Melagrakis
Mrs. K. Velli
Mrs. E. Alexandri

SC2 greatly appreciates the excursion to Knossos, Phaistos and Matala and wishes to offer its sincerest appreciation to these individuals who have organized the entertainment.

By Acclamation