To: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 members: ----------------------------------------------- Announcement of Document Availability (02i031) ----------------------------------------------- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ( ----------------------------------------------- Document Number: N 3175 Rev., N 3179 - N 3184 ----------------------------------------------- Date of Posting: 1998-10-08 ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3175 Rev. 2.Document type : Resolutions 3.Document title : Revised Resolutions adopted at the 35th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 held in London, UK, 1998-09-21/25 4.Due date : 5.Source : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 28KB 9.Status : For information and consideration at the next SC 2 plenary meeting, March 1999, Fukuoka, Japan. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3179 2.Document type : Meeting Agenda 3.Document title : Tentative Agenda for IRG#12 to be held in Redwood Shores, CA, USA , 1998-12-07/11 4.Due date : 5.Source : IRG Rapportuer 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 5KB 9.Status : For information. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3180 2.Document type : Meeting Agenda 3.Document title : Revised Meeting Announcement and Draft Agenda for the JTC 1 Ad Hoc Meeting of the Technical Direction on Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability and User Interfaces 4.Due date : 5.Source : JTC 1 Ad Hoc Planning Meeting, 10-02-98, Malvern, PA, USA 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 9KB 9.Status : As authorized by JTC 1 Sendai resolution 22, the ad hoc meeting of the Technical Direction on Cultural and Linguistic Adaptability and User Interface will be held in Paris, France, 2-4 December 1998. SC 2 members/officers wishing to participate in this meeting are requested to inform the SC 2 Secretariat as soon as possible. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3181 2.Document type : Logistical information for meeting 3.Document title : Information Concerning the Location of the JTC 1 Ad Hoc meeting on Cultural & Linguistic Adaptability & User Interfaces, 2-4 December 1998, Paris, France 4.Due date : 5.Source : French National Body 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 241KB 9.Status : For information and use by delegates to the meeting. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3182 2.Document type : Meeting Report 3.Document title : Report of JTC 1 Ad Hoc/Planning meeting of the Cultural and Linguistic adaptability and User Interface Technical Direction 4.Due date : 5.Source : JTC 1 Ad Hoc/Planning Meeting Drafting Committee 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 46KB 9.Status : Meeting report for review and information. ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3183 2.Document type : Information from SC Secretariat 3.Document title : Change in Meeting Dates for the Ninth SC 2 Plenary Meeting and 36th WG 2 Meeting in Fukuoka, Japan 4.Due date : 5.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 4KB 9.Status : Owing to date conflicts with a meeting of a Liaison Organization, the ninth SC 2 Plenary Meeting and 36th WG 2 Meeting have been changed as follows: 1999-03-09/15: WG 2 1999-03-16/17: Plenary ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3184 2.Document type : National Body Contribution 3.Document title : Swedish NB comments regarding National Body Contributions to registration applications 204, 205 and 206 - Documents SC 2 N 3155, N 3156, N 3157 4.Due date : 5.Source : National Body of Sweden 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 6KB 9.Status : For information. These applications are now registered without modification. -----------------------------------------------