To: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 members: ----------------------------------------------- Announcement of Document Availability (02i018) ----------------------------------------------- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ( ----------------------------------------------- Document Number: N 3000, N 3043, N 3047, N 3049, N 3050, N 3065 N 3075, N 3091, N 3098, N 3099, N 3101 ----------------------------------------------- Date of Posting: 1998-05-28 ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3000 2.Document type : Document Register 3.Document title : Document Register, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 2951 - N 3000 4.Due date : 5.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 43kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3043 2.Document type : Disposition of Comments 3.Document title : Disposition of Comments on SC 2 N 2910, Proposal for Project Subdivision of project JTC 1.02.20: a new part of ISO/IEC 8859 for Latin Zero covering the EURO Symbol and Full Support for the French and Finnish Language 4.Due date : 5.Source : Project Editor 6.Project number : 20.15 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 605kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3047 2.Document type : National Body Contribution 3.Document title : Position Statement of the Netherlands National Body on the Separation of Characters (SC 2/WG 3 N 441) 4.Due date : 5.Source : National Body of the Netherlands 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 794kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3049 2.Document type : Disposition of Comments 3.Document title : Dispostion of Comments Report on DTR 15285, Information Techlogy -- An operational model for characters and glyphs 4.Due date : 5.Source : Edwin Hart and Alan Griffee, Co-editors 6.Project number : 15285 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 25kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3050 2.Document type : Document Register 3.Document title : Document Register, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 3001 - N 3050 4.Due date : 5.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 6.Project number : 7.Action id : FYI 8.File size : 47kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3065 2.Document type : Disposition of Comments 3.Document title : Disposition of Comments Report on DIS 8859- 2, 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 2: Latin alphabet No.2 (WG 3 N 446 Rev) 4.Due date : 5.Source : SC 2/WG 3 6.Project number : 20.02 7.Action id : ITTF 8.File size : 77kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3075 2.Document type : Disposition of Comments 3.Document title : Disposition of comments Report on DIS 8859- 6 Information Technology -- 8-bit single- byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 6: Latin/Arabic (WG 3 N 440 amended according to N 443) 4.Due date : 5.Source : K. Sherif, Project Editor 6.Project number : 20.06 7.Action id : ITTF 8.File size : 5kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3091 2.Document type : Text for FDIS ballot 3.Document title : Final Text of FCD 8859-15, Information Technology -- 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 15: Latin alphabet No. 9 4.Due date : 5.Source : A. LaBonte, Project Editor 6.Project number : 20.15 7.Action id : ITTF 8.File size : 142kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3098 2.Document type : Final Text Submitted for IS publication 3.Document title : Revised Final Text of DIS 8859-13, Information Technology -- 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 13: Latin alphabet No. 7 4.Due date : 5.Source : SC 2/WG 3 6.Project number : 20.13 7.Action id : ITTF 8.File size : 119kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3099 2.Document type : Disposition of Comments 3.Document title : Revised Disposition of Comments report on DIS 8859-13, Information Technology -- 8- bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 13: Latin alphabet No. 7 4.Due date : 5.Source : SC 2/WG 3 6.Project number : 20.13 7.Action id : ITTF 8.File size : 5kb ----------------------------------------------- 1.Document number : 3101 2.Document type : Final Text Submitted for IS publication 3.Document title : Final Text of DIS 8859-14, Information Technology -- 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 14: Latin alphabet No. 8 (Celtic) 4.Due date : 5.Source : M. Everson, Project editor 6.Project number : 20.14 7.Action id : ITTF 8.File size : 176kb -----------------------------------------------