----------------------------------------------- Announcement of Document Availability (02i094) ----------------------------------------------- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 (http://www.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2) ----------------------------------------------- Document register is at: http://www.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2/open/dr.htm ----------------------------------------------- Document Number: N 3469 - N 34721 N 3473, N 3474 ----------------------------------------------- Date of Posting: 2000-09-12 ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3469 2.Document type : Other document 3.Document title : Request for Liaison between SC 36 and SC 2 - Resolutions of the SC 36 Plenary Meeting held in March 2000 4.Due date : 5.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 6.Project number : 7.Action id : ACT 8.Status : For consideration at the Tenth SC 2 Plenary Meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3470 2.Document type : Other document 3.Document title : Report of the Registration Authority for ISO 2375 to the Tenth SC 2 Plenary Meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26 4.Due date : 5.Source : IPSJ/ITSCJ 6.Project number : 7.Action id : ACT 8.Status : For consideration at the Tenth SC 2 Plenary Meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3471 2.Document type : Other document 3.Document title : Nomination of Prof. Kohji Shibano for the Chairman of SC 2 4.Due date : 5.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 6.Project number : 7.Action id : ACT 8.Status : Prof. Shibano was appointed as the SC 2 Chairman at the JTC 1 Plenary meeting held in Ottawa, Canada, 1997-09-09/12 for the first three-year term. The SC 2 Secretariat, with the Japanese endorsement, nominates him for the next three-year term. This document is circulated for consideration at the tenth SC 2 plenary meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3473 2.Document type : Meeting Agenda 3.Document title : Third Draft Agenda for the Tenth SC 2 Plenary Meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26 4.Due date : 5.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 6.Project number : 7.Action id : ACT 8.Status : For use at the the tenth SC 2 plenary meeting to be held in Athens, Greece, 2000-09-25/26. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3474 2.Document type : Summary of Voting/Table of Replies 3.Document title : Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3437, ISO/IEC FCD 6937, Coded graphic character set for text communication -- Latin alphabet (Revision of ISO/IEC 6937:1994) 4.Due date : 5.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 6.Project number : 02.14.01/02 7.Action id : FYI 8.Status : This document is forwarded to WG 3 for consideration. WG 3 is asked to prepare a disposition of comments report, revised text, and a recommendation to SC 2 for further processing. -----------------------------------------------