----------------------------------------------- Announcement of Document Availability (02i005) ----------------------------------------------- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 (http://www.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2) ----------------------------------------------- Document Numbers: N 2995 - N 2997 ----------------------------------------------- 1.Committee : 02 2.Document number : 2995 3.Backward pointer : 4.Document type : Meeting Announcement and Agenda 5.Date : 1997-11-27 6.Document title : Calling Notice and Draft Agenda for the Eighth Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 to be held in Redmond, Washington, USA, 1998-03-24/25 7.Due date : 1998-02-06 8.Number of pages : 9.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 10.Project number : 11.Status : This document is circulated to the SC 2 members for review and use. Contributions for additional agenda items should be sent to the SC 2 Secretariat by 1998-02-06. SC 2 members wishing to send their delegations are also requested to send their list of delegates to the SC 2 Secretariat by 1998-02-06. 12.Action id : ACT 13.File size : 10KB 14.Language used : English 15.Issue No. : 005 16.Doc access level: Open ----------------------------------------------- 1.Committee : 02 2.Document number : 2996 3.Backward pointer : 4.Document type : Logistical information for meeting 5.Date : 1997-11-27 6.Document title : Information for the Eighth Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 to be held in Redmond, WA, USA, 1998-03-24/25 7.Due date : 8.Number of pages : 9.Source : National Body of USA 10.Project number : 11.Status : For information and planning. Please note that hotel reservation cut off date is 1998-02-25. 12.Action id : FYI 13.File size : 10KB 14.Language used : English 15.Issue No. : 005 16.Doc access level: Open ----------------------------------------------- 1.Committee : 02 2.Document number : 2997 3.Backward pointer : 4.Document type : Summary of Voting/Table of Replies 5.Date : 1997-11-27 6.Document title : Summary of Voting on document JTC 1 N 4877, DTR 15285, Information Technology - An Operational Model for Characters and Glyphs (JTC 1 N 5097) 7.Due date : 8.Number of pages : 9.Source : Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1 10.Project number : 02.15285 11.Status : This document is circulated to the SC 2 members for review. It is fowarded to WG 2 and the project co-editors for preparation of a dispostion of comments report and a revised text for publication. 12.Action id : ACT 13.File size : 35KB 14.Language used : English 15.Issue No. : 005 16.Doc access level: Def