To: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 members, The following new documents have been posted to the SC 2 webiste. These documents will be available at the SC 2 Plenary Meeting in Redmond, Washington, USA, 1998-03-24/25. ----------------------------------------------- Announcement of Document Availability (02i011) ----------------------------------------------- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ( ----------------------------------------------- Document Numbers: N 3045, N 3046 ----------------------------------------------- 1.Committee : 02 2.Document number : 3045 3.Backward pointer : 4.Document type : Officer's Contribution 5.Date : 1998-03-12 6.Document title : Report of the SC 2 Liaison Representative to SC 22 to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 Plenary Meeting, 1998-03-24/25, Redmond, Washington, USA 7.Due date : 8.Number of pages : 2 9.Source : Mr. J. van Wingen, SC 2 Liasion Representative to SC 22 10.Project number : 11.Status : For consideration at the 8th plenary meeting of SC 2, 1998-03-24/25, Redmond, Washington, USA. 12.Action id : ACT 13.File size : 5KB 14.Language used : English 15.Issue No. : 011 16.Access level : Def ----------------------------------------------- 1.Committee : 02 2.Document number : 3046 3.Backward pointer : 4.Document type : National Body Activity Report 5.Date : 1998-03-12 6.Document title : National Activity Report from the Netherlands national body to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 Plenary Meeting, 1998-03-24/25, Redmond, Washington, USA 7.Due date : 8.Number of pages : 9.Source : The National Body of the Netherlands 10.Project number : 11.Status : For consideration at the 8th plenary meeting of SC 2, 1998-03-24/25, Redmond, Washington, USA. 12.Action id : ACT 13.File size : 13KB 14.Language used : English 15.Issue No. : 011 16.Access level : Def -----------------------------------------------