Coded Character Sets 
Secretariat: Japan (JISC)


Resolutions of the 13th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 3 held in Redmond, Washington, USA, 1998-03-20, 21, 23 
Resolutions adopted at the 13th meeting of SC 2/WG 3. This document was considered at the eighth plenary meeting of SC 2 held in Redmond, Washington, USA, 1998-03-24/25. 


P, O and L Members of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 
WG Conveners, Secretariats 
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Secretariat 
Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 - Toshiko KIMURA
IPSJ/ITSCJ (Information Processing Society of Japan/Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan)*
Room 308-3, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., 3-5-8, Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 JAPAN
Tel: +81 3 3431 2808; Fax: +81 3 3431 6493; Telex: 2425340 IPSJ J; email:
*A Standard Organization accredited by JISC

Resolutions of the
13th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 3
Redmond, WA, USA

The following 12 national bodies, and 5 liaison organizations were represented when the following resolutions were discussed and adopted:

Canada, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Poland, Sweden, and USA, CEN/TC 304, JTC 1/WG 5, GSE, TC 46/SC 2 and SC 22/WG 20. France by proxy on 8859-15; UK by proxy.
RESOLUTION M 13.01 (DIS 8859-2 - Latin-2)
Denmark NO
WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the disposition of comments in document N446 with editorial changes accepted at this meeting (no. 13).

The project editor is instructed to prepare a revised disposition of comments and a revised text, with the assistance of Sweden (K.I. Larsson) for further processing.

RESOLUTION M 13.02 (DIS 8859-13 - Latin-7, Baltic Rim)

WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the disposition of comments

in document N449, with the following editorial changes:

The project editors are instructed to prepare a revised disposition of comments and a revised text with the assistance of Sweden (K.I. Larsson) for further processing.

RESOLUTION M 13.03 (DIS 8859-14 - Latin-8 / Celtic)

WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the disposition of comments

in document N445, with the following editorial changes:

The project editor is instructed to prepare a revised disposition of comments and a revised text for further processing.

RESOLUTION M 13.04 (DIS 8859-15 - Latin-9)

WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the disposition of comments in document N424R. The project editor is instructed to prepare a revised text for further processing as an FDIS.

RESOLUTION M 13.05 (DIS 8859-3, 8859-5 and 8859-9)

WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the disposition of comments in document N447. The project editor is instructed to prepare revised texts with the assistance of Sweden (K.I. Larsson) for further processing.

RESOLUTION M 13.06 (Scope of TR 1073-2.3 - OCR-B)

In response to request for inclusion of EURO SIGN in OCR-B, from CEN/TC304 in document N442, WG 3 agrees to include the EURO SIGN in the scope of TR 1073-2 and instructs its project editor to prepare appropriate DTR text.

RESOLUTION M 13.07 (Revision of ISO/IEC 6937, Coded graphic character set for text communication)

WG 3 instructs its editor to prepare the first WD of the revision text and forward to the convener for review by WG 3 members for six weeks. The editor is further instructed to prepare a revised text accommodating the review comments for further processing as a CD, and its concurrent registration in SC 2.

RESOLUTION M 13.08 (EURO SIGN in 8-bit standards)

Poland and Sweden ABSTAIN
In response to the resolution on EURO SIGN in 8-bits, from CEN/TC 304 in document N442, WG 3 recommends that the equivalent position used by the International Currency Sign be used for assignment of the EURO SIGN in new graphic character set registrations or possible new parts based upon existing 8-bit standards, where the International Currency Sign is currently encoded. WG 3 instructs its editor for 8859-7 Latin-Greek, to take note of this recommendation.

RESOLUTION M 13.09 (Combining Characters in 8-bit coding standards)

In response to SC 2 resolution M07.27 on combining characters, WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the proposed recommendations in document N382 (SC 2 N2862) from Canada. Project editors of 8859 parts that can potentially contain combining characters are instructed to accommodate these recommendations in the preparation of the text for these parts. Further, with reference to resolution WG 3 M12.06 on Latin/Thai, WG 3 recommends to SC 2 to reactivate the suspended project.


RESOLUTION M 13. 10 (DIS 8859-6 and DIS 8859-8 - Latin/Arabic and Latin-Hebrew)

WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the disposition of comments in documents N440 (as amended in N443) and N430 respectively, along with changes needed to accommodate editorial changes per resolution M13.09 above. The project editors are instructed to prepare revised disposition of comments and revised texts with assistance from Sweden (K.I. Larsson).

RESOLUTION M 13.11 (Editorial Corrigenda for 2022, 7350)

With reference to the announcement of change in Registration Authority in document SC 2 N 3030, WG 3 instructs the project editors of ISO/IEC 2022 and ISO/IEC 7350 to prepare editorial corrigenda text to reflect the change of the name of the Registration Authority in these standards.

RESOLUTION M 13.12 (Collection Identifiers and Revision of 7350)

In response to SC 2 resolution M07.28. WG 3 accepts and recommends SC 2 adoption of the proposed recommendations in documents N435 along with exhibits in document N452R. Further WG 3 recommends changing the status of project on Revision of 7350, from SUSPEND to CANCELLED.

RESOLUTION M 13.13 (Electronic Distribution of Documents)

With reference to JTC 1 guidelines in document SC 2 N3041, WG 3 is of the opinion that all standards within WG 3 and SC 2 responsibility shall be prepared for a combined A4 / North American Letter Size format, and that consequently the ITTF Rules / Templates for Project Editors should be harmonized accordingly.

RESOLUTION M 13.14 (Periodic Review)

WG 3 recommends to SC 2 the following responses on Periodic Review of Standards: RESOLUTION M 13.15 (Target Dates)
With reference to document SC 2 3013 Rev containing the program of work and schedules, WG 3 recommends to SC 2 the following changes to the target dates for the WG 3 projects as follows: 2022 Revise; New - 98-06 Editorial Corrigendum (see resolution M13.11 above)
6937 ReviseCD 98-05 from 98-04; FDIS 98-11; IS 99-04
7350 Revision project - Change to withdrawn (see resolution M 13.12 above)
7350 Revise; New - 98-06 Editorial Corrigendum on (see resolution M13.11 above)
8859-1 IS Date changed to 98-03
8859-2 IS Date changed to 98-04
8859-3 IS Date changed to 98-04
8859-4 IS Date changed to 98-03
8859-5 IS Date changed to 98-04
8859-6 IS Date changed to 98-05
8859-7 CD 98-04, FDIS 98-11, IS 99-04
8859-8 IS Date changed to 98-05
8859-9 IS Date changed to 98-04
8859-10 IS Date changed to 98-03
8859-11 To be provided after consultation with Thailand NB.
8859-13 IS Date changed to 98-04
8859-14 IS Date changed to 98-04
8859-15 Title change from Latin-0 to Latin-9; FDIS 98-03, IS 98-07
10367 Tech Corrigendum; DTCOR 98-06 TCOR 98-12
1073-2 DTR 98-06; TR 98-11
There are no changes to project editors.

RESOLUTION M13.16 (Future meetings):

WG 3 confirms the following future meeting schedule: Meeting 14: September 1998, Date to be confirmed; London, UK - Host: BSI
Backup Netherlands, NNI
Meeting 15: 22-24 March 1999, Tokyo, Japan (Tentative)
RESOLUTION M13.17 (Appreciation to the host): BY ACCLAMATION

WG 3 thanks its host Microsoft Corporation and its staff, especially Mr. Michel Suignard, and the US national body, for hosting the meeting, and to the Unicode Consortium (Dr. Julie Allen) for providing excellent secretarial and administrative support. WG 3 further extends its thanks to Microsoft Corporation and the Unicode Consortium for their kind hospitality.

Meeting No. 13; Redmond, WA, USA; 1998-03-20, 21, 23
Alain LaBonte Canada; GSE;JTC1/WG 5 Treasury Board Secretariat, Government of Quebec
V.S. UMAmaheswaran Canada; Meeting Secretary IBM Canada
Fu Yonghe China Chinese Language Institute
Chen Zhuang China Chinese Electronics Standardization Institute
Shma Layi China Southwest Minority Nationality College
Ji Mu Yan China Nationality Affairs Committee of Inner Mongolia
Nasun Urt China Mongolian language Institute of Inner Mongolian University
Zhang Zhoucai China, IRG Rapporteur CCID
Keld Jorn Simonsen Denmark; CEN/TC 304; IETF Danish UNIX-system User Group
Klaus Ruppel Finland Research Institute for the Languages of Finland
Erkki Kolehmainen Finland Finnish Data Communication Association
Evangelos Melagrakis Greece; TC 46/SC 2 ELOT
Torgeir Sigurdsson Iceland Icelandic Council for Standardization (STRI)
Michael Everson Ireland Everson Gunn Teoranta
Satoshi Yamamoto Japan Hitachi Ltd.
Shun Ishizaki Japan Keio University
Takayuki K. Sato Japan; SC 22/WG 20 IPSJ/ITSCJ
Johan van Wingen Netherlands; SC 22 Independent
Elzbieta Broma-Wrzesien Poland Telekomunikacja Polska, S.A.
Kohji Shibano SC 2 Chair Tokyo International University
Toshiko Kimura SC 2 Secretariat IPSJ/ITSCJ
S.T. Nandasara Sri Lanka University of Colombo
Wera Lundstrom Sweden ITS
Karl Ivar Larsson Sweden Consultant
Monica Stahl Sweden IBM Sweden
Asmus Freytag The Unicode Consortium, AFII Asmus Inc.
Bruce Paterson UK; Editor Independent
Mike Ksar USA Hewlett-Packard Company
Lisa Moore USA IBM
Nelson Ng USA Oracle Corp.
Ken Whistler USA Sybase Inc.
Don Carroll USA Hewlett-Packard Company
Arnold Winkler USA Unisys Corp.
Michel Suignard USA Microsoft Corp.
Edwin Hart USA, SHARE Inc. Johns Hopkins University