ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 3398
DATE: 1999-12-14
Coded Character Sets
Secretariat: Japan (JISC)
DOC TYPE:   Resolutions 
TITLE: Resolutions of the 14th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2/Ideographic Rapporteur Group (IRG) held in Singapore, 1999-12-06/09 
SOURCE: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2/Ideographic Rapporteur Group 
STATUS:  For information. 
DISTRIBUTION: P, O and L Members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 
WG Conveners, Secretariats 
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Secretariat 
WEB ISSUE #: 072
Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 - Toshiko KIMURA
IPSJ/ITSCJ (Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan)*
Room 308-3, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 JAPAN
Tel: +81 3 3431 2808; Fax: +81 3 3431 6493; E-mail:;
*A Standard Organization accredited by JISC

JTC1/SC2/WG2/ N2143
Date: 1999.12.9
 Ideographic Rapporteur Group Resolutions of IRG #14
Source: IRG  

Meeting: Sybase, Singapore  

Title: IRG #14 Resolutions 


The IRG#14 makes the following resolutions:

Resolution IRG M14.1: Document submission deadlines for future meetings.

IRG resolves that for all future IRG meetings, new documents for agenda items must be submitted 7 days before the meeting to guarantee discussion during the meeting.

Resolution IRG M14.2: Compatibility Ideographs

IRG resolves to accept IRG N710 as the response to WG2 resolution M37.16: CJK compatibility ideographs from JIS. IRG also instructs its Rapporteur to present IRG N710 to WG2#38.

Resolution IRG M14.3: Non-cognate decision procedure

IRG resolves to adopt the following procedure to determine when to apply the non-cognate rule for unification:

Given a pair of Ideographs with similar shapes, if both are found in one of the standard IRG dictionaries (Kangxi, Daikanwa Jiten, Hanyu Dazidian, Daejaweon) and are given different meanings, they are to be considered non-cognate. If they are not both found in any of the standard IRG dictionaries, other evidence may be used subject to the approval of IRG.

IRG also agrees to refine the interpretation of the phrase 'different meanings' in future meetings.

Resolution IRG M14.4: Application of the Non-cognate rule to extension B Editorial work.

IRG resolves to adopt the following:

  1. All questionable unifications found in papers submitted before 9 December 1999 will be evaluated based on the procedure in resolution IRG M14.3.
  2. The Chief Editor will receive all the justification evidences for questionable ideograph by 30th December 1999.
  3. If Ideographs are rejected for de-unification based on the procedure in resolution IRG M14.3, the submitting member may withdraw them in favor of submitting them as compatibility ideographs.
  4. No more requests for de-unification based on the non-cognate rule in resolution IRG M14.3 will be accepted after IRG#14. Future such submissions must be deferred until work begins on Extension C.
Resolution IRG M14.5: Ballot comments CD 10646-2

IRG resolves to accept the IRG Editorial report, IRG N712: IRG Editorial comments for CD 10646-2 Extension B. IRG agrees to ask member bodies to include the compiled response based on the Editorial report, IRG N712, into their CD 10646-2 ballot comments.

Resolution IRG M14.6: Working Schedule for Compiling the IRG Editorial comments for CD 10646-2 Extension B

IRG resolves to adopt the following schedule:

  1. The Chief Editor will send the correction summary to member bodies by 10th January 2000 for review
  2. Member bodies will send their review comments by 20th January 2000
  3. The Chief Editor will incorporate all the comments and will complete and send IRG N712R to member bodies by 30th January 2000
Resolution IRG M14.7: Schedule for Extension C

All IRG member bodies agree that members should start considering Extension C related issues. IRG resolves to start preliminary discussion in IRG#15 upon receiving contributions.

Resolution IRG M14.8: Future meeting schedule

IRG resolves to adopt the following meeting schedule:

IRG#15 Taipei, 15-19 May 2000
IRG#16 Korea, 4-8 December 2000

Resolution IRG M14.9: Appreciation

IRG would like to express its sincere appreciation to the IRG#14 meeting hosts, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Singapore Productivity and Standards Board and Sybase (Singapore) Pte Ltd., Ms. Pee Gim On, Ms. Thay Yean Lan, Ms. Susan Chong Yuen Mei, Ms. Ho Yean Fee, Dr. Cao Lin, Ms. Cindy Law, and all the supporting staff of Sybase (Singapore) Pte Ltd. for their excellent logistics, arrangement and hospitality.