ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 3557
DATE: 2001-10-12

Coded Character Sets
Secretariat: Japan (JISC)

DOC. TYPE Liaison Report
TITLE 2001 Liaison report from SC 22 to SC 2
SOURCE Mr. Arnold Winkler, Liaison Officer
STATUS For review at the Eleventh Plenary Meeting of SC 2, Singapore, 2001-10-18/19.
DISTRIBUTION P, O and L Members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ; ISO/IEC JTC 1 Secretariat; ISO/IEC ITTF

Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 - IPSJ/ITSCJ *(Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan) Room 308-3, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan *Standard Organization Accredited by JISC
Telephone: +81-3-3431-2808; Facsimile: +81-3-3431-6493; E-mail:


SC2 N 3557

SC22 Nyyyy

2001 Liaison report from SC22 to SC2

October 8, 2001

Reported by Arnold F. Winkler

1. Administrative Information



Title of SC:
SC 22, Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces

John L. Hill (USA) (2000 - N3178)

U.S.A. (American National Standards Institute)

Matt Deane

25 West 43rd Street

New York, NY 10036


Telephone: +1 212 642 4992

Fax: +1 212 840 2298


2. Area of Work

Standardization of programming languages, their environments and systems software interfaces such as:
- specification techniques; and

- common facilities and interfaces

Excluded: specialized languages or environments assigned to the program of work of another Subcommittee or Technical Committee.

3. Membership

"P" Members
Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany,

Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russian

Federation, Slovenia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United

States of America

"O" Members
Argentina, Bulgaria, Cuba, Estonia,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel,

Italy, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Poland,

Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey,


4. Working Groups

4.1 WG3 APL
Convener L. Dickey (Canada) (2000 - N3178)

ToR Development of ISO standards for Programming Language APL and Extended APL


Convener A. Bennett (USA) (2000 - N3178)

ToR Coordinate the development of ISO standards for Programming Language COBOL. Coordinate the development of draft amendments for language extensions to ISO 1989

4.3 WG5 Fortran

Convener J. Reid (UK) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Coordinate ISO/IEC Fortran Programming Language Standards

4.4 WG9 Ada

Convener J. Moore (USA) (2000 - N3178)

ToR Coordinate ISO standards for Programming Language Ada

4.5 WG11 Binding Techniques

Convener W. Wakker (Netherlands) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Study binding issues between programming languages and the abstract facilities with which they interface or interact and to propose, develop and maintain ISO/IEC standards in this area.

4.6 WG13 Modula-2

Convener M. Schoenhacker (Austria) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Develop the content of an ISO standard for Modula-2

4.7 WG14 C

Convener J. Benito (USA) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Coordinate the content of an ISO standard for C

4.8 WG15 POSIX

Convener J. Oblinger (USA) (1998 - N2806)

ToR Coordinate the content of ISO standards for the Portable Operating System Interface

4.9 WG16 Lisp

Convener P. Parquier (France) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Coordinate the content of an ISO standard for programming language Lisp

4.10 WG17 Prolog

Convener J. Hodgson (USA) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Develop the content of an ISO standard for Prolog

4.11 WG19 Formal Specification Languages

Convener R. Scowen (2000 - N3178)

ToR Develop the content of ISO standards for formal specification languages within the scope of SC22.

4.12 WG20 Internationalization

Convener A. Winkler (USA) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Identify elements relevant to the work of SC22 that may be affected by differences in language, culture, customs and habits; for these elements, develop standards or Technical Reports that enable applications to be portable across differing cultural practices; develop a Technical Report that describes a framework for nations to provide those elements.

4.13 WG21 C++

Convener T. Plum (USA) (1999 - N3013)

ToR Coordinate the development of an ISO standard for programming language C+

5. Special issues:



Programming language standardization has a long history in the use of character sets in data and in the language itself (e.g. identifiers, literals, etc…)

5.1. Use of ISO/IEC 10646 in programming languages

It is therefore not surprising that the rapid development and application of ISO/IEC 10646

(code point equivalent to The Unicode Standard) has profound impact on the programming language standards and system interfaces.  Many programming language committees are in the process of updating their widely used standards to enable the use of 10646 characters  EC, C++, and COBOL are some highly visible examples.Â

5.2. UTF-16 data type ?

The programming languages C and C++ have specific problem of support for a UTF-16 datatype, and particularly, UTF-16 string literals. This is a problem, because the C/C++ approach of native strings as byte strings, plus wchar_t, lends itself to UTF-8/UTF-32 support (as for many versions of UNIX), but leaves UTF-16 “in the cold E


5.3. Characters in identifiers

SC22/WG20, the working group for internationalization, has re-issued the TR 10176  EGuide for the development of programming language standards.  Major part of the new TR is the table in Annex A that defines, which characters a programming language ought to allow in identifiers to synchronize the recommendation with Unicode 3.0.Â

The current TR recommends a wide range of characters form ISO/IEC 10646, the next revision of the TR will ensure that the rapidly expanding repertoire of 10646 characters is adequately represented in Annex A.Â

5.4. Case independence, equivalence

An other issue, similarly tied to the repertoire and the architecture of ISO/IEC 10646, needs to solve the problem of equivalence of characters without regard of their case.  Again, SC22/WG20 is currently providing such information for the consistent use in programming language standards and an attempt is being made to ensure that the WG20-provided tables are synchronized with the case tables widely available from the Unicode Consortium.Â


5.5. Character set ad-hoc meeting

The character set issue, especially in connection with the repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646 and the UTF-16 data type is so dramatic in SC22, that the plenary decided to have a character set ad-hoc during its next meeting in Finland in September of 2002.  (see 01-33 in the attached resolutions).  As liaison between SC22 and SC2, I urge SC2 to ensure proper support for this planned SC22 character set ad-hoc in 2002.Â


5.6. CLAUI

SC22/WG20 is a member of CLAUI, the JTC1 Technical Direction about Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability and User Interfaces.  WG20 has invited the other members of this TD (SC2, SC35) twice, to their May 2001 and October 2001  respectively.  Based on the fact that not a single contribution to the meeting had been submitted from any source, WG20 canceled the meeting both times.  Contributing to this decision was also the economically stressed situation of the IT industry which has significantly restricted travel.


5.7. The future of WG20

See resolution 01-24.  The future of WG20 is subject of a letter ballot in SC22.  Chances are that the maintenance work of WG20 standards and technical reports will be transferred to SC22 if WG20 itself is discontinued.Â


5.8. New liaison needed

I will not be able to continue as liaison between SC22 and SC2 and have asked the secretariat to issue a call for volunteers.  I thank you for the opportunity to work with you and hope that my reports have helped both organizations to understand each others actions and to cooperate effectively.  Thank you all for your trust.Â


6. SC22 N3316 – resolutions from the SC22 plenary:



Resolutions Prepared at the Fourteenth Plenary Meeting of


Kona, Hawaii, USA


Resolution 01-00: Special Sympathy and Appreciations

JTC 1/SC22 expresses deep sympathy to all those affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

JTC 1/SC22 expresses special appreciation to the organizers of this plenary, who, despite extraordinary circumstances, have made it successful.


Resolution 01-01: New Work Item for Approval Ballot  ETR  (Type 2) on Enhanced Facilities in Fortran

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to circulate the proposed New Work Item contained in document SC 22 N3287, Technical Report of Type 2 on Enhanced Module Facilities in Fortran, to SC22 National Bodies for a three-month approval letter ballot.


Resolution 01-02: Retention of Project Not Reaching CD Stage Within Three Years of NP Approval: JTC 1.22.34 - Complex Floating Point Arithmetic and Complex Elementary Numeric Functions

JTC 1/SC22 notes that project JTC 1.22.34, Complex Floating Point Arithmetic and Complex Elementary Numeric Functions, is currently under CD registration ballot per document SC22 N3270.  This letter ballot closes 2001-10-26.

Therefore, SC22 requests JTC 1 to extend the time permitted for proceeding to CD stage for Project JTC 1.22.34.  Â


Resolution 01-03: Cancellation of Project Not Reaching CD Stage Within Three Years of NP Approval - JTC1.22.15436 - Interfacing Modula-2 to C

JTC 1/SC22 notes that project JTC 1.22.15436 - Interfacing Modula-2 to C - has exceeded the statutory time for proceeding from NP to CD Stage.

SC22 notes that per Nara Resolution 00-18, this project was granted a one year extension to proceed to CD stage.

Since WG13 has requested the cancellation of this project per SC 22 N3296, SC22 instructs its Secretariat to cancel this project and remove it from the SC22 programme of work, pending JTC 1 approval.Â


Resolution 01-04: Freely Available Technical Corrigendum for ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C Language)

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to issue a letter ballot on the following:

JTC 1/SC22 endorses the request from WG14 in SC22 N3289 that Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming Language C, be made freely available, and directs the SC22 Secretariat to immediately forward this request to JTC 1 along with the rationale shown below.

Rationale: WG14 would like to make the Technical Corrigendum 1 for 9899:1999 publicly available on the WG14 web page.  Permission was previously granted to place the two Technical Corrigenda for 9899:1990 on the WG14 web page.  WG14 believes the C community would be well served by having the exact text of the Technical Corrigendum 1 publicly available.  Like software patches that are publicly available (but the full software is not), this Technical Corrigendum 1 contains only the changes, not the entire C Standard. Already, some ISO members distribute the Technical Corrigendum free of charge. Thus, freely distributing the Technical Corrigendum should cause little or no revenue loss.


Resolution 01-05: Retention of Project Not Reaching FDIS Stage Within Four Years of Reaching CD  E JTC 1.22.45 - Z Notation

JTC 1/SC22 notes that Project JTC 1.22.54, ISO/IEC FCD 13568  EZ Notation, has not reached the FDIS stage within four years of having reached the CD stage.  SC22 notes, however, that significant progress has been made on the project and there is no reason to suppose that it will not be completed.

Therefore, SC22 requests JTC 1 to extend by another year the time permitted for proceeding from the FCD to the FDIS stage for Project JTC 1.22.45.Â


Resolution 01-06: Appointment of Project Editors

JTC 1/SC22 approves the following appointments as SC22 Project Editors:

-Mr. Roger Scowen for JTC 1.22.14977 - Syntactic Metalanguage - Extended BNF

-Mr. Frank Farance for JTC 1.22.17 -- ISO/IEC 11404:1996  ELanguage Independent Datatypes.


Resolution 01-07:  Standards for Periodic Review

JTC 1/SC22 recommends to JTC 1 that at the end of their 5-year review period:

-The following standards be confirmed:Â

ISO/IEC 15145:1997 - FORTH

ISO/IEC 13813:1998 - Ada Complex Functions;

-The following standard be withdrawn:

ISO/IEC 13814:1998 - Generic Package of Complex Elementary

Functions in Ada;Â


Resolution 01-29:  Periodic Review of ISO/IEC 13816 - Programming Language Lisp

JTC 1/SC22 requests a recommendation from the SC22/WG16 Convenor as to whether ISO/IEC 13816 should be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn as part of the JTC1 Five Year Review and instructs its Secretariat to issue an appropriate Letter Ballot.



Resolution 01-30:  Periodic Review List for 2003

JTC 1/SC22 instructs all SC22 WGs to review N3222 and provide written recommendations prior to the 2002 SC22 Plenary for all of their standards that are included on the Five-Year Review list for 2003.


Resolution 01-08: New Work Item for Approval Ballot - TR (Type 2) on C++ Library Extensions

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to circulate the proposed New Work Item contained in document SC 22 N3277, Technical Report of Type 2 on C++ Library Extensions (based on ISO/IEC 14882), to SC22 National Bodies for a three-month Approval Letter Ballot.Â


Resolution 01-09: Call for Candidates for PCTE Project Editor

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to conduct a call for candidates to serve as PCTE (JTC 1.22.47) Project Editor.  If an individual is not identified, this position will be canceled.Â


Resolution 01-10:  Letter Ballot for Freely Available Technical Report - ISO/IEC 15942 Guidance for Use of Ada In High Integrity Systems (Type 3 TR)

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to issue a letter ballot on the following:

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 endorses the request from WG9 in SC22 N3256 that ISO/IEC TR 15942, Guidance for Use of Ada In High Integrity Systems (Type 3 TR), be made freely available, and directs the SC22 Secretariat to immediately forward this request to ISO/IEC JTC 1 along with the rationale shown below. 

Rationale: TR 15942 qualifies under the criteria provided by JTC 1 Sendai Resolution 32 because it is a Technical Report.  It also qualifies under the criteria of JTC1 N 5165 because it explains inter-relationships among the referenced standards and thereby serves to promote the work of JTC1 possibly leading to increased sales of the referenced standards.


Resolution 01-11:  Re-appointment of Working Group 15 Convener 

JTC 1/SC22 approves the re-appointment of Mr. Jim Oblinger as Convener of WG15  EPOSIX.


Resolution 01-12: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Plenary for 2002

JTC 1/SC22 thanks the Finnish Member Body for its generous offer to host the JTC 1/SC22 2002 Plenary in Saariselkä, Finland beginning 26 August 2002 and is pleased to accept the offer. Â


Resolution 01-13: Retention of Project Not Progressing for Three Years or

More - JTC 1.22.15879  EDistributed Software Administration DCE-RPC Interoperability (XDSA/DCE)

Per SC 22 N3272, project JTC 1.22.15879, ISO/IEC DIS 15879, Distributed

Software Administration DCE-RPC Interoperability (XDSA/DCE), has not progressed for three years or more (DIS stage since 1998-02-24).

JTC 1/SC22 instructs the WG15 Convener to contact Mr. M. Kirk of the PAS submitter, The Open Group, to request a status report on this project and recommendation for further action. (Note: Resolution 01-15 requests an extension of one year for this project.)


Resolution 01-14: Withdrawal of Projects

At the recommendation of WG15 (SC22 N3315), JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to withdraw the following projects, pending JTC 1 approval:

1.JTC, 15068-1, System Administration Overview

2.JTC, PDAM 4 to 9945-1, Amendment 4 to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1:  System API


Resolution 01-15: Retention of WG15 Projects Not Reaching FDIS Stage Within Four Years of Reaching CD

Per SC 22 N3274, JTC 1/SC22 notes that the following projects listed below have not reached the FDIS stage within four years of having reached the CD stage:

1.JTC, PDAM 1 to 9945-2, Amendment 1 on Batch Services Portability Extensions

2.JTC, DIS 15068-3, POSIX System Administration User and Group Account Administration

3.JTC 1.22.39, PDAM 5 to 9945-1, Amendment 5 to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1:  System API

4.JTC 1.22.40, PDAM 8 to 9945-1, Amendment 8 to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System API

5.JTC 1.22.41, FPDAM 2 to 9945-2, Amendment 2 to IS 9945-2, POSIX  EPart 2: Shell and Utility Addendum (Note: 22.41 was granted a one-year extension per Nara Resolution 00-17.  An additional one-year extension is being requested for proper sequencing of this project because JTC 1.22.39 (above) must complete prior to this project.)

6.JTC 1.22.14515-1.02, FPDAM 1 to IS 14515-1, Amendment 1 to IS 14515-1, Realtime Extensions

7.JTC 1.22.14515-2, DIS 14515-2, Shell and Utilities Test Methods

8.JTC 1.22.15287.01, FPDISP 15287-1, POSIX Supercomputing Application Environment Profiles

9.JTC 1.22.15879, DIS 15879, Distributed Software Administration DCE-RPC Interoperability (XDSA/DCE) - see also SC 22 N 3272 and Resolution 01-13.

SC22/WG15 has recommended that these projects remain on the SC22 programme of work (see SC22 N3315).

Therefore, JTC 1/SC22 requests JTC 1 to grant a one-year extension for the time permitted for proceeding to the next stage for these WG15 projects.


Resolution 01-16:  Appointment of Liaison Representative to ECMA

JTC 1/SC22 appoints Mr. Rex Jaeschke as its liaison representative to ECMA.


Resolution 01-17:  Call for Liaison Representative to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC2

JTC 1/SC22 instructs the Secretariat to issue a “Call for Volunteers Efor liaison representative to JTC 1/SC2.


Resolution 01-18: Letter Ballot - Establishment of Liaison with IETF

In response to the request from WG20 (N3284) to establish a liaison with IETF, JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to issue an SC22 Letter Ballot on the following:

The Internet Engineering Task Force has requested a Category A liaison with ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22. The Rationale for this request is contained in document N3284. ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22 agrees instead to offer IETF a category C liaison with ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22.


Resolution 01-18a: Request for appointment of JTC1 Coordinating Officer

Noting that IETF currently has liaisons with SC2, SC6, and SC27, JTC 1/SC22 requests that JTC 1 appoint Mr. Doug Johnson as JTC1 Coordinating Officer for its IETF liaisons (see Resolution 01-18 and JTC1 DirectivesÂ


Resolution 01-19:  Future of WG13

In response to N3296 (SC 22/WG13 Report), JTC 1/SC22 requests its chairman to communicate with Mr. Martin Schoenhacker (WG13 [Modula-2] convenor) that there is no provision in the procedures to continue a WG as a maintenance body.  Therefore, the WG must be officially disbanded if there is no additional development work envisioned. 


Resolution 01-20:  This draft resolution was deleted.

Resolution 01-21:  This draft resolution was deleted.

Resolution 01-22:  Letter Ballot - Revision of TR 10176 - Guidelines for the Preparation of Programming Language Standards

JTC 1/SC22 instructs the SC22 Secretariat to issue a Letter Ballot on the following:

JTC 1/SC22 authorizes the start of a revision (currently in WG20) of TR 10176, to align its Annex A with the repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646, parts 1 and 2, taking into account the proposed method in SC22 N3249.


Resolution 01-23:  Letter Ballot - Request to Include Annex A of TR 10176 on ITTF Website

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to conduct a letter ballot on the following:

SC22 requests its Secretariat to ask JTC1 for approval to put Annex A of TR 10176 on the ITTF website (as per SC22 N3249).


Resolution 01-24:  Letter Ballot - Future of WG20

JTC 1/SC22 instructs the Secretariat to conduct a letter ballot on the following question:

Please choose one of the following:

1.Reassign all existing projects of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 20's to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 and disband WG 20. Such reassignment to take place following WG 20's October, 2001, meeting. Handle new work item proposals concerning any internationalization issue raised in SC22 or JTC1.  (Note: SC22/WG20 is also a part of the JTC1 Technical Direction on Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability and User Interfaces [CLAUI].)

2.Reconfirm WG20's mandate as is, allowing it to progress its current projects and handle any new work item that would occur in its programme of work.

Approve - 4 (Japan, Netherlands, UK, USA)

Disapprove - 2 (Canada, Norway)

Abstain - 0

Resolution 01-25:  Processing DTR 14652 - Functionality for Internationalization Specification Method for Cultural Conventions

JTC 1/SC22 returned ISO/IEC DTR 14652 to SC22/WG20 under document N3261. SC22 directs WG20 to process DTR 14652 as follows:

-Hold a ballot resolution meeting to resolve the issues raised during balloting, and to prepare a Disposition of Comments document, including explicit identification of areas that cannot be resolved.

-Repackage DTR 14652 to clearly identify the non-controversial and controversial portions of the document,

-Prepare a report explaining the changes to DTR 14652,

-Resubmit DTR 14652 together with the report of changes to JTC1 for DTR balloting.

Approve - 4 (Japan, Netherlands, UK, USA)

Disapprove - 0

Abstain - 2 (Canada, Norway)

Resolution 01-26:  Letter Ballot - Withdrawal of JTC 1.22.15435 - API for Internationalization

JTC 1/SC22 notes that JTC 1.22.15435 - API for Internationalization has exceeded its time for proceeding to CD stage; has been extended; and WG20 has failed to submit a CD registration ballot as directed by resolution 00-20. 

SC22 requests JTC1 to withdraw the project. SC22 further requests SC22/WG20 develop an NP for a Type 2 TR, or a Type 3 TR, which addresses the functionality of 15435 and addresses current practice in existing programming languages.

Approve - 4 (Canada, Japan, Netherlands, UK, USA)

Disapprove - 1 (Norway)

Abstain - 0

Resolution 01-27:  SC22 Relationship With CEN TC304

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to investigate the relationship of SC22 and CEN TC304 to determine whether CEN TC304 is an authorized body to request registration of the profile in N3265; the status of N3265 within CEN TC304; and to take appropriate action.


Resolution 01-28:  Identification of SC22 Liaisons

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to prepare a summary and guidance for the SC22 2002 Plenary regarding SC22 liaisons, especially those for which there are no named liaison persons.


Resolution 01-33:  Character Set Issues

JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Chairman to prepare a list of character set issues to be examined by an ad hoc at the 2002 SC22 Plenary in Finland.


Resolution 01-34: Appointment of SC22 Representative to ISO/IEC JTC 1/IIT-RG

JTC 1/SC22 appoints Mr. Keld Simonsen as its representative to the JTC 1/IIT-RG.




Resolution 01-31: Appreciation: John Dawes

JTC 1/SC22 expresses its gratitude and appreciation to John Dawes for his years of service as PCTE Project Editor and congratulates him on a job very well done.


Resolution 01-31a: Appreciation: Ed Barkmeyer

JTC 1/SC22 expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Ed Barkmeyer for his years of service as Language Independent Data Types Project Editor and congratulates him on a job very well done.


Resolution 01-32: Appreciation: Lisa Rajchel

JTC 1/SC22 expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Ms. Lisa Rajchel for her service as ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat.


Resolution 01-35:  draft resolution was deleted

Resolution 01-36: draft resolution was deleted

Resolution 00-37: Appreciations: General

JTC 1/SC22 expresses its appreciation to all those who have assisted in the work of this meeting, and in particular to:

-Sun Microsystems for generously sponsoring the meeting and reception;

-The staff and management of the Orchid at Mauna Launi;

-The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), the meeting host, for the outstanding organization of the meeting and technical support, and especially to Monica Vago;

-Tom Plum and Plum Hall for providing the projector, phone line and local communication support for the meeting;

-The Danish UNIX Users Group (DKUUG) and Keld Simonsen for continuing to so effectively host and administer the JTC 1/SC22 World Wide Web pages and email reflectors, and for providing a hyperlinked agenda;

-Roger Martin for acting as Scribe for the draft Resolutions;

-Matt Deane for his management of the JTC 1/SC22 Programme of work as the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat;  and

-John Hill for chairing this meeting and providing the entertainment at the Lu’au.
