ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 3675
DATE: 2003-02-05

Coded Character Sets
Secretariat: Japan (JISC)

DOC. TYPE Meeting Report
TITLE Report of the 12th Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 held in Tokyo, Japan, 2002-12-12
SOURCE SC 2 Secretariat
STATUS For information.
DISTRIBUTION P, O and L Members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ; ISO/IEC JTC 1 Secretariat; ISO/IEC ITTF

Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 - IPSJ/ITSCJ *(Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan) Room 308-3, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan *Standard Organization Accredited by JISC
Telephone: +81-3-3431-2808; Facsimile: +81-3-3431-6493; E-mail:

Report of the Twelfth Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2

1. Opening of Meeting

The Twelfth Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 was held in Tokyo, Japan, on 12th December 2002. Prof. Kohji Shibano, Charmin of SC 2, opened the meeting at 14 p.m.

2. Roll call of delegates

The meeting had 30 participants from the following twelve National Bodies and Liaison organization: Canada, China, Finland, Iran, Ireland, Japan, DPR of Korea, Republic of Korea, Lithuania, Poland, Singapore, USA, Unicode consortium and SC 36. The ITTF representative was also present. Attendance list is attached to N 3668.

3. Remarks by host

On behalf of Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Mr. Mita of Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan (ITSCJ) welcomed the delegates.

4. Adoption of Agenda

Document N 3657 was adopted with the following additional documents.

5. Appointment of Drafting Committee

Dr. Ken Whistler (USA) and Mr. Mike Ksar (USA) were appointed as the drafting committee members and supported Chairman and Secretary.

6. Results from the 11th SC 2 Plenary Meeting (Document: N 3574)

There was no comment.

7. Review of Secretariat Report (Document: N 3651)

The SC 2 Secretary announced that Lithuania that is a correspondent member of ISO and O-member of JTC 1 would be added to the O-members of SC 2.

8. Reports and Review of JTC 1 Activities Affecting SC 2

Mr. Mike Ksar who participated in the JTC 1 Sophia Antipolis Plenary as a US delegate reviewed the JTC 1 resolutions contained in document: N 3643. He called the SC 2's attention especially to the following resolutions:

Relating to Res. 22, Mr. Keith Brannon of ITTF added that the coordination meeting of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters will be held in May, 2002 in Geneva in conjunction with ISO/TC, SC Chairmen's Conference. SC 2 Chairman was intending to participate in this meeting. It was commented that the transfer of ISO/IEC 14651 (International string ordering and comparison) from SC 22/WG 20 to SC 2 needs to be addressed during this coordination meeting. How to handle this project within SC 2 after transfer was briefly discussed.

9. Review of SC 2 Business Plan (Document: N 3640)

Chairman asked NBs to inform him of any issues to be included in the SC 2 Business Plan in time for submittal to JTC 1 (The deadline for submitting SCs' Business Plan to the next JTC 1 plenary will be 2003-09.)

10. Working Group Activities

10.1 WG 2 - Multiple octet codes

Mr. Mike Ksar, WG 2 Convener, reported the activities since the last SC 2 plenary meeting based on document N 3614, N 3656 and N 3658. He added that during the 43rd meeting WG 2 formed the Korean ad hoc and spent a lot of time on the issue of CJK compatibility Ideographs proposed by DPRK. The DPRK proposals were accepted in principle but further review was needed. Also, the Cambodian issue raised at the last SC 2 plenary held in Singapore had been resolved through the 41st and 42nd WG 2 meetings.

10.1.2 Report of Ideographic Rapporteur Group (Mr. Zhang, Zhoucai)

Mr. Zhang, IRG Raporteur reported the activities based on N 3659. He highlighted that at the request of WG 2, IRG has started reviewing the tables for CJK ideographs for new version of ISO/IEC 10646 and that discussion on Basic Universal Character Set (BUCS) of CJK Unified Ideographs has started.

10.1.3 Discussion/Action on WG 2 Projects

1) Further processing of ongoing projects

a) ISO/IEC 10646-1/FPDAM 2
b) ISO/IEC 10646-2/FPDAM 1

SC 2 endorsed the disposition of comments conducted during the 43rd WG 2 meeting. The revised texts will be submitted for FDAM ballots as soon as they become available from the project editor.

2) NP/Subdivision, Project modification Proposals

SC 2 approved WG 2 proposal (N 3638) for the single part of ISO/IEC 10646 (Res. M12.02). The Canadian comments in N 3652 were editorial correction to N 3638. The objection from the Netherlands (3653) was felt to be resolved by CD-ROM publication. Mr. Keith Brannon commented that in order to publish the consolidated version in 2003, the text should be available to ITTF by the end of September 2003. The version number issue was discussed since according to the current practice of ISO/IEC, the new consolidated version will be ISO/IEC 10646: 2003, First edition (not Third edition) which might be confusing to the users.

3) Defect Report

There was no defect report.

4) Target Dates Review

The following target dates were confirmed (Res. M12.02, M12.03, M12.04).

10.2 WG 3 - 7-bit and 8-bit codes and their extension

10.2.1 Report of WG 3 Activities

Mr. Melagrakis was absent and no report was submitted.

10.2.2 Discussion/Action on WG 3 Projects

1) Further processing of ongoing projects

a) FDIS 2375

FDIS 2375 had been approved and was to be published shortly. The version number issue was again raised since the new edition would be published as ISO/IEC 2375: First edition, replacing ISO 2375: Third edition.

b) FCD 8859-7

Document N 3666 was reviewed. Although FCD ballot (N 3329) closed in June 1999, the disposition of comments report and revised text were not yet available. SC 2 appointed Mr. Michael Everson as the new project editor and asked him to provide the texts based on N 3666 by 2003-01-31 (Res. M12.05).

2) NP/Subdivision Proposals

There were no NP/Subdivision proposals.

3) Defect Report

There was no defect report.

4) Target Dates Review

Target date were confirmed as follows (Res. M12.05):

FDIS 8859-7: 2003-01-31 (Submittal to ITTF)

11. Registration Authority Matters

11.1 Report of the Registration Authority

Mr. Yoshiki Mikami of Registration Authority for ISO 2375 reported its activities based on N 3655 with the following corrections.

It was noted that pending registrations, No. 213, 217 to 224 will be resolved by RA Joint Advisory Committee of ISO/IEC 2375, and registration of No 227 should be consulted with Sponsoring Authority with reference to the new edition of 8859-7.

11.2 Appointment of RA Joint Advisory Committee members

The following individuals were appointed as the RA-JAC members. Mr. Alain LaBonté (Canada), Mr. Michael Everson (Ireland), Ms. Joan Aliprand (USA), Mr. Shoichi Senda (Japan) Prof. Yoshiki Mikami (RA) (Res. M12.06).

12. Activity Reports from National Bodies

NBs of Canada, Iran, China made oral reports.

13. Reports and Review of Liaison Activities

Liaison officers presented their reports:

13.3 Confirmation/Appointment of Liaison Officers

SC 2 confirmed its liaison officers as in Resolution M12.12.

14 Recommendation for JTC 1 Periodical Review

14.1 Review of 2002 JTC 1 Review Results (Document: N 3635)

There were no comments on the results.

14.2 Recommendation for Stabilized Standards (Document: N 3632)

The procedures for registration as stabilized standards were not yet available and were to be included in the new version of JTC 1 directives. Consideration of this matter was postponed until the next plenary.

14.3 Recommendation for 2003 JTC 1 Review (Document: N 3631)

14.4 Recommendation for 2004 JTC 1 Review (Document: N 3670)

SC 2 decided to recommend confirmation of all the listed standards (Resolution M12.01)

15 (Re) Appointment of Rapporteur and Project Editors

15.1 Rapporteur

Mr. Zhang Zhoucai was re-appointed through the next plenary.

15.2 Project Editors

Mr. Michel Suignard was re-appointed for 10646. Mr. Michael Everson was newly appointed for 8859-7. Contribution editors were also confirmed as in Resolution M12-11.

16 Subsequent Meetings

16.1 Plenary meetings

The next plenary meeting was decided to be held in June 2004 in Europe in conjunction with the WG 2 meeting. The host and place were not yet identified.

16.2 WG meetings

WG 2 and IRG meeting schedule were confirmed as in Res. M12.13.

17 Any Other Business

There was no other business.

18 Approval of Resolutions

All the resolutions were adopted. The adopted resolutions were contained in SC 2 N 3668.

19 Closure of the Meeting

The meeting was closed at 18:30 p.m., 12th December 2002.