mdarray design questions and answers

Document #: P3308R0
Date: 2024/05/21
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Mark Hoemmen
Christian Trott

1 Authors

2 Revision history

3 Abstract

This paper responds to LEWG’s review of P1684R5 (“mdarray: An Owning Multidimensional Array Analog of mdspan”). It discusses topics that LEWG asked the P1684R5 authors to discuss, and also answers some design questions that the authors have asked themselves. We present this discussion in a way that we hope will help WG21 understand the design motivations of mdarray. In order to make this presentation as clear as possible, we have submitted it as a separate paper, rather than as a revision of P1684. We hope that WG21 has the opportunity and interest to read and discuss this paper, and give us feedback to help us improve P1684.

4 Summary of our discussion and conclusions

4.1 Discussions requested by LEWG

LEWG, during its review of P1684R5, asked the authors to consider or discuss the following points.

  1. Consider adding a constructor from a (possibly multidimensional) C array

  2. Consider adding in_place_t constructors (that forward their arguments to the container’s constructor), so that mdarray can construct the container in place without a copy or move

  3. Discuss construction from initializer lists

4.2 Our conclusions

We think that P1684 should be revised to make the following changes.

  1. Add constructors from (possibly multidimensional) C arrays, and corresponding deduction guides, to mdarray.

  2. Add in_place_t constructors and corresponding deduction guides. This would also let users construct mdarray from an extents or mapping object, along with a “flat” (one-dimensional) initializer list of values. It would also let us remove wording for all the constructors that take const container_type& or container_type&&.

  3. Consider adding multidimensional nested initializer_list constructors and deduction guides. This would enable Matlab- or Python-like mdarray construction.

4.3 Revisions requested by LEWG

LEWG has also asked for the following revisions:

  1. addition of a feature test macro,

  2. a description of how to format an mdarray, and

  3. “the necessary preconditions to avoid use of an object in an invalid state.”

We think (2) is best addressed by describing how to format mdspan. That would solve a more general problem. A future revision of P1684 will address (1) and (3). We personally would prefer that mdarray forbid construction from a moved-from container, and that the only valid mdarray operation after moving from that mdarray should be destruction.

4.4 Other topics we discuss

  1. In order for the mdarray constructor that takes mdspan to know how to do multidimensional copy in parallel, we should consider adding an ExecutionPolicy&& overload to the mdarray constructor that takes mdspan. On the other hand, adding in_place_t constructors to mdarray means that if users have a custom container that can be constructed directly from mdspan efficiently, then that container would solve any performance issues resulting from constructing an mdarray from an mdspan.

  2. We summarize arguments for and against changing from the R5 container adapter design to a container design, and conclude that the reasons for change do not outweigh the status quo (that is, that mdarray should remain a container adapter).

5 Construction from a C array

We have implemented mdarray CTAD (constructor template argument deduction) from a possibly multidimensional C array. Here is a pull request that adds the necessary constructor and deduction guide, so you can construct an mdarray (with CTAD that deduces container_type = std::array) from a possibly multidimensional C array: .

The change includes a new mdarray constructor,

template<class CArray> requires (
  std::is_array_v<CArray> &&
  std::rank_v<CArray> >= 1u
constexpr mdarray(CArray& values)
  : map_(extents_type{}), ctr_{impl::carray_to_array(values)}

and a new mdarray deduction guide.

template<class CArray> requires (
  std::is_array_v<CArray> &&
  std::rank_v<CArray> >= 1u
mdarray(CArray& values) -> mdarray<

The new mdarray constructor deep-copies the input (as mdarray is a container, not a view). Note that mdspan has a deduction guide for construction from a one-dimensional C array. However, mdspan cannot do this for the multidimensional case, because the Standard does not permit conversion of a multidimensional C array to a pointer (or one-dimensional C array). mdarray can do this because mdarray deep-copies its input array.

6 Add in_place_t constructors

6.1 Summary

Adding in_place_t constructors that forward arguments to container_type’s constructor would let mdarray construct its container in place. This would be a truly zero-overhead abstraction for many use cases. The constructors would still need to take an extents_type or mapping_type parameter as well as the in-place parameters, in order to interpret the flat container as a multidimensional array. Adding these in_place_t constructors, along with corresponding deduction guides, could replace the functionality of all the constructors taking const container_type& or container_type&&, and would thus let us remove the latter constructors. This would simplify the wording while only slightly increasing verbosity for users.

6.2 Let mdarray construct its container

mdarray currently constructs its container in two ways. (This ignores construction from mdspan, which we will discuss below.)

  1. Construction with the number of elements, and optionally one or both of

    1. a single default value with which to fill all of those elements, or

    2. an allocator

  2. Copy or move construction of the container itself, possibly also with an allocator

Currently, users who want the container to have a given list of values at construction time must create the container themselves with an initializer list argument, and pass the container into mdarray’s constructor. The following example constructs an mdarray<float, dims<2>, layout_right, std::array<float>> representing a 2 by 3 matrix.

mdarray m{
  extents{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, // first row
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f  // second row

Even without CTAD, the constructor’s arguments would not change.

mdarray<float, dims<2>, std::array<float>> m{
  extents{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, // first row
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f  // second row

This is because mdarray does not currently have a way for users to construct the container in place, e.g., by passing in values via initializer_list. Making the user construct a temporary container poses a performance issue, at least in theory. This issue comes up for all different ways that users might want to construct the container, not just for construction from an initializer list of values. mdarray is a container adapter; it permits containers with possibly arbitrary constructors that are not covered by the vector-like “size, initial value, and/or allocator” cases.

Adding in_place_t constructors to mdarray would make it possible for users to construct the container in place in the mdarray, with possibly arbitrary arguments. This would be a guaranteed zero-overhead abstraction, whereas creating a temporary container might not be.

6.3 What would in_place_t constructors look like?

We can look at the existing C++ Standard Library classes with in_place_t constructors as a model for adding them to mdarray. These classes include

They have in common that they hold at most one object of some type T, and they need to construct an instance of T. We can look at the most recently added class template expected for the general pattern, if we ignore the “T is cv void” case (which doesn’t apply to mdarray). expected has two in_place_t constructors.

template< class... Args >
constexpr explicit
  Args&&... args);

template< class U, class... Args >
constexpr explicit
  std::initializer_list<U> il,
  Args&&... args);

For mdarray, the in_place_t constructors could not just take the arguments for the container. They would also need to take the extents or mapping, in order to interpret the flat container as a rank()-dimensional array. In order not to confuse the extents or mapping with the constructor arguments, we would end up with the following four constructors.

template< class... Args >
constexpr explicit mdarray(const extents_type& exts,
  Args&&... args);

template< class... Args >
constexpr explicit mdarray(const mapping_type& mapping,
  Args&&... args);

template< class U, class... Args >
constexpr explicit mdarray(const extents_type& exts,
  std::initializer_list<U> il,
  Args&&... args);

template< class U, class... Args >
constexpr explicit mdarray(const mapping_type& mapping,
  std::initializer_list<U> il,
  Args&&... args);

The first two constructors would require that container_type is constructible from Args..., while the next two would require that container_type is constructible from std::initializer_list<U>&, Args....

This would be a novel use of in_place_t. All other Standard Library classes use in_place_t for a type that contains at most one thing and needs to construct the thing. mdarray contains a layout mapping as well as the container. On the other hand, it’s unambiguous that mdarray would construct the layout mapping from an extents_type or mapping_type, so it’s reasonable to put that parameter first, before the in_place_t parameter.

Note that these in_place_t constructors would need corresponding deduction guides in order for CTAD to work as expected. Here ( ) is a brief demo, and here are the required deduction guides.

template<class ValueType, class IndexType, size_t ... Exts, class ContainerType>
mdarray(const extents<IndexType, Exts...>&, in_place_t, const ContainerType&) ->
  mdarray<ValueType, extents<IndexType, Exts...>, layout_right, ContainerType>;

template<class ValueType, class IndexType, size_t ... Exts, class ContainerType>
mdarray(const extents<IndexType, Exts...>&, in_place_t, ContainerType&&) ->
  mdarray<ValueType, extents<IndexType, Exts...>, layout_right, ContainerType>;

template<class ValueType, class Layout, class IndexType, std::size_t ... Exts, class ContainerType>
mdarray(const typename Layout::template mapping<extents<IndexType, Exts...>>&, in_place_t, const ContainerType&) ->
  mdarray<ValueType, extents<IndexType, Exts...>, Layout, ContainerType>;

template<class ValueType, class Layout, class IndexType, size_t ... Exts, class ContainerType>
mdarray(const typename Layout::template mapping<extents<IndexType, Exts...>>&, in_place_t, ContainerType&&) ->
  mdarray<ValueType, extents<IndexType, Exts...>, Layout, ContainerType>;

7 Remove const container_type& and container_type&& constructors

Adding the above in_place_t constructors, along with corresponding deduction guides, would let us remove all the constructors taking const container_type& or container_type&&. The result would make mdarray much simpler, while only slightly increasing verbosity for users. For example, the effect of the following constructor in P1684R5

mdarray(const extents_type& exts, container_type&& ctr, const Alloc& alloc);

could be achieved by using the following in_place_t constructor instead

mdarray(const extents_type& exts, in_place_t, Args&&...);

and passing in the arguments like this.

mdarray< /* template arguments */ > m{exts, in_place, std::move(ctr), alloc};

The constructors of mdarray that take const container_type& or container_type&& exist for a few reasons.

  1. They enable CTAD for nondefault containers, such as array.

  2. They enable copying the values.

  3. They pass along the container’s state, including any allocator.

  4. The constructors that move-construct the container allow using a container as a kind of allocator for mdarray, that can be passed along via mdarray’s extract_container member function.

Use case (1) is handy, especially for small arrays. It only requires the constructors taking container_type&&, because the typical use case is to construct the container in place as an mdarray constructor argument, like this.

mdarray m{
  extents{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, // first row
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f  // second row

Replacing the const extents_type&, container_type&& constructor with a const extents_type&, in_place_t, Args&&... constructor, and adding corresponding deduction guides, would only make this a bit more verbose.

mdarray m{
  extents{2, 3}, in_place,
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, // first row
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f  // second row

Adding the in_place_t constructors would satisfy use cases (2) and (3) for any containers with a reasonable set of constructors and access to members. Here is an example of use case (4), the “passing along storage via container” use case that is the main intended purpose of extract_container ( see for a quick demo). The in_place_t constructor handles this use case as well, with only a bit more verbosity.

template<class ValueType, class Extents>
std::vector<ValueType> use_vector(const Extents& exts, std::vector<ValueType>&& x) {
  using std::layout_right;
  using container_type = std::vector<float>;
  using extents_type = Extents;
  using mdarray_type = mdarray<ValueType, extents_type, layout_right, container_type>;

  std::cout << "use_vector: x.size() on input: " << x.size()
    << "; " << << "\n";

  layout_right::mapping mapping{exts};
  const auto size = mapping.required_span_size();
  std::cout << "  required_span_size: " << size << "\n";
  if (static_cast<std::size_t>(size) > x.size()) {
  mdarray_type x_md(mapping, std::in_place, std::move(x));
  return std::move(x_md).extract_container();

int main() {
  using stdex::extents;
  std::vector<float> storage(6);
  extents exts0{2, 3};
  extents exts1{3, 4};
  extents exts2{2, 2};
  auto y = use_vector(exts2, use_vector(exts1, use_vector(exts0, std::move(storage))));

  std::cout << "size of result of use_vector: " << y.size() << "\n";
  assert(y.size() == 12u);

  return 0;

8 Do not add separate constructors from “flat” initializer list

The previous section leads naturally to the discussion of initializer_list constructors. A LEWG member, during LEWG’s 2023/11/09 review of P1684R5, asked whether we support use of initializer_list in constructors to specify the mdarray’s values. We presume that this means a flat initializer_list<U> with U convertible to value_type. Since this list is flat, the constructor would need information about the extents and rank as well. If we ignore CTAD, then the mdarray type would need all static extents, like this.

mdarray<float, extents<int, 2, 3>> m {
  1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
  4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f

With any dynamic extents, or with CTAD, the user would need to pass in an extents or mapping object. It would make sense to put the values in an initializer_list, in order to separate them from the extents or mapping object.

mdarray m {
  dextents<int, 2>{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f

The resulting constructors would look like this.

template< class U, class... Args >
constexpr explicit
expected(const extents_type& exts,
  std::initializer_list<value_type> il);
template< class U, class... Args >
constexpr explicit
expected(const mapping_type& mapping,
  std::initializer_list<value_type> il);

That looks almost the same as the in_place_t constructors presented in the previous section. The only difference would be semantic. Constructors taking in_place_t would construct the container with the arguments – whatever that means for the specific container type. For example, the arguments might include an allocator. In contrast, the above non-in_place_t constructors would fill the container with the values in the initializer_list, for any container type. This would add to the container type’s requirements, that forwarding the initializer_list to the container would construct it with those values. There are no existing named container requirements in the Standard that would express this requirement; we would need to come up with new wording. In contrast, the in_place_t constructors would merely forward directly to the container’s constructor, and thus would not impose any requirements intrinsically. On the other hand, users would need to know what arguments make sense for the container types they use.

If we only add the in_place_t constructors, that would make CTAD use cases slightly more verbose, but it would make both the wording and implementation easier.

mdarray m {
  extents{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f

There’s another concern here, which is that initializer_list’s size() function can’t be used in a deduction guide. Thus, with CTAD, initializer_list construction would necessarily result in std::vector being the container type, instead of std::array. The user knows everything at compile time – they have spelled out for us all the values with which to construct the array! – but we would end up throwing that out, because of a limitation of initializer_list. Now we’re calling new for an array of 6 values that could very well be a compile-time constant.

Contrast this with the current (R5) approach. The following example takes four fewer characters than the in_place example above, but it always uses std::array.

mdarray m {
  extents{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f

What does this tell us?

  1. Flat initializer_list plus CTAD is, surprisingly, not a zero-overhead abstraction, because it forces use of the default container std::vector.

  2. Flat initializer_list without CTAD could be a zero-overhead abstraction. However, this imposes an additional requirement on the container type, which is both syntactic (constructible from an initializer_list) and semantic (construction from an initializer_list fills it with those values in that order). We don’t have existing wording in the Standard to reuse for this.

  3. The in_place_t constructors cover both use cases. They also impose fewer requirements on the container (or rather, they push meeting those requirements to the user’s code). In addition, they let users pass in arguments other than the initial values (e.g., an allocator) to the container type’s constructor.

We conclude that the in_place_t constructors are worth adding, while separate non-in_place_t initializer_list constructors would not be worth adding.

9 Consider adding construction from nested initializer list

9.1 Why we want this

It would be attractive if mdarray could take a nested initializer list of values, and automatically deduce its (compile-time) rank and (run-time) extents. For example, the following should deduce the extents as dims<2>, that is, extents<size_t, dynamic_extent, dynamic_extent>.

mdarray m_2d{
  {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f},
  {4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f}

Deeper nesting can introduce rank-3 or even higher-rank mdarray. This feature would make mdarray construction look familiar to users of Matlab or Python, both popular languages for machine learning and numerical computations. It’s idiomatic for users of those languages to construct multidimensional arrays with their values and extents all at once. Here’s a Matlab construction of a rank-2 array with 3 rows and 4 columns,

arr = [
  1,  2,  3,  4;
  5,  6,  7,  8;
  9, 10, 11, 12

and here’s the equivalent Python construction (using NumPy).

arr = np.array([
  [1,  2,  3,  4],
  [5,  6,  7,  8],
  [9, 10, 11, 12]

Users would want to construct a rank-2 mdarray in the same way.

mdarray arr {
  {1, 2, 3, 4},
  {5, 6, 7, 8},
  {9, 10, 11, 12}

9.2 Limits of this approach

  1. The extents would need to be run-time values, since initializer_list (unlike array or span) doesn’t encode its size() in the type. (That’s too bad, because the user has already told the compiler how long each initializer list is!)

  2. Nesting means that the implementation would need to traverse the inner lists (to one less than the nesting level) to count the number of elements, allocate the container with the count, and only then fill the container by traversing the input again. This fills the container twice, and requires that value_type be default constructible.

  3. The constructor would have a precondition that all the inner lists at the same level would have the same size. (That precondition could be checked at run time.)

9.3 Alternative: make_mdarray function

As an alternative to CTAD and constructors, one could imagine a make_mdarray<ValueType, Level> function template with overloads for different levels of initializer_list nesting. We would prefer CTAD, though, because it reduces the number of names to remember. Users who want to be more explicit about types can always spell out mdarray’s template arguments.

9.4 Implementation approach

We can accomplish this with a single mdarray constructor, by introducing a type alias (which in the wording would be exposition only) to express nested initializer_list with a known level of nesting.

namespace impl {

template<class T, std::size_t Level>
struct init_list {
  static_assert(Level != 0u);  
  using type = std::initializer_list<typename init_list<T, Level - 1u>::type>;

template<class T>
struct init_list<T, 0> {
  using type = T;


This would let mdarray have a constructor like the following.

mdarray(typename init_list<value_type, extents_type::rank()>::type values)
  requires(Rank != 0);

Here is a demo: . The only issue is that we would need a deduction guide for each level of nesting (and thus for each rank), starting with 1 and going up to some implementation-defined limit on the rank. mdarray could still be constructed and used with higher rank, but CTAD from nested initializer_list would not work for them. Here are the new deduction guides we would need.

template<class ValueType>
  requires(not impl::is_initializer_list_v<ValueType>)
  -> mdarray<ValueType, dims<1>>;

template<class ValueType>
  requires(not impl::is_initializer_list_v<ValueType>)
  -> mdarray<ValueType, dims<2>>;

template<class ValueType>
  requires(not impl::is_initializer_list_v<ValueType>)
  -> mdarray<ValueType, dims<3>;

// ... and so on, up to some implementation limit number of ranks

As far as we know, there’s no generic way to define one (or a constant number of) deduction guide(s) for all the levels of nesting. We would welcome clever suggestions for fixing that.

This approach would only makes the notation more concise in the CTAD case. If users must name the extents type anyway, then it’s an occasion for error to specify the extents in two places – as the extents type template argument, and implicitly in the lengths of the initializer lists.

10 Add an ExecutionPolicy&& overload to construction from mdspan

mdarray currently has a constructor from mdspan, that deep-copies the elements of the mdspan. This constructor is the only way for users to construct an mdarray that is a deep copy of an arbitrary mdspan. However, this constructor introduces a potential performance problem. All the other constructors that copy the elements of their input, copy the container directly. This can rely on whatever optimizations the container has, including copying in parallel and/or using an accelerator. The constructor from mdspan must access the elements directly, in generic code. It has no way to deduce the correct execution policy in order to make copying parallel, for example. This has led to implementation divergence, for example in NVIDIA’s RAPIDS RAFT library, which depends on the ability to use CUDA streams to dispatch allocations and copying operations.

A natural fix would be to add a constructor with two parameters, ExecutionPolicy&& and mdspan.

template<class OtherElementType, class OtherExtents,
         class OtherLayoutPolicy, class Accessor>
  explicit(/* see below */)
  constexpr mdarray(ExecutionPolicy&& policy,
    const mdspan<OtherElementType, OtherExtents,
      OtherLayoutPolicy, Accessor>& other);

While the Standard currently offers no generic way to use the ExecutionPolicy for copying from an mdspan into a container in parallel, this would at least offer a hook for implementations to optimize inside the constructor. Users who call this constructor would assert that it is correct to copy in parallel from the input mdspan into the mdarray’s container.

P3240R0 (Copy and fill for mdspan) would provide a copy algorithm with an ExecutionPolicy&& overload that copies from the elements of a source mdspan to a destination mdspan. This would let mdarray’s wording (not just its implementation) specify how copying happens. However, P3240R0 requires that all the elements of the destination of the copy have started their lifetimes. For generic element types, this would force mdarray to allocate and fill storage first, before copying. For implicit-lifetime types (including all arithmetic types – a common case for use of mdarray), a custom container (not std::vector) could allocate without filling. Then, mdarray’s constructor could copy from the input mdspan to a temporary mdspan viewing its container’s elements.

This leaves non-implicit-lifetime types pessimized. On the other hand, adding in_place_t constructors to mdarray means that if users have a custom container that can be constructed directly from mdspan efficiently, then that container would solve any performance issues resulting from constructing an mdarray from an mdspan. That, plus adding an ExecutionPolicy&&, mdspan constructor to mdarray, should address any performance issues.

11 Why mdarray is a container adapter and not a container

11.1 Consistency with mdspan

mdarray is a container adapter. It has a ContainerType template parameter, stores an instance of ContainerType, and returns references that it gets from the container’s operator[] member function. The discussions in the previous sections presume this design.

The main reason we chose this approach is for consistency with mdspan. mdspan imposes multidimensional behavior on a flat view of elements. Thus, by analogy, mdarray should express multidimensional behavior on a flat container of elements. That implies a container adapter design. We could then say that “mdspan is a view adapter; mdarray is a container adapter.” The R0 design reflected this even more explicitly, with its ContainerPolicy template parameter analogous to mdspan’s AccessorPolicy.

In order to understand that design choice more fully, one should entertain the alternative of making mdarray a container. The discussion below explains what that design would look like, and its advantages and disadvantages over the current container adapter design.

11.2 What would a container design look like?

A container design with the same functionality as mdarray in P1684R5 would actually need two containers, which we provisionally call md_fixed_array and md_dynamic_array.

  1. md_fixed_array

    • Stores all elements as if in a std::array
    • Requires that all the extents be static
    • Move behavior is like that of std::array
  2. md_dynamic_array

    • Stores all elements as if in a dynamically allocated container, like std::vector (but without resizing)
    • Permits any combination of dynamic or static extents (including all static extents)
    • Move behavior is like that of std::vector: constant time, does not copy the elements, and leaves the moved-from container empty; the moved-from container’s elements can no longer be accessed
    • Has all the allocator-aware machinery of std::vector

11.3 Advantages of a container design

  1. It would solve the problem of defining the moved-from state of mdarray, since we could define it ourselves.

  2. mdarray exists entirely to make mdspan easier to use for common cases. We expect that most users would not use custom container types with mdarray, for example.

  3. mdarray needs preconditions for corner cases, such as having one or more dynamic extents, but with array as its container type. md_fixed_array and md_dynamic_array would not need this. (Note that in previous P1684 reviews, LEWG explicitly rejected our proposal to make mdarray’s default container type array if all the extents are static, and vector otherwise.)

  4. Separating the md_fixed_array and md_dynamic_array cases would simplify wording for each.

  5. The existing Container requirements in the Standard do not cover what mdarray needs. mdarray thus finds itself forging new wording ground. This would be in a part of the Standard – container requirements – about which we have heard WG21 members express concerns: for example, that it’s old, that it scatters requirements in many different places (making it hard to maintain), and that it is not as consistent as we wish it could be.

  6. The most reasonable default container type for a container adapter is vector. However, this is not a zero-overhead abstraction, as vector stores a capacity in order to support efficient resizing, but mdarray cannot be resized and thus does not need the capacity. The Standard does not have a container type like that.

Regarding the default container type for mdarray, one might think of dynarray. (N3662 (“C++ Dynamic Arrays”) proposed dynarray. It was later voted out of C++14 into a Technical Specification.) However, dynarray is not quite the container needed here. It does not have move construction at all, and thus cannot promise anything about the cost or postconditions of moves.

11.4 Disadvantages of a container design

  1. The Standard Library’s container requirements all include iterators. For mdarray-like container classes, this would require us to define iterators. We deliberately did not define iterators for mdspan, because they are nearly impossible to make performant without fanciful compiler support.

  2. The container approach would not solve the problem of how to define the behavior of a moved-from object. Consider md_dynamic_array. It’s tempting to set its dynamic extents to zero after moving from the object, so that the moved-from object has zero elements. However, any static extents could not be changed. If the object has all static extents, it would still have a nonzero number of elements. It would also be confusing for an md_dynamic_array object with dynamic extents to behave differently at run time than an md_dynamic_array object with static extents.

  3. The container adapter approach gives users a hook to specify how copying elements happens in parallel (with the exception of assignment from mdspan; see section below). For example, a custom container might have an accelerator-specific resource (e.g., a CUDA stream) in it that would be used for copies. The container approach would make this impossible to specify in a generic way; users would have no place other than a custom allocator to store parallel execution information, but generic C++ code wouldn’t have a way to get that information out and pass it into std::copy (for example).

  4. Specifying a new container type is complicated. We would find ourselves replicating a lot of vector’s wording. As a result, total wording length could actually increase. This would also impose future costs if WG21 later wants to revise vector’s wording.

  5. Construction from container_type&& and the member function container_type&& extract_container() support a specific use case: representing dynamically allocated storage as a container and “passing it along” a chain of operations. Changing from a container adapter to a container would make this use case harder. Users would need to create an allocator, instead of just creating a vector and passing it along.

11.5 No major notational advantages

All this being said, though, the container approach offers no major notational advantages for users over the container adapter approach. For example, the P1684R5 container adapter design permits the following CTAD construction.

mdarray m {
  extents{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f

The natural analog with md_fixed_array would be an initializer_list<value_type> constructor (without in_place_t, which would only make sense for a container adapter).

mdarray_fixed_array m {
  extents{2, 3},
    1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f,
    4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f