SARIF for Structured Diagnostics

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) is a standardised, structured format for the output of static analysis tools. Support for this format is common across C++ tooling, including static analyzers and compilers. Adoption is also growing among editors and IDEs. This paper presents what SARIF is, how it benefits the C++ ecosystem, the current state-of-the-art in support, and a future direction that will enrich the C++ diagnostic experience for programmers.

1. Overview of SARIF

SARIF is a JSON-based format for the output of static analysis tools (and therefore also compilers: what is a compiler if not a static analysis tool that happens to also output code?) It is standardised under the OASIS Open project. The most recent standard version is v2.1.0. The goals of the project are to:

SARIF diagnostics are captured in UTF-8-encoded JSON objects with a specific set of JSON properties. Such objects are referred to as sarifLog objects, and capture the results of one or more analysis runs, potentially from multiple tools. They contain metadata about the analysis runs and nested information about each diagnostic produced by the runs.

Consider the following C++ code as an example:

int main() {
    int oops = "not an int"

This code has two errors and one issue that’s commonly diagnosed as a warning:

GCC 14.1 generates the following sarifLog object when it compiles the above code with -Wall -fdiagnostics-format=sarif:

    "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/master/Schemata/sarif-schema-2.1.0.json",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "runs": [
            "tool": {
                "driver": {
                    "name": "GNU C++17",
                    "fullName": "GNU C++17 (Compiler-Explorer-Build-gcc--binutils-2.42) version 14.1.0 (x86_64-linux-gnu)",
                    "version": "14.1.0",
                    "informationUri": "https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-14/",
                    "rules": [
                            "id": "-fpermissive",
                            "helpUri": "https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-14.1.0/gcc/Warning-Options.html#index-fpermissive"
                            "id": "-Wunused-variable",
                            "helpUri": "https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-14.1.0/gcc/Warning-Options.html#index-Wno-unused-variable"
            "invocations": [
                    "executionSuccessful": true,
                    "toolExecutionNotifications": []
            "artifacts": [
                    "location": {
                        "uri": "<source>"
                    "contents": {
                        "text": "int main() {\n    int oops = \"not an int\"\n}"
                    "sourceLanguage": "cplusplus"
            "results": [
                    "ruleId": "-fpermissive",
                    "level": "error",
                    "message": {
                        "text": "invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'"
                    "locations": [
                            "physicalLocation": {
                                "artifactLocation": {
                                    "uri": "<source>"
                                "region": {
                                    "startLine": 2,
                                    "startColumn": 16,
                                    "endColumn": 28
                                "contextRegion": {
                                    "startLine": 2,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "text": "    int oops = \"not an int\"\n"
                            "logicalLocations": [
                                    "name": "main",
                                    "fullyQualifiedName": "main",
                                    "decoratedName": "main",
                                    "kind": "function"
                    "ruleId": "error",
                    "level": "error",
                    "message": {
                        "text": "expected ',' or ';' before '}' token"
                    "locations": [
                            "physicalLocation": {
                                "artifactLocation": {
                                    "uri": "<source>"
                                "region": {
                                    "startLine": 3,
                                    "startColumn": 1,
                                    "endColumn": 2
                                "contextRegion": {
                                    "startLine": 3,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "text": "}\n"
                            "logicalLocations": [
                                    "name": "main",
                                    "fullyQualifiedName": "main",
                                    "decoratedName": "main",
                                    "kind": "function"
                    "ruleId": "-Wunused-variable",
                    "level": "warning",
                    "message": {
                        "text": "unused variable 'oops'"
                    "locations": [
                            "physicalLocation": {
                                "artifactLocation": {
                                    "uri": "<source>"
                                "region": {
                                    "startLine": 2,
                                    "startColumn": 9,
                                    "endColumn": 13
                                "contextRegion": {
                                    "startLine": 2,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "text": "    int oops = \"not an int\"\n"
                            "logicalLocations": [
                                    "name": "main",
                                    "fullyQualifiedName": "main",
                                    "decoratedName": "main",
                                    "kind": "function"

The output has three top-level properties:

The runs property is an array of run objects (defined in the SARIF spec), which contains metadata about the tool that produced the diagnostics in the tool property, metadata about how the tool was executed in the invocations property, the source code that the tool was run on in the artifacts property, and the diagnostics produced in the results property. Some properties are mandatory, some are optional. There are several optional properties that GCC did not include in this output.

The diagnostics in the results property are result objects. Each of the results produced by GCC have the following properties:

2. What SARIF Gives Us

In P2429 I presented the state-of-the-art of compiler diagnostics, both in research and in industry tooling. The paper "Compiler Error Messages Considered Unhelpful: The Landscape of Text-Based Programming Error Message Research" summarized the following key ways in which compiler errors can be improved:

SARIF supports several of these points. By providing diagnostics in a machine-readable format, tools can more easily filter and manipulate diagnostics in order to reduce cognitive load. Solutions and hints can be provided in a standardized manner with fix objects. Dynamic interaction and logical argumentation can be more easily facilitated by compilers and IDEs because they can express and understand the hierarchical nature of diagnostics (this is how Visual Studio’s Problem Details Window works).

Furthermore, since SARIF is standardised and there are existing tools that can read, manipulate, and visualize it (see § 3 SARIF Adoption in C++ Tools for some examples), users can take the output of C++ compilers and use external tools to process them.

3. SARIF Adoption in C++ Tools

3.1. Compilers

3.1.1. MSVC

SARIF support for MSVC is documented on the Structured SARIF Diagnostics page and is available as of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.

There are two ways to make the MSVC compiler produce SARIF diagnostics:

To retrieve SARIF through a pipe, tools set the SARIF_OUTPUT_PIPE environment variable to be the UTF-16-encoded integer representation of the HANDLE to the write end of the pipe, then launch cl.exe. SARIF is sent along the pipe as follows:

Content-Length: 334

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"OnSarifResult","params":{"result":{"ruleId":"C1034","level":"fatal","message":{"text":"iostream: no include path set"},"locations":[{"physicalLocation":{"artifactLocation":{"uri":"file:///C:/Users/sybrand/source/repos/cppcon-diag/cppcon-diag/cppcon-diag.cpp"},"region":{"startLine":1,"startColumn":10}}}]}}}{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"OnSarifResult","params":{"result":{"ruleId":"C1034","level":"fatal","message":{"text":"iostream: no include path set"},"locations":[{"physicalLocation":{"artifactLocation":{"uri":"file:///C:/Users/sybrand/source/repos/cppcon-diag/cppcon-diag/cppcon-diag.cpp"},"region":{"startLine":1,"startColumn":10}}}]}}}

The SARIF result object additionally encodes information about hierarchical diagnostics. See § 4 Hierarchical Diagnostics for details.

3.1.2. GCC

GCC supports outputting diagnostics in SARIF 2.1 as of GCC 13. It is controlled with the -fdiagnostics-format=FORMAT option, where the valid values for FORMAT are sarif-file, sarif-stderr, json-file, and json-stderr. When sarif-file or json-file are passed, the resulting SARIF or JSON data is stored in FILENAME.sarif in the current working directory of the compiler where FILENAME is the filename of the source file whose translation unit.

The file format used for json-file and json-stderr carries essentially the same information as the SARIF, but in a custom JSON format.

3.1.3. Clang

As of version 15, Clang has "unstable" support for SARIF 2.1 output. It is controlled with the -fdiagnostics-format=FORMAT option, where the FORMAT argument can be clang, msvc, vi, sarif, or SARIF. The final two options are undocumented. When invoked with -fdiagnostics-format=sarif or -fdiagnostics-format=SARIF, Clang outputs SARIF to stderr, along with the following message:

clang++: warning: diagnostic formatting in SARIF mode is currently unstable [-Wsarif-format-unstable]

There is an open pull request that changes this support to mirror GCC’s sarif-file and sarif-stderr options.

3.2. Static Analyzers

3.3. IDEs/Editors

3.3.1. Others

4. Hierarchical Diagnostics

One key benefit of using a structured diagnostic format is the ability to output diagnostics that have a logical hierarchy. This is especially useful for code that uses Concepts heavily (which includes any piece of code that uses Ranges) Consider, for example, the following C++ code:

struct dog {};
struct cat {};

void pet(dog);
void pet(cat);

template <class T>
concept has_member_pet = requires(T t) { t.pet(); };

template <class T>
concept has_default_pet = T::is_pettable;

template <class T>
concept pettable = has_member_pet<T> or has_default_pet<T>;

void pet(pettable auto t);

struct lizard {};

int main() {

Passing a lizard to pet is not valid, because neither of the pet(dog) or pet(cat) functions match, and the template overload requires the type model pettable, which lizard does not, since it neither has a member pet function nor specifies lizard::is_pettable. MSVC generates a hierarchical error like this:

source.cpp(21,5): error C2665: 'pet': no overloaded function could convert all the argument types
    could be 'void pet(cat)'
        'void pet(cat)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'lizard' to 'cat'
            No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
    or       'void pet(dog)'
        'void pet(dog)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'lizard' to 'dog'
            No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
    or       'void pet(_T0)'
        the associated constraints are not satisfied
            the concept 'pettable' evaluated to false
                the concept 'has_member_pet' evaluated to false
                    'pet': is not a member of 'lizard'
                    see declaration of 'lizard'
                the concept 'has_default_pet' evaluated to false
                    'is_pettable': is not a member of 'lizard'
                    see declaration of 'lizard'
    while trying to match the argument list '(lizard)'

Note that each potential overload of pet is considered and reasons for why the candidate is not valid are given for each as nested diagnostics. Furthermore, the constraint failures for pettable are further nested, giving the reasons that the constituent constraints failed as well.

This hierarchy is encoded in SARIF like so (heavily excerpted to only have relevant information):

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "OnSarifResult",
    "params": {
        "result": {
            "message": {
                "text": "'pet': no overloaded function could convert all the argument types"
            "locations": [
            "relatedLocations": [
                    "message": {
                        "text": "or       'void pet(_T0)'"
                    "message": {
                        "text": "the associated constraints are not satisfied"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 1
                    "message": {
                        "text": "the concept 'pettable<lizard>' evaluated to false"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 2
                    "message": {
                        "text": "the concept 'has_member_pet<lizard>' evaluated to false"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 3
                    "message": {
                        "text": "'pet': is not a member of 'lizard'"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 4
                    "message": {
                        "text": "see declaration of 'lizard'"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 4
                    "message": {
                        "text": "the concept 'has_default_pet<lizard>' evaluated to false"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 3
                    "message": {
                        "text": "'is_pettable': is not a member of 'lizard'"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 4
                    "message": {
                        "text": "see declaration of 'lizard'"
                    "properties": {
                        "nestingLevel": 4

The compiler outputs SARIF that may include additional information to represent the nested structure of some diagnostics. A diagnostic may contain a "diagnostic tree" of additional information in its relatedLocations field. This tree is encoded using a SARIF property bag as follows:

A location object’s properties field may contain a nestingLevel property whose value is the depth of this location in the diagnostic tree. If a location doesn’t have a nestingLevel specified, the depth is considered to be 0 and this location is a child of the root diagnostic represented by the result object containing it. Otherwise, if the value is greater than the depth of the location immediately preceding this location in the relatedLocations field, this location is a child of that location. Otherwise, this location is a sibling of the closest preceding location in the relatedLocations field with the same depth.

Property bags in SARIF allow tools to generate SARIF with extended information that some SARIF consumers can use to display additional information. As such, the properties.nestingLevel property of a result object, while supported by the standard, is not understood by other tools.

Clang is considering adopting hierarchical diagnostics in addition to MSVC, and there’s an RFC for it.

5. Suggested Direction

This section captures a direction that I propose tooling and the SARIF standard take in order to make the best experience for C++ users.

5.1. SARIF Standard

The SARIF standard should adopt a standard way for expressing hierarchical diagnostics. There is an existing issue on the SARIF standard GitHub page that is tracking this.

5.2. Build Systems

IDEs and other tools that interact with build systems need a way to retrieve SARIF from running builds. It would likely be possible for tools to find SARIF files on disk (so long as the relevant command line flags are passed to the compiler) and read them, but this requires the entire compilation to complete before diagnostics can be shown to users. This could be a problem for compilations that take a long time (for example, ones with huge template instantiation trees, or unity builds).

A more user-friendly approach is to enable streaming SARIF from the compiler to the IDE, facilitated by the build system. For example, the build system could use a similar approach to that currently used by MSVC and MS Build by opening a named pipe in a set location that tools can read from in order to retrieve SARIF result objects on the fly.

In addition, compiler-agnostic build tools such as CMake should ideally have a way to enable streaming SARIF output on any compiler that supports it. This would require marshalling the data all the way from the compiler, through the native build system, through CMake, and potentially to an IDE. For example, a user could add something like this to their CMakeLists.txt file:

target_compile_features(my_target PRIVATE sarif_streaming)

This would set up the build in such a way that IDEs can retrieve the streamed data using the specified method.

5.3. Compilers

MSVC, Clang, and GCC all support SARIF in some form. However, all three support producing it in slightly different ways:

Furthermore, the command line options for the filesystem outut for MSVC and GCC are different: GCC computes a filename based on the input source file, producing one SARIF file per source file, whereas MSVC puts everything into a single SARIF file with a given name.

MSVC is the only compiler that supports the streaming of individual SARIF result objects during the compilation in an easily-consumable way. Ideally, all three compilers would support both writing out to a file, and streaming result objects. For example, GCC’s command line syntax could be extended to support -fdiagnostics-format=sarif-rpc-stderr, in which case result objects would be streamed out to stderr during compilation using the JSON-RPC format that MSVC currently uses.

MSVC is the only compiler that supports hierarchical diagnostics deeper than two levels, using the extension specified in § 4 Hierarchical Diagnostics. GCC and Clang produce two levels of hierarchy with the location and related-locations properties of result objects. Ideally, all compilers would support this, especially for concepts errors. For example, GCC currently has the -fconcepts-diagnostic-depth flag that controls how deep to issue diagnostics for for Concepts. One could imagine this depth making it into the SARIF object and expressed explicitly in the diagnostic hierarchy.

5.4. IDEs

As noted in § 3.3 IDEs/Editors, some IDEs and editors have native support for SARIF and some have extensions that can visualize SARIF information. Ideally, major C++ IDEs will be able to show hierarchical SARIF information produced by compilers while the compilation is executing, in a way similar to Visual Studio’s Problem Details Window.